516 research outputs found

    Arranjos configurados pelos nervos do plexo braquial no urubu (Coragyps atratus foetens -Linnaeus, 1758)

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    The anatomical study of the origin and distribution of brachial plexus in vulture (Coragyps atratus foetens) was performed in 14 animals, adults, males and females, deriving of the region of Araçatuba (SP). After fixed in watery solution of formaldehyde 10,00%, became dissected bilateral of the origin of the brachial plexus, and yours distribution. The analysis allowed verify that brachial plexus of vulture, four root possess, which originate from the ventral branches of cervical spinal nerves eleven (C11), twelve (C12) and thirteen (C13) and of the ventral branches of thoracic spinal nerve one (T1) and (T2) in both sides (100%). The first root part of C11 in the right and left side, and of the edge skull of the dorsal lace the nerves subescapular, subcoracoescapular e supracoracóide in both antímeros (100%). As the root originates from C12 in both sides, giving origin to the dorsal lace, giving the axilar, radial and anconeal nerves (100%). The third root of plexus originates solely from C13 (100%) and the root of T1 in both sides (100%). The roots of C12, C13 and T1 was united the ventral lace originates, which breaks the nerves to medianoulnar that divided in medium and to ulnar and the pectoral nerves (100%). T2 emits filaments that join it root nervous of T1, being one filament (35,55%) and two filaments (64,29%) in side right, while that in the left one filament (42,85%), two filaments (50%) and three filaments (7,15%)O estudo anatômico da origem e distribuição do plexo braquial no urubu (Coragyps atratus foetens) foi efetuado em 14 animais, adultos,machos e fêmeas oriundos da região de Araçatuba (SP). Após a fixação em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10,00%, realizou-se a dissecação bilateral da origem dos plexos braquiais e sua distribuição. A análise permitiu verificar, que o plexo braquial do urubu, possui quatro troncos, os quais originam-se dos ramos ventrais dos nervos espinhais cervicais onze (C11), doze (C12) e treze (C13) e dos ramos ventrais dos nervos espinhais torácicos um (T1) e (T2) em 100% dos casos em ambos antímeros. O primeiro tronco parte de C11 nos antímeros direito e esquerdo, e da margem cranial do cordão dorsal partem os nervos subescapular, subcoracoescapular e supracoracóide; em ambos antímeros (100%). O segundo tronco origina-se de C12 em ambos antímeros, dando origem ao cordão dorsal, dele partem os nervos axilar, radial e anconeal (100%). O terceiro tronco do plexo origina-se unicamente de C13 (100%) e o quarto tronco de T1 em ambos antímeros (100%). Os troncos de C12, C13 e T1 unem-se dando origem ao cordão ventral, o qual partem os nervos medianoulnar que se divide em mediano e ulnar e os nervos peitorais (100%). T2 emite filamentos que se unem à raiz nervosa de T1, sendo um filamento (35,55%) e dois filamentos (64,29%) no antímero direito, enquanto que no esquerdo um filamento (42,85%), dois filamentos (50%) e três filamentos (7,15%

    Aspectos clínico-neurológicos e laboratoriais da peritonite infecciosa felina: Clinical-neurological and laboratory aspects of feline infectious peritonitis

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    A peritonite infecciosa felina (PIF) é uma doença infectocontagiosa, sistêmica e progressiva, ocasionada por um coronavírus identificado como vírus da peritonite infecciosa felina (VPIF), representando uma das principais causas de óbito de origem infecciosa em gatos domésticos. Além disso, é considerada uma das doenças mais comuns do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) de felinos, com envolvimento deste em aproximadamente 38% dos casos de PIF não efusiva. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve por objetivo descrever as manifestações neurológicas de 17 felinos que vieram a óbito com diagnóstico clínico sugestivo de PIF baseado no histórico fornecido por clínicas veterinárias particulares da cidade de Araçatuba – SP, além de comparar os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e dados referentes à idade, raça e sexo com os descritos na literatura. O mesmo foi feito para o grupo controle, composto por três felinos que vieram a óbito por causas naturais. Os animais foram avaliados clinicamente e os sinais neurológicos mais observados foram hiperatividade (5,8%), vocalização (17,6%) e ataxia (76,4%), sem indícios de efusão em cavidade. Alterações em hemograma e perfil bioquímico são comuns em gatos com PIF, embora não sejam patognomônicas. Na análise hematológica, foi verificada a presença de anemia e linfopenia com valores significativamente alterados em comparação ao grupo controle; na análise bioquímica observou-se aumento de proteínas totais, de enzimas hepáticas e azotemia. O curso clínico da doença até a morte dos gatos variou de uma a quatro semanas. Diante do exposto, demonstra-se a relevância de estudos acerca da PIF, devendo ser um diferencial importante quando há envolvimento neurológico na espécie felina

    Desenvolvimento do abomaso de bovinos no período pré-natal

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    Para esta pesquisa, amostras de abomaso de fetos da raça Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) foram divididos em cinco grupos: 1º – fetos com 9 a 15 semanas (8 a 21cm) de gestação, 2º – fetos com 16 a 22 semanas (23 a 37 cm), 3º – fetos com 23 a 29 semanas (40 a 58 cm), 4º – fetos com 30 a 36 semanas (61 a 77 cm) e 5º – fetos com 37 a 43 semanas (79 a 88 cm). Os cortes histológicos foram corados com Hematoxilina e Eosina, picrossirius e Tricrômico de Mallory e examinados ao microscópio de luz. No feto de 11 cm, observaram-se pregas mucosas largas, vilosidades revestidas por epitélio simples cilíndrico, lâmina própria, tela submucosa, túnica muscular com estratos interno e externo e serosa. Aos 13,5 cm, as vilosidades eram evidentes com formação da lâmina muscular da mucosa. Aos 16,5 cm, houve aumento em número e tamanho das glândulas mucosas. No feto de 26 cm, observou-se aumento das túnicas e ramificações das glândulas. Aos 29 cm, observou-se aumento no tamanho das pregas. Com 37 cm, houve aumento do epitélio glandular, lâmina muscular da mucosa e túnica muscular. Com 42 cm, as glândulas eram profundas com células mucosas e lâmina própria delgada. Concluiu-se que as os valores histomorfométricos da túnica muscular e parede total do abomaso foram crescentes para todos os grupos, com exceção dos grupos 4 e 5 para os quais houve queda dos valores, sem diferença significante e não houve crescimento contínuo para os demais constituintes da parede do abomaso.For this purpose, samples of Nelore fetus abomasum (Bos taurus indicus) were classified into five groups: 1 – fetuses with 9 to 15 weeks (8 to 21 cm) of gestation, 2 – fetuses with 16 to 22 weeks (23 to 37 cm), 3 – fetuses at 23 to 29 weeks (40 to 58 cm) 4 – fetuses with 30 to 36 weeks (61 to 77 cm) and 5 – fetuses with 37 to 43 weeks (79 to 88 cm). Histologic sections were stained with Hematoxylin and eosin, picrosirius and Mallory’s trichrome methods and examined under light microscopy. In fetus with 11 cm of length showed deep mucosa, wide folds and villi lined by single cylindrical epithelium, lamina propria, submucosa, muscular sublayers and serosa. Fetus with 13.5 cm, villi were evident and muscular layer of the mucosa was formed. At 16.5 cm, could be seen an increase in mucosa glands size and number. In fetus of 26 cm, showed gastric mucous glands at great number and ramifications. At 29 cm large folds, were observed. At 37 cm, showed glandular epithelium, muscular layer of the mucosa and muscular layer well development. Fetus with 42 cm, showed deep glands with corresponding mucous cells surrounding by thin lamina propria. It was concluded that the histomorphometric values of muscular layer and total abomasum wall were increased for all groups except for groups 4 and 5 which there was a decline of values, without presenting a significant difference and there was no continuous pattern of growth for other components of abomasum wall

    Histomorfometria do corno uterino de gatas (Felis catus) submetidas à ovariosalpingohisterectomia

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    Dados histomorfométricos foram obtidos de cornos uterinos de gatas nulíparas (n=6), primíparas (n= 6), multíparas (n=6) e de gatas tratadas com contraceptivo (n=6).O material coletado após a cirurgia foi fixado em paraformaldeído e incluído em resina Paraplast® para se proceder a microtomia. Os cortes adquiridos foram submetidos à coloração rotineira com hematoxilina e eosina e examinados ao microscópio de luz para a realização das seguintes mensurações:espessura total (μm) da parede uterina, endométrio total, diâmetro das glândulas endometriais e altura dos respectivos epitélios glandulares, espessura total do miométrio, do miométrio interno,miométrio externo e estrato vascular.Concluiu-se que: uso de anticoncepcionais e inúmeras gestações alteraram a estrutura uterina; uma única gestação parece não afetar significativamente as estruturas da parede uterina como ocorre nas gatas multíparas; não houve variação significativa das estruturas entre as gatas nulíparas e primíparas, com exceção para miométrio interno; o miométrio total e o endométrio apresentaram variações semelhantes, com exceção para o grupo das gatas tratadas; o miométrio externo apresentou alterações mais marcantes nas gatas tratadas; as variações morfológicas menos marcantes foram relativas ao diâmetro e epitélio glandulares; a presença de glândulas endometriais dilatadas foi encontrada somente nas gatas tratadas.Histomorphometric data were obtained from cats uterine horns: either nulliparous (n = 6), primiparous (n=6), multiparous (n = 6) and treated with contraceptive (n = 6). The material was collected after surgery, fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraplast® resin to be sliced in a microtome. The obtained sections were stained with hematoxylin - eosin and measured under a light microscope: uterine wall total thickness (μm), endometrium total height, endometrial glands diameter and glandular epithelia height, total myometrium, internal and external myometrium and vascular layer thickness. It was concluded that: 1 - contraceptive use and number of pregnancies altered the uterine structure, 2 - one pregnancy does not appear to affect the uterine lining structures as occurs in multiparous cats, 3 – there was no variation on the evaluated structures between nulliparous and primiparous cats except for inner myometrium, 4 - the total myometrium hight and the endometrium hight showed similar variations except for the contraceptive treated cats group, 5 - the outer myometrium showed marked changes in the treated cats, 6 – the less marked morphological variations were for the endometrial glands diameter and glandular epithelium hight, 7 - the presence of dilated endometrial glands was found only in treated cats

    Carboplatin effect on canine benign mixed tumour-derived cells cultured under three-dimension system: apoptosis, cell viability and mitochondrial dysfunction

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    Canine mammary carcinomas represent an important pathology in small animal clinic, and benign mixed type carcinomas (MC-BMT) are one of the most diagnosed worldwide. The use of chemotherapeutic carboplatin has been one of the new protocols for the treatment of BMT. In this respect, three-dimensional cell culture (3D) represents an alternative in the evaluation of drugs by simulating what occurs in vivo. The present study aimed to verify the effect of carboplatin on 3D culture of cells derived from TMB, in addition to possible changes in cell viability, ballpoint size, apoptosis and Bcl-2/Bax ratio. For this, tumours samples were collected during mastectomy surgery procedure in private veterinary clinics, which were submitted to in vitro culture and part to histopathological analysis. After 28 days of 3D culture, spheroids were documented in both groups (treated and control) and sizes and morphology were compared. The carboplatin interfered in the cell viability by affecting their division and promoting apoptotic events. In the treated group, a higher transcription of Bax and caspase 3 was observed, in addition to low levels of caspases 2, 8 and 9, which was not observed in the control group. We thus suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a critical role in cancer progression and that targeting mitochondrial alterations and mitochondrial retrograde signalling might be a promising strategy for the development of selective anticancer therapy. Thus, it was possible to demonstrate that the results achieved may contribute to the establishment of a new chemotherapy therapy in female dogs with MC-BMT

    Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    Measurements are presented of production properties and couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson using the decays into boson pairs, H →γ γ, H → Z Z∗ →4l and H →W W∗ →lνlν. The results are based on the complete pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at centre-of-mass energies of √s = 7 TeV and √s = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 25 fb−1. Evidence for Higgs boson production through vector-boson fusion is reported. Results of combined fits probing Higgs boson couplings to fermions and bosons, as well as anomalous contributions to loop-induced production and decay modes, are presented. All measurements are consistent with expectations for the Standard Model Higgs boson

    Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

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    A dedicated reconstruction algorithm to find decay vertices in the ATLAS muon spectrometer is presented. The algorithm searches the region just upstream of or inside the muon spectrometer volume for multi-particle vertices that originate from the decay of particles with long decay paths. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using both a sample of simulated Higgs boson events, in which the Higgs boson decays to long-lived neutral particles that in turn decay to bbar b final states, and pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC during 2011

    Hunt for new phenomena using large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum with ATLAS in 4.7 fb−1 of √s=7 TeV proton-proton collisions

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    Results are presented of a search for new particles decaying to large numbers of jets in association with missing transverse momentum, using 4.7 fb−1 of pp collision data at s√=7TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in 2011. The event selection requires missing transverse momentum, no isolated electrons or muons, and from ≥6 to ≥9 jets. No evidence is found for physics beyond the Standard Model. The results are interpreted in the context of a MSUGRA/CMSSM supersymmetric model, where, for large universal scalar mass m 0, gluino masses smaller than 840 GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level, extending previously published limits. Within a simplified model containing only a gluino octet and a neutralino, gluino masses smaller than 870 GeV are similarly excluded for neutralino masses below 100 GeV