5 research outputs found

    Legitimation and the Masses

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    No state can do very well without perceived as legitimate. While the state’s efforts to legitimate its power is well covered in the literature, the ordinary people’s role in legitimacy is less investigated. This study is informed by the notion that legitimacy is a relational concept. Legitimacy is created in the interaction between ruler and ruled. The power structure is dependent on the people’s active legitimation. The early years of the Cultural Revolution serves as example how popular legitimation works in a context of Chinese socialism. By analysing the consumer culture that has arisen recently around the territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, I argue that political consumerism has become a new mode for legitimating the Chinese political system for ordinary citizens

    En storm blÄser frÄn Paradiset: Om hur Judith Butler och Giorgio Agamben lÀser Walter Benjamin

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    In resent years essayist and cultural critic Walter Benjamin has enjoyed an increased interest by intellectuals and academics. Benjamin’s texts has for many taken the form of a starting point from which to launch a discussion on contemporary political problems such as that of state violence, sovereignty and law. In this thesis I focus on the specific readings of Walter Benjamin’s famous essay ”On the Critique of Violence” and his “Theses on the Philosopfy of History” done by Judith Butler and Giorgio Agamben. In this essay I aim to show in what way the two contemporary writers interpret, use and incorporate Benjamin’s thinking into their own, and the impact it has on their thinking. I argue that Benjamin’s thoughts on violence, law and history has fundamental implications for Agamben and Butler but in very different ways. I hope to show in how many ways Benjamin’s more than ninety years old text can help us understand and criticize the present. Not as a historical document but as philosophical blasting cap. To better understand how Benjamin’s legacy is treated in the contemporary debate is to better understand political philosophy of today

    Döden och skulden

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    Denna uppsats handlar om skuldens betydelse för hur ett liv vĂ€rderas. Ett vĂ€rdigt liv Ă€r ocksĂ„ ett liv som sörjs nĂ€r det gĂ„r förlorat. Vi utgĂ„r frĂ„n tvĂ„ fall som illustrerar hur skulden konstrueras och fĂ€sts pĂ„ tvĂ„ pojkar, Trayvon Martin och Ardiwan Samir. I och med att dessa tvĂ„ pojkar ansĂ„gs vara kriminella utestĂ€ngdes de frĂ„n offentligt sörjande. Ardiwan Samir blev av Malmös kommunalordförande, Ilmar Reepalu definierad som skyldig nĂ€r han fĂ€llde uttalandet om mordet pĂ„ den 15 Ă„r gamla pojken med att vĂ„ldet mĂ„ste stoppas innan nĂ„gon oskyldig dör. AlltsĂ„ har den oskyldiga personen Ă€n sĂ„ lĂ€nge inte dött. VĂ„ldet blir inte allvarligt nĂ€r det drabbar den skyldiga utan mĂ„ste stoppas innan det drabbar den oskyldiga. Trayvon Martin blev mördad i ett gatead community nĂ€r vakten, George Zimmerman betraktat den svart pojken som ”skum”. Vi undersöker i denna uppsats varför dessa tvĂ„ pojkar blir definierade som skyldiga och hur denna skuld omöjliggör att den dödas liv blir sörjt. Föreliggande uppsats föreslĂ„r ett sĂ€tt att tĂ€nka kring hur denna sörjbarhet eller omöjligt sörjbara livet struktureras och skapas genom olika faktiska och imaginĂ€ra grĂ€nsdragningar i tid och rum. I och med globaliseringen har tidigare grĂ€nser sammanfallit och nya byggts upp inom staden. BĂ„de arkitektoniskt och i medvetandet. Dessa grĂ€nser fungerar som avskiljare mellan ett förestĂ€llt vi och dem. Detta skapa i sin tur kategorier av skuld och oskuld. Kategorier som fungerar som hierarkiskt vĂ€rderande av liv


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