2,923 research outputs found

    Model-checking Quantitative Alternating-time Temporal Logic on One-counter Game Models

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    We consider quantitative extensions of the alternating-time temporal logics ATL/ATLs called quantitative alternating-time temporal logics (QATL/QATLs) in which the value of a counter can be compared to constants using equality, inequality and modulo constraints. We interpret these logics in one-counter game models which are infinite duration games played on finite control graphs where each transition can increase or decrease the value of an unbounded counter. That is, the state-space of these games are, generally, infinite. We consider the model-checking problem of the logics QATL and QATLs on one-counter game models with VASS semantics for which we develop algorithms and provide matching lower bounds. Our algorithms are based on reductions of the model-checking problems to model-checking games. This approach makes it quite simple for us to deal with extensions of the logical languages as well as the infinite state spaces. The framework generalizes on one hand qualitative problems such as ATL/ATLs model-checking of finite-state systems, model-checking of the branching-time temporal logics CTL and CTLs on one-counter processes and the realizability problem of LTL specifications. On the other hand the model-checking problem for QATL/QATLs generalizes quantitative problems such as the fixed-initial credit problem for energy games (in the case of QATL) and energy parity games (in the case of QATLs). Our results are positive as we show that the generalizations are not too costly with respect to complexity. As a byproduct we obtain new results on the complexity of model-checking CTLs in one-counter processes and show that deciding the winner in one-counter games with LTL objectives is 2ExpSpace-complete.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2011 - The Python-DTU Team

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    We provide a brief description of the Python-DTU system, including the overall design, the tools and the algorithms that we plan to use in the agent contest.Comment: 4 page

    Invasiivse patogeeni Lecanosticta acicola geneetiline mitmekesisus, päritolu ja uued peremeestaimed Põhja-Euroopas

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks metsanduse erialal.Lecanosticta acicola is an ascomycete causing Brown Spot Needle Blight (BSNB) – a foliar disease affecting pine species (Pinus spp.). The disease causes premature needle shedding which leads to reduced growth of the trees and to severe defoliation which may cause death of the infected trees. The native range of L. acicola is in North America but during the last century anthropogenic activity introduced the pathogen also into Europe and Asia. In Europe, L. acicola was first detected in southern and central regions, but during the current century the disease agent has significantly distributed northward and is now present also in the Baltic states and southern Sweden. So far, in northern Europe, the disease has mostly affected non-native pine species. Nevertheless, by today, L. acicola has already succeeded to infect native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), although so far damage on the P. sylvestris is insignificant and only the trees growing in the immediate proximity to non-native P. mugo have been found to be infected. The distribution range of L. acicola appears to be expanding also to the western Asia. In this thesis the pathogen was identified for the first time in Turkey and Georgia. In Turkey, the infection of BSNB was found also on Cedrus libani, proving that L. acicola is not only a Pinus-specific pathogen. Identical genetic strains of the pathogen were found on the distances that the fungus could not spread naturally. Identical strains were found to be shared even between continents, being present in Canada and Germany, but similarly strains were also shared between the countries in Europe. Lecanosticta acicola has reached northern Europe predominantly from pre-existing populations in central Europe and not directly from its native range in America. Surprisingly high diversity found from the populations in northern Europe is probably the result of repeated introductions from genetically different source populations. Although, by today, both mating types of the fungus are present in northern Europe and probably in some limited areas the sexual reproduction takes place, the clonal reproduction mode dominates in this region. Based on the so far distribution of this pathogen and that the ongoing climate changes support its dissemination, it can be assumed that northwards spread of L. acicola will continue in Europe. It is important to avoid any further increase in the diversity of pathogens’ populations, that could easily happen if new fungal strains are imported with insufficiently controlled planting material. An increase in diversity could lead to dangerous development of strains with higher virulence or higher suitability to local climate conditions which could result in higher damage to the forest stands.Invasiivne patogeen Lecanosticta acicola on mändide (Pinus spp.) okkaid kahjustava seenhaiguse pruunvöötaud tekitaja. Nakatunud okkad varisevad enneaegselt, mis põhjustab puude juurdekasvu aeglustumist ja võib ulatuslikuma kahjustuse tagajärjel viia puude hukkumiseni. Lecanosticta acicola pärineb Põhja-Ameerikast, kuid möödunud sajandil levis patogeen inimtegevuse tulemusel ka Euroopasse ja Aasiasse. Esmalt leiti seent Lõuna- ja Kesk-Euroopast, käesoleval sajandil on pruunvöötaudi levikuala aga hüppeliselt laienenud, eriti just põhja poole ning seent esineb nüüdseks ka Balti riikides ning Lõuna-Rootsis. Haiguse tõttu on Põhja-Euroopas kannatanud peamiselt eksoot-männiliigid, kuid nüüdseks on nakatunud juba ka looduslik harilik mänd (P. sylvestris). Seni on kahju harilikule männile olnud tagasihoidlik ja nakatunud on vaid haigete mägimändide (P. mugo) vahetus läheduses kasvavad puud. Lisaks Põhja-Euroopale laieneb L. acicola levikuala ka Lääne-Aasia suunal. Doktoritöös dokumenteeriti patogeeni esmaleiud Türgis ja Gruusias. Türgis tuvastati pruunvöötaudi nakkus ka Liibanoni seedril (Cedrus libani), mis on esmakordne kinnitus, et L. acicola võib nakatada ka teisi okaspuid männiliste sugukonnas peale männi perekonna liikide. Lecanosticta acicola identseid geneetilisi tüvesid tuvastati selliste vahemaade tagant, mida seen looduslikult levida ei suudaks, näiteks eri kontinentidel asuvast Kanadast ja Saksamaalt, kuid niisamuti erinevatest Euroopa riikidest. Molekulaargeneetilised uuringud tõestasid, et pruunvöötaudi tekitaja on levinud Põhja-Euroopasse valdavalt Kesk-Euroopast ja mitte otse kodumaalt, s.o Ameerikast. Seene Põhja-Euroopa populatsioonides tuvastati seni arvatust suurem geneetiline mitmekesisus, mis on tõenäoliselt põhjustatud patogeeni mitmest eraldiseisvast introduktsioonist erinevatest lähtepopulatsioonidest. Kuigi Põhja-Euroopas esinevad patogeeni mõlemad paarumistüübid ja ilmselt toimub siin ka seene suguline paljunemine, siis domineerib siiski seene suguta paljunemine. Tuginedes seene senisele levikule ning seda toetavatele kliimamuutustele võib eeldada, et jätkub L. acicola levikuala edasine laienemine Euroopas, sealhulgas ka põhjasuunal. Oluline on vältida patogeeni populatsioonide geneetilise mitmekesisuse suurenemist, mis võib juhtuda näiteks nakatunud istutusmaterjaliga seene uute geneetiliste tüvede sissetoomisel. See looks võimaluse kohalikele kliimatingimustele enamsobivate või senisest virulentsemate patogeeni tüvede tekkeks ja levikuks ning kahjustuse riski edasiseks suurenemiseks Põhja-Euroopa metsades.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund (Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project “Value-chain based bioeconomy”)

    Game-based verification and synthesis

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    Gun Violence: An Examination of Alabama\u27s Open Carry Gun Law

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    Researchers do not know to what extent Alabama’s open carry law has affected the number of gun deaths in Alabama. The purpose of this quantitative study was to provide an enhancement to the existing body of information related to firearm deaths by providing a statistically-based perspective of the open carry statute in the five most populated Alabama counties of Jefferson, Madison, Mobile, Montgomery, and Shelby. The research questions focused on the potential difference in overall number of gun-related deaths after Alabama’s open carry law implementation. Using Beccaria’s rational choice theory, an independent samples t test and linear regression models were used to examine effects on firearm-related mortality rates and gun-related death classifications (homicide, suicide, accidental, and legal intervention) using pre- and post-open carry public health data. Firearm-related death criterion sampling was used from the Alabama Department of Public Health Center for Health Statistics database between 2007 and 2019. A statistically significant rise in overall gun related deaths (Mdiff -8.120; p = .0001) was observed during the open carry legislative period. Male, White, or Black characteristics remained unchanged. Demographically, age and homicide death classifications differed from pre-open carry time periods significantly, contributing to model variances. Being female of any race or age was not a significant predictor during either period. This study creates positive social change by providing Alabama policymakers information when evaluating the effects of this 2013 open carry legislative change on gun-related violence, noting that liberalization of open gun carry legislation has had a detrimental social effect and is worthy of further policy evaluation

    African American Gospel Piano Style In The 21St Century: A Collective Case Study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the African American gospel piano style in the 21st century, further examining the role of musical enculturation, transmission, and preservation through the lived experiences and perspectives as reported by five gospel pianists throughout the United States. A collective case study design (Stake, 1995) was used to explore how the gospel piano style is being learned, developed, transformed, transmitted, and preserved. Research questions focused on participants’ beliefs about the stylistic transformation of gospel piano in the 21st century and factors that influences those beliefs such as past and present stylistic developments. The data generation method included semi-structured interviews, artifacts, biographies, and recordings. Findings revealed that gospel piano is: (1) primarily learned informally through aural acquisition and listening to other gospel pianists and genres; (2) developed through experiential learning through church performance with assistance from mentors and supportive networks; (3) experienced transformation in the 21st century through evolution, commercialism, infusion of new genres, virtuosic musicianship; and (4) is being transmitted and preserved through teaching, technology, notation, and scholarship. These findings provide valuable insights into the African American gospel piano style for novice and practicing gospel pianists as they continue to develop and become efficient in the genre and for music educators interested in understanding this genre and style of performance practices

    A Phenomenological Study on Trauma and Binge Eating Disorder Among African American Women in the State of Virginia

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    The primary goal of this research was to investigate trauma and binge eating disorders among African American women. This study is related to numerous research assessments on disordered eating even though they have majorly focused on binge eating among European American women, thus ignoring the African Americans. However, the investigation aimed to build on the previous research studies by conducting a more in-depth exploration of the adverse impact experienced by the minority groups and how traumatic events contribute to the situation. Besides, culturally specific models of binge eating among African American women were conducted in trauma survivors and possible mechanisms through which exposure to trauma is related to the symptomatology of binge eating disorder. The researcher hypothesized to determine whether there is a relationship between trauma and binge eating disorder. Trauma and binge eating are linked in such a way that individuals who experience adverse historical experiences turn to food as a coping mechanism for their emotions. Further, the researcher recommended additional research on this topic to fill the existing gap about the prevalence of binge eating in society, particularly among ethnic minority groups

    Viewpoints and changing practices of Arkansas rice farmers

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    To grow crops and to feed this country, water is essential. Farmers used to having abundant water must begin to use water-saving devices: just because you have abundant water doesn’t mean you are entitled to use it wastefully. Our challenge as agricultural leaders is to bring this knowledge to the farming community

    Treading on the footprints of history : American Catholic Pilgrimage as Public History

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    In this thesis, I demonstrate how Catholic pilgrimage is a public history phenomenon. I define public history as public engagement, understanding, and use of the past. While I assert that pilgrimage is a public history phenomenon both in the past and in the present, my thesis will focus on American Catholic pilgrimage at the turn of the twentieth century. Each individual chapter will demonstrate that through pilgrimage, the faithful are engaged in public history in its various forms. Catholics actively took part in past-making and identity-construction in their roles as pilgrims. Through pilgrimage, Catholics were involved in the preservation and interpretation of tangible forms of heritage. On pilgrimage, pilgrims used intangible heritage practices to engage with cultural landscapes. Pilgrimage is a way of passing down tradition and knowledge, that sustains familial, community, and religious connections. My research contributes to the genealogical literature of public history by pushing the roots of the discipline outside of the United States and back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Public historians need to seriously consider pilgrimage as an origin of the field and as a site of inquiry. The secularization that came out of the Enlightenment and is inherent within the public history field in the United States strips sacred objects and places of particular histories and meaning. The discipline does the public a disservice by artificially cordoning off religion from historical interpretation and ignoring sites that are significant due to sacredness. Although the collaboration between religious groups and public history professionals may not be clear-cut or simple, it is a valuable partnership that can add nuance, complexity, and sensuality to historic interpretations of religious spaces. The alliance is sure to bear fruit for the pilgrim as well as the tourist

    Image Registration and Optimization in the Virtual Slaughterhouse

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