80 research outputs found

    Continual reproduction of self-assembling oligotriazole peptide nanomaterials.

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    Autocatalytic chemical reactions, whereby a molecule is able to catalyze its own formation from a set of precursors, mimic nature's ability to generate identical copies of relevant biomolecules, and are thought to have been crucial for the origin of life. While several molecular autocatalysts have been previously reported, coupling autocatalytic behavior to macromolecular self-assembly has been challenging. Here, we report a non-enzymatic and chemoselective methodology capable of autocatalytically producing triskelion peptides that self-associate into spherical bioinspired nanostructures. Serial transfer experiments demonstrate that oligotriazole autocatalysis successfully leads to continual self-assembly of three-dimensional nanospheres. Triskelion-based spherical architectures offer an opportunity to organize biomolecules and chemical reactions in unique, nanoscale compartments. The use of peptide-based autocatalysts that are capable of self-assembly represents a promising method for the development of self-synthesizing biomaterials, and may shed light on understanding life's chemical origins.Molecules that act as both autocatalysts and material precursors offer exciting prospects for self-synthesizing materials. Here, the authors design a triazole peptide that self-replicates and then self-assembles into nanostructures, coupling autocatalytic and assembly pathways to realize a reproducing supramolecular system

    De novo vesicle formation and growth: an integrative approach to artificial cells.

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    The assembly of artificial cells provides a novel strategy to reconstruct life's functions and shed light on how life emerged on Earth and possibly elsewhere. A major challenge to the development of artificial cells is the establishment of simple methodologies to mimic native membrane generation. An ambitious strategy is the bottom-up approach, which aims to systematically control the assembly of highly ordered membrane architectures with defined functionality. This perspective will cover recent advances and the current state-of-the-art of minimal lipid architectures that can faithfully reconstruct the structure and function of living cells. Specifically, we will overview work related to the de novo formation and growth of biomimetic membranes. These studies give us a deeper understanding of the nature of living systems and bring new insights into the origin of cellular life

    A minimal biochemical route towards de novo formation of synthetic phospholipid membranes.

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    All living cells consist of membrane compartments, which are mainly composed of phospholipids. Phospholipid synthesis is catalyzed by membrane-bound enzymes, which themselves require pre-existing membranes for function. Thus, the principle of membrane continuity creates a paradox when considering how the first biochemical membrane-synthesis machinery arose and has hampered efforts to develop simplified pathways for membrane generation in synthetic cells. Here, we develop a high-yielding strategy for de novo formation and growth of phospholipid membranes by repurposing a soluble enzyme FadD10 to form fatty acyl adenylates that react with amine-functionalized lysolipids to form phospholipids. Continuous supply of fresh precursors needed for lipid synthesis enables the growth of vesicles encapsulating FadD10. Using a minimal transcription/translation system, phospholipid vesicles are generated de novo in the presence of DNA encoding FadD10. Our findings suggest that alternate chemistries can produce and maintain synthetic phospholipid membranes and provides a strategy for generating membrane-based materials

    In Situ Synthesis of Artificial Lipids

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    This review comes from a themed issue on Synthetic Biomolecules (2022); Edited by Neal K. Devaraj and Shinya TsukijiFinanciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Lipids constitute one of the most enigmatic family of biological molecules. Although the importance of lipids as basic units of compartmental structure and energy storage is well-acknowledged, deciphering the biosynthesis and precise roles of specific lipid species has been challenging. To better understand the structure and function of these biomolecules, there is a burgeoning interest in developing strategies to produce noncanonical lipids in a controlled manner. This review covers recent advances in the area of in situ generation of synthetic lipids. Specifically, we report several approaches that constitute a powerful toolbox for achieving noncanonical lipid synthesis. We describe how these methodologies enable the direct construction of synthetic lipids, helping to address fundamental questions related to the cell biology of lipid biosynthesis, trafficking, and signaling. We envision that highlighting the current advances in artificial lipid synthesis will pave the way for broader interest into this emerging class of biomimetic molecules.Roberto J. Brea acknowledges support from Xunta de Galicia through the “Atracción de talento investigador” programme (ED431H2020/19). Roberto J. Brea also thanks the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) for his Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC2020-030065-I). The authors acknowledge funding for open access charge from Universidade da Coruña/Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia (CISUG)Xunta de Galicia; ED431H2020/1

    α,γ-Peptide nanotube templating of one-dimensional parallel fullerene arrangements

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    (Figure Presented) The formation and full characterization of single self-assembling α,γ-peptide nanotubes (α,γ-SPNs) is described. The introduction of C60 into cyclic peptides allows the preparation of supramolecular 1D fullerene arrangements induced by peptide nanotube formation under appropriate conditions. © 2009 American Chemical Society.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the ERDF [SAF2007-61015 and Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00006)] and the Xunta de Galicia (GRC2006/ 132, PGIDIT06PXIB209018PR, PGIDIT08CSA047209PR, and R2006/ 124). The work by J.M.V. and J.L.C. was supported by Grants BFU2007- 62382/BMC from the Spanish MEC (J.M.V.) and S-0505/MAT/0283 from the Madrid Regional Government (J.M.V. and J.L.C.). C.R. and R.J.B. thank the Spanish MEC for their FPU Fellowships. We also thank Dr. Carmen Serra (Nanotechnology and Surface Analysis Service at C.A.C.T.I., University of Vigo) for her help with STM. We also thank Dowpharma for their kind gift of ENZA enzymes used in the preparation of D-Boc-γ-Acp-OH.Peer reviewe

    The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe

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    From around 2750 to 2500 bc, Bell Beaker pottery became widespread across western and central Europe, before it disappeared between 2200 and 1800 bc. The forces that propelled its expansion are a matter of long-standing debate, and there is support for both cultural diffusion and migration having a role in this process. Here we present genome-wide data from 400 Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Europeans, including 226 individuals associated with Beaker-complex artefacts. We detected limited genetic affinity between Beaker-complex-associated individuals from Iberia and central Europe, and thus exclude migration as an important mechanism of spread between these two regions. However, migration had a key role in the further dissemination of the Beaker complex. We document this phenomenon most clearly in Britain, where the spread of the Beaker complex introduced high levels of steppe-related ancestry and was associated with the replacement of approximately 90% of Britain’s gene pool within a few hundred years, continuing the east-to-west expansion that had brought steppe-related ancestry into central and northern Europe over the previous centuries

    Tension Promoted Sulfur Exchange for Cellular Delivery

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