835 research outputs found

    Аксиологоческое пространство культуры

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    Introduction. This study was performed to assess the applicability of the WHO Maternal Near Miss Tool (MNM Tool) and the organ dysfunction criteria in a high-income country. Material and methods. The MNM tool was applied to 2552 women who died of pregnancy-related causes or sustained severe acute maternal morbidity between August 2004 and August 2006 in one of the 98 hospitals with a maternity unit in the Netherlands. Fourteen (0.6%) cases had insufficient data for application. Each case was assessed according to the three main "MNM categories" specified in the MNM tool and their subcategory criteria: five disease-, four intervention- and seven organ dysfunction-based criteria. Potentially life-threatening conditions (disease-based inclusions) and life-threatening cases (organ dysfunction-based inclusions) were differentiated according to WHO methodology. Outcomes were incidence of all (sub)categories and case-fatality rates. Results. Of the 2538 cases, 2308 (90.9%) women fulfilled disease-based, 2116 (83.4%) intervention-based and 1024 (40.3%) organ dysfunction-based criteria. Maternal death occurred in 48 women, of whom 23 (47.9%) fulfilled disease-based, 33 (68.8%) intervention-based and 31 (64.6%) organ dysfunction-based criteria. Case-fatality rates were 23/2308 (1.0%) for cases fulfilling the disease-based criteria, 33/2116 (1.6%) for intervention-based criteria and 31/1024 (3.0%) for women fulfilling the organ dysfunction-based criteria. Conclusions. In the Netherlands, where advanced laboratory and clinical monitoring are available, organ dysfunction-based criteria of the MNM tool failed to identify nearly two-thirds of sustained severe acute maternal morbidity cases and more than one-third of maternal deaths. Disease-based criteria remain important, and using only organ dysfunction-based criteria would lead to underestimating severe acute maternal morbidity

    Association between miscarriage and cardiovascular disease in a Scottish cohort

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    Funding This work was supported by a grant from the ‘Merel Foundation’, the Netherlands. The AMND receives support from the University of Aberdeen.Peer reviewedPostprin

    HLA-C antibodies in women with recurrent miscarriage suggests that antibody mediated rejection is one of the mechanisms leading to recurrent miscarriage

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    AbstractHLA-C is the only polymorphic classical HLA I antigen expressed on trophoblast cells. It is known that higher incidence of C4d deposition on trophoblast cells is present in women with recurrent miscarriage. C4d is a footprint of antibody-mediated classical complement activation. Therefore, this study hypothesize that antibodies against HLA-C may play a role in the occurrence of unexplained consecutive recurrent miscarriage.Present case control study compared the incidence of HLA-C specific antibodies in 95 women with at least three consecutive miscarriages and 105 women with uneventful pregnancy. In the first trimester of the next pregnancy, presence and specificity of HLA antibodies were determined and their complement fixing ability. The incidence of HLA antibodies was compared with uni- and multivariate logistic regression models adjusting for possible confounders.Although in general a higher incidence of HLA antibodies was found in women with recurrent miscarriage 31.6% vs. in control subjects 9.5% (adjusted OR 4.3, 95% CI 2.0–9.5), the contribution of antibodies against HLA-C was significantly higher in women with recurrent miscarriage (9.5%) compared to women with uneventful pregnancy (1%) (adjusted OR 11.0, 95% CI 1.3–89.0). In contrast to the control group, HLA-C antibodies in the recurrent miscarriage group were more often able to bind complement.The higher incidence of antibodies specific for HLA-C in women with recurrent miscarriage suggests that HLA-C antibodies may be involved in the aetiology of unexplained consecutive recurrent miscarriage

    Hormonal replacement therapy, prothrombotic mutations and the risk of venous thrombosis

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    Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of venous thrombosis. We investigated whether this risk is affected by carriership of hereditary prothrombotic abnormalities. Therefore, we determined the two most common prothrombotic mutations, factor V Leiden and prothrombin 20210A in women who participated in a case-control study on venous thrombosis. Relative risks were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI95). Among 7 7 women aged 45-64 years with a first venous thrombosis, 51% were receiving HRT at the time of thrombosis, compared with 24% of control women (OR = 3.3, CI95 1.8-5.8). Among the patients, 23% had a prothrombotic defect, versus 7% among the control women (OR = 3.8, CI95 1.7- 8.5). Women who had factor V Leiden and used HRT had a 15-fold increased risk (OR = 15.5, CI95 3.1-77), which exceeded the expected joint odds ratio of 6.1 (under an additive model). We conclude that the thrombotic risk of HRT may particularly affect women with prothrombotic mutations. Efforts to avoid HRT in women with increased risk of thrombosis are advisable

    Pulmonary Embolism in a Woman Taking Oral Contraceptives and Valdecoxib

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    A 25-y-old woman, who had been on an oral contraceptive pill for 3 years, presented with pulmonary embolism. One month prior to presentation she had been started on valdecoxib for neck pain

    Learning from failure

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    We study decentralized learning in organizations. Decentralization is captured through a symmetry constraint on agents’ strategies. Among such attainable strategies, we solve for optimal and equilibrium strategies. We model the organization as a repeated game with imperfectly observable actions. A fixed but unknown subset of action profiles are successes and all other action profiles are failures. The game is played until either there is a success or the time horizon is reached. For any time horizon, including infinity, we demonstrate existence of optimal attainable strategies and show that they are Nash equilibria. For some time horizons, we can solve explicitly for the optimal attainable strategies and show uniqueness. The solution connects the learning behavior of agents to the fundamentals that characterize the organization: Agents in the organization respond more slowly to failure as the future becomes more important, the size of the organization increases and the probability of success decreases.Game theory

    Гігієнічні аспекти відновлення відкритих техногенних бедлендів із застосуванням осадів міських стічних вод

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    Зростання індивідуального водоспоживання у великих містах породжує проблему утворення і розміщення на території населених пунктів значної кількості осадів стічних вод. Часто вони представляють епідемічну небезпеку для людини і с джерелом потрапляння у довкілля техногенних хімічних речовин. На основі санітарно-гігієнічної оцінки осадів комунальних стічних вод м. Кривого Рогу розглядається можливість і даються рекомендації для її безпечного використання при створенні вторинних природних ландшафтів у місцях «місячних поверхонь» після відкритого видобутку залізної руди.Рост индивидуального водопотребления в крупных городах порождает проблему образования и размещения на территории населенных пунктов значительного количества осадков сточных вод. Часто они представляют эпидемическую опасность для человека и являются источником поступления в окружающую среду техногенных химических веществ. На основе санитарно-гигиенической оценки осадков коммунальных сточных вод г. Кривого Рога рассматривается возможность и даются рекомендации для их безопасного использования при создании вторичных природных ландшафтов в местах «лунных поверхностей» после открытой добычи железной руды.Growth of individual water consumption in large cities generates a problem of formation and placing of a considerable quantity of deposits of sewage. Often they represent epidemic danger to the person and are a receipt source in environment of technogenic chemical substances. On the basis of a sanitary-and-hygienic estimation of deposits of sewage in a city* of Krivoi Rig consider possibility and definition of the recommendation for safe use of deposits at creation of secondary natural landscapes in places of open-pit mining of iron ore

    Cervical ripening in the Netherlands: a survey

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    Objective. We aim to investigate methods and use of cervical ripening in women without and with a prior cesarean delivery in The Netherlands. Methods. In 2010, we conducted a postal survey in all Dutch hospitals with a labor ward. One gynecologist per hospital was addressed and was asked to respond on behalf of the staff. The questionnaire contained 31 questions concerning cervical ripening and induction of labor. We compared this survey to a similar Dutch survey conducted in 2006. Results. Response rate was 78% (70/92 hospitals). In women without a prior cesarean and in need of cervical ripening, all hospitals (100%) applied prostaglandins (either E1 or E2). In women with a prior cesarean, 21.4% of the hospitals performed an elective cesarean section if delivery was indicated (26.0% in 2006). In case of cervical ripening, 72.7% used mechanical methods (49.1% in 2006), 20.0% used prostaglandins (40.4% in 2006), 3.6% used a combination of prostaglandins and mechanical methods, and 3.6% used membrane-sweeping or oxytocin. Conclusions. In 2010, in The Netherlands, prostaglandins and Foley catheters were the preferred methods for cervical ripening in women without and with a prior cesarean, respectively. Use of mechanical methods in women with a prior cesarean has increased rapidly between 2006 and 2010, corresponding with decreasing use of prostaglandins and elective repeat cesarean sections.Claartje M. A. Huisman, Marta Jozwiak, Jan Willem de Leeuw, Ben Willem Mol, and Kitty W. M. Bloemenkam

    Public attitudes towards pricing policies to change health-related behaviours: a UK focus group study.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence supports the use of pricing interventions in achieving healthier behaviour at population level. The public acceptability of this strategy continues to be debated throughout Europe, Australasia and USA. We examined public attitudes towards, and beliefs about the acceptability of pricing policies to change health-related behaviours in the UK. The study explores what underlies ideas of acceptability, and in particular those values and beliefs that potentially compete with the evidence presented by policy-makers. METHODS: Twelve focus group discussions were held in the London area using a common protocol with visual and textual stimuli. Over 300,000 words of verbatim transcript were inductively coded and analyzed, and themes extracted using a constant comparative method. RESULTS: Attitudes towards pricing policies to change three behaviours (smoking, and excessive consumption of alcohol and food) to improve health outcomes, were unfavourable and acceptability was low. Three sets of beliefs appeared to underpin these attitudes: (i) pricing makes no difference to behaviour; (ii) government raises prices to generate income, not to achieve healthier behaviour and (iii) government is not trustworthy. These beliefs were evident in discussions of all types of health-related behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: The low acceptability of pricing interventions to achieve healthier behaviours in populations was linked among these responders to a set of beliefs indicating low trust in government. Acceptability might be increased if evidence regarding effectiveness came from trusted sources seen as independent of government and was supported by public involvement and hypothecated taxation.The study was funded by the UK Department of Health Policy Research Programme (Policy Research Unit in Behaviour and Health [PR-UN-0409-10109]). The Department of Health had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation. The research was conducted independently of the funders, and the views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of Health in England.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Oxford University Press at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckv07