184 research outputs found

    Children and young people living through a serious family illness: structural, interpersonal and personal perspectives

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    This study explores the experiences of children and young people in Britain living through a serious family illness. The study considers the interplay between social structures, social relationships and individual agency. We draw on data from the Millennium Cohort Study to estimate the number of children and young people affected nationally and on seven in-depth interviews to understand young people’s experiences and the effects on their daily lives. Living through a serious family illness impacts on young people’s educational achievements, mental health and social relationships over long periods. Policy and service responses are suggested

    A five year longitudinal study investigating the prevalence of childhood obesity: comparison of BMI and waist circumference.

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of obesity over time in the same individuals comparing body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist to height ratio (WHtR). Study design: Five year longitudinal repeated measures study (2005–2010). Children were aged 11–12 (Y7) years at baseline and measurements were repeated at age 13–14 (Y9) years and 15–16 (Y11) years. Methods: WC and BMI measurements were carried out by the same person over the five years and raw values were expressed as standard deviation scores (sBMI and sWC) against the growth reference used for British children. Results: Mean sWC measurements were higher than mean sBMI measurements for both sexes and at all assessment occasions and sWC measurements were consistently high in girls compared to boys. Y7 sWC = 0.792 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.675–0.908], Y9 sWC = 0.818 (95%CI 0.709–0.928), Y11 sWC = 0.943 (95%CI 0.827–1.06) for boys; Y7 sWC = 0.843 (0.697–0.989), Y9 sWC = 1.52 (95%CI 1.38–0.67), Y11 sWC = 1.89 (95%CI 1.79–2.04) for girls. Y7 sBMI = 0.445 (95%CI 0.315–0.575), Y9 sBMI = 0.314 (95%CI 0.189–0.438), Y11 sBMI = 0.196 (95%CI 0.054–0.337) for boys; Y7 sBMI = 0.353 (0.227–0.479), Y9 sBMI = 0.343 (95%CI 0.208–0.478), Y11 sBMI = 0.256 (95%CI 0.102–0.409) for girls. The estimated prevalence of obesity defined by BMI decreased in boys (18%, 12% and 10% in Y 7, 9 and 11 respectively) and girls (14%, 15% and 11% in Y 7, 9 and 11). In contrast, the prevalence estimated by WC increased sharply (boys; 13%, 19% and 23%; girls, 20%, 46% and 60%). Conclusion: Central adiposity, measured by WC is increasing alongside a stabilization in BMI. Children appear to be getting fatter and the additional adiposity is being stored centrally which is not detected by BMI. These substantial increases in WC are a serious concern, especially in girls

    Feasibility of measuring sedentary time using data from a thigh-worn accelerometer: the 1970 British cohort study

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    In large-scale cohort studies, sedentary behavior has been routinely measured using self-reports or devices that apply a count-based threshold. We employed a gold standard postural allocation technique using thigh inclination and acceleration to capture free-living sedentary behavior. Participants aged 46.8 (standard deviation (SD), 0.7) years (n = 5,346) from the 1970 British Cohort Study (United Kingdom) were fitted with a waterproofed thigh-mounted accelerometer device (activPAL3 micro; PAL Technologies Ltd., Glasgow, United Kingdom) worn continuously over 7 days; data were collected in 2016-2018. Usable data were retrieved from 83.0% of the devices fitted, with 79.6% of the sample recording at least 6 full days of wear (at least 10 waking hours). Total daily sitting time (average times were 9.5 (SD, 2.0) hours/day for men and 9.0 (SD, 2.0) hours/day for women) accounted for 59.4% and 57.3% of waking hours in men and women, respectively; 73.8% of sample participants recorded >= 8 hours/day of sitting. Sitting in prolonged bouts of 60 continuous minutes or more accounted for 25.3% and 24.4% of total daily sitting in men and women, respectively. In mutually adjusted models, male sex, underweight, obesity, education, poor self-rated health, television-viewing time, and having a sedentary occupation were associated with higher device-measured sitting times. Thigh-worn accelerometry was feasibly deployed and should be considered for larger-scale national surveys

    Early-life socioeconomic position and the accumulation of health-related deficits by midlife in the 1958 British birth cohort study

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    Reducing population levels of frailty is an important goal, and preventing its development in midadulthood could be pivotal. There is limited evidence on associations between childhood socioeconomic position (SEP) and frailty. Using data on the 1958 British birth cohort (followed from 1958 to 2016; n = 8,711), we aimed to 1) establish the utility of measuring frailty in midlife, by examining associations between a 34-item frailty index at age 50 years (FI50y) and mortality at ages 50-58 years, and 2) examine associations between early-life SEP and FI50y and investigate whether these associations were explained by adult SEP. Hazard ratios for mortality increased with increasing frailty; for example, the sex-adjusted hazard ratio for the highest quintile of FI50y versus the lowest was 4.07 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.64, 6.25). Lower early-life SEP was associated with higher FI50y. Compared with participants born in the highest social class, the estimated total effect on FI50y was 42.0% (95% CI: 35.5, 48.4) for participants born in the lowest class, with the proportion mediated by adult SEP being 0.45% (95% CI: 0.35, 0.55). Mediation by adult SEP was negligible for other early-life SEP classes. Findings suggest that early-life SEP is associated with frailty and that adult SEP only partially explains this association. Results highlight the importance of improving socioeconomic circumstances across the life course to reduce inequalities in midlife frailty

    The Reproductive Revolution

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    Este texto fue publicado en 2009 por The Sociological Review. Rogamos que, a efectos de divulgación, docencia y cita bibliográfica se acuda a la publicación impresa (u online de la propia revista) y la cita sea esta: MacInnes, J., Pérez Díaz, J. (2009), "The reproductive revolution" The Sociological Review 57 (2): 262-284. Su versión html puede encontrarse en esta dirección:http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/122368561/HTMLSTART Quienes estén interesados en ampliar la información sobre nuestra Teoría de la Revolución Reproductiva pueden visitar la página web siguiente: http://www.ieg.csic.es/jperez/pags/RRweb/RRweb.htm También encontrarán en este mismo repositorio otra publicación con unaexposición en castellano de las mismas ideas y publicada en la REIS bajo el título “La tercera revolución de la modernidad: la reproductiva”.We suggest that a third revolution alongside the better known economic and political ones has been vital to the rise of modernity: the reproductive revolution, comprising a historically unrepeatable shift in the efficiency of human reproduction which for the first time brought demographic security.As well as highlighting the contribution of demographic change to the rise of modernity and addressing the limitations of orthodox theories of the demographic transition, the concept of the reproductive revolution offers a better way to integrate sociology and demography. The former has tended to pay insufficient heed to sexual reproduction, individual mortality and the generational replacement of population, while the latter has undervalued its own distinctive theoretical contribution, portraying demographic change as the effect of causes lying elsewhere. We outline a theory of the reproductive revolution, review some relevant supporting empirical evidence and briefly discuss its implications both for demographic transition theory itself, and for a range of key social changes that we suggest it made possible: the decline of patriarchy and feminisation of the public sphere, the deregulation and privatisation of sexuality, family change, the rise of identity, ‘low’ fertility and ‘population ageing’.Peer reviewe

    Treatment of anorexia nervosa:A multimethod investigation translating experimental neuroscience into clinical practice

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    Background Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric condition and evidence on how to best treat it is limited. Objectives This programme consists of seven integrated work packages (WPs) and aims to develop and test disseminable and cost-effective treatments to optimise management for people with AN across all stages of illness. Methods WP1a used surveys, focus groups and a pre–post trial to develop and evaluate a training programme for school staff on eating disorders (EDs). WP1b used a randomised controlled trial (RCT) [International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) 42594993] to evaluate a prevention programme for EDs in schools. WP2a evaluated an inpatient treatment for AN using case reports, interviews and a quasi-experimental trial. WP2b used a RCT (ISRCTN67720902) to evaluate two outpatient psychological therapies for AN. WP3 used a RCT (ISRCTN06149665) to evaluate an intervention for carers of inpatients with AN. WP4 used actimetry, self-report and endocrine assessment to examine physical activity (PA) in AN. WP5 conducted a RCT (ISRCTN18274621) of an e-mail-guided relapse prevention programme for inpatients with AN. WP6 analysed cohort data to examine the effects of maternal EDs on fertility and their children’s diet and growth. WP7a examined clinical case notes to explore how access to specialist ED services affects care pathways and user experiences. Finally, WP7b used data from this programme and the British Cohort Study (1970) to identify the costs of services used by people with AN and to estimate annual costs of AN for England. Results WP1a: a brief training programme improved knowledge, attitudes and confidence of school staff in managing EDs in school. WP1b: a teacher-delivered intervention was feasible and improved risk factors for EDs in adolescent girls. WP2a: both psychological therapies improved outcomes in outpatients with AN similarly, but patients preferred one of the treatments. WP2b: the inpatient treatment (Cognitive Remediation and Emotional Skills Training) was acceptable with perceived benefits by patients, but showed no benefits compared with treatment as usual (TAU). WP3: compared with TAU, the carer intervention improved a range of patient and carer outcomes, including carer burden and patient ED symptomatology. WP4: drive to exercise is tied to ED pathology and a desire to improve mood in AN patients. PA was not increased in these patients. WP5: compared with TAU, the e-mail-guided relapse prevention programme resulted in higher body mass index and lower distress in patients at 12 months after discharge. WP6: women with an ED had impaired fertility and their children had altered dietary and growth patterns compared with the children of women without an ED. WP7a: direct access to specialist ED services was associated with higher referral rates, lower admission rates, greater consistency of care and user satisfaction. WP7b: the annual costs of AN in England are estimated at between £45M and £230M for 2011. Conclusions This programme has produced evidence to inform future intervention development and has developed interventions that can be disseminated to improve outcomes for individuals with AN. Directions for future research include RCTs with longer-term outcomes and sufficient power to examine mediators and moderators of change. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN42594993, ISRCTN67720902, ISRCTN06149665 and ISRCTN18274621

    Millennium Cohort Study, Sweeps 1-6, 2001-2015: Linked to Green Space Deciles at LSOA (England) and Ward Level (UK)

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    Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Background:The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a large-scale, multi-purpose longitudinal dataset providing information about babies born at the beginning of the 21st century, their progress through life, and the families who are bringing them up, for the four countries of the United Kingdom. The original objectives of the first MCS survey, as laid down in the proposal to the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in March 2000, were:to chart the initial conditions of social, economic and health advantages and disadvantages facing children born at the start of the 21st century, capturing information that the research community of the future will requireto provide a basis for comparing patterns of development with the preceding cohorts (the National Child Development Study, held at the UK Data Archive under GN 33004, and the 1970 Birth Cohort Study, held under GN 33229)to collect information on previously neglected topics, such as fathers' involvement in children's care and developmentto focus on parents as the most immediate elements of the children's 'background', charting their experience as mothers and fathers of newborn babies in the year 2000, recording how they (and any other children in the family) adapted to the newcomer, and what their aspirations for her/his future may beto emphasise intergenerational links including those back to the parents' own childhoodto investigate the wider social ecology of the family, including social networks, civic engagement and community facilities and services, splicing in geo-coded data when availableAdditional objectives subsequently included for MCS were:to provide control cases for the national evaluation of Sure Start (a government programme intended to alleviate child poverty and social exclusion)to provide samples of adequate size to analyse and compare the smaller countries of the United Kingdom, and include disadvantaged areas of EnglandFurther information about the MCS can be found on the Centre for Longitudinal Studies web pages.The content of MCS studies, including questions, topics and variables can be explored via the CLOSER Discovery website.The first sweep (MCS1) interviewed both mothers and (where resident) fathers (or father-figures) of infants included in the sample when the babies were nine months old, and the second sweep (MCS2) was carried out with the same respondents when the children were three years of age. The third sweep (MCS3) was conducted in 2006, when the children were aged five years old, the fourth sweep (MCS4) in 2008, when they were seven years old, the fifth sweep (MCS5) in 2012-2013, when they were eleven years old, the sixth sweep (MCS6) in 2015, when they were fourteen years old, and the seventh sweep (MCS7) in 2018, when they were seventeen years old.End User Licence versions of MCS studies:The End User Licence (EUL) versions of MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS5, MCS6 and MCS7 are held under UK Data Archive SNs 4683, 5350, 5795, 6411, 7464, 8156 and 8682 respectively. The longitudinal family file is held under SN 8172.Sub-sample studies:Some studies based on sub-samples of MCS have also been conducted, including a study of MCS respondent mothers who had received assisted fertility treatment, conducted in 2003 (see EUL SN 5559). Also, birth registration and maternity hospital episodes for the MCS respondents are held as a separate dataset (see EUL SN 5614).Release of Sweeps 1 to 4 to Long Format (Summer 2020)To support longitudinal research and make it easier to compare data from different time points, all data from across all sweeps is now in a consistent format. The update affects the data from sweeps 1 to 4 (from 9 months to 7 years), which are updated from the old/wide to a new/long format to match the format of data of sweeps 5 and 6 (age 11 and 14 sweeps). The old/wide formatted datasets contained one row per family with multiple variables for different respondents. The new/long formatted datasets contain one row per respondent (per parent or per cohort member) for each MCS family. Additional updates have been made to all sweeps to harmonise variable labels and enhance anonymisation.  How to access genetic and/or bio-medical sample data from a range of longitudinal surveys:For information on how to access biomedical data from MCS that are not held at the UKDS, see the CLS Genetic data and biological samples webpage.Secure Access datasets:Secure Access versions of the MCS have more restrictive access conditions than versions available under the standard End User Licence or Special Licence (see 'Access data' tab above).Secure Access versions of the MCS include:detailed sensitive variables not available under EUL. These have been grouped thematically and are held under SN 8753 (socio-economic, accommodation and occupational data), SN 8754 (self-reported health, behaviour and fertility), SN 8755 (demographics, language and religion) and SN 8756 (exact participation dates). These files replace previously available studies held under SNs 8456 and 8622-8627detailed geographical identifier files which are grouped by sweep held under SN 7758 (MCS1), SN 7759 (MCS2), SN 7760 (MCS3), SN 7761 (MCS4), SN 7762 (MCS5 2001 Census Boundaries), SN 7763 (MCS5 2011 Census Boundaries), SN 8231 (MCS6 2001 Census Boundaries), SN 8232 (MCS6 2011 Census Boundaries), SN 8757 (MCS7), SN 8758 (MCS7 2001 Census Boundaries) and SN 8759 (MCS7 2011 Census Boundaries). These files replace previously available files grouped by geography SN 7049 (Ward level), SN 7050 (Lower Super Output Area level), and SN 7051 (Output Area level)linked education administrative datasets for Key Stages 1, 2 and 4 held under SN 8481 (England).  This replaces previously available datasets for Key Stage 1 (SN 6862) and Key Stage 2 (SN 7712)linked education administrative datasets for Key Stage 1 held under SN 7414 (Scotland) and SN 7415 (Wales)linked NHS Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW) for MCS1 – MCS5 held under SN 8302Banded Distances to English Grammar Schools for MCS5 held under SN 8394The linked education administrative datasets held under SNs 8481, 7414 and 7415 may be ordered alongside the MCS detailed geographical identifier files only if sufficient justification is provided in the application. The linked education administrative datasets are not available alongside the Hospital of Birth: Special Licence Access dataset under SN 5724. Users are also only allowed access to either 2001 or 2011 of Geographical Identifiers Census Boundaries studies. So for MCS5 either SN 7762 (2001 Census Boundaries) or SN 7763 (2011 Census Boundaries), for the MCS6 users are only allowed either SN 8231 (2001 Census Boundaries) or SN 8232 (2011 Census Boundaries); and the same applies for MCS7 so either SN 8758 (2001 Census Boundaries) or SN 8759 (2011 Census Boundaries).Researchers applying for access to the Secure Access MCS datasets should indicate on their ESRC Accredited Researcher application form the EUL dataset(s) that they also wish to access (selected from the MCS Series Access web page).The Millennium Cohort Study, Sweeps 1-6, 2001-2015: Linked to Green Space Deciles at LSOA (England) and Ward Level (UK) study links MCS sweeps 1–6 to green space data, at LSOA level (England) and ward level (UK). The LSOA green space data is based on the 2001 Generalised Land Use Database (GLUD) and the UK ward-level green space data is based on 2000 Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE, EEA: 2000) data; values are provided as deciles. Latest edition informationFor the second edition (July 2021) data for Sweep 6 were added to the study and the documentation updated accordingly.Main Topics:The topics covered by this study are green spaces and domestic gardens

    Millennium Cohort Study, 2001-2003: Birth Registration and Maternity Hospital Episode Data

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    Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Birth Registration and Maternity Hospital Episode Data, 2001-2003: The health questions included in the main MCS covered topics such as the mother's health during pregnancy, birth and delivery, and the baby's health immediately after birth. However, the time constraints on the MCS interview limited the number of health-related questions included in the questionnaire. Furthermore, mothers may not have been able to recall accurately some of the information on pregnancy and delivery when the nine-month interview was conducted. Mothers responding to the nine-month interview were therefore asked to give written consent to the following records being added to the survey:birth registration records, containing personal and demographic information about baby and parents at birth registrationcentrally collected hospital records: these data contain information about the mother's stay in hospital, including details of any operations performed or any diagnoses that were made during the hospital stay and the length of stay in hospitalCoded hospital of birth data are also included in the dataset (see file hospanon_ns). The corresponding uncoded hospital of birth data are held under SN 5724, but users should note that they are subject to stringent Special Licence Access conditions. For further information on data coverage and record linkage, see documentation. For the third edition of the study (March 2008), a new version of the data file was deposited, with the family serial number variable (famsrno) replaced by a new serial number variable, mcsid (MCS Research Serial Number). The documentation remains unchanged. For a full edition history, see the study READ file (link below). Main Topics:The data comprise nine files, four covering birth registrations for MCS respondents in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, four covering maternity hospital episodes for the same countries and respondents, and one covering coded hospital of birth data. Data coverage may vary between the countries; see documentation for further details.<br