1,545 research outputs found

    Exploring the Auteur Elia Kazan

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    Archaea produce lower yields of N2O than bacteria during aerobic ammonia oxidation in soil

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    Acknowledgments The authors are members of the Nitrous Oxide Research Alliance (NORA), a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and research project under the EU's seventh framework program (FP7). GN is funded by the AXA Research Fund. The authors would like to thank Dr Nicholas Morley for assistance with gas chromatography, Dr Robin Walker and the SRUC Craibstone Estate (Aberdeen) for access to the agricultural plots and Dr Thomas Cornulier for statistical advice.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The UNIDROIT Principles 2004 the restatement of the lex mercatoria in the new millennium

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    This work tries to examine if somethink like a modern lex mercatoria exists, what if it exists is generally understood as the modern lex mercatoria and to answer the question if the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UPICC) are an up to date restatement of this lex mercatoria. For this purpose a description of the roots of the lex mercatoria is given and a survey of the modern development. For the achievment of a satisfying result an overview of the international institutions, organisations and projects and their work in the field of the international and transnational commercial law is presented. The main attention hereby is given to the International Institute for the Unification of private law (UNIDROIT) and CENTRAL. The different understanding and interpretation of the lex mercatoria is analysed and the different approach to the preparation of lists of principles for the international commercial law is surveyed. After a brief summery of the common principles a comparison of different solutions offered by the UPICC and the list of principles published by CENTRAL, other lists of principles, international conventions and national regulations for selected legal problems of importance in the field of the international commercial law is made. The comparison shall give the answer if the UPICC that were first published in 1994 and as an enlarged 2nd edition with only a few revisions in 2004, are still the up to date restatement of the lex mercatoria in the year 2005

    Fractionation of human immune γ-globulin

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    Equine and bovine serum proteins have recently been fractionated by means of a physical method utilizing an electrophoretic adaptation of the principles of the Clusius column (l-4), first described and tested by Kirkwood (5) and Nielsen (6). The method of electrophoresis-convection has now been applied to the fractionation of human γ-globulin. The γ-globulin was prepared by ethanol fractionation (7) from the plasma of individuals hyperimmunized to Hemophilus pertussis organisms. The resulting fractions of γ-globulin have been characterized electrophoretically, and the protective antibody activity and agglutinin titer have been measured

    Positive feedback by teachers

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    Tunnustaval käitumisel ehk kiitmisel on positiivne mõju nii õpilase käitumisele kui ka akadeemilistele tulemustele. Eestis on vähe vaadeldud õpetajate tunnustavat käitumist koolis ja seni ei ole seda uuritud koos õpetaja enda raporteeritud tunnustamiskäitumisega. Alles hiljuti on tehtud algust Eesti õpetajate vaimse tervise ja tunnustava käitumise vaheliste seoste uurimine. Käesolevas uurimistöös vaadeldi 15 õpetaja tundi ja paluti neil täita küsitlus. Õpetajad tunnustavad keskmiselt 16,67 korda tunnis, kuid valimi väiksuse tõttu ei saa seda pidada Eesti keskmiseks. Kõige tugevam seos on õpetaja täidetud EEK-2 vaimse kurnatuse alaskaala ja tunnustuva käitumise vahel. Õpetaja raporteeritud ja vaadeldud tunnustamiskäitumise vahel ei leitud statistiliselt olulist seost

    The Federal Elections Bill and the End of Reconstruction in 1890

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    The Reconstruction Era within U.S. History is (generally) defined as commencing in 1865 and ending in 1877; however, the social, cultural, and political impact of this time in the nation’s history suggests that its ending is less tidy. Those who worked both for and against the progressive goals of Reconstruction continued their efforts beyond 1877. The Federal Elections Bill of 1890 was written with intent by the remaining Reconstruction Republicans to provide federal oversight to elections, which had become a primary target of Democrats in the former Confederate states as they regained their power. Efforts within these states to prevent Black Americans from casting their ballot had undone much of the initial progress they had experienced in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War. This paper argues that this piece of legislation - and its brief life within Congress - is the last gasp of Reconstruction and its lost potential to remap the trajectory of civil rights within the United States

    Where East Meets West: Cultivating a Cosmopolitan London in the 1920s

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    This paper addresses the transmutable nature of London’s cosmopolitan status in 1920s society and culture. It specifically examines the literary and filmic iterations of Wonderful London, which have often been overlooked by historians, juxtaposed with contemporary primary sources. The inter-textual exploration reveals both explicit and implicit ways in which London was depicted as an ideal metropolitan society. I argue that in 1920s British popular culture, a cosmopolitan London was generally perceived as propitious, although fears over miscegenation, immigration and a deeply engrained division between West and East London existed. While contemporary cosmopolitanism was rife with tensions, it was also celebrated and it was a blending of national and international elements that yielded London’s illustrious reputation

    A novel non-isolated active charge balancing architecture for lithium-ion batteries

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    Active charge balancing is an approved technique to implement high performance lithium-ion battery systems. Enhanced balancing speeds and reduced balancing losses are feasible compared to passive balancing. The new architecture proposed in this paper overcomes several drawbacks of other active balancing methods. It consists of only 2 non-isolated DC/DC converters. In combination with a MOSFET switch matrix it is able to balance arbitrary cells of a battery system at high currents. Adjacent cells can be balanced simultaneously. For the given setting, numerical simulations show an overall balancing efficiency of approx. 92.5%, compared to 89.4% for a stack-to-cell-to-stack method (St2C2St, bidirectional fly-back) at similar balancing times. The usable capacity increases from 97.1% in a passively balanced system to 99.5% for the new method