8 research outputs found

    Microencapsulation of Mitragyna leaf extracts to be used as a bioactive compound source to enhance in vitro fermentation characteristics and microbial dynamics

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    Objective Mitragyna speciosa Korth is traditionally used in Thailand. They have a high level of antioxidant capacities and bioactive compounds, the potential to modulate rumen fermentation and decrease methane production. The aim of the study was to investigate the different levels of microencapsulated-Mitragyna leaves extracts (MMLE) supplementation on nutrient degradability, rumen ecology, microbial dynamics, and methane production in an in vitro study. Methods A completely randomized design was used to assign the experimental treatments, MMLE was supplemented at 0%, 4%, 6%, and 8% of the total dry matter (DM) substrate. Results The addition of MMLE significantly increased in vitro dry matter degradability both at 12, 24, and 48 h, while ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration was improved with MMLE supplementation. The MMLE had the greatest propionate and total volatile fatty acid production when added with 6% of total DM substrate, while decreased the methane production (12, 24, and 48 h). Furthermore, the microbial population of cellulolytic bacteria and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens were increased, whilst Methanobacteriales was decreased with MMLE feeding. Conclusion The results indicated that MMLE could be a potential alternative plant-based bioactive compound supplement to be used as ruminant feed additives

    Response and Tolerance of <i>Macleaya cordata</i> to Excess Zinc Based on Transcriptome and Proteome Patterns

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    Macleaya cordata is a dominant plant of mine tailings and a zinc (Zn) accumulator with high Zn tolerance. In this study, M. cordata seedlings cultured in Hoagland solution were treated with 200 μmol·L−1 of Zn for 1 day or 7 days, and then, their leaves were taken for a comparative analysis of the transcriptomes and proteomes between the leaves of the control and Zn treatments. Differentially expressed genes included those that were iron (Fe)-deficiency-induced, such as vacuolar iron transporter VIT, ABC transporter ABCI17 and ferric reduction oxidase FRO. Those genes were significantly upregulated by Zn and could be responsible for Zn transport in the leaves of M. cordata. Differentially expressed proteins, such as chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins, ATP-dependent protease, and vacuolar-type ATPase located on the tonoplast, were significantly upregulated by Zn and, thus, could be important in chlorophyll biosynthesis and cytoplasm pH stabilization. Moreover, the changes in Zn accumulation, the production of hydrogen peroxide, and the numbers of mesophyll cells in the leaves of M. cordata were consistent with the expression of the genes and proteins. Thus, the proteins involved in the homeostasis of Zn and Fe are hypothesized to be the keys to the tolerance and accumulation of Zn in M. cordata. Such mechanisms in M. cordata can suggest novel approaches to genetically engineering and biofortifying crops


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    Bovine anaplasmosis, caused by Anaplasma marginale, is a non-contagious tick borne disease. The main objective of the current study was to investigate comparative frequency of anaplasmosis in three different cattle breeds (European breed/ Holstein Friesian and Jersey breed, indigenous breed and cross breed (1st and 2nd pedigree) and transplacental transmission using real time polymerase chain reaction for detection. Of the total 96 blood samples analyzed, our results indicated an overall incidence 45.83% (44/96) of A. marginale with highest incidence 62.5% (20/32) in European breed, followed by 42.4% (14/33) in cross breed and 35.4% (11/31) in indigenous breed. Most importantly, our results indicated that 13.7% (4/29) calves were found positive for the presence of A. marginale indicating transplacental transmission. Furthermore, indirect ELISA revealed an overall incidence rate of 34.3% (33/96) more likely indicating current or previous exposure. Finally, Giemsa staining determined that 15% (15/96) animals were found positive by examining red blood cells. Statistical analysis showed significantly higher (P0.05) difference was found among the crossbred and indigenous breed of cattle. Moreover, non significant (P> 0.05) effect of age group was observed on the incidence of A. marginale. White blood cell count and mean corpuscular volume were significantly (P<0.05) higher in infected cattle, while, red blood cells, packed cell volume hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were significantly (P<0.05) higher in non-infected as compare to infected animals. Key words: Anaplasma marginale; cattle breeds; enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay; real-time polymerase chain reaction; transplacental transmission   POJAVNOST IN PRENOS Anaplasma marginale PREKO POSTELJICE PRI MLEČNEM GOVEDU Povzetek: Goveja anaplazmoza, ki jo povzroča Anaplasma marginale, je bolezen, ki ni kužna in jo prenašajo klopi. Glavni namen študije je bil raziskati in primerjati pogostost anaplazmoze pri različnih pasmah goveda in sicer dveh evropskih pasmah (holstein-frizijske pasma in pasma jersey) pri avtohtoni pasmi ter pri križancih med evropskimi pasmami in avtohtonimi pasmami (1. In 2. generacija križancev) ter prenos preko posteljice z uporabo verižne rekacije s polimerazo v realnem času (PCR). Od skupno 96 pregledanih vzorcev krvi so rezultati pokazali skupno incidenco 45,83 % (44/96) A. marginale z največjo incidenco 62,5 % (20/32) pri evropskih pasmah, nato 42,4 % (14/33) pri križanih živalih in 35,4 % (11/31) pri avtohtonih pasmah. Rezultati so tudi pokazali pozitivno rekacijo na prisotnost A. marginale pri 13,7 % (4/29) telet, kar kaže na prenos anaplazmoze preko posteljice. Metoda posrednega testa ELISA, ki pokaže na trenutno ali predhodno izpostavljenost, je pokazala 34,3-odstotno pojavnost pri vseh živalih skupaj (33/96 živali). Proučitev rdečih krvničk z barvanjem Giemsa je pokazalo 15 % (15/96) pozitivnih živali. Statistična analiza je pokazala statistično značilno razliko v pojavnosti anaplazmoze med evropskima pasmama v primerjavi s križanci in avtohtono pasmo (p < 0,05), razlika med križanci in avtohtono pasmo goveda pa ni bila statistično značilna. Poleg tega je bil pri pojavnosti A. marginale opazen neznaten (statistično neznačilen) učinek starosti proučevanih živali. Število belih krvnih celic in povprečni volumen telesne mase sta bila pri okuženih govedih statistično značilno povečana (p < 0,05), medtem ko so bile rdeče krvne celice, koncentracija hemoglobina v celicah in povprečna količina hemoglobina v posameznem eritrocitu (MCHC) v neokuženi skupini višja kot v skupini z okuženimi živalmi (p <0,05). Ključne besede: Anaplasma marginale; pasme goveda; test ELISA; verižna reakcija s polimerazo v realnem času; prenos preko posteljic

    Effect of different levels of alpha tocopherol on performance traits, serum antioxidant enzymes, and trace elements in Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ) under low ambient temperature

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    ABSTRACT This study was designed to find the effect of vitamin E supplementation on growth, serum antioxidant enzymes, and some trace elements in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) under low ambient temperature. A total of 180 day-old Japanese quails were randomly divided into four groups and provided with 0 (group A), 50 (group B), 100 (group C), and 150 IU/kg (group D) vitamin E (dl-α-tocopherol acetate) under an average temperature of 9±0.5 °C for an experimental period of 42 days. The result showed that feed intake per day, body weight, weight gain per day, and feed conversion ratio did not differ significantly between the groups. Serum concentrations of superoxide and glutathione peroxidase were significantly high in birds supplemented with 150 mg/kg of vitamin E. The concentration of aspartate aminotransferase was not significantly affected between the control and treated groups; however, alanine transaminase concentration significantly reduced in group D. Zinc concentration in the blood increased significantly in group D, with no significant effect on copper and manganese between the control and treated groups. Vitamin E at the level of 150 IU/kg of feed improves the blood antioxidant status and zinc concentration, with no effect on the performance traits of quail reared under low ambient temperature

    The prevalence, risk factors analysis and evaluation of two diagnostic techniques for the detection of Cryptosporidium infection in diarrheic sheep from Pakistan.

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    BackgroundCryptosporidium spp. is recognized as an opportunistic zoonotic parasite that infects humans as well as wild and domestic animals. This enteric protozoan is a major cause of diarrhea in humans and animals and often result in death due to severe dehydration. The present study was designed to investigate the prevalence, identification of various risk factors and evaluation of sensitivity of the two diagnostic techniques for rapid and correct detection of Cryptosporidium infection in diarrheic sheep in Pakistan.MethodsA total of 360 fecal samples were collected and processed for detection of Cryptosporidium infection after proper preservation. These samples were properly stained with modified Ziehl-Neelsen acid staining and then examined under simple microscope at 100x magnification for confirmation of Cryptosporidium oocysts. The same samples were again processed through simple PCR for confirmation of the Cryptosporidium spp.ResultsThe age wise prevalence was detected through simple microscopy and PCR. We found highest prevalence at the age of ≤1 year followed by 1-2 years of age while the lowest prevalence was recorded at the age of ≥ 2-3 years of sheep and found significant difference between different ages (PConclusionIt was concluded that molecular detection is the most efficient, specific and sensitive technique for detection of Cryptosporidium infection than simple microscopy. Moreover sheep is the major potential source of infection to other wild and domestic animals including humans

    Revisiting pharmacology of oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease: Evidence for redox-based therapies

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