43 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton patchiness in two shallow waterbodies

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    The hydrodynamic behaviour in lentic ecosystems is closely related with the spatial and temporal evolution of their physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Because of this, and in order to improve our present knowledge on the limnological dynamics of such ecosystems, a coupled analysis on the relationship between the biological patterns and the governing hydrodynamics mechanisms it is necessary. This paper uses both field analysis and numerical simulation to describe the links between the water movements and the phytoplankton spatial distribution on two shallow waterbodies in the South of Spain: Alhama de Granada Reservoir (Granada) and Laguna Nueva de la Albufera de Adra (Almería). In both systems the observed phytoplankton spatial distribution exhibited dynamic patterns forced by hydrodynamical transport processes. The knowledge of this physical-biological coupling could be useful to outline the basic guidelines for water quality management.Los ecosistemas acuáticos leníticos se caracterizan por un intenso acoplamiento entre los mecanismos de transporte hidrodinámico que en ellos ocurren y la evolución espacial y temporal de sus principales variables físico-químicas y biológicas. En consecuencia y con el objetivo de mejorar nuestro entendimiento sobre la dinámica limnológica de este tipo de sistemas, resulta necesario el desarrollo de análisis interdisciplinares que profundicen en esta estrecha relación hidrodinámica-biología. En este trabajo se analiza, a partir de estudios de campo y simulaciones numéricas, el acoplamiento entre el movimiento de la masa fluida a nivel de macroescala y la distribución espacial del fitoplancton en dos ecosistemas acuáticos someros del Sur de España : el embalse de Alhama de Granada (Granada) y la Laguna Nueva de la Albufera de Adra (Almería). En ambos sistemas se han encontrado patrones dinámicos de distribución espacial de las microalgas, íntimamente relacionados con la dinámica de la masa de agua. El conocimiento de este acoplamiento resulta útil en la definición de líneas básicas para la adecuada gestión de la calidad del agua

    Nutrient fluxes through boundaries in the hypolimnion of Sau reservoir : expected patterns and unanticipated processes

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    By contrast to many natural lakes, the summer hypolimnion in advection-dominated systems like canyon-shaped reservoirs is not isolated from direct inputs from the river. This has important implications in the evolution of limnological features of the hypolimnion through the stratified period, especially if the river water directly plunges as a density current into the hypolimnion as a consequence of temperature differences. Taking the Sau Reservoir (Spain) as a prototype for this kind of systems, we present data from 11 years of monitoring to show how the river water entering the reservoir during summer is the main factor determining hypolimnetic nutrient concentrations. The empirical regression approach used all through the paper also stressed the effect of the improvement in water quality experienced by the river during the studied period on the improvement of the water quality stored in the summer hypolimnion of the reservoir. Since the change in river water quality was the consequence of the implementation of remediation measures at the basin scale, we advocate these solutions to manage reservoir eutrophication problems in this type of systems, which, in addition, had other unexpected benefits for the hypolimnetic water quality in Sau Reservoir.A diferencia de muchos lagos naturales, el hipolimnion que se forma en verano en sistemas dominados por la advección, como los embalses que inundan valles profundos y estrechos, no está aislado de las entradas directas desde el río. Esto tiene importantes implicaciones en la evolución de las características limnológicas del hipolimnion durante el periodo de estratificación, especialmente si el agua del río entra al embalse como una corriente de densidad directamente en el hipolimnion debido a diferencias de temperatura. Tomando el Embalse de Sau (España) como prototipo de este tipo de sistemas, mostramos 11 años de datos de un programa de monitoreo para ejemplificar cómo el agua del río que entra en verano al embalse es el factor determinante de la concentración de nutrientes en el hipolimnion. La aproximación de regresión empírica utilizada en el artículo también puso de manifiesto el efecto de la mejora en la calidad del agua que sufrió el río durante el periodo de estudio en la mejora del agua del agua embalsada en el hipolimnion. Ya que esta mejora en el río fue consecuencia de la implementación de medidas de restauración a nivel de la cuenca, promovemos estas soluciones para la gestión de problemas de eutrofización en este tipo de sistemas, que por otra parte mostraron ventajas inesperadas en el caso del hipolimnion del Embalse de Sau

    Major role of nutrient supply in the control of picophytoplankton community structure.

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    abstractThe Margalef´s mandala (1978) is a simplified bottom-up control model that explains how mixing and nutrient concentration determine the composition of marine phytoplankton communities. Due to the difficulties of measuring turbulence in the field, previous attempts to verify this model have applied different proxies for nutrient supply, and very often used interchangeably the terms mixing and stratification. Moreover, because the mandala was conceived before the discovery of smaller phytoplankton groups (picoplankton <2 μm), it describes only the succession of vegetative phases of microplankton. In order to test the applicability of the classical mandala to picoplankton groups, we used a multidisciplinary approach including specifically designed field observations supported by remote sensing, database analyses, and modeling and laboratory chemostat experiments. Simultaneous estimates of nitrate diffusive fluxes, derived from microturbulence observations, and picoplankton abundance collected in more than 200 stations, spanning widely different hydrographic regimes, showed that the contribution of eukaryotes to picoautotrophic biomass increases with nutrient supply, whereas that of picocyanobacteria shows the opposite trend. These findings were supported by laboratory and modeling chemostat experiments that reproduced the competitive dynamics between picoeukaryote sand picocyanobacteria as a function of changing nutrient supply. Our results indicate that nutrient supply controls the distribution of picoplankton functional groups in the ocean, further supporting the model proposed by Margalef.RADIALES (IEO

    Control of tHe structure of marine phytoplAnkton cOmmunities by turbulence and nutrient supply dynamicS (CHAOS)

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    extended abstract del posterIn order to investigate the role of turbulence mixing on structuring marine phytoplankton communities, the CHAOS project included a multidisciplinary approach involving specifically designed field observations supported by remote sensing, database analyses, and modeling and laboratory chemostat experiments. Field observations carried out in the outer part of Ría de Vigo in summer 2013 showed that, as a result of increased mixing levels, nitrate diffusive input into the euphotic layer was approximately 4-fold higher during spring tides. This nitrate supply could contribute to explain the continuous dominance of large-sized phytoplankton during the upwelling favorable season. Simultaneous estimates of nitrate diffusive fluxes, derived from microturbulence observations, and picoplankton abundance collected in more than 100 stations, spanning widely different hydrographic regimes, showed that the contribution of eukaryotes to picoautotrophic biomass increases with nutrient supply, whereas that of picocyanobacteria shows the opposite trend. These findings were supported by laboratory and modeling chemostat experiments that reproduced the competitive dynamics between picoeukaryote and picocyanobacteria as a function of changing nutrient supply. The results derived from this project confirm that turbulence and mixing control the availability of light and nutrients, which in turn determine the structure of marine phytoplankton communities.RADIALES-20 (IEO), CHAOS (CTM 2012-30680), Malaspina-2010(CSD2008-00077

    Nutrient supply does play a role on the structure of marine picophytoplankton communities

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    Conference communicationThe Margalef´s mandala (1978) is a simplified bottom-up control model that explains how mixing and nutrient concentration determine the composition of marine phytoplankton communities. Due to the difficulties of measuring turbulence in the field, previous attempts to verify this model have applied different proxies for nutrient supply, and very often used interchangeably the terms mixing and stratification. Moreover, because the mandala was conceived before the discovery of smaller phytoplankton groups (picoplankton <2 µm), it describes only the succession of vegetative phases of microplankton. In order to test the applicability of the classical mandala to picoplankton groups, we used a multidisciplinary approach including specifically designed field observations supported by remote sensing, database analyses, and modeling and laboratory chemostat experiments. Simultaneous estimates of nitrate diffusive fluxes, derived from microturbulence observations, and picoplankton abundance collected in more than 200 stations, spanning widely different hydrographic regimes, showed that the contribution of eukaryotes to picoautotrophic biomass increases with nutrient supply, whereas that of picocyanobacteria shows the opposite trend. These findings were supported by laboratory and modeling chemostat experiments that reproduced the competitive dynamics between picoeukaryote sand picocyanobacteria as a function of changing nutrient supply. Our results indicate that nutrient supply controls the distribution of picoplankton functional groups in the ocean, further supporting the model proposed by Margalef.Spanish Governmen

    Validación de la producción masiva de las micorrizas como alternativa agroambiental para los pequeños productores del municipio de Restrepo :informe final

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    Los problemas generados por el uso de la agricultura intensiva en el Piedemonte Llanero, zona de mayor desarrollo agrícola de los Llanos Orientales, ha propiciado la degradación progresiva del ambiente y la reducción de la productividad de los cultivos, por lo cual surge la necesidad de establecer estrategias viables que aportan beneficios económicos y ambientales como el uso de biofertilizantes donde las micorrizas se convierten en una importante alternativa para los sistemas de producción integrados, acompañados de prácticas sostenibles de manejo agrícola que permitan mejorar la calidad de los agroecosistemas y contribuir al logro de un desarrollo socioeconómico equitativo de los pequeños productores agrícolas del municipio de Restrepo, mediante la validación y apropiación de la tecnología de uso y producción de las micorrizas

    Data Descriptor : A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins

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    Under ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic activity, which continuously challenge ecosystem resilience, an in-depth understanding of ecological processes is urgently needed. Lakes, as providers of numerous ecosystem services, face multiple stressors that threaten their functioning. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are a persistent problem resulting from nutrient pollution and climate-change induced stressors, like poor transparency, increased water temperature and enhanced stratification. Consistency in data collection and analysis methods is necessary to achieve fully comparable datasets and for statistical validity, avoiding issues linked to disparate data sources. The European Multi Lake Survey (EMLS) in summer 2015 was an initiative among scientists from 27 countries to collect and analyse lake physical, chemical and biological variables in a fully standardized manner. This database includes in-situ lake variables along with nutrient, pigment and cyanotoxin data of 369 lakes in Europe, which were centrally analysed in dedicated laboratories. Publishing the EMLS methods and dataset might inspire similar initiatives to study across large geographic areas that will contribute to better understanding lake responses in a changing environment.Peer reviewe