14 research outputs found

    262 Voyages Beneath the Sea: a global assessment of macro- and megafaunal biodiversity and research effort at deep-sea hydrothermal vents

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    For over 40 years, hydrothermal vents and the communities that thrive on them have been a source of profound discovery for deep-sea ecologists. These ecosystems are found throughout the world on active plate margins as well as other geologically active features. In addition to their ecologic interest, hydrothermal vent fields are comprised of metallic ores, sparking a nascent industry that aims to mine these metal-rich deposits for their mineral wealth. Here, we provide the first systematic assessment of macrofaunal and megafaunal biodiversity at hydrothermal vents normalized against research effort. Cruise reports from scientific expeditions as well as other literature were used to characterize the extent of exploration, determine the relative biodiversity of different biogeographic provinces, identify knowledge gaps related to the distribution of research effort, and prioritize targets for additional sampling to establish biodiversity baselines ahead of potential commercial exploitation. The Northwest Pacific, Southwest Pacific, and Southern Ocean biogeographic provinces were identified as high biodiversity using rarefaction of family-level incidence data, whereas the North East Pacific Rise, Northern East Pacific, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and Indian Ocean provinces had medium biodiversity, and the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center was identified as a province of relatively low biodiversity. A North/South divide in the extent of biological research and the targets of hydrothermal vent mining prospects was also identified. Finally, we provide an estimate of sampling completeness for each province to inform scientific and stewardship priorities.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Development of a validation algorithm for 'present on admission' flagging

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    Background. The use of routine hospital data for understanding patterns of adverse outcomes has been limited in the past by the fact that pre-existing and post-admission conditions have been indistinguishable. The use of a 'Present on Admission' (or POA) indicator to distinguish pre-existing or co-morbid conditions from those arising during the episode of care has been advocated in the US for many years as a tool to support quality assurance activities and improve the accuracy of risk adjustment methodologies. The USA, Australia and Canada now all assign a flag to indicate the timing of onset of diagnoses. For quality improvement purposes, it is the 'not-POA' diagnoses (that is, those acquired in hospital) that are of interest. Methods. Our objective was to develop an algorithm for assessing the validity of assignment of 'not-POA' flags. We undertook expert review of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) to identify conditions that could not be plausibly hospital-acquired. The resulting computer algorithm was tested against all diagnoses flagged as complications in the Victorian (Australia) Admitted Episodes Dataset, 2005/06. Measures reported include rates of appropriate assignment of the new Australian 'Condition Onset' flag by ICD chapter, and patterns of invalid flagging. Results. Of 18,418 diagnosis codes reviewed, 93.4% (n = 17,195) reflected agreement on status for flagging by at least 2 of 3 reviewers (including 64.4% unanimous agreement; Fleiss' Kappa: 0.61). In tests of the new algorithm, 96.14% of all hospital-acquired diagnosis codes flagged were found to be valid in the Victorian records analysed. A lower proportion of individual codes was judged to be acceptably flagged (76.2%), but this reflected a high proportion of codes use

    Resilience of benthic deep-sea fauna to mining activities

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    With increasing demand for mineral resources, extraction of polymetallic sulphides at hydrothermal vents, cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts at seamounts, and polymetallic nodules on abyssal plains may be imminent. Here, we shortly introduce ecosystem characteristics of mining areas, report on recent mining developments, and identify potential stress and disturbances created by mining. We analyze species' potential resistance to future mining and perform meta-analyses on population density and diversity recovery after disturbances most similar to mining: volcanic eruptions at vents, fisheries on seamounts, and experiments that mimic nodule mining on abyssal plains. We report wide variation in recovery rates among taxa, size, and mobility of fauna. While densities and diversities of some taxa can recover to or even exceed pre-disturbance levels, community composition remains affected after decades. The loss of hard substrata or alteration of substrata composition may cause substantial community shifts that persist over geological timescales at mined sites. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under the MIDAS project; FCT [IF/00029/2014/CP1230/CT0002, SFRH/ BPD/110278/2015]; Spanish RTD project NUREIEV [CTM2013-44598-R]; Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [SGR 1068]; Generalitat de Catalunya autonomous government; European Union Horizon research and innovation programme [689518]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [UID/MAR/04292/2013]; German Ministry of Research (BMBF) [03F0707A-G]; Program Investigador FCT [IF/01194/2013/CP1199/CT0002]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stability and morbidities of Le Fort I osteotomies with bioresorbable fixation - a randomized controlled trial

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    Non-destructive inspection is widely used to ensure that engineering structures such as railway rails, bridges, nuclear reactor pressure vessels, offshore oil platforms, airplane airframes and so on contain no unacceptably large defects. Such defects, if they were present in the structures, could cause failure under certain applied loads. Generally, the most serious defects are cracks which occur during manufacture, either in castings or in welds, or during service due to cyclic loads and environmental attack. The non-destructive inspections are carefully designed to be capable of detecting these crack-like defects. I am concerned here only with ultrasonic inspection techniques and consider the recent developments which have taken place in modeling them. Some of the modeling work has been driven by requirements of inspection of pressurized water reactors, some by inspection requirements foreseen for fast reactors. All the developments have application to some aspects of inspection of all reactor types: fast reactors, pressurized water reactors and gas cooled reactors; and indeed to the inspection of many other engineered structures too