17 research outputs found

    Overgang eller sidespor? Danske kvinder på barsel

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    Barselslivet er lykkeligt, rigt og meningsfyldt, men det er også kropsligt kaotisk, tidsmæssigt udflydende og i skarp kontrast til hverdagslivet. Mens bleer skiftes og gyld tørres af, inkorporeres denne kontrast som en strukturel belastning i moderskabet

    Kun et skelet tilbage: Objektivering, tid og sex et sted i Nordøstbrasilien

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    Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i forfatterens nære kendskab til den unge kvinde Evinha, som bor i et lavindkomstområde i storbyen Recife i Nordøstbrasilien. Samtidig beskriver artiklen den ydmygelse, fattige borgere i Brasilien udsættes for, når deres familiemedlemmers knogler hældes i bendepotet efter halvandet års ophold i en unavngivet grav på den offentlige kirkegård. Artiklen sammenbinder Evinhas lyst til sex og seksuel objektivering med beskrivelsen af bendepotet i et dristigt argument om subjektets tilblivelse i blikket fra den anden og en eksistentiel balancering af oplevelser af objektivering. Argument bygger til dels på spekulation og kvalificerede gæt, for som forfatteren skriver, visse ting i livet lader sig sjældent italesætte, men må udledes af fortielser og antydninger.  Anne Line Dalsgaard: Only a Skeleton left The article takes as its starting point the author’s close acquaintance to the young woman, Evinha, who lives in a low-income neighbourhood of Recife, Northeast Brazil. The article then describes the humiliation experienced by empoverished Brazilian citizens, whose relatives’ bones are thrown into the cemetery’s depository after one and a half year in an unnamed grave. The article connects Evinha’s desire for sex and sexual objectification with the description of the bone depository. This requires a bold argument that proposes the emergence of the subject in the gaze of the other and the existential balancing of the experiences of objectification. The argument is admittedly speculative and results from qualified guessing, since, as the author writes, certain things in life are difficult to put into words and can only be inferred from silences and hints. Keywords: Poverty, death, future, objectification, sex, Brazil

    Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six solid cancers

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    Correction: Nature Communications 10 (2019): art. 4386 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12095-8Quantifying the genetic correlation between cancers can provide important insights into the mechanisms driving cancer etiology. Using genome-wide association study summary statistics across six cancer types based on a total of 296,215 cases and 301,319 controls of European ancestry, here we estimate the pair-wise genetic correlations between breast, colorectal, head/neck, lung, ovary and prostate cancer, and between cancers and 38 other diseases. We observed statistically significant genetic correlations between lung and head/neck cancer (r(g) = 0.57, p = 4.6 x 10(-8)), breast and ovarian cancer (r(g) = 0.24, p = 7 x 10(-5)), breast and lung cancer (r(g) = 0.18, p = 1.5 x 10(-6)) and breast and colorectal cancer (r(g) = 0.15, p = 1.1 x 10(-4)). We also found that multiple cancers are genetically correlated with non-cancer traits including smoking, psychiatric diseases and metabolic characteristics. Functional enrichment analysis revealed a significant excess contribution of conserved and regulatory regions to cancer heritability. Our comprehensive analysis of cross-cancer heritability suggests that solid tumors arising across tissues share in part a common germline genetic basis.Peer reviewe

    Shared heritability and functional enrichment across six solid cancers

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    Quantifying the genetic correlation between cancers can provide important insights into the mechanisms driving cancer etiology. Using genome-wide association study summary statistics across six cancer types based on a total of 296,215 cases and 301,319 controls of European ancestry, here we estimate the pair-wise genetic correlations between breast, colorectal, head/neck, lung, ovary and prostate cancer, and between cancers and 38 other diseases. We observed statistically significant genetic correlations between lung and head/neck cancer (r(g) = 0.57, p = 4.6 x 10(-8)), breast and ovarian cancer (r(g) = 0.24, p = 7 x 10(-5)), breast and lung cancer (r(g) = 0.18, p = 1.5 x 10(-6)) and breast and colorectal cancer (r(g) = 0.15, p = 1.1 x 10(-4)). We also found that multiple cancers are genetically correlated with non-cancer traits including smoking, psychiatric diseases and metabolic characteristics. Functional enrichment analysis revealed a significant excess contribution of conserved and regulatory regions to cancer heritability. Our comprehensive analysis of cross-cancer heritability suggests that solid tumors arising across tissues share in part a common germline genetic basis