12 research outputs found

    Pair-Hopping Mechanism for Layered Superconductors

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    We propose a possible charge fluctuation effect expected in layered superconducting materials. In the multireference density functional theory, relevant fluctuation channels for the Josephson coupling between superconducting layers include the interlayer pair hopping derived from the Coulomb repulsion. When interlayer single-electron tunneling processes are irrelevant in the Kohn-Sham electronic band structure calculation, the two-body effective interactions stabilize a superconducting phase. This state is also regarded as a valence-bond solid in a bulk electronic state. The hidden order parameters coexist with the superconducting order parameter when the charging effect of a layer is comparable to the pair hopping. Relevant materials structures favorable for the pair-hopping mechanism are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2009

    The Women of the Hindutva brigade

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    Media discourses—both independent journalism and advertisements—during the 2014 general election in India articulated a gendered focus on a significant aspect of Narendra Modi’s public representation relating to his forceful masculinity. His election campaign—as well as popular discourse that surrounded his pre-prime ministerial persona—significantly focused upon his “manly” leadership style: efficient, dynamic, potent, and capable of removing all policy-roadblocks through sheer force of personality. In this, he is implicitly counterpoised to Manmohan Singh, his “impotent” predecessor, and more generally against an “effeminate” Indian type who is unable to strike hard at both external enemies (Pakistan and China, say) and internal threats (“Muslim terrorists,” most obviously). His “56-inch chest”—able and willing to bear the harshest burdens in the service of “Mother India”—was a frequently invoked metaphor in the election. This article suggests that Modi-masculinity is a reformulation of older versions of Indian masculinist discourse in a time of consumerist modernity and that the media has played a significant role in the re-making. The discussion suggests that Modi-masculinity stands at the juncture of new consumerist aspirations, the politics of “Indian traditions” and gender, and the re-fashioning of masculine identities

    Interactions of copper complexes with nucleic acids

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