75 research outputs found

    Developing multiliteracies, plurilingual awareness and critical thinking in the primary language classroom with multilingual virtual talkingbooks

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    This paper describes the theoretical framework and the main objectives of the European Comenius project MuViT ñ Multiliteracy Virtual. The project engages primary pupils across the world in multilingual and audiovisual reading and writing processes through the use of information technology resources to enhance multi-literacies, plurilingual awareness and transcultural understanding. The paper first sketches the necessity of a pedagogy of multi-literacies in our classrooms. In a second step it details on the objectives and tools developed within the Mu-ViT project. Thirdly it illustrates which research questions and activities are connected with the project.Der Beitrag erlĂ€utert den theoretischen Hintergrund und die angestrebten Ziele des von der EU geförderten multilateralen Comenius Projektes MuViT – Multiliteracy Virtual. Das Projekt unterstĂŒtzt europĂ€ische Sprachenlerner in der Grundschule bei der Ausbildung mehrsprachiger LiteralitĂ€t und mehsprachigem Bewusstseins durch den Einsatz von mehrsprachigen, digitalisierten BilderbĂŒchern. Im ersten Teil des Aufsatzes werden die Notwendigkeit und die GrundsĂ€tze einer multiliteralen PĂ€dagogik im Kontext schulischen Lernens dargelegt. Im zweiten Teil werden die Ziele und Materialien beschrieben, die im Rahmen des Projektes entwickelt und evaluiert werden. Abschließend wird aufgezeigt, welche Forschungsfragen- und aktivitĂ€ten mit dem lĂ€nderĂŒbergreifenden Projekt verbunden sind

    The Construction of Cosmopolitan Glocalities in Secondary Classrooms through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the Social Sciences

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    Our article argues for content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in the social sciences, as part of a new literacy towards 21st century challenges at school. At first, we will show how multilingualism is closely juxtaposed with global discourses in a worldwide network of glocalities. Thereafter, for the conceptual framework of the suggested pedagogy, we explain why cosmopolitanism must constitute an integral part thereof, accompanying the genesis of classroom glocalities. The heart of our competence model for CLIL in the social sciences fosters the promotion of global discourse competence with adolescent students. In short, this learning aim is a hybrid of subject and language learning, incorporating the merits of language didactics as well as “21st century skills”. Finally, in the last step, we will present #climonomics, a simulation of a multilingual EU parliamentary debate about climate change and climate action for secondary students. This example intends to demonstrate how multilingualism through CLIL amplifies the magnitude of global discourses during a simulation yet realistic setting. It should provide ‘food for thought’ for similar initiatives in research and teaching, to encourage the facilitation of cosmopolitan visions in classroom glocalities

    Die Eignung von Interview- und Peer-to-Peer Test-Settings zur Erfassung fremdsprachlicher Interaktion bei Grundschulkindern

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    Fremdsprachliche (englischsprachige) Interaktion in der Primarstufe wird im Rahmen existierender Testverfahren hĂ€ufig primĂ€r anhand stark strukturierter Settings (beispielsweise Interview-Settings) erfasst. Dies resultiert jedoch möglicherweise in einer EinschrĂ€nkung der KonstruktvaliditĂ€t von Tests, da anhand solch gesteuerter, hĂ€ufig asymmetrischer Test-Settings nicht die gesamte Bandbreite interaktiver Sprachhandlungen erfasst werden kann. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Frage, ob der zusĂ€tzliche Einsatz von in geringerem Maße gesteuerten, symmetrischen Testformaten die KonstruktvaliditĂ€t von Tests zur Messung interaktiver Sprachhandlungen auch in der Primarstufe erhöhen könnte. Dazu wurde ein Vergleich von Interviewund Peer-to-Peer-Settings durchgefĂŒhrt mit dem Ziel, deren Wirkung auf die Sprachproduktion sowie auf die Art interaktiver Sprachhandlungen zu untersuchen. Es zeigt sich, dass die SchĂŒlerInnen (n=38; 4. Klasse) insgesamt hĂ€ufig auf die deutsche Sprache zurĂŒckgriffen, in Interview-Settings signifikant mehr englische Wörter produzierten als in Peer-to-Peer-Settings, letztere jedoch sprachĂŒbergreifend (Deutsch/Englisch) insgesamt eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Bandbreite interaktiver Sprachhandlungen hervorriefe

    Die Eignung von Interview- und Peer-to-Peer Test-Settings zur Erfassung fremdsprachlicher Interaktion bei Grundschulkindern

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    Fremdsprachliche (englischsprachige) Interaktion in der Primarstufe wird im Rahmen existierender Testverfahren hĂ€ufig primĂ€r anhand stark strukturierter Settings (beispielsweise Interview-Settings) erfasst. Dies resultiert jedoch möglicherweise in einer EinschrĂ€nkung der KonstruktvaliditĂ€t von Tests, da anhand solch gesteuerter, hĂ€ufig asymmetrischer Test-Settings nicht die gesamte Bandbreite interaktiver Sprachhandlungen erfasst werden kann. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Frage, ob der zusĂ€tzliche Einsatz von in geringerem Maße gesteuerten, symmetrischen Testformaten die KonstruktvaliditĂ€t von Tests zur Messung interaktiver Sprachhandlungen auch in der Primarstufe erhöhen könnte. Dazu wurde ein Vergleich von Interviewund Peer-to-Peer-Settings durchgefĂŒhrt mit dem Ziel, deren Wirkung auf die Sprachproduktion sowie auf die Art interaktiver Sprachhandlungen zu untersuchen. Es zeigt sich, dass die SchĂŒlerInnen (n=38; 4. Klasse) insgesamt hĂ€ufig auf die deutsche Sprache zurĂŒckgriffen, in Interview-Settings signifikant mehr englische Wörter produzierten als in Peer-to-Peer-Settings, letztere jedoch sprachĂŒbergreifend (Deutsch/Englisch) insgesamt eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Bandbreite interaktiver Sprachhandlungen hervorriefe

    Aquatic exercise associated or not with grape juice consumption-modulated oxidative parameters in Parkinson disease patients : a randomized intervention study

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with significant motor disabilities and cognitive decline. Importantly, the imbalance of oxidative stress is related to PD physiopathology and progression. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of grape juice consumption associated with an aquatic exercise protocol on oxidative stress parameters and cognitive function in individuals with PD. The participants were randomized into two groups: grape juice group (GJG) and control group (CG) and were submitted to 4 weeks of an aquatic intervention (twice a week, approximately 60 minutes/session). The GJG also consumed 400 ml of grape juice per day (integral and conventional) during this period. Cognitive function was assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCa) questionnaire. For the analysis of oxidative stress markers, specifically lipid oxidative damage (TBARS), proteins (Carbonil), acid uric and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase), blood collection were done before and after intervention. No changes were observed in cognitive function after intervention in both groups. Regarding biomarkers, a reduction of antioxidant enzymes, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and uric acid was observed in both groups. However, only the GJG showed a significant reduction on protein oxidation levels after intervention. In conclusion, the consumption of grape juice associated with an aquatic exercise protocol might be consider an effective alternative to reduce the oxidative damage in PD, reinforcing the importance of this intervention in promoting beneficial impact in this population

    Livre d’hîtes

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ou GĂ€stebuch, plutĂŽt que Livre d’or, ce registre oĂč « Ă©taient inscrits les noms des nobles », rappelle LittrĂ©, et qui cultivait « l’entre-soi ». Et sĂ»rement pas Livre d’honneur, rĂ©pertoire de vainqueurs, que les dictionnaires donnent habituellement pour Ă©quivalent. Les termes français usuels ne peuvent, au fond, que gauchir ce qui rĂ©unit les pages qu’on va lire ici. Car ce sont des voix amies et diverses qui s’expriment, des Ă©crivains, des collĂšgues, des lectrices et des lecteurs passionnĂ©s par l’oeuvre de la romanciĂšre, qui ont rĂ©pondu Ă  notre invitation et Ă  qui carte blanche a Ă©tĂ© donnĂ©e. Livre d’hĂŽtes, donc, qui nous font l’amitiĂ© de partager rĂ©flexions ou expĂ©riences, saisissant, chacune et chacun Ă  sa maniĂšre, la façon d’ĂȘtre au monde et d’écrire le monde de Pascale Kramer. Qu’elles et qu’ils en soient vivement remerciĂ©s. Keywords : Pascale Kramer, roman contemporain, roman francophon

    Efficient Killing of Murine Pluripotent Stem Cells by Natural Killer (NK) Cells Requires Activation by Cytokines and Partly Depends on the Activating NK Receptor NKG2D

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    Natural killer (NK) cells play an important role as cytotoxic effector cells, which scan the organism for infected or tumorigenic cells. Conflicting data have been published whether NK cells can also kill allogeneic or even autologous pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and which receptors are involved. A clarification of this question is relevant since an activity of NK cells against PSCs could reduce the risk of teratoma growth after transplantation of PSC-derived grafts. Therefore, the hypothesis has been tested that the activity of NK cells against PSCs depends on cytokine activation and specifically on the activating NK receptor NKG2D. It is shown that a subcutaneous injection of autologous iPSCs failed to activate NK cells against these iPSCs and can give rise to teratomas. In agreement with this result, several PSC lines, including two iPSC, two embryonic stem cell (ESC), and two so-called multipotent adult germline stem cell (maGSC) lines, were largely resistant against resting NK cells although differences in killing were found at low level. All PSC lines were killed by interleukin (IL)-2-activated NK cells, and maGSCs were better killed than the other PSC types. The PSCs expressed ligands of the activating NK receptor NKG2D and NKG2D-deficient NK cells from Klrk1−/− mice were impaired in their cytotoxic activity against PSCs. The low-cytotoxic activity of resting NK cells was almost completely dependent on NKG2D. The cytotoxic activity of IL-2-activated NKG2D-deficient NK cells against PSCs was reduced, indicating that also other activating receptors on cytokine-activated NK cells must be engaged by ligands on PSCs. Thus, NKG2D is an important activating receptor involved in killing of murine PSCs. However, NK cells need to be activated by cytokines before they efficiently target PSCs and then also other NK receptors become relevant. These features of NK cells might be relevant for transplantation of PSC-derived grafts since NK cells have the capability to kill undifferentiated cells, which might be present in grafts in trace amount

    Planck Intermediate Results. XXXVI. Optical identification and redshifts of Planck SZ sources with telescopes at the Canary Islands Observatories

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    We present the results of approximately three years of observations of Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) sources with telescopes at the Canary Islands observatories as part of the general optical follow-up programme undertaken by the Planck collaboration. In total, 78 SZ sources are discussed. Deep-imaging observations were obtained for most of these sources; spectroscopic observations in either in long-slit or multi-object modes were obtained for many. We effectively used 37.5 clear nights. We found optical counterparts for 73 of the 78 candidates. This sample includes 53 spectroscopic redshift determinations, 20 of them obtained with a multi-object spectroscopic mode. The sample contains new redshifts for 27 Planck clusters that were not included in the first Planck SZ source catalogue (PSZ1).Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&
