1,801 research outputs found

    Induction and Evolution in the Origin of Inventions: Evidence from Smoking Cessation Products

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    Neoclassical economic theory predicts that policies that discourage the consumption of a particular good will induce innovation in a socially desirable substitute. Evolutionary theory emphasizes the possibility of innovation waves associated with the identification of new dominant designs. We incorporate both of these possibilities in a model of the invention of new smoking cessation products, based on a new dataset of patents on such products from 1951-2004. We find that an increase in cigarette tax levels and smoking bans had no discernable impact on the industry-wide rate of invention in smoking cessation products. It does appear, however, that dominant designs did have substantial positive innovation effects. More specifically, the introduction of the nicotine gum and patch are estimated to have increased the rate of patenting activity in smoking cessation products by 60 and 79 percent, respectively, subject to a 10 percent rate of decay. Finally, these products had larger innovation effects at the firm level than among individual inventors.Patents, Technological Change, Smoking Cessation Products, Cigarette Taxes

    Resource Sharing and Coevolution in Evolving Cellular Automata

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    Evolving one-dimensional cellular automata (CAs) with genetic algorithms has provided insight into how improved performance on a task requiring global coordination emerges when only local interactions are possible. Two approaches that can affect the search efficiency of the genetic algorithm are coevolution, in which a population of problems---in our case, initial configurations of the CA lattice---evolves along with the population of CAs; and resource sharing, in which a greater proportion of a limited fitness resource is assigned to those CAs which correctly solve problems that fewer other CAs in the population can solve. Here we present evidence that, in contrast to what has been suggested elsewhere, the improvements observed when both techniques are used together depend largely on resource sharing alone.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; http://www.santafe.edu/~evca/rsc.ps.g

    Implementing Universal Computation in an Evolutionary System

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    Evolutionary algorithms are a common tool in engineering and in the study of natural evolution. Here we take their use in a new direction by showing how they can be made to implement a universal computer. We consider populations of individuals with genes whose values are the variables of interest. By allowing them to interact with one another in a specified environment with limited resources, we demonstrate the ability to construct any arbitrary logic circuit. We explore models based on the limits of small and large populations, and show examples of such a system in action, implementing a simple logic circuit

    Numerical model for investigation of characteristics of high-intensity light energy reflected from wavy surface

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    Для численного исследования эффекта аномального обратного рассеяния предложена оптическая модель среды, состоящая из плоских частиц. Представлены результаты численного исследования, иллюстрирующие ярко выраженную спектральную зависимость эхо-сигнала от оптических и микрофизических параметров среды. Показана возможность оценки оптических и микрофизических свойств среды по данным аномального обратного рассеяния. Комплекс программ, реализующий оптическую модель среды для расчета характеристик коэффициента обратного рассеяния для плоских и сферических частиц был разработан на кроссплатформенной среде Qt

    Guided Online Case Scenarios Support Development of Clinical Decision-Making Skills in Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Students

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    Flipped classrooms are increasingly recommended by scholars of teaching and learning, and some have argued that active learning is the key ingredient in this model’s success. This paper describes the creation and implementation of online guided case study scenarios using the test function of a learning management system, as well as evaluation of their effectiveness based on (a) performance of students on separate graded case study assignments and (b) student self-reflection of learning and feedback elicited in an end-of-course survey. The case studies were developed for use in a master’s level speech-language pathology course on aural rehabilitation that occurs during the summer semester