26 research outputs found

    Difference in Imagery use between Full-contact and Limited contact sports

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    Imagery is a set of techniques used in sport psychology to help athletes to improve skill performance, to boost motivation, to increase emotional management and to facilitate motor learning. Evidence suggests that individual differences explain the frequency of imagery use in sport. However, recent studies suggest that imagery is also linked to types of sport. The present study aimed to understand whether elite athletes from Full-contact and Limited contact sports differ regarding imagery use. The research had 199 participants divided in Full-contact (N=85) and Limited contact (N=114) sport categories. Demographics and frequency of imagery use were collected. A Canonical Discriminant Analysis was performed to assess the level of group discrimination each variable presented. Results suggested that Full-contact elite athletes train for more hours and use Cognitive Specific imagery more frequently than Limited contact professional athletes; whereas, this last group had significantly more sport psychologists working for them and higher frequency of Motivational Specific and Cognitive General imagery use. These findings altogether provide evidence that differences in imagery use can be also explained by sport categories, and sport psychologists must be aware of the particularities of each type of sport

    Quality of Life, Sleep and Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease: A Correlation Study / Qualidade de vida, sono e fadiga na doença de Parkinson: um estudo de correlação

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    Parkinson's disease is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder in the older adults, leading to sleep disorders and can negatively affect their quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease and correlate it with the quality of sleep and fatigue. Cross-sectional study in which 18 individuals with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, of both sexes, mean between ages 65±9, underwent evaluation by questionnaires like Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (r = 0.627; p = 0.003), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (r = 0.613; p = 0.003). This study found that it is possible to infer that there is a strong relationship between the quality of life, quality of sleep and perception of fatigue, and demonstrate how these variables are fundamental for planning appropriate strategies for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

    The ocean sampling day consortium

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    Ocean Sampling Day was initiated by the EU-funded Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) project to obtain a snapshot of the marine microbial biodiversity and function of the world’s oceans. It is a simultaneous global mega-sequencing campaign aiming to generate the largest standardized microbial data set in a single day. This will be achievable only through the coordinated efforts of an Ocean Sampling Day Consortium, supportive partnerships and networks between sites. This commentary outlines the establishment, function and aims of the Consortium and describes our vision for a sustainable study of marine microbial communities and their embedded functional traits

    Applications of Non-invasive Neuromodulation for the Management of Disorders Related to COVID-19

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    Background: Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) morbidity is not restricted to the respiratory system, but also affects the nervous system. Non-invasive neuromodulation may be useful in the treatment of the disorders associated with COVID-19. Objective: To describe the rationale and empirical basis of the use of non-invasive neuromodulation in the management of patients with COVID-10 and related disorders. Methods: We summarize COVID-19 pathophysiology with emphasis of direct neuroinvasiveness, neuroimmune response and inflammation, autonomic balance and neurological, musculoskeletal and neuropsychiatric sequela. This supports the development of a framework for advancing applications of non-invasive neuromodulation in the management COVID-19 and related disorders. Results: Non-invasive neuromodulationmaymanage disorders associated with COVID- 19 through four pathways: (1) Direct infection mitigation through the stimulation of regions involved in the regulation of systemic anti-inflammatory responses and/or autonomic responses and prevention of neuroinflammation and recovery of respiration; (2) Amelioration of COVID-19 symptoms of musculoskeletal pain and systemic fatigue; (3) Augmenting cognitive and physical rehabilitation following critical illness; and (4) Treating outbreak-relatedmental distress including neurological and psychiatric disorders exacerbated by surrounding psychosocial stressors related to COVID-19. The selection of the appropriate techniques will depend on the identified target treatment pathway. Conclusion: COVID-19 infection results in a myriad of acute and chronic symptoms, both directly associated with respiratory distress (e.g., rehabilitation) or of yet-tobe- determined etiology (e.g., fatigue). Non-invasive neuromodulation is a toolbox of techniques that based on targeted pathways and empirical evidence (largely in non- COVID-19 patients) can be investigated in the management of patients with COVID-19

    The Ocean Sampling Day Consortium

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    Ocean Sampling Day was initiated by the EU-funded Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) project to obtain a snapshot of the marine microbial biodiversity and function of the world’s oceans. It is a simultaneous global mega-sequencing campaign aiming to generate the largest standardized microbial data set in a single day. This will be achievable only through the coordinated efforts of an Ocean Sampling Day Consortium, supportive partnerships and networks between sites. This commentary outlines the establishment, function and aims of the Consortium and describes our vision for a sustainable study of marine microbial communities and their embedded functional traits

    Baseline Motor Impairment Predicts Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Combined with Physical Therapy-Induced Improvement in Individuals with Chronic Stroke

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can enhance the effect of conventional therapies in post-stroke neurorehabilitation. The ability to predict an individual’s potential for tDCS-induced recovery may permit rehabilitation providers to make rational decisions about who will be a good candidate for tDCS therapy. We investigated the clinical and biological characteristics which might predict tDCS plus physical therapy effects on upper limb motor recovery in chronic stroke patients. A cohort of 80 chronic stroke individuals underwent ten to fifteen sessions of tDCS plus physical therapy. The sensorimotor function of the upper limb was assessed by means of the upper extremity section of the Fugl-Meyer scale (UE-FM), before and after treatment. A backward stepwise regression was used to assess the effect of age, sex, time since stroke, brain lesion side, and basal level of motor function on UE-FM improvement after treatment. Following the intervention, UE-FM significantly improved (p<0.05), and the magnitude of the change was clinically important (mean 6.2 points, 95% CI: 5.2–7.4). The baseline level of UE-FM was the only significant predictor (R2=0.90, F1,76=682.80, p<0.001) of tDCS response. These findings may help to guide clinical decisions according to the profile of each patient. Future studies should investigate whether stroke severity affects the effectiveness of tDCS combined with physical therapy

    Interferência do tratamento medicamentoso imediato e tardio na doença de Parkinson no gerenciamento da disfagia

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    A Doen&#231;a de Parkinson apresenta grande incid&#234;ncia na popula&#231;&#227;o idosa, gerando comprometimento motor progressivo, que afeta v&#225;rias fun&#231;&#245;es, dentre as quais se destaca a degluti&#231;&#227;o. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo relacionar a disfagia na Doen&#231;a de Parkinson aos efeitos imediatos e/ou tardios do tratamento medicamentoso, que de forma direta ou indireta interferir&#225; no gerenciamento fonoaudiol&#243;gico. Fizemos uma revis&#227;o de literatura nas bases de dados eletr&#244;nicas Lilacs, Scielo, Medline e Pubmed no per&#237;odo de 2001 a 2011, utilizando os termos livres &#8220;Doen&#231;a de Parkinson&#8221;; (Parkinson Disease), &#8220;degluti&#231;&#227;o&#8221;; (deglutition), &#8220;disfagia&#8221;; (dysphagia), &#8220;prepara&#231;&#245;es farmac&#234;uticas&#8221;; (pharmaceutical preparations), &#8220;levodopa&#8221;;, &#8220;videofluoroscopia&#8221;; (videofluoroscopy), al&#233;m de um documento governamental (OPAS, 2002), artigos relevantes e exemplares da literatura americana e brasileira sobre o tema. A literatura aponta a Levodopa como o principal tratamento farmacol&#243;gico da doen&#231;a de Parkinson. Contudo, a melhora dos sintomas motores deve ser ponderada em fun&#231;&#227;o da ocorr&#234;ncia de efeitos colaterais importantes, sejam imediatos ou tardios. At&#233; o momento n&#227;o h&#225; respostas consistentes a favor da melhora da disfagia como resultado do tratamento farmacol&#243;gico, cujos efeitos podem interferir direta ou indiretamente sobre as manifesta&#231;&#245;es disf&#225;gicas e de v&#225;rias formas. Assim, torna-se fundamental o registro das medica&#231;&#245;es como parte da anamnese, considerando que tais dados possam auxiliar na orienta&#231;&#227;o/reorienta&#231;&#227;o da conduta fonoaudiol&#243;gica, especialmente em contexto interdisciplinar. A despeito da possibilidade do doente de Parkinson responder de forma inconsistente &#224; terapia farmacol&#243;gica, vale ressaltar que o profissional deve estar atento &#224; presen&#231;a de efeitos colaterais como fatores modificadores do quadro de disfagia orofar&#237;ngea na Doen&#231;a de Parkinson idiop&#225;tica