67 research outputs found

    Z4\mathbb{Z}_4-symmetric perturbations to the XY model from functional renormalization

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    We employ the second order of the derivative expansion of the nonperturbative renormalization group to study cubic (Z4\mathbb{Z}_4-symmetric) perturbations to the classical XYXY model in dimensionality d[2,4]d\in [2,4]. In d=3d=3 we provide accurate estimates of the eigenvalue y4y_4 corresponding to the leading irrelevant perturbation and follow the evolution of the physical picture upon reducing spatial dimensionality from d=3d=3 towards d=2d=2, where we approximately recover the onset of the Kosterlitz-Thouless physics. We analyze the interplay between the leading irrelevant eigenvalues related to O(2)O(2)-symmetric and Z4\mathbb{Z}_4-symmetric perturbations and their approximate collapse for d2d\to 2. We compare and discuss different implementations of the derivative expansion in cases involving one and two invariants of the corresponding symmetry group.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Microfungi of Carpinus betulus from Poland. I. Annotated list of microfungi

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    The compiled microfungi list comprises 115 taxons noted in Poland, of them, 28 parasitic. 10 species of microfungi were host specialized (exclusive, or partially exclusive for hornbeam)

    Antimicrobial consumption and resistance in adult hospital inpatients in 53 countries:results of an internet-based global point prevalence survey

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    Summary: Background: The Global Point Prevalence Survey (Global-PPS) established an international network of hospitals to measure antimicrobial prescribing and resistance worldwide. We aimed to assess antimicrobial prescribing and resistance in hospital inpatients. Methods: We used a standardised surveillance method to collect detailed data about antimicrobial prescribing and resistance from hospitals worldwide, which were grouped by UN region. The internet-based survey included all inpatients (adults, children, and neonates) receiving an antimicrobial who were on the ward at 0800 h on one specific day between January and September, 2015. Hospitals were classified as primary, secondary, tertiary (including infectious diseases hospitals), and paediatric hospitals. Five main ward types were defined: medical wards, surgical wards, intensive-care units, haematology oncology wards, and medical transplantation (bone marrow or solid transplants) wards. Data recorded included patient characteristics, antimicrobials received, diagnosis, therapeutic indication according to predefined lists, and markers of prescribing quality (eg, whether a stop or review date were recorded, and whether local prescribing guidelines existed and were adhered to). We report findings for adult inpatients. Findings: The Global-PPS for 2015 included adult data from 303 hospitals in 53 countries, including eight lower-middle-income and 17 upper-middle-income countries. 86 776 inpatients were admitted to 3315 adult wards, of whom 29 891 (34·4%) received at least one antimicrobial. 41 213 antimicrobial prescriptions were issued, of which 36 792 (89·3%) were antibacterial agents for systemic use. The top three antibiotics prescribed worldwide were penicillins with β-lactamase inhibitors, third-generation cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones. Carbapenems were most frequently prescribed in Latin America and west and central Asia. Of patients who received at least one antimicrobial, 5926 (19·8%) received a targeted antibacterial treatment for systemic use, and 1769 (5·9%) received a treatment targeting at least one multidrug-resistant organism. The frequency of health-care-associated infections was highest in Latin America (1518 [11·9%]) and east and south Asia (5363 [10·1%]). Overall, the reason for treatment was recorded in 31 694 (76·9%) of antimicrobial prescriptions, and a stop or review date in 15 778 (38·3%). Local antibiotic guidelines were missing for 7050 (19·2%) of the 36 792 antibiotic prescriptions, and guideline compliance was 77·4%. Interpretation: The Global-PPS showed that worldwide surveillance can be accomplished with voluntary participation. It provided quantifiable measures to assess and compare the quantity and quality of antibiotic prescribing and resistance in hospital patients worldwide. These data will help to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing through education and practice changes, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries that have no tools to monitor antibiotic prescribing in hospitals. Funding: bioMérieux

    Antimicrobial Strategies and Economic Considerations for Polymeric Medical Implants.

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    Healthcare acquired infections (HAI's) are a worldwide problem that can be exacerbated by surgery and the implantation of polymeric medical devices. The use of polymer based medical devices which incorporate antimicrobial strategies are now becoming an increasingly routine way of trying to prevent the potential for reduce chronic infection and device failure. There are a wide range of potential antimicrobial agents currently being incorporated into such polymers. However, it is difficult to determine which antimicrobial agent provides the greatest infection control. The economics of replacing current methods with impregnated polymer materials further complicates matters. It has been suggested that the use of a holistic system wide approach should to be developed around the implantation of medical devices which minimises the potential risk of infection. However, the use of such different approaches is still being developed. The control of such infections is important for individual patient health and the economic implications for healthcare services

    Grzyby mikroskopijne grabu Carpinus betulus w Polsce

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    The compiled microfungi list comprises 115 taxons noted in Poland, of them, 28 parasitic. 10 species of microfungi were host specialized (exclusive, or partially exclusive for hornbeam).Praca zawiera krytyczną listę grzybów mikroskopijnych zebranych na grabie w Polsce. Ogółem odnotowano 115 taksonów, w tym 28 gatunków pasożytniczych. Najliczniejszym gatunkiem okazał się grzyb Gnomonia fimbriata, odnotowano także bardzo rzadkie gatunki jak Camarops plana, C. polysperma, Lasiosphaeria hirsuta, Lophiostoma curreyi, Nemania atropurpurea, Oidium carpinii inne. Stwierdzono także obecność 10 gatunków wyłącznych dla grabu (wyspecjalizowanych troficznie): Camarops plana, Diaporthe carpini, Encoelia carpini, Gnomonia fimbriata, Massaria carpinicola, Melampsoridium carpini, Melanconis spodiaea, Oidium carpini, Pezicula carpineai Phyllosticta carpini

    Cephalotrichum stemonitis zasiedlający bakteryjny biofilm w kopalni złota w Polsce

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    Cephalotrichum stemonitis and its synanamorph Echinobotryum atrum isolated from bacterial biofilm is presented.Praca zawiera opis grzyba Cephalotrichum stemonitis i jego synanamorfy Echinobotryum atrum wyizolowanych z bakteryjnego biofilmu z Sztolni Gertrudy w Kopalni Złota w Złotym Stoku. Pierwsza informacja o tym gatunku podana z Polski przez T. Dominika i I. Majchrowicz jest niezbyt dokładna. Diagnostyczną cechą gatunku C. stemionitis jest obecność synanamorfy E. atrum o czym wymienieni autorzy nie wspominają. Podano również podstawowe dane o siedliskach i ekologii tego gatunku. Izolacja tego rzadkiego gatunku grzyba z bakteryjnego biofilmu nie była dotychczas notowan