116 research outputs found

    Serum lipids in Turkish patients with β-thalassemia major and β-thalassemia minor

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    It is well-known that β-thalassemia is associated with changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins [1,2,3]. To our knowledge, no data are available on lipid profiles in Turkish β-thalassemia major (TM) and β-thalassemia trait (TT) patients together. The aim of this study was to evaluate lipid profiles in two groups of patients with β-TM and β-TT and to compare them with healthy controls. The study included a total of 311 subjects. Group 1 included 131 β-TM patients (mean age: 16.3±7.58 years). Group 2 included 68 β-TT patients (mean age: 7.25±4.43 years). Group 3 consisted of 112 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (mean age: 9±4.7 years). Serum ferritin level was 2487±1103 (range: 661-5745) ng/mL in Group 1. In comparing the correlation between ferritin and lipid parameters, while a significantly negative relationship was detected between ferritin and highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (p=0.000, r=-0.602), a significantly positive relationship was detected between ferritin and triglyceride (TG) levels (p=0.02) in TM patients. Serum lipid profiles of the 3 groups are shown in Table 1

    Dilation and constriction of subjective time based on observed walking speed

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    The physical properties of events are known to modulate perceived time. This study tested the effect of different quantitative (walking speed) and qualitative (walking-forward vs. walking-backward) features of observed motion on time perception in three complementary experiments. Participants were tested in the temporal discrimination (bisection) task, in which they were asked to categorize durations of walking animations as "short" or "long." We predicted the faster observed walking to speed up temporal integration and thereby to shift the point of subjective equality leftward, and this effect to increase monotonically with increasing walking speed. To this end, we tested participants with two different ranges of walking speeds in Experiment 1 and 2 and observed a parametric effect of walking speed on perceived time irrespective of the direction of walking (forward vs. rewound forward walking). Experiment 3 contained a more plausible backward walking animation compared to the rewound walking animation used in Experiments 1 and 2 (as validated based on independent subjective ratings). The effect of walking-speed and the lack of the effect of walking direction on perceived time were replicated in Experiment 3. Our results suggest a strong link between the speed but not the direction of perceived biological motion and subjective time.TUBA ; New Agendas for the Study of TimePublisher versio

    Dilation and constriction of subjective time based on observed walking speed

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    The physical properties of events are known to modulate perceived time. This study tested the effect of different quantitative (walking speed) and qualitative (walking-forward vs. walking-backward) features of observed motion on time perception in three complementary experiments. Participants were tested in the temporal discrimination (bisection) task, in which they were asked to categorize durations of walking animations as "short" or "long." We predicted the faster observed walking to speed up temporal integration and thereby to shift the point of subjective equality leftward, and this effect to increase monotonically with increasing walking speed. To this end, we tested participants with two different ranges of walking speeds in Experiment 1 and 2 and observed a parametric effect of walking speed on perceived time irrespective of the direction of walking (forward vs. rewound forward walking). Experiment 3 contained a more plausible backward walking animation compared to the rewound walking animation used in Experiments 1 and 2 (as validated based on independent subjective ratings). The effect of walking-speed and the lack of the effect of walking direction on perceived time were replicated in Experiment 3. Our results suggest a strong link between the speed but not the direction of perceived biological motion and subjective time.TUBA ; New Agendas for the Study of TimePublisher versio

    Corneal melanosis successfully treated using topical mitomycin-C and alcohol corneal epitheliectomy: a 3-year follow-up case report

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    ABSTRACTWe report a case of primary acquired corneal melanosis without atypia associated with corneal haze in a patient with a history of limbal malignant melanoma and the effect of mitomycin-C. A 75-year-old woman with a history of limbal malignant melanoma presented with loss of vision in right eye. Corneal examination showed a patchy melanotic pigmentation with a central haze. Topical mitomycin-C improved visual acuity and corneal haze. However, the pigmented lesions persisted, and they were removed with alcohol corneal epitheliectomy. Histopathological examination demonstrated primary acquired melanosis without atypia. The lesions were successfully removed, and there were no recurrences during the follow-up period of 36 months. The association of conjunctival and corneal melanosis without atypia is a rare condition. In addition, co-existence of central corneal haze and melanosis may decrease visual acuity. Topical mitomycin-C and alcohol corneal epitheliectomy can be useful treatments in this condition

    Levodopa-refractory hyperprolactinemia and pituitary findings in inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism

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    Elevated serum prolactin concentrations occur in inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism because dopamine deficiency leads to insufficient inhibition of prolactin secretion. This work from the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter Related Disorders (iNTD) presents the results of the first standardized study on levodopa-refractory hyperprolactinemia (LRHP; >1000 mU/L) and pituitary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities in patients with inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism. Twenty-six individuals had LRHP or abnormal pituitary findings on MRI. Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies were the most common diagnoses (n = 22). The median age at diagnosis of LRHP was 16 years (range: 2.5-30, 1st-3rd quartiles: 12.25-17 years). Twelve individuals (nine females) had symptoms attributed to hyperprolactinemia: menstruation-related abnormalities (n = 7), pubertal delay or arrest (n = 5), galactorrhea (n = 3), and decreased sexual functions (n = 2). MRI of the pituitary gland was obtained in 21 individuals; six had heterogeneity/hyperplasia of the gland, five had adenoma, and 10 had normal findings. Eleven individuals were treated with the dopamine agonist cabergoline, ameliorating the hyperprolactinemia-related symptoms in all those assessed. Routine monitoring of these symptoms together with prolactin concentrations, especially after the first decade of life, should be taken into consideration during follow-up evaluations. The potential of slow-release levodopa formulations and low-dose dopamine agonists as part of first-line therapy in the prevention and treatment of hyperprolactinemia should be investigated further in animal studies and human trials. This work adds hyperprolactinemia-related findings to the current knowledge of the phenotypic spectrum of inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism

    Analyses pluridisciplinaires sur la crise sanitaire COVID-19 en Turquie

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    L’objet de ce dossier vise à croiser les regards et les approches disciplinaires pour proposer des analyses plurielles de la crise sanitaire COVID-19 en Turquie. Les différentes approches font émerger des questionnements transversaux. Un premier questionnement tient à la pertinence des différents pouvoirs (locaux, étatiques, internationaux) face à des épidémies qui présentent toutes des spécificités, tant du point de vue de la diffusion et de la prévention, que des savoirs ou de la prise en charge. Une deuxième interrogation transversale porte sur la compénétration des pratiques et rituels sociaux et des dispositifs techniques. Les épidémies transforment le quotidien en validant ou répudiant certaines pratiques, et en induisant des réponses techniques qui sont à leur tour ritualisées. Comment interpréter cette transformation des pratiques ? Un troisième questionnement porte sur la frontière entre experts et profanes et à son évolution dans la temporalité de la pandémie. L’idée qu’un événement de l’ampleur d’une épidémie nécessitait une réponse organisée, et par conséquent un pilotage politico-sanitaire surplombant s’est heurtée à la durée de la pandémie, à l’évolution des connaissances à son sujet et à la compétition des objectifs stratégiques des politiques publiques, même lorsque ceux-ci, la santé et l’économie notamment, ne pouvaient aller l’un sans l’autre

    The Confidence Database

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    Understanding how people rate their confidence is critical for the characterization of a wide range of perceptual, memory, motor and cognitive processes. To enable the continued exploration of these processes, we created a large database of confidence studies spanning a broad set of paradigms, participant populations and fields of study. The data from each study are structured in a common, easy-to-use format that can be easily imported and analysed using multiple software packages. Each dataset is accompanied by an explanation regarding the nature of the collected data. At the time of publication, the Confidence Database (which is available at https://osf.io/s46pr/) contained 145 datasets with data from more than 8,700 participants and almost 4 million trials. The database will remain open for new submissions indefinitely and is expected to continue to grow. Here we show the usefulness of this large collection of datasets in four different analyses that provide precise estimations of several foundational confidence-related effects

    Türk sinemasında Türk siyasal hayatının yansımaları: 1970-1980 dönemi

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    Sinema, bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz bir şekilde, sosyal gerçekliğin inşa edilmesine zemin hazırlayan psikolojik duruşları, dünyanın ne olduğu ve olması gerektiğine ilişkin ortak düşünceyi yönlendirerek; toplumsal kurumları ayakta tutan geniş bir kültürel temsiller sisteminin parçasıdır. Sinema ve toplum birbirinden bağımsız iki farklı olgu olarak karşımıza çıksa da sürekli bir etkileşim içinde olduklarının altını çizmek gerekmektedir. Sinema karelerine yansıtılan temaların, ele alınan düşüncelerle izleyici kitleyi etkilediğini; toplumdaki değişim ve gelişimlere kaynaklık ettiğini söyleyebiliriz. Toplumsal ve siyasal hayatta yaşanan değişim ve gelişimlerin etkisini Türk Sinema'sı üzerinde de gözlemlemek mümkündür. Türk Sinemasının (1970-1980), yaratıcısı veya yapımcısı, yaşadığı toplumun egemen güçlerine bağlı olmadıklarını ya da olduklarını her ne kadar öne sürerlerse de, toplumun siyasal rejiminin ve ortamının sınırladığı bir çerçeve içinde kalmaya; gerek toplumun getirdiği gerekse egemen güçlerin yönetici sınıf aracılığı ile belirlediği bir alanın dışına kayıp 'sansür uygulamaları' nedeni ile topluma gerçek ve tam bir özgürlük ortamı içinde mesaj vermek ve bilinçlendirmeyi doğru bulduğu yönde geliştirmek olanağından yoksun kaldı. Bu perspektifte; araştırmamızın amacı; kurgulanan üç ayrı bölüm ile 'Her toplumsal olayın sinemada bir yansıması olacağı ve bu çerçevede de siyasal hayatta gelişen olayların incelenen dönemin Türk Sineması'ndaki (1970-1980) izdüşümleri' ni incelemeye çalışmak olacaktır. Cinema is a part of a broad system of cultural presentations, which supports the social institutions by consciously or unconsciously directing the psychological stances that lays the groundwork for constructing the social reality and directing the common belief concerning what the world is and what it has to be. Although cinema and society appear to be independent two different phenomenons, it has to be underlined that they always have interaction. Themes reflected on the cinema screen affect the movie public via the ideas delivered in the film and these themes become the sources of the developments and changes in the society. It is also possible to observe the effects of the developments and changes occurred in social and political life on Turkish cinema. Despite the creators and the directors of Turkish cinema (1970-1980) claim that they are independent from or dependent on the sovereign power of the society that they were living in, they were obliged to stay in the framework, of which the limits determined by the political environment and system. Furthermore, they couldn't leave the area that was determined by both the society itself and the sovereign power via the ruling class. And, due to censorship procedures, they couldn't find a way to give a message to the society in an environment where true and full freedom exists. They were lack of an opportunity to develop the process of making the society conscious in the way, which is true for them. Within this perspective; the purpose of this research is to investigate, in three edited different sections, the fact that "each social event has a reflection on the cinema" and in this framework, to investigate "the projections of the events that occurred in political life on Turkish cinema regarding the period questioned (1970-1980)"

    Türk sinemasında Türk siyasal hayatının yansımaları: 1970-1980 dönemi

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    Sinema, bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz bir şekilde, sosyal gerçekliğin inşa edilmesine zemin hazırlayan psikolojik duruşları, dünyanın ne olduğu ve olması gerektiğine ilişkin ortak düşünceyi yönlendirerek; toplumsal kurumları ayakta tutan geniş bir kültürel temsiller sisteminin parçasıdır. Sinema ve toplum birbirinden bağımsız iki farklı olgu olarak karşımıza çıksa da sürekli bir etkileşim içinde olduklarının altını çizmek gerekmektedir. Sinema karelerine yansıtılan temaların, ele alınan düşüncelerle izleyici kitleyi etkilediğini; toplumdaki değişim ve gelişimlere kaynaklık ettiğini söyleyebiliriz. Toplumsal ve siyasal hayatta yaşanan değişim ve gelişimlerin etkisini Türk Sinema'sı üzerinde de gözlemlemek mümkündür. Türk Sinemasının (1970-1980), yaratıcısı veya yapımcısı, yaşadığı toplumun egemen güçlerine bağlı olmadıklarını ya da olduklarını her ne kadar öne sürerlerse de, toplumun siyasal rejiminin ve ortamının sınırladığı bir çerçeve içinde kalmaya; gerek toplumun getirdiği gerekse egemen güçlerin yönetici sınıf aracılığı ile belirlediği bir alanın dışına kayıp 'sansür uygulamaları' nedeni ile topluma gerçek ve tam bir özgürlük ortamı içinde mesaj vermek ve bilinçlendirmeyi doğru bulduğu yönde geliştirmek olanağından yoksun kaldı. Bu perspektifte; araştırmamızın amacı; kurgulanan üç ayrı bölüm ile 'Her toplumsal olayın sinemada bir yansıması olacağı ve bu çerçevede de siyasal hayatta gelişen olayların incelenen dönemin Türk Sineması'ndaki (1970-1980) izdüşümleri' ni incelemeye çalışmak olacaktır. Cinema is a part of a broad system of cultural presentations, which supports the social institutions by consciously or unconsciously directing the psychological stances that lays the groundwork for constructing the social reality and directing the common belief concerning what the world is and what it has to be. Although cinema and society appear to be independent two different phenomenons, it has to be underlined that they always have interaction. Themes reflected on the cinema screen affect the movie public via the ideas delivered in the film and these themes become the sources of the developments and changes in the society. It is also possible to observe the effects of the developments and changes occurred in social and political life on Turkish cinema. Despite the creators and the directors of Turkish cinema (1970-1980) claim that they are independent from or dependent on the sovereign power of the society that they were living in, they were obliged to stay in the framework, of which the limits determined by the political environment and system. Furthermore, they couldn't leave the area that was determined by both the society itself and the sovereign power via the ruling class. And, due to censorship procedures, they couldn't find a way to give a message to the society in an environment where true and full freedom exists. They were lack of an opportunity to develop the process of making the society conscious in the way, which is true for them. Within this perspective; the purpose of this research is to investigate, in three edited different sections, the fact that "each social event has a reflection on the cinema" and in this framework, to investigate "the projections of the events that occurred in political life on Turkish cinema regarding the period questioned (1970-1980)"