142 research outputs found

    Cold Dust but Warm Gas in the Unusual Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4125

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    Data from the Herschel Space Observatory have revealed an unusual elliptical galaxy, NGC 4125, which has strong and extended submillimeter emission from cold dust but only very strict upper limits to its CO and Hi emission. Depending on the dust emissivity, the total dust mass is 2-5 x 10(6) M-circle dot. While the neutral gas-to-dust mass ratio is extremely low (= 10(4) K faster than the dust is evaporated. If galaxies like NGC 4125, where the far-infrared emission does not trace neutral gas in the usual manner, are common at higher redshift, this could have significant implications for our understanding of high redshift galaxies and galaxy evolution.Canadian Space AgencyNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaAgenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) I/005/11/0BMVIT (Austria)ESA-PRODEX (Belgium)CEA/CNES (France)DLR (Germany)ASI/INAF (Italy)CICYT/MCYT (Spain)CSA (Canada)NAOC (China)CEA, (France)CNES (France)CNRS (France)ASI (Italy)MCINN (Spain)SNSB (Sweden)STFC (UK)NASA (USA)National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAstronom

    Insights into gas heating and cooling in the disc of NGC 891 from Herschel far-infrared spectroscopy

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    We present Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the most important far-infrared cooling lines in the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy, NGC 891: [CII] 158 μ\mum, [NII] 122, 205 μ\mum, [OI] 63, 145 μ\mum, and [OIII] 88 μ\mum. We find that the photoelectric heating efficiency of the gas, traced via the ([CII]+[OII]63)/FTIRF_{\mathrm{TIR}} ratio, varies from a mean of 3.5×\times103^{-3} in the centre up to 8×\times103^{-3} at increasing radial and vertical distances in the disc. A decrease in ([CII]+[OII]63)/FTIRF_{\mathrm{TIR}} but constant ([CII]+[OI]63)/FPAHF_{\mathrm{PAH}} with increasing FIR colour suggests that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may become important for gas heating in the central regions. We compare the observed flux of the FIR cooling lines and total IR emission with the predicted flux from a PDR model to determine the gas density, surface temperature and the strength of the incident far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field, G0G_{0}. Resolving details on physical scales of ~0.6 kpc, a pixel-by-pixel analysis reveals that the majority of the PDRs in NGC 891's disc have hydrogen densities of 1 < log (nn/cm3^{-3}) < 3.5 experiencing an incident FUV radiation field with strengths of 1.7 < log G0G_0 < 3. Although these values we derive for most of the disc are consistent with the gas properties found in PDRs in the spiral arms and inter-arm regions of M51, observed radial trends in nn and G0G_0 are shown to be sensitive to varying optical thickness in the lines, demonstrating the importance of accurately accounting for optical depth effects when interpreting observations of high inclination systems. With an empirical relationship between the MIPS 24 μ\mum and [NII] 205 μ\mum emission, we estimate an enhancement of the FUV radiation field strength in the far north-eastern side of the disc.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 25 pages, including 17 figures and 3 tables, abstract abridged for arXi

    Long-term survival of a woman with well differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum (WDPMP) is a rare subtype of epitheloid mesothelioma, which is usually seen in young women. WDPMP is generally considered of low malignant potential, however the long-term nature of the tumor remains poorly defined.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the long-term follow-up of a 60-year-old woman of West African descent who has survived 24 years with WDPMP after receiving extensive local and systemic adjuvant chemotherapy. Her clinical course has included three exploratory laparotomies with intraperitoneal and intravenous chemotherapy over two decades. Her course was complicated by anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy, for which she underwent an orthotopic heart transplant. Our patient is alive with stable radiological evidence of peritoneal disease, and continues to suffer from chronic abdominal pain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No consensus exists regarding optimal treatment strategies for WDPMP. However, given the low malignant potential of the tumor, careful consideration should be made before proceeding with aggressive interventions. Further, long-term follow-up reports are required to fully characterize this tumor.</p

    Regional Variations in the Dense Gas Heating and Cooling in M51 from Herschel Far-infrared Spectroscopy

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    We present Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the most important far-infrared cooling lines in M51, [C II](158 μm), [N II](122 and 205 μm), [O I](63 and 145 μm), and [O III](88 μm). We compare the observed flux of these lines with the predicted flux from a photon-dominated region model to determine characteristics of the cold gas such as density, temperature, and the far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field, G_0, resolving details on physical scales of roughly 600 pc. We find an average [C II]/F_(TIR) of 4 × 10^(–3), in agreement with previous studies of other galaxies. A pixel-by-pixel analysis of four distinct regions of M51 shows a radially decreasing trend in both the FUV radiation field, G_0, and the hydrogen density, n, peaking in the nucleus of the galaxy, and then falling off out to the arm and interarm regions. We see for the first time that the FUV flux and gas density are similar in the differing environments of the arm and interarm regions, suggesting that the inherent physical properties of the molecular clouds in both regions are essentially the same

    The properties of the local spiral arms from RAVE data: two-dimensional density wave approach

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    Using the RAVE survey, we recently brought to light a gradient in the mean galactocentric radial velocity of stars in the extended solar neighbourhood. This gradient likely originates from non-axisymmetric perturbations of the potential, among which a perturbation by spiral arms is a possible explanation. Here, we apply the traditional density wave theory and analytically model the radial component of the two-dimensional velocity field. Provided that the radial velocity gradient is caused by relatively long-lived spiral arms that can affect stars substantially above the plane, this analytic model provides new independent estimates for the parameters of the Milky Way spiral structure. Our analysis favours a two-armed perturbation with the Sun close to the inner ultra-harmonic 4:1 resonance, with a pattern speed \Omega_p=18.6^{+0.3}_{-0.2} km/s/kpc and a small amplitude A=0.55 \pm 0.02% of the background potential (14% of the background density). This model can serve as a basis for numerical simulations in three dimensions, additionally including a possible influence of the galactic bar and/or other non-axisymmetric modes.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Issues of geologically-focused situational awareness in robotic planetary missions: lessons from an analogue mission at Mistastin Lake impact structure, Labrador, Canada

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    Remote robotic data provides different information than that obtained from immersion in the field. This significantly affects the geological situational awareness experienced by members of a mission control science team. In order to optimize science return from planetary robotic missions, these limitations must be understood and their effects mitigated to fully leverage the field experience of scientists at mission control. Results from a 13-day analogue deployment at the Mistastin Lake impact structure in Labrador, Canada suggest that scale, relief, geological detail, and time are intertwined issues that impact the mission control science team‟s effectiveness in interpreting the geology of an area. These issues are evaluated and several mitigation options are suggested. Scale was found to be difficult to interpret without the reference of known objects, even when numerical scale data were available. For this reason, embedding intuitive scale-indicating features into image data is recommended. Since relief is not conveyed in 2D images, both 3D data and observations from multiple angles are required. Furthermore, the 3D data must be observed in animation or as anaglyphs, since without such assistance much of the relief information in 3D data is not communicated. Geological detail may also be missed due to the time required to collect, analyze, and request data. We also suggest that these issues can be addressed, in part, by an improved understanding of the operational time costs and benefits of scientific data collection. Robotic activities operate on inherently slow time-scales. This fact needs to be embraced and accommodated. Instead of focusing too quickly on the details of a target of interest, thereby potentially minimizing science return, time should be allocated at first to more broad data collection at that target, including preliminary surveys, multiple observations from various vantage points, and progressively smaller scale of focus. This operational model more closely follows techniques employed by field geologists and is fundamental to the geologic interpretation of an area. Even so, an operational time cost/benefit analyses should be carefully considered in each situation, to determine when such comprehensive data collection would maximize the science return. Finally, it should be recognized that analogue deployments cannot faithfully model the time scales of robotic planetary missions. Analogue missions are limited by the difficulty and expense of fieldwork. Thus, analogue deployments should focus on smaller aspects of robotic missions and test components in a modular way (e.g., dropping communications constraints, limiting mission scope, focusing on a specific problem, spreading the mission over several field seasons, etc.)

    Probing the Nuclear and Circumnuclear Activity of NGC1365 in the Infrared

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    We present new far-infrared (70-500micron) Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging observations as well as new mid-IR Gemini/T-ReCS imaging (8.7 and 18.3micron) and spectroscopy of the inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) region (R<2.5kpc) of the spiral galaxy NGC1365. We complemented these observations with archival Spitzer imaging and spectral mapping observations. The ILR region of NGC1365 contains a Seyfert 1.5 nucleus and a ring of star formation with an approximate diameter of 2kpc. The strong star formation activity in the ring is resolved by the Herschel/PACS imaging data, as well as by the Spitzer 24micron continuum emission, [NeII]12.81micron line emission, and 6.2 and 11.3micron PAH emission. The AGN is the brightest source in the central regions up to lambda~24micron, but it becomes increasingly fainter in the far-infrared when compared to the emission originating in the infrared clusters (or groups of them) located in the ring. We modeled the AGN unresolved infrared emission with the CLUMPY torus models and estimated that the AGN contributes only to a small fraction (~5%) of the infrared emission produced in the inner ~5kpc. We fitted the non-AGN 24-500micron spectral energy distribution of the ILR region and found that the dust temperatures and mass are similar to those of other nuclear and circumnuclear starburst regions. Finally we showed that within the ILR region of NGC1365 most of the on-going star formation activity is taking place in dusty regions as probed by the 24micron emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mapping the cold dust temperatures and masses of nearby Kingfish galaxies with Herschel

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    Taking advantage of the sensitivity and angular resolution of the Herschel Space Observatory at far-infrared and submm wavelengths, we aim to characterize the physical properties of cold dust within nearby galaxies and study the robustness of the parameters we derive using different modified blackbody models. For a pilot subsample of the KINGFISH program, we perform 2 temperature fits of the Spitzer and Herschel photometric data (24 to 500um), with a warm and a cold component, globally and in each resolution element.At global scales, we observe ranges of values for beta_c(0.8 to 2.5) and Tc(19.1 to 25.1K).We compute maps of our parameters with beta fixed or free to test the robustness of the temperature and dust surface density maps we deduce. When the emissivity is fixed, we observe temperature gradients as a function of radius.When the emissivity is fitted as a free parameter, barred galaxies tend to have uniform fitted emissivities.Gathering resolved elements in a Tc-beta_c diagram underlines an anti-correlation between the two parameters.It remains difficult to assess whether the dominant effect is the physics of dust grains, noise, or mixing along the line of sight and in the beam. We finally observe in both cases that the dust column density peaks in central regions of galaxies and bar ends (coinciding with molecular gas density enhancements usually found in these locations).We also quantify how the total dust mass varies with our assumptions about the emissivity index as well as the influence of the wavelength coverage used in the fits. We show that modified blackbody fits using a shallow emissivity (beta_c < 2.0) lead to significantly lower dust masses compared to the beta_c < 2.0 case, with dust masses lower by up to 50% if beta_c=1.5 for instance.The working resolution affects our total dust mass estimates: masses increase from global fits to spatially-resolved fits.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS, 2012 June 2

    Research on Pancreas Disease in Irish Farmed Salmon 2004/2005 – Current and Future Initiatives

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    Pancreas Disease is the most significant single infectious disease affecting marine salmon farms in Ireland. The first epidemiological studies of Pancreas Disease (PD) in Ireland in the early 1990’s indicated that significant losses occurred in farmed Atlantic salmon in their first year at sea on some individual farms (Menzies et al., 1996). A serological survey for the presence of Salmon Pancreas Disease Virus (SPDV) antibody in 1996 revealed that 53% of Irish sites were positive, but that not all positive sites had recognised clinical signs of PD. This indicated a relatively low incidence and severity of PD at that time (McLoughlin et al., 1998) and this pattern persisted throughout the remainder of the 1990’s. In 2002, a serious increase in both the incidence and severity of PD was reported on farmed Atlantic salmon marine sites in Ireland. An epidemiological survey of Irish sites for 2002 revealed that 59% of sites reported an outbreak of PD, with mortalities averaging 12% (range 1 – 42%; McLoughlin et al., 2003). A recent study using data collected for 2003 and 2004 indicated that PD occurred in 62% and 86% of sites respectively. The average mortality due to PD on affected farms was 18.8% in 2003 and 14.8% in 2004. In response to these significant losses due to PD a range of research initiatives was launched in Ireland and was supported by the Marine Institute. This document gives an overview of the most recent findings from the current projects, carried out in 2004/2005 and also provides an overview of the various actions in Scotland and Norway, where PD has also become a disease of economic significance in salmon aquaculture.Funder: Marine Institut

    Evolution of Galactic Discs: Multiple Patterns, Radial Migration and Disc Outskirts

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    We investigate the evolution of galactic disks in N-body Tree-SPH simulations. We find that disks, initially truncated at three scale-lengths, can triple their radial extent, solely driven by secular evolution. Both Type I (single exponential) and Type II (down-turning) observed disk surface-brightness profiles can be explained by our findings. We relate these results to the strong angular momentum outward transfer, resulting from torques and radial migration associated with multiple patterns, such as central bars and spiral waves of different multiplicity. We show that even for stars ending up on cold orbits, the changes in angular momentum exhibit complex structure as a function of radius, unlike the expected effect of transient spirals alone. Focussing on one of our models, we find evidence for non-linear coupling among m=1, 2, 3 and 4 density waves, where m is the pattern multiplicity. We suggest that the naturally occurring larger resonance widths at galactic radii beyond four scale-lengths may have profound consequences on the formation and location of breaks in disk density profiles, provided spirals are present at such large distances. We also consider the effect of gas inflow and show that when in-plane smooth gas accretion of ~5 M_sun/yr is included, the outer disks become more unstable, leading to a strong increase in the stellar velocity dispersion. This, in turn, causes the formation of a Type III (up-turning) profile in the old stellar population. We propose that observations of Type III surface brightness profiles, combined with an up-turn in the stellar velocity dispersions beyond the disk break, could be a signature of ongoing gas-accretion. The results of this study suggest that disk outskirts comprised of stars migrated from the inner disk would have relatively large radial velocity dispersions, and significant thickness when seen edge-on. [Abridged]Comment: Replaced with accepted version. New Fig. 5 added, Section 10 decreased in size, old Fig. 17 removed. Conclusions remain the same. High-resolution version can be found at http://www.ivanminchev.co