8 research outputs found
Popular Poetry, Methodism, and the Ascendancy of the Hymn
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Brinley Jones
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Densil Morgan
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Gaunt
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Jones
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Llywelyn
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys Nicholas
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Tudur Jones
- Tudur Jones
- Tudur Jones
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wyn James
- Wynn Thomas
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Literary Networks and Patrons in Late Medieval Wales
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Aled Williams
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lake
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Llywelyn Williams
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry Owen
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Teifi Edwards
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Turner
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
The Cambridge History of Welsh Literature
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
This is the first comprehensive, single-volume history of the literature of Wales. The volume contains chapters covering the whole range of Welsh literature, from post-Roman Britain to post-devolution Wales, with many of the later chapters providing holistic accounts of literature in Welsh and literature in English within a single genre or a single period of literary production
Britons and Saxons: The Earliest Writing in Welsh
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Forbes Skene
- Ford
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Hehir
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKee
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Zeiser
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Revolution, Culture and Industry, c.1700‒1850
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- O’Leary
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Suggett
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Travel, translation and temperance: the origins of the Welsh novel
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn Prichard
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- ‘Celtic’ Davies
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Theatre, Film and Television in Wales in the Twentieth Century
- Author
- 726Davies
- 732Jones
- 733Levertov
- 735Machen
- 740Thomas
- 742Williams
- 748Clarke
- 755Fulton
- 757Gruffydd
- 760Huws
- 761Jarman
- 762Jenkins
- 763Johnston
- 765Jones
- 767Koch
- 768Lewis
- 778Suggett
- 783Williams
- [Torbuck
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Aaron
- Abse
- Abse
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allchin
- Allen
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Andrews
- Anon
- Antur
- ap Dafydd
- ap Dafydd
- ap Glyn
- ap Gwilym
- Armstrong
- Atwood
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aughey
- Augé
- Bachelard
- Bagshaw
- Baines
- Baines
- Baldick
- Baldwin
- Ballin
- Ballinger
- Balsom
- Barkahn
- Barry
- Barry
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Bartrum
- Beale
- Beale
- Becker
- Beier
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Beresford
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Berry
- Bertomeu
- Bevan
- Beynon Davies
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bidgood
- Bidgood
- Bill
- Blair
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blandford
- Blasing
- Bloom
- Boddy
- Bogdanor
- Bohata
- Bohata
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollard
- Bollom
- Borges
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowen
- Bowie
- Bramley
- Breeze
- Breeze
- Breverton
- Brinley Jones
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buckler
- Bufton
- Bullock-Davies
- Bush
- Bynum
- Cam
- Carpenter
- Carson
- Certeau
- Chandler
- Chaney
- Chapman
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Charnell-White
- Chaucer
- Chrimes
- Churchyard
- Cichon
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clarke
- Colley
- Committee
- Connolly
- Conran
- Conran
- Conran
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Conway
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Coombes
- Cooper
- Cordell
- Cosgrove
- Costigan
- Cowley
- Cramsie
- Cresswell
- Crossman
- Cunningham
- Curli
- Currie
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Curtis
- Cyfrol
- Cynfael Lake
- Cynfael Lake
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Dafydd
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Dante Ferrari
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Dearnley
- Dearnley
- Deininger
- Deleuze
- Densil
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Derrida
- Dickinson
- Dillon
- Dillwyn
- Dilworth
- Diverres
- Donovan
- Duff
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Duncan
- Dunsany
- Dunsany
- Dyer
- Edel
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eirian
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Elfyn
- Eliot
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Elwyn
- Emery
- Empson
- Emrys
- England
- Entwistle
- Entwistle
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Fast
- Faucher
- Feather
- Ferris
- Ffoulkes
- Ffrancon
- Ffrancon
- Filmer-Davies
- Finch
- Findon
- Firbank
- Fish
- Fitzgibbon
- Flay
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Ford
- Ford
- Fox
- Francis
- Francis
- Francis
- Freeman
- Frow
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Fulton
- Gallichan
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gallie
- Gantz
- Garlick
- Garlick
- Garner
- Gaskill
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Geraint Gruffydd
- Gielgud
- Gildart
- Giudici
- Given
- Given-Wilson
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Goetinck
- Golightly
- Golightly
- Gooberman
- Goronwy Edwards
- Gower
- Gower
- Graham
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Gramich
- Granelli
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenslade
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griswold
- Gross
- Grosz
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Guest
- Gustav
- Gustav
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwenogvryn Evans
- Gwilym
- Gwynfor
- Gwynn Jones
- Haines
- Hamp
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawkins
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Heaney
- Hechter
- Heinemann
- Helen
- Hemans
- Heng
- Henry
- Higham
- Higley
- Higley
- Hill
- Hill
- Hirschi
- Hobsbawm
- Hodges
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hooker
- Hopkin James
- Hopkins
- Houseley
- Howell
- Howells
- Hueffer
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Humphrys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hutton
- Huws
- Huws
- Huws
- Iestyn Daniel
- Iestyn Daniel
- Ifans
- Ingham
- Inwood
- Iorwerth
- Irigaray
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarman
- Jarvie
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jarvis
- Jason
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jason.
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones Pierce
- Joyce
- Joyce
- Katie
- Kearney
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Keating
- Kevin
- Kiberd
- Kieckhefer
- King
- Kinney
- Kinney
- Kirsti
- Klaus
- Klaus
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Klausner
- Knight
- Knight
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Koch
- Kohr
- Kyffin
- Lambert
- Langer
- Lapidge
- Larrington
- Larsen
- Law
- Leckie
- Lefebvre
- Leighton
- Lemoine
- Leslie Richards
- Levertov
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lingen
- Lippard
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewelyn
- Llewelyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Lloyd-Morgan
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Llywelyn
- Loomis
- Lord
- Lord
- Lublin
- Luders
- Ludwig
- Luft
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Löffler
- MacCana
- MacDonald
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Machen
- Maier
- Map
- Mared
- Marion
- Marks
- Martell
- Mary-Ann
- Massey
- Massey
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Mathias
- Matthew
- Matthews
- May
- McKee
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKenna
- McKillip
- McLean
- McMillan
- Medhurst
- Medhurst
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Meredith
- Merriman
- Michael
- Michael
- Miles
- Miles
- Miles
- Milward
- Minhinnick
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Miskell
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris Jones
- Morys
- Morys
- Morys
- Musser
- Nagy
- Nagy
- Nicholas
- Norris
- Norris
- Norris
- Olwig
- Orchard
- Osborne
- Osborne
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Osmond
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- Owen
- O’Brien
- O’Connor
- O’Leary
- Padel
- Padel
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Parry-Williams
- Patterson
- Peach
- Peacock
- Peacock
- Penman
- Pennant
- Penny
- Penry
- Penry
- Perec
- Perryman
- Peter
- Petrovskaia
- Phillips
- Philp
- Pierce
- Pikoulis
- Poppe
- Poppe
- Porter
- Powel
- Powys
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Prise
- Pritchard
- Protheroe
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Puddicombe
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Radnor
- Randolph
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Relph
- Rhydderch
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- Rhys
- RhÅ·s
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roderick
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rodway
- Rose
- Rosenthal
- Rosenwein
- Rothkirch
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rowlands
- Rubin
- Russell
- Russell
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Salesbury
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Saunderson
- Scott
- Sessle
- Seward
- Shell
- Shopland
- Showers
- Siddons
- Silver
- Simon Evans
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sims-Williams
- Sioned
- Skene
- Skoulding
- Skoulding
- Slotkin
- Smiles
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soave
- Sollors
- Somerset
- Sophie
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stradling
- Sturzer
- Sturzer
- Sullivan III
- T[homas]
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tedlock
- Thatcher
- Thiong’o
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorneycroft
- Thorpe
- Thrift
- Tighe
- Tirebuck
- Tolstoy
- Trench
- Trezise
- Trumpener
- Valente
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- W. J.
- Wade
- Wainwright
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walford Davies
- Walter
- Walton
- Ward
- Ward
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Webb
- Webb
- Welsh
- Welsh
- Welsh
- White
- White
- Wilde
- Wiliam
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Wiliams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Willis
- Winterbottom
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodward
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Wright
- Wylie
- Wyn
- Wyn James
- Zeiser
- Zimmer
- Ó Cadhain
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Communities of Remembrance: Religious Orders and the Cult of Thomas de Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford (1275-82)
- Author
- Abram Andrew
- Ashbee Jeremy
- Baggs A. P.
- Baldock Ralph
- Barrow Julia
- Bartlett Robert
- Bass Ian
- Bass Ian
- Baugh G. C.
- Burton Janet
- Burton Janet
- Butler Sara M.
- Cantilupe Thomas de
- Carpenter David
- Coldstream Nicola
- Cooke William Henry
- Cooke William Henry
- Daly Patrick
- Dulley Andrew
- Edwards James Goronwy
- Elliott Dyan
- Ellis G. A.
- Finucane Ronald C.
- Finucane Ronald C.
- Finucane Ronald C.
- Freeman Charles
- Gervase of Canterbury
- Giffard Godfrey
- Goodall John
- Goodich Michael
- Goodich Michael
- Griffiths John
- Griffiths Ralph A.
- Haddan Arthur W.
- Harvey Paul D. A.
- Hethe Hamo
- John of Tynemouth
- Kerr Julie
- Kerr Julie
- Knowles David
- Kupfer Marcia
- Maclean D. A. L.
- Matthews John Hobson
- Nilson Ben
- Page William
- Page William
- Page William
- Page William
- Page William
- Phillips Seymour
- Potter Kenneth R.
- Powicke Frederick M.
- Prestwich Michael
- Richardson Ruth
- Ridyard Susan J.
- Robinson David
- Sharp Reginald R.
- Shoesmith Ron
- Stephenson David
- Sutton Oliver
- Swinfield Richard de
- Taylor Arnold
- Thurlby Malcolm
- Vauchez André
- Webster Harriett
- Publication venue
- 'Brepols Publishers NV'
- Publication date
- Field of study