10 research outputs found

    Predictors of breastfeeding duration among women in Kuwait: results of a prospective cohort study

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    The purposes of this paper are to report the prevalence of breastfeeding to six months among women in Kuwait and to determine the factors that are associated with the duration of breastfeeding. A cohort of 373 women recruited from maternity wards in four hospitals in Kuwait city were followed from birth to 26 weeks postpartum. The association of any and full breastfeeding duration and predictor variables were explored using multivariate Cox’s proportional hazards models. At six months, 39% of all infants were receiving some breast milk and only 2% of infants had been fully breastfed to 26 weeks. Women born in other Arab countries were less likely to discontinue breastfeeding than women born in Kuwait. Other factors positively associated with breastfeeding duration were level of maternal education, higher parity, infant being demand fed in hospital and a preference for breastfeeding on the part of the infant’s father and maternal grandmother. The introduction of a pacifier before four weeks of age and the mother intending to return to work by six months were negatively associated with duration. These findings present a number of opportunities for prolonging breastfeeding duration in Kuwait

    الإرضاع الاستحثاثي اللانفاسي لدى السيدات المتزوجات بين الفقه الإسلامي والممارسات المعاصرة

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    Objective: Among Muslims, milk kinship elucidates the relationships established by a wet-nurse and her breastfed infant, prohibiting marriage between those it relates after the fulfillment of prerequisites. When galactagogues are used in the non-gestational lactation state, the relationship between motherhood and fatherhood through human milk can be questioned. Therefore, this study aims to shed light on the jurisprudential opinion of this relationship and provide examples of it from real, contemporary life. Methods: The researched utilized a deductive, analytical, and inductive approach for the jurisprudential view regarding the prohibition (of marriage) among married deflowered women using galactagogues and toward their husbands. Three controversial statements were presented and discussed independently. A qualitative study method was performed to explore the psychological and social effects of non-puerperal induced lactation within Muslim foster family. A real-life experience of 10 families was presented. Results: The preponderant opinion was outweighed by a Shariʿah researcher proving the prohibition (of marriage) between the lactating non-gestational woman using galactagogues, the nursed infant, and similarly toward her husband. Infertility was observed to be the primary motive for fostering. Induced lactation-linked fostering demonstrated a positive psychosocial effect in terms of the new parenthood role and forward movement of a happy marital life. Originality: An integrative approach to study non-puerperal lactation is required for contemporary medical controversial issues. Milk kinship as it relates to the husband requires further research.أهداف البحث: تصف قرابة الرضاع عند المسلمين العلاقات التي تصنعها المراضع من غير الوالدات لرضّعهن الذين رضعوا من أثدائهن، مع استيفاء شروطه؛ حيث يحظر الزواج بين جميع من يرتبط بهن. إلا أن استخدام المدرات في وضع غير الحمل موضع سؤال لإمكانية اعتباره مؤكدًا لرابطة الأمومية، بل وحتى الأبوية من خلال لبن الأم. لذا تهدف هذا الدراسة لإلقاء الضوء على الرأي الفقهي لتلك الصلة، وتكشف أمثلة من الحياة المعاصرة عليها. منهج البحث: اتبع الباحثان المنهج الاستقرائي التحليلي الاستنباطي لدراسة الرأي الفقهي في التحريم لدى المرأة الثيب المتزوجة وأزواجهن كذلك؛ حيث تناول البحث ثلاثة أقوال متباينة ونوقشت كل منها على حدة. كما أجريت الدراسة ذات المنهجية النوعية لاستكشاف تجارب الإرضاع الاستحثاثي وآثاره النفسية والاجتماعية لدى الأسرة المسلمة الحاضنة؛ حيث استعرض البحث تجارب من الحياة الواقعية لعشر أسر. النتائج: لقد كان الرأي الراجح لدى الباحث الشرعي ثبوت تحريم (النكاح) بين السيدة غير الحامل التي ارضعت باستخدام مدرات اللبن وبين الرضيع الراضع منها، وكذلك تجاه زوجها. وكشفت نتائج البحث أن العقم هو الدافع الرئيس للاحتضان لدى عينة الدراسة، كما أظهرت الحضانة المرتبطة بالإرضاع الاستحثاثي تأثيرًا نفسيًا اجتماعيًا إيجابيًا من حيث دور الوالدية الجديد، والمساهمة في حياة زوجية مستقرة. أصالة البحث: تظهر الحاجة للبحث العلمي بنهج متكامل في النوازل الطبية المعاصرة في شأن المراضع من غير الأمهات الوالدات والإرضاع اللانفاسي. كما برزت أهمية دراسة القرابة من الرضاع من جهة الزوج

    A mixed-method evaluation of the views of medical teachers on the applicability of the ‘infant and young child feeding chapter’ in Saudi medical colleges

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    Abstract Background Lack of sufficient preparation of physicians for the provision of breastfeeding support and counselling has been well-documented. The development of training in breastfeeding medicine for medical students is currently ongoing worldwide. This study was conducted to gain insights into a potential framework for a breastfeeding education curriculum. Methods A mixed-method design was used to evaluate the opinions of medical teachers regarding current lactation education and the applicability of the World Health Organization ‘Infant and young child feeding: model chapter for textbooks for medical students and allied health professionals’ in medical colleges in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Twelve teachers from three medical schools were invited to participate in three rounds of research. The first round was carried out through an interview using open-ended questions under three headings: 1) The general opinion on breastfeeding medicine education in medical colleges; 2) The opinion on the contents of the chapter under investigation; and 3) The opinion on cultural points regarding Saudi Arabia and breastfeeding education in medical colleges. This was followed by a thematic analysis. Self-administered, closed-ended questionnaires were created for the second round based the results of the first round. The third round addressed areas of disagreement in opinions. To assess the degree of agreement objectively, rounds 2 and 3 were analyzed according to the 5-point Likert scale, with responses merged to a 3-point Likert scale where appropriate. A consensus was reached when greater than 70% agreement achieved. Results All participants agreed that breastfeeding education is suboptimal. Although they considered the world health organization resource on infant and young child chapter a suitable reference for the curriculum, they agreed that modifications to suit the Saudi Arabian context are necessary. The medical teachers suggested a unique curriculum for medical students, which is similar for both genders. However, disagreement existed regarding the provision of extra clinical training to female students. Conclusions Breastfeeding medicine education in medical colleges should be developed using resources that are rich in content, are physician-specific and take into consideration the culture

    Breastfeeding knowledge, attitude and practice among school teachers in Abha female educational district, southwestern Saudi Arabia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inadequate knowledge, or inappropriate practice, of breastfeeding may lead to undesirable consequences. The aim of this study was to assess breastfeeding knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among female teachers in the Abha Female Educational District and identify factors that may affect breastfeeding practice in the study population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among school teachers in Abha Female Educational District during the months of April to June, 2011. Breastfeeding KAP of participants who had at least one child aged five years or younger at the time of the study were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire, based on their experience with the last child.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 384 women made up of 246 (61.1%) primary-, 89 (23.2%) intermediate- and 49 (12.8%) high-school teachers participated in the study. One hundred and nineteen participants (31%) started breastfeeding their children within one hour of delivery, while exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months was reported only by 32 (8.3%) participants. Insufficient breast milk and work related problems were the main reasons given by 169 (44%) and 148 (38.5%) of participants, respectively, for stopping breastfeeding before two years. Only 33 participants (8.6%) had attended classes related to breastfeeding. However, 261 participants (68%) indicated the willingness to attend such classes, if available, in future pregnancies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study revealed that breast milk insufficiency and adverse work related issues were the main reasons for a very low rate of exclusive breastfeeding among female school teachers in Abha female educational district, Saudi Arabia. A very low rate of attending classes addressing the breastfeeding issues during pregnancy, and an alarming finding of a high percentage of babies receiving readymade liquid formula while still in hospital, were also brought out by the present study. Such findings, if addressed comprehensively by health care providers and decision-makers, will lead to the improvement of breastfeeding practices in the study community.</p

    Trends in infant nutrition in Saudi Arabia: compliance with WHO recommendations

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    <b>Background and Objective: </b> The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life. Our objective was to evaluate trends in infant nutrition in Saudi Arabia and the degree of compliance with WHO recommendations. <b> Subjects and Methods: </b> A nationwide nutritional survey of a sample of Saudi households was selected by the multistage probability sampling procedure. A validated questionnaire was administered to mothers of chil--dren less than 3 years of age. <b> Results: </b> Of 5339 children in the sample, 4889 received breast milk at birth indicating a prevalence of initia--tion of 91.6&#x0025;. Initiation of breastfeeding was delayed beyond 6 hours after birth in 28.1&#x0025; of the infants. Bottle feeding was introduced by 1 month of age to 2174/4260 (51.4&#x0025;) and to 3831/4260 (90&#x0025;) by 6 months of age. The majority of infants 3870/4787 (80.8&#x0025;) were introduced to "solid foods" between 4 to 6 months of age and whole milk feedings were given to 40&#x0025; of children younger than 12 months of age. <b> Conclusions: </b> The current practice of feeding of Saudi infants is very far from compliance with even the most conservative WHO<b> </b> recommendations of exclusive breastfeeding for 4 to 6 months. The high prevalence of breastfeeding initiation at birth indicates the willingness of Saudi mothers to breastfeed. However, early intro--duction of complementary feedings reduced the period of exclusive breastfeeding. Research in infant nutrition should be a public health priority to improve the rate of breastfeeding and to minimize other inappropriate practices

    World Allergy Organization (WAO) Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA) Guidelines

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