1,138 research outputs found

    Towards sample-efficient policy learning with DAC-ML

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    The sample-inefficiency problem in Artificial Intelligence refers to the inability of current Deep Reinforcement Learning models to optimize action policies within a small number of episodes. Recent studies have tried to overcome this limitation by adding memory systems and architectural biases to improve learning speed, such as in Episodic Reinforcement Learning. However, despite achieving incremental improvements, their performance is still not comparable to how humans learn behavioral policies. In this paper, we capitalize on the design principles of the Distributed Adaptive Control (DAC) theory of mind and brain to build a novel cognitive architecture (DAC-ML) that, by incorporating a hippocampus-inspired sequential memory system, can rapidly converge to effective action policies that maximize reward acquisition in a challenging foraging task

    Effects of pre-conditioning on behavior and physiology of horses during a standardised learning task

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    Rein tension is used to apply pressure to control both ridden and unridden horses. The pressure is delivered by equipment such as the bit, which may restrict voluntary movement and cause changes in behavior and physiology. Managing the effects of such pressure on arousal level and behavioral indicators will optimise horse learning outcomes. This study examined the effect of training horses to turn away from bit pressure on cardiac outcomes and behavior (including responsiveness) over the course of eight trials in a standardised learning task. The experimental procedure consisted of a resting phase, treatment/control phase, standardised learning trials requiring the horses (n = 68) to step backwards in response to bit pressure and a recovery phase. As expected, heart rate increased (P = 0.028) when the handler applied rein tension during the treatment phase. The amount of rein tension required to elicit a response during treatment was higher on the left than the right rein (P = 0.009). Total rein tension required for trials reduced (P \u3c 0.001) as they progressed, as did time taken (P \u3c 0.001) and steps taken (P \u3c 0.001). The incidence of head tossing decreased (P = 0.015) with the progression of the trials and was higher (P = 0.018) for the control horses than the treated horses. These results suggest that preparing the horses for the lesson and slightly raising their arousal levels, improved learning outcomes

    Probing the neutron star interior and the Equation of State of cold dense matter with the SKA

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    With an average density higher than the nuclear density, neutron stars (NS) provide a unique test-ground for nuclear physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and nuclear superfluidity. Determination of the fundamental interactions that govern matter under such extreme conditions is one of the major unsolved problems of modern physics, and -- since it is impossible to replicate these conditions on Earth -- a major scientific motivation for SKA. The most stringent observational constraints come from measurements of NS bulk properties: each model for the microscopic behaviour of matter predicts a specific density-pressure relation (its `Equation of state', EOS). This generates a unique mass-radius relation which predicts a characteristic radius for a large range of masses and a maximum mass above which NS collapse to black holes. It also uniquely predicts other bulk quantities, like maximum spin frequency and moment of inertia. The SKA, in Phase 1 and particularly in Phase 2 will, thanks to the exquisite timing precision enabled by its raw sensitivity, and surveys that dramatically increase the number of sources: 1) Provide many more precise NS mass measurements (high mass NS measurements are particularly important for ruling out EOS models); 2) Allow the measurement of the NS moment of inertia in highly relativistic binaries such as the Double Pulsar; 3) Greatly increase the number of fast-spinning NS, with the potential discovery of spin frequencies above those allowed by some EOS models; 4) Improve our knowledge of new classes of binary pulsars such as black widows and redbacks (which may be massive as a class) through sensitive broad-band radio observations; and 5) Improve our understanding of dense matter superfluidity and the state of matter in the interior through the study of rotational glitches, provided that an ad-hoc campaign is developed.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14)04

    La gestión de marca y el marketing digital en empresas del sector agrícola caso: Ambato-Tungurahua

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    Introduction: This study is based on the low positioning of the brand in twenty-five companies in the agricultural sector in the city of Ambato, and digital marketing. Objectives: Therefore, the importance of brand management and digital marketing in the agricultural sector in the city of Ambato is proposed as an objective, and to evaluate what tools with current trends have been used. Methodology: The qualitative approach was used for the explanatory development of the studied reality, which reflected the need to measure and predict the research problem, taking 160 respondents as a sample, 49% mentioned having a feeling of trust in brands, the 73% that must include personality and identity, 73% greater attention to tastes and values, 74% contain differentiated characteristics and 72% must use digital platforms and social networks to advertise. Results: Consequently, the importance of trust is considered as a feeling of perception of brands, as well as quality, availability, geographic location, color, weight, size, supplies, continuous training for sales and production, generating original and reliable products. Conclusions: Digital marketing tools will contribute to the sector to achieve business interests and goals, opening multiple opportunities for a better connection with the client. Study area: AdministrationIntroducción: El presente estudio parte del bajo posicionamiento de la marca en 25 empresas del sector agrícola en la ciudad de Ambato, y el marketing digital. Objetivo: Por lo tanto, se plantea como objetivo la importancia de la gestión de marca y el marketing digital en el sector agrícola en la ciudad de Ambato, y evaluar qué herramientas con tendencias actuales han utilizado. Metodología: Se  utilizó el enfoque cualitativo para el desarrollo explicativo de la realidad estudiada, el cual reflejó la necesidad de medir y predecir el problema de investigación, tomando como muestra a 160 encuestados, el 49% mencionó tener sentimiento de confianza a las marcas, el 73%  que deben incluir personalidad e identidad, el 73% mayor atención a gustos y valores, el 74% contener características diferenciadas y el 72% deben usar plataformas  digitales y redes sociales para publicitarse. Resultados: En consecuencia, se considera la importancia de la confianza como sentimiento de percepción de las marcas, además calidad, disponibilidad, localización geográfica, color, peso, tamaño, insumos, capacitación continua a ventas y producción, generando originales y confiables. Conclusiones: Las herramientas de marketing digital contribuirán al sector a alcanzar intereses y objetivos empresariales, abriendo múltiples oportunidades, para una mejor conexión con el cliente. Área de estudio: administración

    Políticas públicas orientadas hacia el emprendimiento: un análisis de América y Europa

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    En los últimos años se han venido realizando varios estudios relativos al emprendimiento y los factores que influyen sobre la actividad emprendedora a nivel mundial, en los cuales se toma en cuenta el aporte que hacen los gobiernos sobre la generación de nuevas empresas con la creación de políticas públicas ya que son consideradas un elemento fundamental en el desarrollo de las economías de los países, además que pueden llegar a alentar u obstaculizar la actividad empresarial. Las políticas deben estar mayormente enfocadas en impactar al comportamiento del emprendedor, creando las condiciones necesarias para adquirir las habilidades, conocimientos, experiencia y recursos para actuar en el mundo empresarial. Por tal razón, el  objetivo de este estudio es realizar un análisis íntegro de la relación causa y efecto que las políticas públicas mantienen sobre el emprendimiento en los continentes americano y europeo para ello, en el presente documento se han empleado métodos estadísticos como la prueba ANOVA acompañado de métodos de investigación bibliográfica y exploratoria. El estudio muestra que las políticas públicas son un factor que infiere de una manera directa sobre la actividad emprendedora y se presentan como una oportunidad para las personas que desean crear un nuevo negocio en los continentes americano y europeo

    Populating the Galaxy with pulsars I: stellar & binary evolution

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    The computation of theoretical pulsar populations has been a major component of pulsar studies since the 1970s. However, the majority of pulsar population synthesis has only regarded isolated pulsar evolution. Those that have examined pulsar evolution within binary systems tend to either treat binary evolution poorly or evolve the pulsar population in an ad-hoc manner. Thus no complete and direct comparison with observations of the pulsar population within the Galactic disk has been possible to date. Described here is the first component of what will be a complete synthetic pulsar population survey code. This component is used to evolve both isolated and binary pulsars. Synthetic observational surveys can then be performed on this population for a variety of radio telescopes. The final tool used for completing this work will be a code comprised of three components: stellar/binary evolution, Galactic kinematics and survey selection effects. Results provided here support the need for further (apparent) pulsar magnetic field decay during accretion, while they conversely suggest the need for a re-evaluation of the assumed \textit{typical} MSP formation process. Results also focus on reproducing the observed PP˙P\dot{P} diagram for Galactic pulsars and how this precludes short timescales for standard pulsar exponential magnetic field decay. Finally, comparisons of bulk pulsar population characteristics are made to observations displaying the predictive power of this code, while we also show that under standard binary evolutionary assumption binary pulsars may accrete much mass.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Educação, empoderamento e lutas pelo reconhecimento: a questão dos direitos de cidadania

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    A revisão em baixa de certos direitos de cidadania, como os sociais e os laborais, em contextos de ajustamento estrutural e de crise econômica, está a reacender as lutas pelo reconhecimento, já não propriamente em termos de reconhecimento cultural ou identitário, como de fato se verificou, com intensidade, nas duas últimas décadas, mas em termos de reconhecimento jurídico, ou seja, de respeito por expectativas que podem ser satisfeitas porque estão legalmente protegidas. A educação, sendo fiel à sua vocação de defesa da integridade da pessoa humana, pelo menos desde a afirmação iluminista desse valor, não se pode alhear dessas brigas pelo reconhecimento jurídico. Tem seguramente um papel a desempenhar nessas contendas, mas qual, e de que modo? Esta é a questão de investigação que leva a demandar três objetivos: o primeiro consiste em associar a educação às brigas pelo reconhecimento, convocando, para o efeito, a “gramática moral dos conflitos sociais” de Honneth; o segundo, vinculando educação e empoderamento, procura mostrar que este último, não obstante dissensos interpretativos, pode ser interessante para definir o envolvimento da educação nas lutas pelo reconhecimento jurídico; o terceiro, por fim, consiste em delimitar as principais articulações desse papel em termos de empoderamento. A investigação, conjugando o quadro analítico honnethiano com a revisão de literatura sobre diagnósticos da “recessão jurídica” que hoje se vive em diversos contextos, nomeadamente nos países europeus mais fortemente atingidos pelas políticas de austeridade como modelo ou paradigma de resposta à crise do euro, das dívidas públicas e do Estado de bem-estar social, leva a concluir que a “era dos direitos” está sob ameaça e que a educação, mediante práticas de empoderamento bem delineadas, pode ser estratégica na potenciação de reações individuais e sociais ao ressurgimento desse tipo de ameaça.(undefined