113 research outputs found

    Complex adaptive responses during antagonistic coevolution between Tribolium castaneum and its natural parasite Nosema whitei revealed by multiple fitness components

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    Background: Host-parasite coevolution can lead to local adaptation of either parasite or host if there is specificity (GxG interactions) and asymmetric evolutionary potential between host and parasite. This has been demonstrated both experimentally and in field studies, but a substantial proportion of studies fail to detect such clear-cut patterns. One explanation for this is that adaptation can be masked by counter-adaptation by the antagonist. Additionally, genetic architecture underlying the interaction is often highly complex thus preventing specific adaptive responses. Here, we have employed a reciprocal cross-infection experiment to unravel the adaptive responses of two components of fitness affecting both parties with different complexities of the underlying genetic architecture (i.e. mortality and spore load). Furthermore, our experimental coevolution of hosts (Tribolium castaneum) and parasites (Nosema whitei) included paired replicates of naive hosts from identical genetic backgrounds to allow separation between host-and parasite-specific responses. Results: In hosts, coevolution led to higher resistance and altered resistance profiles compared to paired control lines. Host genotype x parasite genotype interactions (G(H) x G(P)) were observed for spore load (the trait of lower genetic complexity), but not for mortality. Overall parasite performance correlated with resistance of its matching host coevolution background reflecting a directional and unspecific response to strength of selection during coevolution. Despite high selective pressures exerted by the obligatory killing parasite, and host-and parasite-specific mortality profiles, no general pattern of local adaptation was observed, but one case of parasite maladaptation was consistently observed on both coevolved and control host populations. In addition, the use of replicate control host populations in the assay revealed one case of host maladaptation and one case of parasite adaptation that was masked by host counter-adaptation, suggesting the presence of complex and probably dynamically changing fitness landscapes. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that the use of replicate naive populations can be a useful tool to differentiate between host and parasite adaptation in complex and dynamic fitness landscapes. The absence of clear local adaptation patterns during coevolution with a sexual host showing a complex genetic architecture for resistance suggests that directional selection for generality may be more important attributes of host-parasite coevolution than commonly assumed

    Antagonistic experimental coevolution with a parasite increases host recombination frequency

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    Background: One of the big remaining challenges in evolutionary biology is to understand the evolution and maintenance of meiotic recombination. As recombination breaks down successful genotypes, it should be selected for only under very limited conditions. Yet, recombination is very common and phylogenetically widespread. The Red Queen Hypothesis is one of the most prominent hypotheses for the adaptive value of recombination and sexual reproduction. The Red Queen Hypothesis predicts an advantage of recombination for hosts that are coevolving with their parasites. We tested predictions of the hypothesis with experimental coevolution using the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and its microsporidian parasite, Nosema whitei. Results: By measuring recombination directly in the individuals under selection, we found that recombination in the host population was increased after 11 generations of coevolution. Detailed insights into genotypic and phenotypic changes occurring during the coevolution experiment furthermore helped us to reconstruct the coevolutionary dynamics that were associated with this increase in recombination frequency. As coevolved lines maintained higher genetic diversity than control lines, and because there was no evidence for heterozygote advantage or for a plastic response of recombination to infection, the observed increase in recombination most likely represented an adaptive host response under Red Queen dynamics. Conclusions: This study provides direct, experimental evidence for an increase in recombination frequency under host-parasite coevolution in an obligatory outcrossing species. Combined with earlier results, the Red Queen process is the most likely explanation for this observation

    Analisis Biaya Diferensial Sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Menerima Atau Menolak Pesanan Khusus (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Kecap Cap “Kuda” Tulungagung Tahun 2013)

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    This research aims to describe analysis ofdifferential cost fordecision making acceptor rejectspecial order in KetchupCompanystamp of"Kuda". The research method used in this research is descriptive case study approach. The focus ofthis researchare thesales data, production data, cost production data, dataof non-costs production, and income report of"Kuda" KetchupCompanyin 2013. The collecting data technique usedin this research is documentation. The sourceof data for this research isthe secondarydata source. The result of this research are: the company will receive additional profits of Rp 2.748.258,96 if the company received special order from UD. Jiar; the company will receive additional profits of Rp 2.392.904,17 if the company received special order from UD. Sumber Rejeki.Based on this research, then the companysuggested to receive the special order from UD. Jiar and UD. Sumber Rejeki, because receive the special order make the company get additional profits

    Graphics for relatedness research

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    Studies of relatedness have been crucial in molecular ecology over the last decades. Good evidence of this is the fact that studies of population structure, evolution of social behaviours, genetic diversity and quantitative genetics all involve relatedness research. The main aim of this article is to review the most common graphical methods used in allele sharing studies for detecting and identifying family relationships. Both IBS and IBD based allele sharing studies are considered. Furthermore, we propose two additional graphical methods from the field of compositional data analysis: the ternary diagram and scatterplots of isometric log-ratios of IBS and IBD probabilities. We illustrate all graphical tools with genetic data from the HGDP-CEPH diversity panel, using mainly 377 microsatellites genotyped for 25 individuals from the Maya population of this panel. We enhance all graphics with convex hulls obtained by simulation and use these to confirm the documented relationships. The proposed compositional graphics are shown to be useful in relatedness research, as they also single out the most prominent related pairs. The ternary diagram is advocated for its ability to display all three allele sharing probabilities simultaneously. The log-ratio plots are advocated as an attempt to overcome the problems with the Euclidean distance interpretation in the classical graphics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using genomic prediction to detect microevolutionary change of a quantitative trait

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    Detecting microevolutionary responses to natural selection by observing temporal changes in individual breeding values is challenging. The collection of suitable datasets can take many years and disentangling the contributions of the environment and genetics to phenotypic change is not trivial. Furthermore, pedigree-based methods of obtaining individual breeding values have known biases. Here, we apply a genomic prediction approach to estimate breeding values of adult weight in a 35-year dataset of Soay sheep (Ovis aries). Comparisons are made with a traditional pedigree-based approach. During the study period, adult body weight decreased, but the underlying genetic component of body weight increased, at a rate that is unlikely to be attributable to genetic drift. Thus cryptic microevolution of greater adult body weight has probably occurred. Genomic and pedigree-based approaches gave largely consistent results. Thus, using genomic prediction to study microevolution in wild populations can remove the requirement for pedigree data, potentially opening up new study systems for similar research

    Fine-scale population epigenetic structure in relation to gastrointestinal parasite load in red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scotica)

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    Acknowledgements This study was funded by a BBSRC studentship (MA Wenzel) and NERC grants NE/H00775X/1 and NE/D000602/1 (SB Piertney). The authors are grateful to Mario Röder and Keliya Bai for fieldwork assistance; Alex Douglas for statistical advice; Tyler Stevenson, Heather Ritchie and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on manuscript drafts; and all estate owners, factors and keepers for access to field sites, most particularly MJ Taylor and Mike Nisbet (Airlie), Neil Brown (Allargue), RR Gledson and David Scrimgeour (Delnadamph), Andrew Salvesen and John Hay (Dinnet), Stuart Young and Derek Calder (Edinglassie), Kirsty Donald and David Busfield (Glen Dye), Neil Hogbin and Ab Taylor (Glen Muick), Alistair Mitchell (Glenlivet), Simon Blackett, Jim Davidson and Liam Donald (Invercauld) Richard Cooke and Fred Taylor (Invermark), Shaila Rao and Christopher Murphy (Mar Lodge), and Ralph Peters and Philip Astor (Tillypronie).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    No evidence for parental age effects on offspring leukocyte telomere length in free-living Soay sheep

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    Abstract In humans, the effect of paternal age at conception (PAC) on offspring leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is well established, with older fathers thought to pass on longer telomeres to their offspring in their sperm. Few studies have looked for PAC effects in other species, but it has been hypothesised that the effect will be exacerbated in polygamous species with higher levels of sperm competition and production. We test for maternal (MAC) and paternal age at conception effects on offspring LTL in Soay sheep, a primitive breed experiencing strong sperm competition. We use qPCR to measure relative telomere length in 389 blood samples (n = 318 individuals) collected from an unmanaged population of sheep on St Kilda, where individual age and parentage are known. We find no evidence that either MAC or PAC are associated with LTL in offspring across the age range, or when considering only young lambs (n = 164). This is the first study to test for parental age effects on offspring LTL in a wild mammal population, and the results contrast with the findings of numerous human studies that find a PAC effect, as well as predictions of a stronger PAC effect in polygamous species

    Nonequivalent lethal equivalents : Models and inbreeding metrics for unbiased estimation of inbreeding load

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    We thank Peter Arcese, A. Bradley Duthie, Richard Frankham, Christine Grossen, Catherine Grueber, Marty Kardos, and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and discussion on earlier versions of this manuscript. We thank Cate Lessels and Peter Boag from whose 1987 paper in The Auk we copied the idea for the title of this paper. Our work was supported by a Swiss National Science Foundation grant (31003A-116794) to LFK, the Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich (FK-15-104) and a Swiss National Science Foundation grant (P2ZHP3_168447) to PN, and JMR was supported by a European Research Council grant.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The past and future of experimental speciation

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    Speciation is the result of evolutionary processes that generate barriers to gene flow between populations, facilitating reproductive isolation. Speciation is typically studied via theoretical models and “snap-shot” tests in natural populations. Experimental speciation enables real-time direct tests of speciation theory and has been long-touted as a critical complement to other approaches. We argue that, despite its promise to elucidate the evolution of reproductive isolation, experimental speciation has been underutilised and lags behind other contributions to speciation research. We review recent experiments and outline a framework for how experimental speciation can be implemented to address current outstanding questions that are otherwise challenging to answer. Greater uptake of this approach is necessary to rapidly advance understanding of speciation
