15 research outputs found

    Fat and carbohydrate metabolism during and following hemorrhagic shock in puppies: A comparison of different resuscitation protocols

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    Shock states continue to carry a high mortality rate in the pediatric age group. Using a puppy model, we measured the initial metabolic response to hemorrhagic shock and to 3 resuscitation regimens: whole blood 1∶1 (replacement∶shed), lactated Ringer's 3∶1, and 5% albumin in lactated Ringer's 1∶1. Despite the immature nature of the puppy's enzyme, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, responses very similar to those in adult animals were seen. Serum glucose and free fatty acids rose during shock and declined with resuscitation as cardiac output returned toward normal. Serum lactate levels rose similarly but continued to rise for a short period after resuscitation and were associated with a further fall in pH consistent with “hidden acidosis.” Only small changes were noted in triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The metabolic responses noted following each of the 3 resuscitation protocols were similar. This study suggests that the immature animal responds to hemorrhagic shock in ways similar to the adult. The better initial hemodynamic response to resuscitation with high-volume lactated Ringer's or lactated Ringer's with 5% albumin was offset by the better buffering capacity of blood resuscitation. All 3 regimens were equally efficacious in providing initial metabolic recovery in this experimental hemorrhagic shock model. Les états de choc s'accompagnent d'une mortalité élevée chez les enfants. En ayant recours à l'expérimentation chez le chiot, les auteurs ont mesuré les modifications métaboliques initiales en réponse au choc hémoragique et à sa correction par 3 agents différents: sang complet (1∶1), solution de Ringer (3∶1) et solution de Ringer enrichie de 5% d'albumine. Malgré la nature immature des enzymes du chiot, du système cardio-vasculaire et du système nerveux, les réponses furent identiques à celles observées chez le chien adulte. Le glucose et les acides gras libres s'élevèrent au cours du choc et s'abaissèrent lors de la réanimation dès que le débit cardiaque revint à la normale. Les niveaux du lactate sanguin s'élevèrent de la même manière mais l'élévation continua pendant une courte période après la réanimation, cependant que le pH s'abaissait, démasquant une “acidose cachée”. Les taux des triglycérides et du cholestérol furent seulement discrètement altérés. Les réponses métaboliques étudiées en fonction des 3 méthodes de réanimation furent identiques. Cette étude suggère que le chiot répond de la même façon que le chien adulte au choc hémorragique et que les 3 méthodes de réanimation employant chacune des agents différents ont une efficacité identique. Los estados shock mantienen una elevada mortalidad en los grupos de edad pediátrica. Utilizando un modelo de shock en cachorros, se determinó la respuesta metabólica inicial al shock hemorrágico y a tres diferentes regimenes de resucitación: sangre total 1∶1 (reemplazo: pérdida), lactato de Ringer 3∶1, y albúmina al 5% en lactato de Ringer 1∶1. A pesar de la naturaleza inmadura de los sistemas enzimático, cardiovascular y nervioso del cachorro, las respuestas fueron muy similares a las observadas en animales adultos. La glucosa sérica y los ácidos grasos libres ascendieron durante el shock y declinarion en la medida que el débito cardiaco retornaba a lo normal. Los niveles de lactato sérico ascendieron en forma similar, pero continuaron su ascenso por un corto periodo de tiempo después de la resucitación, encontrándose asociados con una caida adicional del pH consistente con “acidosis oculta”. Sólo se presentaron cambios leves en los niveles de triglicéridos y colesterol. Las respuestas metabólicas observadas en cada uno de los tres protocolos de resucitación fueron similares. Este estudio sugiere que el animal inmaduro responde al shock hemorrágico de manera similar al adulto. La mejor respuesta hemodinámica inicial a la resucitación con altos volúmenes de lactato de Ringer o con lactato de Ringer con albúmina al 5%, fue compensada con una mejor capacidad de amortiguación observada en la resucitación con sangre. Los tres regimenes fueron igualmente eficaces en lograr la recuperación metabólica inicial en este modelo experimental de shock hemorrágico.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41311/1/268_2005_Article_BF01655348.pd

    Carbamide peroxide gel stability under different temperature conditions: is manipulated formulation an option?

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    Nowadays the use of gel containing carbamide peroxide (CP) prepared in Pharmacy is a normal practice in the population. However, the quality of this product is questionable concerning its stability. The aim of this study is was to synthesize and to analyze this drug alone or associated to Carbopol gel through analytical methodology compatible with the routine of the Pharmacies. The reaction between urea and hydrogen peroxide was carried out at different resting times: 24 hours (CP 24 powder) and 48 hours (CP48 powder) after the mixture. Both products were associated with Carbopol 940Ž gel 1.5% (G) generating G24 and G48 samples. The stability of powders (CP24 e CP48) and the formulations (G24 and G48) were evaluated as a function of time (15, 40 and 45 days) and thermal variation (refrigeration: 8 °C¹1; thermal shock 32 °C¹1 /8 °C¹1; stove: 32 °C¹1), using a standard titration method. As a result, only under refrigeration the CP24 and CP48 contents remained stable during the period of 45 days. An interesting finding was that G24 and G48 presented greater stability for at least 45-days under refrigeration and thermal shock conditions, and up to 30 days under stove conditions. The results for the G24 and G48 were slightly higher than those obtained for the control. Therefore, we were able to conclude that association with Carbopol 940Ž Gel 1.5 % provided greater CP stability and that manipulated formulations containing CP may be viable for use in a period of 45 days under refrigeration conditions. The titration proved to be an effective technique for the analysis of CP with or without Carbopol 940Ž gel 1.5%.Atualmente, a utilização de gel contendo peróxido de carbamida manipulado em Farmåcia Ê uma pråtica comum na população. No entanto, a qualidade deste produto Ê questionada, sobretudo no que se refere à estabilidade deste fårmaco. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na avaliação da viabilidade de sintetizar e analisar quantitativamente este fårmaco associado ou não a um gel de Carbopol atravÊs de metodologia analítica compatível com a rotina das Farmåcias. A reação entre a urÊia e o peróxido de hidrogênio foi realizada em tempos diferentes de repouso após a mistura, 24 h para sintetizar o pó PC 24 e 48 h para o pó CP 48. Estes pós foram associados a um gel (G) de Carbopol 940Ž 1,5 %, originando as amostras G24 e G48. A estabilidade dos pós (PC 24 e PC 48) e das formulaçþes (G 24 e G 48) foi avaliada em função do tempo (15, 40 e 45 dias) e da variação tÊrmica (refrigeração: 8 °C¹1; choque tÊrmico: 32 °C¹1/8 °C¹1 e estufa: 32 °C¹1), atravÊs da tÊcnica de titulometria. Os resultados indicam que unicamente sob refrigeração o CP24 e o CP 48 mantiveram-se eståveis no período de 45 dias. O G24 e o G48 apresentaram eståveis por pelo menos 45 dias nas condiçþes de refrigeração e choque tÊrmico e por 30 dias na condição estufa. Os resultados obtidos para o G24 e G48 foram ligeiramente superiores aos obtidos para o controle. AlÊm disso, Ê possível concluir que a associação do PC com o gel de Carbopol 940Ž 1,5 % promoveu um aumento na estabilidade do PC e que as preparaçþes manipuladas contendo PC são viåveis para uso durante um período de 45 sob refrigeração. A titulometria mostrou-se uma tÊcnica eficaz para a anålise do PC associado ou não ao gel de Carbopol 940Ž 1,5%

    Measurements of inclusive W and Z cross sections in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV

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    This is the pre-print version of the Published Article, which can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 Springer VerlagMeasurements of inclusive W and Z boson production cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV are presented, based on 2.9 inverse picobarns of data recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurements, performed in the electron and muon decay channels, are combined to give sigma(pp to WX) times B(W to muon or electron + neutrino) = 9.95 \pm 0.07(stat.) \pm 0.28(syst.) \pm 1.09(lumi.) nb and sigma(pp to ZX) times B(Z to oppositely charged muon or electron pairs) = 0.931 \pm 0.026(stat.) \pm 0.023(syst.) \pm 0.102(lumi.) nb. Theoretical predictions, calculated at the next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD using recent parton distribution functions, are in agreement with the measured cross sections. Ratios of cross sections, which incur an experimental systematic uncertainty of less than 4%, are also reported

    Measurement of dijet angular distributions and search for quark compositeness in pp collisions at √s=7TeV

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    Dijet angular distributions are measured over a wide range of dijet invariant masses in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV, at the CERN LHC. The event sample, recorded with the CMS detector, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36 pb(-1). The data are found to be in good agreement with the predictions of perturbative QCD, and yield no evidence of quark compositeness. With a modified frequentist approach, a lower limit on the contact interaction scale for left-handed quarks of Lambda(+) = 5.6 TeV (Lambda(-) = 6.7 TeV) for destructive (constructive) interference is obtained at the 95% confidence level

    Realising Team-Working in the Field: An Agent-based Approach

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    Multi-agent systems technology is applied to enable co-operation between mobile workers in the field, minimising user intervention and increasing reachability. A component-based approach is taken to simplify the management of deployed co-operation services. A Personal Assistant running on a mobile device is introduced to show how an intelligent and autonomous agent can increase the utility of users during workforce co-operation processes. Finally, a real world trial of the technology by network installation and maintenance engineers in the UK is described. Some technical issues revealed during the trial are discussed, as is the impact of the technology on the business process

    Dissolution test of herbal medicines containing Paullinia cupana: validation of methods for quantification and assessment of dissolution

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    "Guaranå" (Paullinia cupana) is used as a physical activity enhancer and stimulator due to its methylxanthines and condensed tannins. The aim of this work was to evaluate the dissolution behavior of five herbal medicines in the form of capsules and tablets containing guaranå. Assay and dissolution methods were validated and results obtained allowed simultaneous marker quantification with precision, accuracy, selectivity and robustness. Findings showed that 100% of the herbal medicinal products analyzed did not provide satisfactory results concerning the presence of four markers, 60% had three markers (caffeine, catechin and epicatechin), while 40% had only caffeine at tested dosage forms. In addition, after 30 minutes, only capsule A showed at least 80% of the dissolved markers. In other capsules, marker dissolution did not exceed 60% whereas 60% of the samples had some characteristic pharmacotechnical problems. These results evidence the need for rigorous quality control to help ensure the therapeutic action of these drugs. To this end, dissolution studies are an essential tool for quality assurance of herbal medicines.<br>Guaranå (Paullinia cupana) Ê utilizado como revigorante e estimulante devido à presença de metilxantinas e taninos condensados. Este trabalho visou avaliar o comportamento de dissolução de cinco fitoteråpicos, na forma de cåpsulas e comprimidos, contendo guaranå. O mÊtodo de quantificação e de dissolução foram validados e os resultados obtidos permitiram a quantificação dos marcadores simultaneamente, com precisão, exatidão, seletividade e robustez. Foi verificado que 100% dos fitoteråpicos analisados encontravam em desacordo quanto à presença dos quatro marcadores, sendo que 60% apresentaram três marcadores (cafeína, catequina e epicatequina) e 40% apresentaram somente a cafeína. AlÊm disso, após o tempo de 30 minutos de ensaio foi possível observar que somente a cåpsula A apresentou pelo menos 80% dos marcadores dissolvidos. Nas demais cåpsulas o comportamento de dissolução apresentado pelos marcadores não ultrapassou 60% e, alÊm disso, 60% das amostras apresentaram alguns problemas farmacotÊcnicos característicos. Frente aos resultados obtidos torna-se evidente a necessidade de um rigoroso controle de qualidade que contribua para assegurar a ação terapêutica desses medicamentos e, nesse sentido, o estudo de dissolução constitui uma ferramenta essencial para a garantia de qualidade dos fitoteråpicos

    Malaria surveillance : annual summary 1980

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