18 research outputs found

    CD133-directed CAR T-cells for MLL Leukemia: On-Target, Off-Tumor Myeloablative Toxicity

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    Acknowledgements: We thank the Interfant treatment protocol and local physicians for contributing patient samples: Dr. Ronald W Stam (Princess Maxima Centre, Utrech), Dr. Mireia Camos and Dr. Jose Luis Fuster (Spanish Society of Pediatric Hematoncology), Dr. Paola Ballerini (A. Trousseau Hospital, Paris). We also thank Prof. Paresh Vyas (Oxford Univeristy, UK) and Prof. Kajsa Paulsson (Lund University, Sweden) for facilitating access to their RNA-seq database. This work has been supported by the European Research Council (CoG-2014-646903, PoC-2018-811220) to PM, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, SAF-SAF2016-80481-R, BIO2017-85364-R) to PM and EE, the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR330, SGR102 and PERIS) to PM and EE, the Spanish Association against cancer (AECC-CI-2015) to CB, and the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII/FEDER, PI14-01191) to CB. PM also acknowledges financial support from the Obra Social La Caixa-Fundaciò Josep Carreras. SRZ and TV are supported by a Marie Curie fellowships. OM is supported by the Catalan Government through a Beatriu de Pinos fellowship. MB is supported by MINECO through a PhD scholarship. PM is an investigator of the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative network (TERCEL)

    Medically unexplained pain complaints are associated with underlying unrecognized mood disorders in primary care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients with chronic pain frequently display comorbid depression, but the impact of this concurrence is often underestimated and mistreated. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of unrecognized major depression and other mood disorders and comorbid unexplained chronic pain in primary care settings and to explore the associated factors.</p> <p>Also, to compare the use of health services by patients with unexplained chronic pain, both with and without mood disorder comorbidity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of primary care centers. 3189 patients consulting for "unexplained chronic pain" were assessed by the Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report: a) a high prevalence of unrecognized mood disorders in patients suffering from unexplained chronic pain complaints (80.4%: CI 95%: 79.0%; 81.8%); b) a greater susceptibility of women to mood disorders (OR adjusted = 1.48; CI 95%:1.22; 1.81); c) a direct relationship between the prevalence of mood disorders and the duration of pain (OR adjusted = 1.01; CI 95%: 1.01; 1.02) d) a higher comorbidity with depression if the pain etiology was unknown (OR adjusted = 1.74; CI 95%: 1.45; 2.10) and, e) an increased use of health care services in patients with such a comorbidity (p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of undiagnosed mood disorders in patients with unexplained chronic pain in primary care is very high, leading to dissatisfaction with treatment processes and poorer outcomes. Consequently, it seems necessary to explore this condition more regularly in general practice in order to reach accurate diagnoses and to select the appropriate treatment.</p

    Revisión y Control del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental de las obras de dragado del Puerto de Maó

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica y biológica, para la caracterización de los ecosistemas marinos en el punto de vertido y área adyacente previa al inicio de las obras de dragado del Puerto de Maó.RESUMEN: En este documento se presentan los trabajos científicos realizados por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, dentro del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del Puerto de Maó (Menorca, Islas Baleares), para la caracterización de los ecosistema marino en el punto de vertido y área adyacente, previa al inicio de las obras. Se incluyen los resultados y las conclusiones de los estudios realizados por diversos grupos de investigación, principalmente en Enero-Marzo 2014, en relación al fondo marino, la hidrodinámica, las praderas de Posidonia oceanica y el molusco bivalvo Pinna nobilis, el macro-bentos de los fondos circalitorales blandos y los contaminantes en agua, sedimentos y biota, así como en especies de interés comercial para el consumo humano. Este informe se contempla en el contrato entre la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares y el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, suscrito el 5 Febrero 2014, para los trabajos de asistencia técnica para la revisión y control del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del Puerto de Maó.RESUM: En aquest document es presenten els treballs científics realitzats per l’Instituto Español de Oceanografía, dins del Pla de Vigilància Ambiental del dragat del Port de Maó (Menorca, Illes Balears), per a la caracterització dels ecosistemes marins en el punt de vessament i àrea adjacent, prèvia a l’inici de les obres. S’inclouen els resultats i les conclusions del estudis realitzats per diversos grups de recerca, principalment durant Gener-Març 2014, en relació al fons marí, la hidrodinàmica, les praderies de Posidonia oceanica i el mol•lusc bivalve Pinna nobilis, el macro-bentos dels fons circalitorals tous i els contaminants en aigua, sediments i biota, així com en espècies d’interès comercial pel consum humà. Aquest informe es contempla en el contracte entre l’Autoritat Portuària de Balears i el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, subscrit el 5 Febrer 2014, pels treballs d’assistència tècnica per a la revisió i control del Pla de Vigilància Ambiental del dragat de Port de Maó.ABSTRACT: This document presents the scientific actions developed by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía within the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the works of dredging the Port of Maó (Minorca, Balearic Islands), for the characterization of the marine ecosystems in the point of discharge of dredged material and adjacent area, before the beginning of the dredging. The results and conclusions of the studies developed by several research groups, mainly in January-March 2014, in relation to the bottom, hydrodynamics, Posidonia oceanica meadows, and the bivalve mollusc Pinna nobilis, the macro-benthos of the circalittoral soft bottoms and the contaminants in water, sediments and biota, as well as in commercial species for human consumption, are included. This report is contemplated within the contract between the Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, signed on 5 February 2014, for the technical assistance activities to review and control the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the works of dredging the Port of Maó.Autoridad Portuaria de Baleare


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    Planning de los experimentos conductuales realizados en el marco del Proyecto "Frustración por pérdida de reforzamiento: identificación del conectoma funcional en el cerebro de ratas machos y hembrasMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación. ID2021-123338NB-I0

    Käytännön kosteikkosuunnittelu

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    Maatalouden vesiensuojelua edistetään monin tavoin. Ravinteita ja eroosioainesta sisältäviä valumavesiä pyritään puhdistamaan erilaisissa kosteikoissa. Tämä opas on kirjoitettu avuksi pienimuotoisten kosteikkojen perustamiseen. Oppaassa esitetään käytännönläheisesti kosteikon toteuttamisen eri vaiheet paikan valinnasta suunnitteluun ja rakentamiseen. Vuonna 2010 julkaistun painoksen tiedot on saatettu ajantasalle. Julkaisu on toteutettu osana Tehoa maatalouden vesiensuojeluun (TEHO) -hanketta ja päivitetty TEHO Plus -hankkeen toimesta. Oppaan toivotaan lisäävän kiinnostusta kosteikkojen suunnitteluun ja edelleen niiden rakentamiseen

    Na+ controls hypoxic signalling by the mitochondrial respiratory chain

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    All metazoans depend on O2 delivery and consumption by the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system to produce energy. A decrease in O2 availability (hypoxia) leads to profound metabolic rewiring. In addition, OXPHOS uses O2 to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can drive cell adaptations through redox signalling, but also trigger cell damage1–4, and both phenomena occur in hypoxia4–8. However, the precise mechanism by which acute hypoxia triggers mitochondrial ROS production is still unknown. Ca2+ is one of the best known examples of an ion acting as a second messenger9, yet the role ascribed to Na+ is to serve as a mere mediator of membrane potential and collaborating in ion transport10. Here we show that Na+ acts as a second messenger regulating OXPHOS function and ROS production by modulating fluidity of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). We found that a conformational shift in mitochondrial complex I during acute hypoxia11 drives the acidification of the matrix and solubilization of calcium phosphate precipitates. The concomitant increase in matrix free-Ca2+ activates the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCLX), which imports Na+ into the matrix. Na+ interacts with phospholipids reducing IMM fluidity and mobility of free ubiquinone between complex II and complex III, but not inside supercomplexes. As a consequence, superoxide is produced at complex III, generating a redox signal. Inhibition of mitochondrial Na+ import through NCLX is sufficient to block this pathway, preventing adaptation to hypoxia. These results reveal that Na+ import into the mitochondrial matrix controls OXPHOS function and redox signalling through an unexpected interaction with phospholipids, with profound consequences in cellular metabolism

    Interpretation of the depths of maximum of extensive air showers measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

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