432 research outputs found

    Injectable hydrogels : An emerging therapeutic strategy for cartilage regeneration

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    Funding Information: The authors acknowledge the funding support from the North Staffordshire Medical Institute (NSMI Research Awards 2021). Arjan Atwal gratefully thanks Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences , Keele University , for funding his PhD studentship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Electrospun Shape Memory Polymer Micro-/Nanofibers and Tailoring Their Roles for Biomedical Applications

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    Shape memory polymers (SMPs) as a relatively new class of smart materials have gained increasing attention in academic research and industrial developments (e.g., biomedical engineering, aerospace, robotics, automotive industries, and smart textiles). SMPs can switch their shape, stiffness, size, and structure upon being exposed to external stimuli. Electrospinning technique can endow SMPs with micro-/nanocharacteristics for enhanced performance in biomedical applications. Dynamically changing micro-/nanofibrous structures have been widely investigated to emulate the dynamical features of the ECM and regulate cell behaviors. Structures such as core-shell fibers, developed by coaxial electrospinning, have also gained potential applications as drug carriers and artificial blood vessels. The clinical applications of micro-/nanostructured SMP fibers include tissue regeneration, regulating cell behavior, cell growth templates, and wound healing. This review presents the molecular architecture of SMPs, the recent developments in electrospinning techniques for the fabrication of SMP micro-/nanofibers, the biomedical applications of SMPs as well as future perspectives for providing dynamic biomaterials structures

    Multiobjective optimal power flow using a semidefinite programming-based model

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    In spite of the significant advance achieved in the development of optimal power flow (OPF) programs, most of the solution methods reported in the literature have considerable difficulties in dealing with different-nature objective functions simultaneously. By leveraging recent progress on the semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations of OPF, in the present article, attention is focused on modeling a new SDP-based multiobjective OPF (MO-OPF) problem. The proposed OPF model incorporates the classical ϵ-constraint approach through a parameterization strategy to handle the multiple objective functions and produce Pareto front. This article emphasizes the extension of the SDP-based model for MO-OPF problems to generate globally nondominated Pareto optimal solutions with uniform distribution. Numerical results on IEEE 30-, 57-, 118-bus, and Indian utility 62-bus test systems with all security and operating constraints show that the proposed convex model can produce the nondominated solutions with no duality gap in polynomial time, generate efficient Pareto set, and outperform the well-known heuristic methods generally used for the solution of MO-OPF. For instance, in comparison with the obtained results of NSGA-II for the 57-bus test system, the best compromise solution obtained by SDP has 1.55% and 7.42% less fuel cost and transmission losses, respectively.©2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Вимоги видавничого відділу ІМФЕ ім. М. Т. Рильського до оформлення авторами рукописів

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    Industrial parts are manufactured to tolerances as no production process is capable of delivering perfectly identical parts. It is unacceptable that a plan for a manipulation task that was determined on the basis of a CAD model of a part fails on some manufactured instance of that part, and therefore it is crucial that the admitted shape variations are systematically taken into account during the planning of the task. We study the problem of orienting a part with given admitted shape variations by means of pushing with a single frictionless jaw. We use a very general model for admitted shape variations that only requires that any valid instance must contain a given convex polygon PI while it must be contained in another convex polygon PE. The problem that we solve is to determine, for a given h, the sequence of h push actions that puts all valid instances of a part with given shape variation into the smallest possible interval of final orientations. The resulting algorithm runs in O(hn) time, where n=|PI|+|PE|

    Advanced Hydrogels for Cartilage Tissue Engineering: Recent Progress and Future Directions

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    Cartilage is a tension- and load-bearing tissue and has a limited capacity for intrinsic self-healing. While microfracture and arthroplasty are the conventional methods for cartilage repair, these methods are unable to completely heal the damaged tissue. The need to overcome the restrictions of these therapies for cartilage regeneration has expanded the field of cartilage tissue engineering (CTE), in which novel engineering and biological approaches are introduced to accelerate the development of new biomimetic cartilage to replace the injured tissue. Until now, a wide range of hydrogels and cell sources have been employed for CTE to either recapitulate microenvironmental cues during a new tissue growth or to compel the recovery of cartilaginous structures via manipulating biochemical and biomechanical properties of the original tissue. Towards modifying current cartilage treatments, advanced hydrogels have been designed and synthesized in recent years to improve network crosslinking and self-recovery of implanted scaffolds after damage in vivo. This review focused on the recent advances in CTE, especially self-healing hydrogels. The article firstly presents the cartilage tissue, its defects, and treatments. Subsequently, introduces CTE and summarizes the polymeric hydrogels and their advances. Furthermore, characterizations, the advantages, and disadvantages of advanced hydrogels such as multi-materials, IPNs, nanomaterials, and supramolecular are discussed. Afterward, the self-healing hydrogels in CTE, mechanisms, and the physical and chemical methods for the synthesis of such hydrogels for improving the reformation of CTE are introduced. The article then briefly describes the fabrication methods in CTE. Finally, this review presents a conclusion of prevalent challenges and future outlooks for self-healing hydrogels in CTE applications

    Learning the fundamental mid-infrared spectral components of galaxies with non-negative matrix factorization

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    The mid-infrared (MIR) spectra observed with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) provide a valuable data set for untangling the physical processes and conditions within galaxies. This paper presents the first attempt to blindly learn fundamental spectral components of MIR galaxy spectra, using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). NMF is a recently developed multivariate technique shown to be successful in blind source separation problems. Unlike the more popular multivariate analysis technique, principal component analysis, NMF imposes the condition that weights and spectral components are non-negative. This more closely resembles the physical process of emission in the MIR, resulting in physically intuitive components. By applying NMF to galaxy spectra in the Cornell Atlas of Spitzer/IRS sources, we find similar components amongst different NMF sets. These similar components include two for active galactic nucleus (AGN) emission and one for star formation. The first AGN component is dominated by fine structure emission lines and hot dust, the second by broad silicate emission at 10 and 18 μm. The star formation component contains all the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon features and molecular hydrogen lines. Other components include rising continuums at longer wavelengths, indicative of colder grey-body dust emission. We show an NMF set with seven components can reconstruct the general spectral shape of a wide variety of objects, though struggle to fit the varying strength of emission lines. We also show that the seven components can be used to separate out different types of objects. We model this separation with Gaussian mixtures modelling and use the result to provide a classification tool. We also show that the NMF components can be used to separate out the emission from AGN and star formation regions and define a new star formation/AGN diagnostic which is consistent with all MIR diagnostics already in use but has the advantage that it can be applied to MIR spectra with low signal-to-noise ratio or with limited spectral range. The seven NMF components and code for classification are available at https://github.com/pdh21/NMF_software/

    Adaptive optics imaging and optical spectroscopy of a multiple merger in a luminous infrared galaxy

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    (abridged) We present near-infrared (NIR) adaptive optics imaging obtained with VLT/NACO and optical spectroscopy from the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) of a luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) IRAS 19115-2124. These data are combined with archival HST imaging and Spitzer imaging and spectroscopy, allowing us to study this disturbed interacting/merging galaxy, dubbed the Bird, in extraordinary detail. In particular, the data reveal a triple system where the LIRG phenomenon is dominated by the smallest of the components. One nucleus is a regular barred spiral with significant rotation, while another is highly disturbed with a surface brightness distribution intermediate to that of disk and bulge systems, and hints of remaining arm/bar structure. We derive dynamical masses in the range 3-7x10^10 M_solar for both. The third component appears to be a 1-2x10^10 M_solar mass irregular galaxy. The total system exhibits HII galaxy-like optical line ratios and strengths, and no evidence for AGN activity is found from optical or mid-infrared data. The star formation rate is estimated to be 190 M_solar/yr. We search for SNe, super star clusters, and detect 100-300 km/s outflowing gas from the Bird. Overall, the Bird shows kinematic, dynamical, and emission line properties typical for cool ultra luminous IR galaxies. However, the interesting features setting it apart for future studies are its triple merger nature, and the location of its star formation peak - the strongest star formation does not come from the two major K-band nuclei, but from the third irregular component. Aided by simulations, we discuss scenarios where the irregular component is on its first high-speed encounter with the more massive components.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures. Accepted MNRAS version, minor corrections only, references added. Higher resolution version (1.3MB) is available from http://www.saao.ac.za/~petri/bird/ulirg_bird_highres_vaisanen_v2.pd

    Optical and Infrared Diagnostics of SDSS galaxies in the SWIRE Survey

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    We present the rest-frame optical and infrared colours of a complete sample of 1114 z<0.3 galaxies from the Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Legacy Survey (SWIRE) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We discuss the optical and infrared colours of our sample and analyse in detail the contribution of dusty star-forming galaxies and AGN to optically selected red sequence galaxies. We propose that the optical (g-r) colour and infrared log(L_{24}/L_{3.6}) colour of galaxies in our sample are determined primarily by a bulge-to-disk ratio. The (g-r) colour is found to be sensitive to the bulge-to-disk ratio for disk-dominated galaxies, whereas the log(L_{24}/L_{3.6}) colour is more sensitive for bulge-dominated systems. We identify ~18% (195 sources) of our sample as having red optical colours and infrared excess. Typically, the infrared luminosities of these galaxies are found to be at the high end of star-forming galaxies with blue optical colours. Using emission line diagnostic diagrams, 78 are found to have an AGN contribution, and 117 are identified as star-forming systems. The red (g-r) colour of the star-forming galaxies could be explained by extinction. However, their high optical luminosities cannot. We conclude that they have a significant bulge component. The number densities of optically red star-forming galaxies are found to correspond to ~13% of the total number density of our sample. In addition, these systems contribute ~13% of the total optical luminosity density, and 28% of the total infrared luminosity density of our SWIRE/SDSS sample. These objects may reduce the need for "dry-mergers".Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Different Physical Mechanisms that Drive the Star-Formation Histories of Giant and Dwarf Galaxies

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    We present an analysis of star-formation and nuclear activity in galaxies as a function of both luminosity and environment in the SDSS DR4 dataset. Using a sample of 27753 galaxies at 0.00590% complete to Mr=-18.0 we find that the EW(Ha) distribution is strongly bimodal, allowing galaxies to be robustly separated into passive and star-forming populations about a value EW(Ha)=2A. In high-density regions ~70% of galaxies are passive independent of luminosity. In the rarefied field however, the fraction of passively-evolving galaxies is a strong function of luminosity, dropping from ~50% for Mr<-21 to zero by Mr~-18. Indeed for the lowest luminosity range covered (-18<Mr<-16) none of the ~600 galaxies in the lowest density quartile are passive. The few passively-evolving dwarf galaxies in field regions appear as satellites to bright (~L*) galaxies. The fraction of galaxies with optical AGN signatures decreases steadily from ~50% at Mr~-21 to ~0% by Mr~-18 closely mirroring the luminosity-dependence of the passive galaxy fraction in low-density environments. This result reflects the increasing importance of AGN feedback with galaxy mass for their evolution, such that the star-formation histories of massive galaxies are primarily determined by their past merger history. In contrast, the complete absence of passively-evolving dwarf galaxies more than ~2 virial radii from the nearest massive halo (i.e. cluster, group or massive galaxy) indicates that internal processes, such as merging, AGN feedback or gas consumption through star-formation, are not responsible for terminating star-formation in dwarf galaxies. Instead the evolution of dwarf galaxies is primarily driven by the mass of their host halo, probably through the combined effects of tidal forces and ram-pressure stripping.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA