84 research outputs found

    Leptogenesis, CP violation and neutrino data: What can we learn?

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    A detailed analytic and numerical study of baryogenesis through leptogenesis is performed in the framework of the standard model of electroweak interactions extended by the addition of three right-handed neutrinos, leading to the seesaw mechanism. We analyze the connection between GUT-motivated relations for the quark and lepton mass matrices and the possibility of obtaining a viable leptogenesis scenario. In particular, we analyze whether the constraints imposed by SO(10) GUTs can be compatible with all the available solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrino data and, simultaneously, be capable of producing the required baryon asymmetry via the leptogenesis mechanism. It is found that the Just-So^2 and SMA solar solutions lead to a viable leptogenesis even for the simplest SO(10) GUT, while the LMA, LOW and VO solar solutions would require a different hierarchy for the Dirac neutrino masses in order to generate the observed baryon asymmetry. Some implications on CP violation at low energies and on neutrinoless double beta decay are also considered.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures; new references added, final version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Universality of Yukawa Couplings Confronts Recent Neutrino Data

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    We propose a flavour structure for the leptonic sector of the Standard Model, based on the idea of universality of Yukawa couplings, which accommodates all the experimental data on neutrino masses and mixing, at the same time predicting specific correlations between low energy measurable quantities, such as the ratio of neutrino squared mass differences, U13|U_{13}|, the leptonic Dirac phase, and the double-beta decay mass parameter. We also point out that it is possible, in this framework, to generate a sufficient amount of baryon asymmetry of the Universe through leptogenesis.Comment: 22 Pages, 5 Figure

    Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations and New Physics

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    We study the robustness of the determination of the neutrino masses and mixing from the analysis of atmospheric and K2K data under the presence of different forms of phenomenologically allowed new physics in the nu_mu--nu_tau sector. We focus on vector and tensor-like new physics interactions which allow us to treat, in a model independent way, effects due to the violation of the equivalence principle, violations of the Lorentz invariance both CPT conserving and CPT violating, non-universal couplings to a torsion field and non-standard neutrino interactions with matter. We perform a global analysis of the full atmospheric data from SKI together with long baseline K2K data in the presence of nu_mu -> nu_tau transitions driven by neutrino masses and mixing together with sub-dominant effects due to these forms of new physics. We show that within the present degree of experimental precision, the extracted values of masses and mixing are robust under those effects and we derive the upper bounds on the possible strength of these new interactions in the nu_mu--nu_tau sector.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX file using RevTEX4, 5 figures and 4 tables include

    Minimal Scenarios for Leptogenesis and CP Violation

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    The relation between leptogenesis and CP violation at low energies is analyzed in detail in the framework of the minimal seesaw mechanism. Working, without loss of generality, in a weak basis where both the charged lepton and the right-handed Majorana mass matrices are diagonal and real, we consider a convenient generic parametrization of the Dirac neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix and identify the necessary condition which has to be satisfied in order to establish a direct link between leptogenesis and CP violation at low energies. In the context of the LMA solution of the solar neutrino problem, we present minimal scenarios which allow for the full determination of the cosmological baryon asymmetry and the strength of CP violation in neutrino oscillations. Some specific realizations of these minimal scenarios are considered. The question of the relative sign between the baryon asymmetry and CP violation at low energies is also discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures; minor corrections and references updated. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Thermal leptogenesis in a model with mass varying neutrinos

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    In this paper we consider the possibility of neutrino mass varying during the evolution of the Universe and study its implications on leptogenesis. Specifically, we take the minimal seesaw model of neutrino masses and introduce a coupling between the right-handed neutrinos and the dark energy scalar field, the Quintessence. In our model, the right-handed neutrino masses change as the Quintessence scalar evolves. We then examine in detail the parameter space of this model allowed by the observed baryon number asymmetry. Our results show that it is possible to lower the reheating temperature in this scenario in comparison with the case that the neutrino masses are unchanged, which helps solve the gravitino problem. Furthermore, a degenerate neutrino mass patten with mim_i larger than the upper limit given in the minimal leptogenesis scenario is permitted.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in PR

    Muon Energy Estimate Through Multiple Scattering with the Macro Detector

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    Muon energy measurement represents an important issue for any experiment addressing neutrino induced upgoing muon studies. Since the neutrino oscillation probability depends on the neutrino energy, a measurement of the muon energy adds an important piece of information concerning the neutrino system. We show in this paper how the MACRO limited streamer tube system can be operated in drift mode by using the TDC's included in the QTPs, an electronics designed for magnetic monopole search. An improvement of the space resolution is obtained, through an analysis of the multiple scattering of muon tracks as they pass through our detector. This information can be used further to obtain an estimate of the energy of muons crossing the detector. Here we present the results of two dedicated tests, performed at CERN PS-T9 and SPS-X7 beam lines, to provide a full check of the electronics and to exploit the feasibility of such a multiple scattering analysis. We show that by using a neural network approach, we are able to reconstruct the muon energy for Eμ<E_\mu<40 GeV. The test beam data provide an absolute energy calibration, which allows us to apply this method to MACRO data.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, Submitted to Nucl. Instr. & Meth.

    Low energy atmospheric muon neutrinos in MACRO

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    We present the measurement of two event samples induced by atmospheric νμ\nu_\mu of average energy Eˉν4GeV \bar {E}_\nu \sim 4 GeV. In the first sample, the neutrino interacts inside the MACRO detector producing an upward-going muon leaving the apparatus. The ratio of the number of observed to expected events is 0.57±0.05stat±0.06syst±0.14theor 0.57 \pm0.05_{stat} \pm0.06_{syst} \pm0.14_{theor} with an angular distribution similar to that expected from the Bartol atmospheric neutrino flux. The second is a mixed sample of internally produced downward-going muons and externally produced upward-going muons stopping inside the detector. These two subsamples are selected by topological criteria; the lack of timing information makes it impossible to distinguish stopping from downgoing muons. The ratio of the number of observed to expected events is 0.71±0.05stat±0.07syst±0.18theor0.71 \pm 0.05_{stat} \pm0.07_{syst} \pm0.18_{theor} . Using the ratio of the two subsamples (for which most theoretical uncertainties cancel) we can test the pathlength dependence of the oscillation hypothesis. The probability of agreement with the no-oscillation hypothesis is 5% . The deviations of our observations from the expectations has a preferred interpretation in terms of νμ\nu_\mu oscillations with maximal mixing and Δm2103÷102eV2\Delta m^2 \sim 10^{-3} \div 10^{-2} eV^2. These parameters are in agreement with our results from upward throughgoing muons, induced by νμ\nu_\mu of much higher energies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Measurement of the Atmospheric Muon Spectrum from 20 to 3000 GeV

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    The absolute muon flux between 20 GeV and 3000 GeV is measured with the L3 magnetic muon spectrometer for zenith angles ranging from 0 degree to 58 degree. Due to the large exposure of about 150 m2 sr d, and the excellent momentum resolution of the L3 muon chambers, a precision of 2.3 % at 150 GeV in the vertical direction is achieved. The ratio of positive to negative muons is studied between 20 GeV and 500 GeV, and the average vertical muon charge ratio is found to be 1.285 +- 0.003 (stat.) +- 0.019 (syst.).Comment: Total 32 pages, 9Figure

    Experimental study of 4n with 8He(p,2p) reaction

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    The tetraneutron has attracted the attention of nuclear physicists during the past decades, but there is still no unambiguous confirmation of its existence or non-existence. A new experiment based on 8He(p,2p)7H{t+4 n} reaction, with direct detection of the four neutrons, has been carried out at RIBF, which can hopefully help to draw a definite conclusion on the tetraneutron system