21 research outputs found

    Degeneración de los terminales aferentes primarios de rata luego de lesión extensa por avulsión del plexo braquial

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    Important breakthroughs in the understanding regeneration failure in an injured CNS have been made by studies of primary afferent neurons. Dorsal rhizotomy has provided an experimental model of brachial plexus (BP) avulsion. This is an injury in which the central branches of primary afferents are disrupted at their point of entry into the spinal cord, bringing motor and sensory dysfunction to the upper limbs. In the present work, the central axonal organization of primary afferents was examined in control (without lesion) adult Wistar rats and in rats subjected to a C3-T3 rhizotomy. Specific sensory axon subtypes were recognized by application of antibodies to the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), the P2X3 purinoreceptor, the low-affinity p75-neurotrophin receptor and the retrograde tracer cholera toxin subunit b (TCb ). Other subtypes weres labeled with the lectin Griffonia simplicifolia IB4. Using immunohistochemistry and high resolution light microscopy, brachial plexus rhizotomy in adult rats has proven a reliable model for several neural deficits in humans. This lesion produced different degrees of terminal degeneration in the several types of primary afferents which define sub-populations of sensitive neurons. Between the C6 and C8 levels of the spinal cord,,deafferentation was partial for peptidergic GCRP-positive fibers, in contrast with elimination of non peptidergic and myelinated fibers. Dorsal rhizotomy has provided an adequate experimental model to study sensory alterations such as acute pain and allodynia as well as factors that affect regeneration into the CNS., Therefore, the differential deafferentation response must be considered inr the evaluation of therapies for nociception (pain) and regeneration for brachial plexus avulsion. The anatomical diffierences among the primary afferent subtypes also affect their roles in normal and damaged conditions.El uso de las neuronas sensoriales primarias ha aportado avances en el entendimiento de las razones por las cuales falla la regeneración cuando el sistema nervioso central (SNC) es dañado. La rizotomía dorsal se puede usar como un modelo experimental de las lesiones por avulsión del plexo braquial, una lesión en la cual son desprendidas, en su punto de entrada en la médula espinal, las ramas centrales de los aferentes primarios causando una disfunción motora y sensorial grave e irreversible del miembro superior. En el presente trabajo, se examinó la organización central de los aferentes primarios en ratas Wistar adultas. Éstas fueron divididas en controles normales no lesionados y en animales rizotomizados entre los niveles cervical 3 y torácico 3 (C3-T3). Se estudió la deaferentación de los subtipos de axones sensoriales utilizando anticuerpos específicos contra el péptido relacionado con el gen de la calcitonina (CGRP), el receptor purinérgico (P2X3), el receptor de baja afinidad p75 para el factor de crecimiento nervioso (NGF) y contra la subunidad â de la toxina de cólera (TCb ). Otro subtipo fue marcado con la lectina Griffonia simplicifolia IB4. La inmunohistoquímica y la microscopía óptica de alta resolución demostraron que el modelo animal de rizotomía completa del plexo braquial reproduce diversos déficit observados en las lesiones humanas. Esta lesión produce diferentes grados de degeneración terminal entre los diversos tipos de aferentes primarios que definen subpoblaciones de neuronas sensoriales. En los niveles de la médula espinal estudiados (entre C6 y C8), la deaferentación fue parcial para las fibras peptidérgicas GCRPpositivas, en contraste con la eliminación de las fibras no peptidérgicas y las mielinizadas. La rizotomía dorsal es un modelo experimental apropiado para estudiar las alteraciones sensoriales como el dolor agudo y la alodinia, así como los factores que podrían afectar la regeneración en el SNC. Por tanto, la respuesta de deaferentacion diferencial debe ser tenida en cuenta para la evaluación de terapias antinociceptivas y regenerativas tras la avulsión del plexo braquial. Se discute la anatomía de los subtipos de aferentes primarios y su papel en condiciones normales y después de la lesión.Financial support for this work was provided by the European Community (Biomed II contract BMH4-97-2586), the Spanish Health Department (FIS98/0830), The British Council Programme (#8375) of Acciones Integradas and the International Spinal Research Trust. Vilma C Muñetón-Gómez holds a Colciencias and a Fundación Carolina fellowships from the Colombian and the Spanish government respectively.Peer reviewe

    Gene DeGruson: His Life and Legacy

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    A retrospective look at Gene\u27s life and legacy to PSU and Southeast Kansas history, on the 20th anniversary of his passing.https://digitalcommons.pittstate.edu/degruson_lecture/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Neurochemical characterization of neuronal populations expressing protein kinase C gamma isoform in the spinal cord and gracile nucleus of the rat

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    Protein kinase C gamma (PKCγ) is widely distributed throughout the CNS and is thought to play a role in long term hyper-excitability in nociceptive neurones. Here, we provide the first report of PKCγ cells in the dorsal column nuclei of the adult rat. Retrograde labeling of PKCγ cells from the thalamus with choleragenoid revealed that 25% of the PKCγ positive gracile cells projected to the thalamus. Further, we have characterized the distribution of PKCγ within gracile nucleus in terms of colocalization with various neurotransmitter receptors or enzymes and calcium binding proteins, and compared this with PKCγ colocalization in cells of laminae I-III of the spinal cord. We show that approximately 90% of the PKCγ cells in the gracile nucleus and 60% in the dorsal horn were immuno-positive for the AMPA receptor subunit glutamate 2/3 (GluR2/3). Little coexpression was seen with neurokinin 1 receptor, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1, markers of distinct neuronal subpopulations. In the spinal cord, a quarter of PKCγ cells expressed calbindin, but very few cells did so in the gracile nucleus. Electrical stimulation at c-fiber strength of the normal or injured sciatic nerve was used to induce c-fos as a marker of postsynaptic activation in the spinal cord and gracile nucleus. Quantitative analysis of the number of PKCγ positive gracile cells that expressed also c-fos increased from none to 24% after injury, indicating an alteration in the sensory activation pattern in these neurones after injury. C-fos was not induced in inner lamina II following c-fiber electrical stimulation of the intact or axotomized sciatic nerve, indicating no such plasticity at the spinal cord level. As dorsal column nuclei cells may contribute to allodynia after peripheral nerve injury, pharmacological modulation of PKCγ activity may therefore be a possible way to ameliorate neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury

    Aberrant neurofilament phosphorylation in sensory neurons of rats with diabetic neuropathy

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    Aberrant neurofilament phosphorylation occurs in many neurodegenerative diseases, and in this study, two animal models of type 1 diabetes-the spontaneously diabetic BB rat and the streptozocin-induced diabetic rat-have been used to determine whether such a phenomenon is involved in the etiology of the symmetrical sensory polyneuropathy commonly associated with diabetes. There was a two- to threefold (P <0.05) elevation of neurofilament phosphorylation in lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of diabetic rats that was localized to perikarya of medium to large neurons using immunocytochemistry. Additionally, diabetes enhanced neurofilament M phosphorylation by 2.5-fold (P <0.001) in sural nerve of BB rats. Neurofilaments are substrates of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, which includes c-jun NH 2- terminal kinase (JNK) or stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK1) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) 1 and 2. Diabetes induced a significant three- to fourfold (P <0.05) increase in phosphorylation of a 54-kDa isoform of JNK in DRG and sural nerve, and this correlated with elevated c-Jun and neurofilament phosphorylation. In diabetes, ERK phosphorylation was also increased in the DRG, but not in sural nerve. Immunocytochemistry showed that JNK was present in sensory neuron perikarya and axons. Motoneuron perikarya and peroneal nerve of diabetic rats showed no evidence of increased neurofilament phosphorylation and failed to exhibit phosphorylation of JNK. It is hypothesized that in sensory neurons of diabetic rats, aberrant phosphorylation of neurofilament may contribute to the distal sensory axonopathy observed in diabetes

    Spinal cord compression and dorsal root injury cause up-regulation of activating transcription factor-3 in large-diameter dorsal root ganglion neurons

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    Spinal cord injury causes damage to ascending and descending tracts, as well as to local circuits, but relatively little is known about the effect of such injury on sensory neurons located within adjoining ganglia. We have therefore used immunocytochemistry for activating transcription factor-3 (ATF3), a sensitive marker of axonal damage, in order to examine the effects of spinal cord injury in rats on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. A 50-g static compression injury applied to the dorsal surface of the T12 thoracic spinal cord led to an up-regulation of ATF3 that was maximal at 1 day and affected 12-14% of DRG neurons in ganglia caudal to the injury (T13-L3). A similar response was seen after a T12 hemisection that transected the dorsal columns except that compression injury, but not hemisection, also evoked ATF3 expression in ganglia just rostral to the injury (T10, T11). ATF3 was up-regulated exclusively in DRG neurons that were of large diameter and immunoreactive for heavy neurofilament. Small-diameter cells, including the population that binds the lectin Grifffonia simplicifolia IB4, did not express ATF3 immunoreactivity. A similar pattern of ATF3 expression was induced by dorsal rhizotomy. The data show for the first time that ATF3 is up-regulated after spinal cord and dorsal root injury, but that this up-regulation is confined to the large-diameter cell population

    A distinct subgroup of small DRG cells express GDNF receptor components and GDNF is protective for these neurons after nerve injury

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that neurotrophin administration may be of some therapeutic benefit in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. However, a third of sensory neurons do not express receptors for the neurotrophins. These neurons are of small diameter and can be identified by the binding of the lectin IB4 and the expression of the enzyme thiamine monophosphatase (TMP). Here we show that these neurons express the receptor components for glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) signaling (RET, GFR�-1, and GFR�-2). In lumbar dorsal root ganglia, virtually all IB4-labeled cells express RET mRNA, and the majority of these cells (79%) also express GFR�-1, GFR�-2, or GFR�-1 plus GFR�-2. GDNF, but not nerve growth factor (NGF), can prevent several axotomy-induced changes in these neurons, including the downregulation of IB4 binding, TMP activity, and somatostati