1,830 research outputs found

    Barrier loci and progress towards evolutionary generalities

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    Sexual dimorphism dominates divergent host plant use in stick insect trophic morphology

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    Background: Clear examples of ecological speciation exist, often involving divergence in trophic morphology. However, substantial variation also exists in how far the ecological speciation process proceeds, potentially linked to the number of ecological axes, traits, or genes subject to divergent selection. In addition, recent studies highlight how differentiation might occur between the sexes, rather than between populations. We examine variation in trophic morphology in two host-plant ecotypes of walking-stick insects (Timema cristinae), known to have diverged in morphological traits related to crypsis and predator avoidance, and to have reached an intermediate point in the ecological speciation process. Here we test how host plant use, sex, and rearing environment affect variation in trophic morphology in this species using traditional multivariate, novel kernel density based and Bayesian morphometric analyses. Results: Contrary to expectations, we find limited host-associated divergence in mandible shape. Instead, the main predictor of shape variation is sex, with secondary roles of population of origin and rearing environment. Conclusion: Our results show that trophic morphology does not strongly contribute to host-adapted ecotype divergence in T. cristinae and that traits can respond to complex selection regimes by diverging along different intraspecific lines, thereby impeding progress toward speciation

    Do highly divergent loci reside in genomic regions affecting reproductive isolation? A test using next-generation sequence data in Timema stick insects

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    Background: Genetic divergence during speciation with gene flow is heterogeneous across the genome, with some regions exhibiting stronger differentiation than others. Exceptionally differentiated regions are often assumed to experience reduced introgression, i.e., reduced flow of alleles from one population into another because such regions are affected by divergent selection or cause reproductive isolation. In contrast, the remainder of the genome can be homogenized by high introgression. Although many studies have documented variation across the genome in genetic differentiation, there are few tests of this hypothesis that explicitly quantify introgression. Here, we provide such a test using 38,304 SNPs in populations of Timema cristinae stick insects. We quantify whether loci that are highly divergent between geographically separated (‘allopatric’) populations exhibit unusual patterns of introgression in admixed populations. To the extent this is true, highly divergent loci between allopatric populations contribute to reproductive isolation in admixed populations. Results: As predicted, we find a substantial association between locus-specific divergence between allopatric populations and locus-specific introgression in admixed populations. However, many loci depart from this relationship, sometimes strongly so. We also report evidence for selection against foreign alleles due to local adaptation. Conclusions: Loci that are strongly differentiated between allopatric populations sometimes contribute to reproductive isolation in admixed populations. However, geographic variation in selection and local adaptation, in aspects of genetic architecture (such as organization of genes, recombination rate variation, number and effect size of variants contributing to adaptation, etc.), and in stochastic evolutionary processes such as drift can cause strong differentiation of loci that do not always contribute to reproductive isolation. The results have implications for the theory of ‘genomic islands of speciation’

    Exploring context dependency in eco‐evolutionary patterns with the stick insect Timema cristinae

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    Rapid evolution can influence the ecology of populations, communities, and ecosystems, but the importance of evolution for ecological dynamics remains unclear, largely because the contexts in which evolution is powerful are poorly resolved. Here, we carry out a large observational study to test hypotheses about context dependency of eco‐evolutionary patterns previously identified on the stick insect Timema cristinae . Experiments and observations conducted in 2011 and 2012 documented predator‐mediated negative effects of camouflage maladaptation (i.e., evolutionary dynamics) on: (a) T. cristinae abundance and, (b) species richness and abundance of other arthropods. Here we show that camouflage maladaptation does not correlate with T. cristinae abundance and, instead, is associated with increased abundance and species richness of cohabitating arthropods. We furthermore find that plants with high levels of Timema maladaptation tend to have higher foliar nitrogen, that is, higher nutritional value, and more positive mass‐abundance slopes in the coexisting arthropod communities. We propose explanations for the observed contrasting results, such as negative density‐ and frequency‐dependent selection, feedbacks between herbivore abundance and plant nutritional quality, and common effects of predation pressure on selection and prey abundance. Our results demonstrate the utility of observational studies to assess the context dependency of eco‐evolutionary dynamics patterns and provide testable hypotheses for future work

    Ecological Niche Dimensionality and the Evolutionary Diversification of Stick Insects

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    The degree of phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation between taxon pairs can vary quantitatively, and often increases as evolutionary divergence proceeds through various stages, from polymorphism to population differentiation, ecotype and race formation, speciation, and post-speciational divergence. Although divergent natural selection promotes divergence, it does not always result in strong differentiation. For example, divergent selection can fail to complete speciation, and distinct species pairs sometimes collapse (‘speciation in reverse’). Widely-discussed explanations for this variability concern genetic architecture, and the geographic arrangement of populations. A less-explored possibility is that the degree of phenotypic and reproductive divergence between taxon pairs is positively related to the number of ecological niche dimensions (i.e., traits) subject to divergent selection. Some data supporting this idea stem from laboratory experimental evolution studies using Drosophila, but tests from nature are lacking. Here we report results from manipulative field experiments in natural populations of herbivorous Timema stick insects that are consistent with this ‘niche dimensionality’ hypothesis. In such insects, divergent selection between host plants might occur for cryptic colouration (camouflage to evade visual predation), physiology (to detoxify plant chemicals), or both of these niche dimensions. We show that divergent selection on the single niche dimension of cryptic colouration can result in ecotype formation and intermediate levels of phenotypic and reproductive divergence between populations feeding on different hosts. However, greater divergence between a species pair involved divergent selection on both niche dimensions. Although further replication of the trends reported here is required, the results suggest that dimensionality of selection may complement genetic and geographic explanations for the degree of diversification in nature

    Observational evidence that maladaptive gene flow reduces patch occupancy in a wild insect metapopulation

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    Theory predicts that dispersal throughout metapopulations has a variety of consequences for the abundance and distribution of species. Immigration is predicted to increase abundance and habitat patch occupancy, but gene flow can have both positive and negative demographic consequences. Here, we address the eco-evolutionary effects of dispersal in a wild metapopulation of the stick insect Timema cristinae, which exhibits variable degrees of local adaptation throughout a heterogeneous habitat patch network of two host-plant species. To disentangle the ecological and evolutionary contributions of dispersal to habitat patch occupancy and abundance, we contrasted the effects of connectivity to populations inhabiting conspecific host plants and those inhabiting the alternate host plant. Both types of connectivity should increase patch occupancy and abundance through increased immigration and sharing of beneficial alleles through gene flow. However, connectivity to populations inhabiting the alternate host-plant species may uniquely cause maladaptive gene flow that counters the positive demographic effects of immigration. Supporting these predictions, we find the relationship between patch occupancy and alternate-host connectivity to be significantly smaller in slope than the relationship between patch occupancy and conspecific-host connectivity. Our findings illustrate the ecological and evolutionary roles of dispersal in driving the distribution and abundance of species. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Increasing Our Ability to Predict Contemporary Evolution

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    Classic debates concerning the extent to which scientists can predict evolution have gained new urgency as environmental changes force species to adapt or risk extinction. We highlight how our ability to predict evolution can be constrained by data limitations that cause poor understanding of deterministic natural selection. We then emphasize how such data limits can be reduced with feasible empirical effort involving a combination of approaches

    Evolution of Camouflage Drives Rapid Ecological Change in an Insect Community

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    SummaryBackgroundEvolutionary change in individual species has been hypothesized to have far-reaching consequences for entire ecological communities [1–3], and such coupling of ecological and evolutionary dynamics (“eco-evolutionary dynamics”) has been demonstrated for a variety systems [4–7]. However, the general importance of evolutionary dynamics for ecological dynamics remains unclear. Here, we investigate how spatial patterns of local adaptation in the stick insect Timema cristinae, driven by the interaction between multiple evolutionary processes, structure metapopulations, communities, and multitrophic interactions.ResultsObservations of a wild T. cristinae metapopulation show that locally imperfect camouflage reduces population size and that the effect of such maladaptation is comparable to the effects of more traditional ecological factors, including habitat patch size and host-plant species identity. Field manipulations of local adaptation and bird predation support the hypothesis that maladaptation reduces population size through an increase in bird predation. Furthermore, these field experiments show that maladaptation in T. cristinae and consequent increase in bird predation reduce the pooled abundance and species richness of the co-occurring arthropod community, and ultimately cascade to decrease herbivory on host plants. An eco-evolutionary model of the observational data demonstrates that the demographic cost of maladaptation decreases habitat patch occupancy by T. cristinae but enhances metapopulation-level adaptation.ConclusionsThe results demonstrate a pervasive effect of ongoing evolution in a spatial context on population and community dynamics. The eco-evolutionary model makes testable predictions about the influence of the spatial configuration of the patch network on metapopulation size and the spatial scale of adaptation

    Mechanisms of reinforcement in natural and simulated polymorphic populations

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    Reinforcement speciation is the process whereby selection against hybrids drives the evolution of enhanced pre-mating reproductive isolation. Work has focused on divergent mating preferences (assortative mating) but pre-mating isolation can also arise via various migration modification behaviours, such as divergent habitat preferences. The relative importance of these two different mechanisms of reinforcement remains unclear. A recent theoretical model (Yukilevich-True model) found that relative fixation probabilities between these mechanisms can vary. Additionally, natural populations of Timema cristinae walking-sticks exhibit variation (polymorphism) in both mechanisms, generating questions about the patterns expected for allele frequencies prior to fixation, during the early stages of the speciation process. In the present study, we report: (1) new analyses examining the correlation between fixation probabilities for assortative mating and migration modification in the Yukilevich-True model; (2) novel simulations examining allele frequencies in polymorphic populations; and (3) empirical patterns of reinforcement in T. cristinae in the context of theoretical predictions. Simulations of both types yielded congruent results, revealing that the outcome of reinforcement was dependent on the strength of selection. Under weak selection, reinforcement by either mechanism is unlikely. Under intermediate selection, the conditions favoring the rise and fixation of one mechanism favored the rise and fixation of the other. However, assortative mating evolved somewhat more readily than migration modification. Populations of T. cristinae, which experience such intermediate selection, supported these predictions. Under strong selection, the evolution of migration modification generally interfered with the evolution of assortative mating by decreasing migration between populations, thereby reducing selection for assortative mating. Congruence of the results for allele frequencies versus fixation probabilities suggests that similar patterns of reinforcement are expected during different stages of the speciation process

    Experimental evidence for ecological selection on genome variation in the wild

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    Understanding natural selection's effect on genetic variation is a major goal in biology, but the genome-scale consequences of contemporary selection are not well known. In a release and recapture field experiment we transplanted stick insects to native and novel host plants and directly measured allele frequency changes within a generation at 186 576 genetic loci. We observed substantial, genome-wide allele frequency changes during the experiment, most of which could be attributed to random mortality (genetic drift). However, we also documented that selection affected multiple genetic loci distributed across the genome, particularly in transplants to the novel host. Host-associated selection affecting the genome acted on both a known colour-pattern trait as well as other (unmeasured) phenotypes. We also found evidence that selection associated with elevation affected genome variation, although our experiment was not designed to test this. Our results illustrate how genomic data can identify previously underappreciated ecological sources and phenotypic targets of selection