56 research outputs found

    Raman scattering investigation across the magnetic and MI transition in rare earth nickelate RNiO3 (R = Sm, Nd) thin films

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    We report a temperature-dependent Raman scattering investigation of thin film rare earth nickelates SmNiO3, NdNiO3 and Sm0.60Nd0.40NiO3, which present a metal-to-insulator (MI) transition at TMI and an antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic Neel transition at TN. Our results provide evidence that all investigated samples present a structural phase transition at TMI but the Raman signature across TMI is significantly different for NdNiO3 (TMI = TN) compared to SmNiO3 and Sm0.60Nd0.40NiO3 (TMI =/ TN). It is namely observed that the paramagnetic-insulator phase (TN < T < TMI) in SmNiO3 and Sm0.60Nd0.40NiO3 is characterized by a pronounced softening of one particular phonon band around 420 cm-1. This signature is unusual and points to an important and continuous change in the distortion of NiO6 octahedra (thus the Ni-O bonding) which stabilizes upon cooling at the magnetic transition. The observed behaviour might well be a general feature for all rare earth nickelates with TMI =/ TN and illustrates intriguing coupling mechanism in the TMI > T > TN regime.Comment: Revised & published versio

    Cellular automata and Agent-based models in response to different environmental problems: a review on French research over the last ten years

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    Cellular Automata (CA) and Agent-Based Models (ABM) are used to better assess patterns and processes result-ing from environmental interactions using simple rules. Over the last ten years, the applications have been carriedout on various complex systems: flash floods, fire propagation, river meandering, landscape evolution... The fre-quent use these applications demand are supported by an array of advances in field outside of physical geographyas physics, computer sciences and mathematics. This communication presents common, singular and innovativeapplications observed in French research. On one hand, the CA RuiCells aims at understanding the spatial hy-drological behaviours in all points of one catchment, linking impacts due to basin forms and slopes through localto global scales (Delahaye et al., 2007). The CA Soda has been developed to measure erosion at fine scale, lessthan a few meters (Vallette, 2006). Smoothed-particules can also be implemented in CA to improve dynamics orhydrological fluxes (Drogoul, 1995). On the other hand, ABM appears in geomorphology after first initiatives inecology, sociology or human geography in the 1990's. Modules of CATCHSCAPE allow to simulate the hydrolog-ical system with its distributed water balance, irrigate schemes management, crop and vegetation dynamics (Bécuet al. 2008). For alluvial plains, ABM can also be used to simulate processes between independent interacting enti-ties which behave according to the local environment (Teles et al., 1999). At the opposite, many models have beendeveloped in other countries, as for simulating erosive thresholds (Favis-Mortlock, 1998), lava dynamics (Avolioet al., 2006), fluvial meandering (Coulthard and Van de Wiel, 2006), evolution of coasts (Dearing et al., 2005) anddunes (Thomas and Nicholas, 2007). Consequently, this communication addresses the debate on two questions:why French geomorphologist researchers are late in applying CA and ABMs, and is the simplification in processeshad led to change research questions or to offer new perspectives

    Search for Cold Debris Disks around M-dwarfs

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    Debris disks are believed to be related to planetesimals left over around stars after planet formation has ceased. The frequency of debris disks around M-dwarfs which account for 70% of the stars in the Galaxy is unknown while constrains have already been found for A- to K-type stars. We have searched for cold debris disks around 32 field M-dwarfs by conducting observations at lambda = 850 microns with the SCUBA bolometerarray camera at the JCMT and at lambda = 1.2mm with the MAMBO array at the IRAM 30-m telescopes. This is the first survey of a large sample of M-dwarfs conducted to provide statistical constraints on debris disks around this type of stars. We have detected a new debris disk around the M0.5 dwarf GJ842.2 at lambda = 850 microns, providing evidence for cold dust at large distance from this star (~ 300AU). By combining the results of our survey with the ones of Liu et al. (2004), we estimate for the first time the detection rate of cold debris disks around field M-dwarfs with ages between 20 and 200 Myr. This detection rate is 13^{+6}_{-8} % and is consistent with the detection rate of cold debris disks (9 - 23 %) around A- to K-type main sequence stars of the same age. This is an indication that cold disks may be equally prevalent across stellar spectral types.Comment: A&A accepted on 15 september 200

    The Human Ecology and Geography of Burning in an Unstable Savanna Environment

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    According to new ecological theories, many savannas are inherently in disequilibrium and can flip from tree-dominated to grass-dominated landscapes depending upon the disturbance regime. In particular, a shift in a fire regime to a more frequent and intensive one can radically alter the tree-to-grass ratio in a given savanna. Drawing upon the ecological buffering model we argue that savanna persistence requires a relatively stable fire regime. We hypothesize that anthropogenic burning practices perform this function by producing a regular annual spatiotemporal pattern of fire that is linked to vegetation type. We test this hypothesis using a study of two areas, one in Mali and the other Burkina Faso. We use two sources of satellite data to produce an 11-year time series of the spatiotemporal pattern of fires and an example of the annual burned area pattern these fires produce. We combine the analysis of satellite imagery with interviews of rural inhabitants who set fires to understand the logic underlying the patterns of fire. Analysis of a time series of imagery reveals a strikingly regular annual spatiotemporal pattern of burning for both study areas, which cannot be explained by the regional climatic pattern alone. We conclude that the regularity of the annual fire regime in West Africa is a human-ecological phenomenon closely linked to vegetation type and controlled by people\u27s burning practices. We argue that the anthropogenic burning regime serves to buffer the savanna and maintain its ecological stability

    FUSE observations of molecular hydrogen on the line of sight towards HD141569A

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    We present an analysis of the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum of HD141569A, a transitional object known to possess a circumstellar disk. We observe two components of gas at widely different temperatures along the line of sight. We detect cold H2, which is thermalized up to J=2 at a kinetic temperature of 51K. Such low temperatures are typical of the diffuse interstellar medium. Since the line of sight to HD141569A does not pass through its disk, it appears that we are observing the cold H2 in a low extinction envelope associated with the high Galactic latitude dark cloud complex L134N, which is in the same direction and at nearly the same distance as HD141569A. The column densities of the higher J-levels of H2 suggest the presence of warm gas along the line of sight. The excitation conditions do not seem to be consistent with what is generally observed in diffuse interstellar clouds. The observed radial velocity of the gas implies that the UV spectral lines we observe are likely interstellar in origin rather than circumstellar, although our absorption line study does not definitely rule out the possibility that the warm gas is close to the star. The discovery of such warm gas along the line of sight may provide evidence for turbulent phenomena in the dark cloud L134N.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - II. Images of the secondary stars in AM Her, QQ Vul, IP Peg and HU Aqr

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    We present a set of Roche tomography reconstructions of the secondary stars in the cataclysmic variables AM Her, QQ Vul, IP Peg and HU Aqr. The image reconstructions show distinct asymmetries in the irradiation pattern for all four systems that can be attributed to shielding of the secondary star by the accretion stream/column in AM Her, QQ Vul and HU Aqr, and increased irradiation by the bright-spot in IP Peg. We use the entropy landscape technique to derive accurate system parameters (M1, M2, i and γ) for the four binaries. In principle, this technique should provide the most reliable mass determinations available, since the intensity distribution across the secondary star is known. We also find that the intensity distribution can systematically affect the value of γ derived from circular orbit fits to radial velocity variations

    Overview of the coordinated ground-based observations of Titan during the Huygens mission

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    Coordinated ground-based observations of Titan were performed around or during the Huygens atmospheric probe mission at Titan on 14 January 2005, connecting the momentary in situ observations by the probe with the synoptic coverage provided by continuing ground-based programs. These observations consisted of three different categories: (1) radio telescope tracking of the Huygens signal at 2040 MHz, (2) observations of the atmosphere and surface of Titan, and (3) attempts to observe radiation emitted during the Huygens Probe entry into Titan's atmosphere. The Probe radio signal was successfully acquired by a network of terrestrial telescopes, recovering a vertical profile of wind speed in Titan's atmosphere from 140 km altitude down to the surface. Ground-based observations brought new information on atmosphere and surface properties of the largest Satumian moon. No positive detection of phenomena associated with the Probe entry was reported. This paper reviews all these measurements and highlights the achieved results. The ground-based observations, both radio and optical, are of fundamental imnortance for the interpretatinn of results from the Huygens mission

    A "hair-raising" history of alopecia areata

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    YesA 3500‐year‐old papyrus from ancient Egypt provides a list of treatments for many diseases including “bite hair loss,” most likely alopecia areata (AA). The treatment of AA remained largely unchanged for over 1500 years. In 30 CE, Celsus described AA presenting as scalp alopecia in spots or the “windings of a snake” and suggested treatment with caustic compounds and scarification. The first “modern” description of AA came in 1813, though treatment still largely employed caustic agents. From the mid‐19th century onwards, various hypotheses of AA development were put forward including infectious microbes (1843), nerve defects (1858), physical trauma and psychological stress (1881), focal inflammation (1891), diseased teeth (1902), toxins (1912) and endocrine disorders (1913). The 1950s brought new treatment developments with the first use of corticosteroid compounds (1952), and the first suggestion that AA was an autoimmune disease (1958). Research progressively shifted towards identifying hair follicle‐specific autoantibodies (1995). The potential role of lymphocytes in AA was made implicit with immunohistological studies (1980s). However, studies confirming their functional role were not published until the development of rodent models (1990s). Genetic studies, particularly genome‐wide association studies, have now come to the forefront and open up a new era of AA investigation (2000s). Today, AA research is actively focused on genetics, the microbiome, dietary modulators, the role of atopy, immune cell types in AA pathogenesis, primary antigenic targets, mechanisms by which immune cells influence hair growth, and of course the development of new treatments based on these discoveries.Alopecia UK

    Apprentissages discriminants en reconnaissance de mots cursifs en-ligne

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    Ce papier décrit différents modes d'apprentissage de systèmes hybrides basés sur un schéma neuro-markovien (TDNN multi-états -HMM) appliqués à la reconnaissance de mots cursifs saisis en-ligne. Nous avons considéré différentes fonctions de coût, incluant à la fois des critères d'information mutuelle (MMI) avec un apprentissage discriminant et une estimation du maximum de vraisemblance, pour entraîner le système globalement au niveau mot. Nous avons analysé l'impact de la modélisation markovienne en variant de un à trois le nombre d'états d'un modèle de Markov caché lettre HMM lettre). Plusieurs expérimentations sur ces critères et modélisations ont été menées sur la base IRONOFF dans un contexte de reconnaissance mots non contraints et omni scripteurs et sont retranscrits dans ce papier