824 research outputs found

    Impact of Academic Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention of Faculty of Sport Sciences' Students: Bayburt University

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    This study aimed to determine the academic self-efficacy and entrepreneurial levels of the students studying in the faculties of sport sciences, to define the factors affecting these characteristics and to determine their impacts. In this study, the Entrepreneurial Scale for University Students and the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale were applied to 372 students studying at the faculty of. sport sciences. According to analysis results of the data obtained, it has been determined that the entrepreneurial levels of the students participating in the research are high. Entrepreneurial levels of male students are higher. than female students. Positive relationships were found with respect to the age variable in the dimensions of entrepreneurship and cognitive practices. BPT (Basic Proficiency Test) score has positive significant relations with entrepreneurship, cognitive practices and technical skills and CGPA has positive significant relations with academic self-efficacy scale sub-dimensions. As the work experience period of the students increased, the acquired level of entrepreneurship also increased. Moreover, as their academic self-efficacy increased, their entrepreneurial intentions also increased. The results obtained include empirical evidence that academic self-efficacy has a statistically significant. and positive impact on entrepreneurial intention. Therefore, higher education institutions should focus on improving the academic performance of students studying in undergraduate, associate and graduate education in order to increase their intention to create new job opportunities. Since this study only includes the opinions of the students of the faculty of sport sciences, it is recommended to expand the sample group and investigate the effect of different variables on entrepreneurial intention

    Standardisierung und Individualisierung in der Luxushotellerie

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    Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht die Betrachtung der Individualisierung und Standardisierung in der Luxushotellerie. Dabei geht es insbesondere darum, Aspekte des Hotel-und Tourismusmarketings unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Dienstleistungskennzeichen von Hotelleistungen sowie Aspekte des Luxusmarketings nĂ€her zu betrachten und die Rolle des QualitĂ€tsmanagement und der QualitĂ€tssicherung zu beleuchten. Abschließend werden die angesprochenen Aspekte am Praxisbeispiel Ritz-Carlton gespiegelt

    Βenthic hydrozoan assemblages as potential indicators of environmental health in a Μediterranean Μarine protected area

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    The comparative study of marine benthic hydrozoan assemblages can improve our understanding of environmental and ecological conditions in marine protected areas (MPAs) such as the large Mediterranean MPA of Datça-Bozburun, where important prospects for future intensive tourism development exist. The analysis of such assemblages may help managers detect changes in important parameters of ecosystem health within this MPA. In this study we compared the hydrozoan assemblages occurring on hard (rocky) and soft (Posidonia meadows) bottoms from stations belonging to three different conditions: i) small marinas (medium anthropogenic impact), ii) yacht stopovers (low impact), and iii) unspoiled sites (no impact) in the southern part of the Datça Peninsula during summer and winter 2015 and 2016. Significant differences in the structure, species composition and richness of benthic hydrozoans among the sampling sites were detected. In both seasons, hydroid assemblages in medium-impact sites significantly differed from little-impact and no-impact sites in terms of qualitative composition. Large structural species were widely represented in all hard-bottomed sampling sites, but small inconspicuous taxa with diverse life histories were much less abundant at the medium impacted sites. Species richness and diversity in Posidonia meadows was much higher in little- and no-impact sites, where highly specific hydroid epibionts were abundant

    How Fiscal Policies Affect Credit Rates: Probit Analysis of Three Main Credit Rating Agencies’ Sovereign Credit Notes

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    The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between fiscal policy and sovereign credit ratings within a comparative framework for the post-2000 period. In this study, indicators affecting credit notes of three rating agencies through domestic savings, growth, inflation, unemployment, current account balance and public revenues, public expenditures, primary deficits, budget deficits and public debt data for selected countries for the period between 2001 and 2016 are evaluated by using probit analysis under four scenarios.The study reveals that growth, unemployment, savings, current account deficit and public debt have come to the forefront in the realizations and far estimates, while the main indicators in the public sector, namely the impact of expenditure, deficit, primary balance and debt on rating decisions, are more dominant in the near estimates. These results show that the factors that are differentiating the credit rating evaluation period are the indicators of public finance. It seems that models used by the credit institutions are more likely to show short-term outcomes in the sense of public finance parameters mainly reflecting the macroeconomic responsibility level of the ruling governments.</p

    Benthic Hydrozoans as Potential Indicators of Water Masses and Anthropogenic Impact in the Sea of Marmara

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    Changes in the abundance and distribution of marine benthic hydrozoan species are indicative of variations in environmental conditions in the marine realm. The comparative analysis of such assemblages can improve our understanding of environmental and ecological conditions in the Sea of Marmara, a strongly stratified and heavily populated inland sea connecting the Aegean and Black seas, on route of national and international maritime traffic. We compared the hydrozoan assemblages occurring in harbours with those developed at natural sites, as well as the assemblages associated with the Black Sea water mass versus the Mediterranean water mass in the vicinities of the Prince Islands, the north-easternmost section of the Sea of Marmara. Sampling took place at 12 stations, once in March 2015 and once in August 2015 in order to cover species with both warm and cold water affinities. Multivariate analyses showed that benthic hydroid assemblages with both affinities differed significantly between the heavily trafficked harbours of the Prince Islands (connected to the metropolis of Istanbul) and areas without human settlements and maritime traffic. In addition, highly distinct hydroid assemblages were found characterizing both areas with water of Mediterranean origin and areas with water from Black Sea origin. Based on our results, we discuss the potential for the use of these organisms as indicators of water masses and anthropogenic impact at the regional level

    Surface roughness and Streptococcus mutans adhesion on surface sealant agent coupled interim crown materials after dynamic loading.

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    BACKGROUND With the application of surface sealant agents, smooth surfaces can be achieved in a shorter time when compared with conventional polishing. However, studies on the performance of these agents against chewing forces are not many. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness and Streptococcus mutans adhesion on surface sealent coupled interim prosthetic materials after chewing simulation. METHODS One hundred and twelve specimens were fabricated from two poly(methyl methacrylate) (Tab 2000, Dentalon Plus) and two bis-acryl (Tempofit, Protemp 4) interim crown materials and divided into 4 groups (n = 7) according to applied surface treatment: conventional polishing (control) and 3 surface sealant (Palaseal, Optiglaze, Biscover) coupling methods. The surface roughness values (Ra) were measured with a profilometer before (Ra0) and after aging through dynamic loading in a multifunctional chewing simulator for 10,000 cycles at 50 N load combined with integral thermocycling (between 5 and 55 °C) (Ra1). Specimens were incubated with Streptococcus mutans suspension and the total number of adherent bacteria was calculated by multiplying the counted bacterial colonies with the dilution coefficient. RESULTS Surface sealant agent application significantly decreased the surface roughness compared with conventionally polished specimens, except for Optiglaze or BisCover LV applied Protemp 4 and Palaseal or Biscover LV applied Tempofit. Surface roughness after dynamic loading showed a statistically significant increase in all groups, except for the control groups of Tab 2000 and Protemp 4. A positive correlation was found between surface roughness values of interim prosthodontic materials and the quantitiy of Streptococcus Mutans. CONCLUSIONS Even though surface sealant agent application significantly decreased the surface roughness compared with conventionally polished specimens, dynamic loading significantly increased the surface roughness of all surface sealant coupled materials. The Ra values of all test groups were higher than the plaque accumulation threshold (0.20 ”m). Streptococcus mutans adhered more on rougher surfaces

    IstraĆŸivanje nekih probiotičkih svojstava sojeva Lactobacillaceae izoliranih iz tradicionalnog Tulum sira u Turskoj

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the probiotic properties of Lactobacillaceae strains isolated from Tulum, Turkey. Ten strains of Lactobacillaceae spp. were taxonomically identified as follows: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum (6), Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (2), Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus (1) and Lacticaseibacillus casei (1). Their probiotic properties, antimicrobial activities and tolerance to simulated gastrointestinal conditions such as low pH, pepsin, pancreatin and bile salts were evaluated. The results show that 10 lactic acid bacterial strains have high auto aggregation, coaggregation and hydrophobic properties. Antibiotic resistance and haemolytic activity were determined for safety assessment of the strains. Selected isolates showing high antimicrobial activity and the ability to remove cholesterol were also detected. These bacteria were found to have antioxidant activity as well. Therefore, these ten extracted lactic acid bacteria are promising potential candidates for use as probiotics. In this comprehensive study, L. plantarum SM27, L. plantarum S74 and L. paracasei RU39-7 were found to have the best probiotic properties. Important information was obtained on the probiotic and functional properties of Lactobacillaceae strains isolated from traditionally fermented Tulum cheese, which can be used as a rich source of probiotic bacteria. It was found that it is possible to isolate probiotic bacteria from traditional fermented cheeses.Cilj ovog istraĆŸivanja bio je ispitati probiotička svojstva sojeva Lactobacillaceae izoliranih iz sira Tulum u Turskoj. Deset sojeva roda Lactobacillaceae spp. su taksonomski identificirani kao Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum (6), Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (2), Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus (1) i Lacticaseibacillus casei (1). Ispitana su njihova probiotička svojstva, antimikrobno djelovanje i tolerancija na simulirana gastrointestinalna stanja, uključujući nizak pH, pepsin, pankreatin i ĆŸučne soli. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, 10 sojeva bakterija mliječne kiseline pokazalo je visoka autoagregacijska, koagregacijska i hidrofobna svojstva. U svrhu procjene sigurnosti izoliranih sojeva, određena je i rezistencija na antibiotike i hemolitičku aktivnost. Također su utvrđeni izolati koji imaju visoku antimikrobnu aktivnost i sposobnost uklanjanja kolesterola, a pokazalo se i da djeluju antioksidativno. Stoga su navedenih izolirani sojevi bakterija mliječne kiseline pokazali obećavajući potencijal za daljnje koriĆĄtenje kao probiotički sojevi. U ovoj opseĆŸnoj studiji zaključeno je da L. plantarum SM27, L. plantarum S74 i L. paracasei RU39-7 pokazuju najbolja probiotička svojstva. Dobivene su vaĆŸne informacije o probiotičkim i funkcionalnim svojstvima sojeva Lactobacillaceae izoliranih iz tradicionalnog fermentiranog sira Tulum, koji se mogu koristiti kao bogat izvor probiotičkih bakterija. Također je utvrđeno da tradicionalni fermentirani sirevi mogu sluĆŸiti kao izvori probiotičkih bakterija

    An Approach for Economic Analysis of Intermodal Transportation

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    A different intermodal transportation model based on cost analysis considering technical, economical, and operational parameters is presented. The model consists of such intermodal modes as sea-road, sea-railway, road-railway, and multimode of sea-road-railway. A case study of cargo transportation has been carried out by using the suggested model. Then, the single road transportation mode has been compared to intermodal modes in terms of transportation costs. This comparison takes into account the external costs of intermodal transportation. The research reveals that, in the short distance transportation, single transportation modes always tend to be advantageous. As the transportation distance gets longer, intermodal transportation advantages begin to be effective on the costs. In addition, the proposed method in this study leads to determining the fleet size and capacity for transportation and the appropriate transportation mode

    Differential cross section measurements for the production of a W boson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV

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    Measurements are reported of differential cross sections for the production of a W boson, which decays into a muon and a neutrino, in association with jets, as a function of several variables, including the transverse momenta (pT) and pseudorapidities of the four leading jets, the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta (HT), and the difference in azimuthal angle between the directions of each jet and the muon. The data sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb[superscript −1]. The measured cross sections are compared to predictions from Monte Carlo generators, MadGraph + pythia and sherpa, and to next-to-leading-order calculations from BlackHat + sherpa. The differential cross sections are found to be in agreement with the predictions, apart from the pT distributions of the leading jets at high pT values, the distributions of the HT at high-HT and low jet multiplicity, and the distribution of the difference in azimuthal angle between the leading jet and the muon at low values.United States. Dept. of EnergyNational Science Foundation (U.S.)Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio
