56 research outputs found
Distribution System Restoration Based On Optimized Heuristic Search Method
Service recovery is still among the most essential approaches to enhance the durability of their contemporary distribution system. Following the error location is identified and isolated; a correct SR program ought to be ascertained to resupply out-of-service places. 2 heuristic approaches are suggested to locate an efficient and speedy solution in contemporary power supply systems. For resolving the support recovery issue in distribution systems, change selection indices sectionalizes switch stated by an analytic plan in addition to a practicable optimized heuristic graph-based process are given. The formulation of the issue includes four different functions like optimizing the complete load restored and cutting back the amount of changing operations. Maximizing the best priority restored loading, also decreasing load decreasing. A nice evaluation of change indices is used for many player tie sticks from the apparatus to think about the ideal solution and minimize the complete quantity of shifting operations. A brand new graph-based program may be used for hunting the best sectionalizes change and diminishing the voltage fall. The precision as well as the validity of this process are analyzed in two regular electrical supply procedures. The outcomes of these suggested methods are utilized for IEEE regular bus test instance
Pengukuran Tingkat Kematangan IT Governance Pada Layanan Akademik STMIK AKBA Dengan Framework Cobit 4.1 (Studi Kasus : STMIK AKBA Makassar)
Abstract : IT Governance maturity level measurement in academic service STMIK AKBA with COBIT Framework 4.1. This research aim to measure the maturity level of information technology governance and make a recommendation on IT Governance academic services STMIK AKBA.The method used in this research was qualitative method while the method of data collection has done by observation, library research, interviews and questionnaires. Methods of data analysis done several stages, determination Business Goals, IT Goals, IT Process, the details of the Control Objective and mapping Maturity Level.From the results of this study concluded that the level of maturity level in the domain groupsPO, AI, and the DS is still at the average level 2 (repeatable) which means it is academic services STMIK mortality tends to have a pattern to manage processes based on experience repeated ever done previously. In order to achieve the desired level of doneness (expected maturity level) at level 3 (defined process) then all procedures required in each process should be fulfilled. While the identification of Maturity Level results, the authors found the 9 domains at the level of Repeatable and 1 domain at the level Defined. Based on the results of mapping the authors, there are 1 Business Goal, 2 Information Technology (IT) Goal, 12 Information Technology (IT) and 53 Process Control Objectives that must be considered.Keyword: IT Governance, Framework Cobit, Maturity Level, Business Goal, IT GoalAbstraksi : Pengukuran tingkat kematangan IT Governance pada layanan akademik STMIK AKBA dengan Framework Cobit 4.1.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur tingkat kematangan tata kelola teknologi informasi dan membuat sebuah rekomendasi IT Governance pada layanan akademik STMIK AKBA. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif sedangkan metode pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara dan quisioner.Metode analisis data dilakukan beberapa tahap yaitu penentuan Business Goal, IT Goals, IT Process, perincian Control Objective dan pemetaan Maturity Level.Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat tingkat kematangan pada kelompok domain PO,AI,dan DS masih berada pada level rata-rata 2 (repeatable) yang artinya adalah layanan akademik STMIK AKBA memiliki pola untuk mengelolah proses berdasarkan pengalaman yang berulang-ulang yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Untuk dapat mencapai tingkat kematangan yang diinginkan (expected maturity level) di level 3 (defined process) maka semua prosedur yang disyaratkan di tiap proses harus dipenuhi. Sedangkan hasil identifikasi Maturity Level, penulis menemukan 9 domain berada pada level Repeatable dan 1 domain berada pada level Defined. Berdasarkan hasil mapping penulis, terdapat 1 Business Goal, 2 Information Technologi (IT) Goal, 12 Information Technologi (IT) Process dan 53 Control Objectives yang harus diperhatikan.Kata Kunci :IT Governance, Framework Cobit, Maturity Level, Business Goal, IT Goa
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Layanan Internet Service Provider Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product (Studi kasus : STMIK AKBA)
Intisari - Penggunaan internet saat ini menjadi hal yang wajib dalam dunia pendidikan saat ini, khususnya STIMIK AKBA yang terkenal dengan jurusan komputer dan menjadi perguruan tinggi unggulan di Makassar. Keadaan manajemen kampus saat ini dihadapkan dengan berbagai masalah yang berhubungan dengan internet yaitu koneksi internet saat ini menjadi lambat dan terkadang koneksi terputus tanpa sebab, sehingga akses mahasiswa dan dosen ke sistem informasi akademik ikut bermasalah. Manajemen kampus berinisiatif untuk mengganti langganan internet saat ini dengan ISP (Internet Service Provider) lain yang lebih terjangkau di Makassar. Akan tetapi banyaknya ISP saat ini yang menyediakan layanan yang beragam tidak hanya sebatas kecepatan tetapi banyak kriteria-kriteria lain yang ditawarkan dan perlu untuk dipertimbangkan seperti jenis koneksi, maintenance, kestabilan koneksi, kecepatan, harga dan lain-lain.Sistem pengambilan keputusan dapat menghitung pembobotan untuk pemilihan ISP yang paling sesuai untuk mengatasi masalah yang terjadi pada STMIK AKBA Makassar. Sistem pengambilan keputusan (SPK) sangat membantu dalam hal pengambilan keputusan yang kemudian di analisis dengan metode Weighted Product adalah salah satu metode penyelesaian padamasalah Multi-Atribut Decision Making(MADM). Metode ini mengevaluasi beberapa alternatif terhadap sekumpulan atribut atau kriteria, dimana setiap atribut saling tidak bergantungan satu dengan yang lainnya. Kriteria-kriteria yang dianalisis menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa ISP yang paling sesuai untuk digunakan di STMIK AKBA adalah Icon+ karena di pandang dari berbagai kriteria yang disebutkan maka ISP Icon+ bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah saat ini.Kata kunci : internet, isp, sistem pendukung keputusan, Weighted Product, manajemen kampu
Evaluasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Dengan Model Maturity Level Menggunakan Framework COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus: PT. Suracojaya Abadi Motor)
Abstract : The evaluation of IT Governance with maturity level model using framework COBIT 4.1 (a case study at PT. Suracojaya Abadi Motor). The objective of this research is to produce obtain maturity level modelof IT Process in Company in order to develop good product service and relevant with the purpose of the company refers to Framework COBIT. This Research will use Framework COBIT 4.1 which focuses on customer perspective of the bussiness goal especially for offer competitive products and the service of 6 core IT process such as PO2, PO4, PO5, PO7, AI3, and DS6.The research methodology used in this research is qualitatif Descriptive where the researcher collect information about the condition begin with observation, interview, bibliography and collecting data using questioner of maturity level model.The Result obtained after measuring the maturity level of the domain group ofPO, AI and DS is still at mean level 2.60 (repeatable). To get the Expected maturity level at level 3 (defined process),so all process required in every process must be fulfilled, especially PO4 Process wich has low maturity level.Based on the measurement, the company needs to make document plan of SOP which contains cases such as developing organisation structure of IT involves all sides according with the purpose of the company also designing a framework process of IT, Then apply the role and the responsibility of IT including supervision and duty separation refers to RACI Charts of Framework COBIT 4.1.Keywords : IT Governance, Frameworkd COBIT 4.1, Maturity Level, Business Goal, IT ProcessAbstraksi : Evaluasi tata kelola IT dengan model Maturity Level menggunakan Framework COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus:PT. Suracojaya Abadi Motor). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan tingkat maturity model proses IT di perusahaan sehingga mampu mengembangkan layanan produk yang baik dan sejalan dengan tujuan perusahaan yang mengacu pada Framework COBIT. Dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan Framework COBIT 4.1 dengan fokus pada customer perspective dari business goal khususnya Offer competitive products and service yang memuat 6 Core IT Process yaitu PO2, PO4, PO5, PO7, AI3 dan DS6. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dimana peneliti mengumpulkan informasi tentang kondisi yang ada dan sedang berlangsung mulai dari observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner maturity levelHasil yang didapatkan setelah mengukur Tingkat kematangan pada kelompok Domain PO, AI dan DS masih berada pada level rata-rata 2.60 (repeatable). Untuk dapat mencapai tingkat kematangan yang diinginkan (expected maturity level) di level 3 (defined process) maka semua prosedur yang disyaratkan di tiap proses harus dipenuhi khususnya proses PO4 yang memiliki tingkat kematangan terendah. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tersebut maka pihak perusahaan perlu membuat rancangan dokumen SOP yang didalamnya memuat hal-hal seperti membangun struktur organisasi IT yang meliputi semua pihak yang terlibat sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan serta merancang sebuah kerangka proses IT kemudian mengimplementasikan peran dan tanggung jawab IT meliputi pengawasan dan pemisahan tugas dengan mengacu pada RACI Charts Framework COBIT 4.1.Kata kunci: Tata Kelola IT, Framework COBIT 4.1, Maturity Level, Business Goal, IT Proces
Utilization of milkfish bone flour (chanos Chanos forskal) as complementary health Foods
Background: Milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal) is one of the strategic commodities to fulfill protein needs that are relatively inexpensive and favored by consumers in Indonesia. The use of milkfish bones (solid waste) is a natural source of Ca for food and supplements. This research is a strategy to maximize the utilization of milkfish resources while effectively reducing waste from the fishing industry. Objectives to find out the content of milkfish bone extract as a complementary health foods. Methods: Experimental laboratory design with a post test only with control group design, this research was conducted at the Biopharmaca Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University. Sampling was done using convenience sampling method. The location of sampling and research in the milkfish aquaculture Barru Regency South Celebes, Pharmacy Laboratory of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar and Makassar Health Laboratory Center. Determination of the mineral and vitamin contents of milkfish uses three stages of analysis namely mineral analysis and vitamin analysis. Result: The results of the analysis of milkfish bone extract it was found that the milkfish bone extract the highest content in calcium with a content as many as 4820,06 µg/g and the highest content in milkfish bone flour were found in calcium with a content as many as 76752,55 µg/g. Conclusion: Milkfish bone extract and milkfish bone flour positively contain minerals and vitamins that can be used as complementary health foods
Epidemiology of neurodegenerative diseases in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
BACKGROUND:Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries are experiencing rapid transitions with increased life expectancy. As a result the burden of age-related conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases might be increasing. We conducted a systematic review of published studies on common neurodegenerative diseases, and HIV-related neurocognitive impairment in SSA, in order to identify research gaps and inform prevention and control solutions. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE via PubMed, 'Banque de Donnees de Sante Publique' and the database of the 'Institut d'Epidemiologie Neurologique et de Neurologie Tropicale' from inception to February 2013 for published original studies from SSA on neurodegenerative diseases and HIV-related neurocognitive impairment. Screening and data extraction were conducted by two investigators. Bibliographies and citations of eligible studies were investigated. RESULTS: In all 144 publications reporting on dementia (n=49 publications, mainly Alzheimer disease), Parkinsonism (PD, n=20), HIV-related neurocognitive impairment (n=47), Huntington disease (HD, n=19), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, n=15), cerebellar degeneration (n=4) and Lewy body dementia (n=1). Of these studies, largely based on prevalent cases from retrospective data on urban populations, half originated from Nigeria and South Africa. The prevalence of dementia (Alzheimer disease) varied between <1% and 10.1% (0.7% and 5.6%) in population-based studies and from <1% to 47.8% in hospital-based studies. Incidence of dementia (Alzheimer disease) ranged from 8.7 to 21.8/1000/year (9.5 to 11.1), and major risk factors were advanced age and female sex. HIV-related neurocognitive impairment's prevalence (all from hospital-based studies) ranged from <1% to 80%. Population-based prevalence of PD and ALS varied from 10 to 235/100,000, and from 5 to 15/100,000 respectively while that for Huntington disease was 3.5/100,000. Equivalent figures for hospital based studies were the following: PD (0.41 to 7.2%), ALS (0.2 to 8.0/1000), and HD (0.2/100,000 to 46.0/100,000). CONCLUSIONS: The body of literature on neurodegenerative disorders in SSA is large with regard to dementia and HIV-related neurocognitive disorders but limited for other neurodegenerative disorders. Shortcomings include few population-based studies, heterogeneous diagnostic criteria and uneven representation of countries on the continent. There are important knowledge gaps that need urgent action, in order to prepare the sub-continent for the anticipated local surge in neurodegenerative diseases
Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations
Precarious manhood beliefs portray manhood, relative to womanhood, as a social status that is hard to earn, easy to lose, and proven via public action. Here, we present cross-cultural data on a brief measure of precarious manhood beliefs (the Precarious Manhood Beliefs scale [PMB]) that covaries meaningfully with other cross-culturally validated gender ideologies and with country-level indices of gender equality and human development. Using data from university samples in 62 countries across 13 world regions (N = 33,417), we demonstrate: (1) the psychometric isomorphism of the PMB (i.e., its comparability in meaning and statistical properties across the individual and country levels); (2) the PMB’s distinctness from, and associations with, ambivalent sexism and ambivalence toward men; and (3) associations of the PMB with nation-level gender equality and human development. Findings are discussed in terms of their statistical and theoretical implications for understanding widely-held beliefs about the precariousness of the male gender role
Audit Tata Kelola Produktivitas Operasional Dan Staf
Abstrak – Perkembangan teknologi informasi sedemikian pesatnya dan telah begitu berpengaruh dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi, begitu pula pada Distrik Navigasi Kelas I Makassar yang telah menjadikan teknologi informasi sebagai suatu penunjang pencapaian visi organisasi, oleh karena itu Distrik Navigasi Kelas I Makassar dalam penerapan pengelolaan teknologi informasi berusaha memaksimalkan seluruh sumber daya yang di miliki agar dapat menciptakan efektifitas dan efesiensi kinerja di lingkup organisasi baik internal maupun eksternal. Kata kunci: IT Governance, COBIT, Maturity Models, Distrik Navigasi
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penilaian prestasi kerja, motivasi kerja, dan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja baik secaraparsial, simultandanfaktor yang paling dominandiantaraketigavariabeldiatas yang mempengaruhikepuasankerja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan CV. Bintang Mas Maduran sedangkan sampel seluruh karyawan yang berjumlah 40 responden.Hasilpenelitiandiatasdapatdisimpulkanbahwavariabelpenilaianprestasikerja, motivasikerja, dankompensasiberpengaruhparsialterhadapkepuasankerja. Variabelpenilaianprestasikerja, motivasikerja, dankompensasiberpengaruhsecarasimultanterhadapkepuasankerja. Dan variabelmotivasikerjaberpengaruh paling dominanterhadapkepuasankerjapada CV. Bintang Mas Maduran.AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of performance appraisal, work motivation, and compensation on job satisfaction either partially, simultaneously and the most dominant factor among the three variables above that affects job satisfaction. The population in this study were employees of CV. Bintang Mas Maduran while the sample of all employees is 40 respondents. Theresults of the above research it can be concluded that the variable performance appraisal, work motivation, and compensation have a partial effect on job satisfaction. Variable assessment of work performance, work motivation, and compensation simultaneously affect job satisfaction. And work motivation variables are the most dominant influence on job satisfaction on CV. Bintang Mas Maduran
Isıl enerji depolamalı parabolik oluklu kolektörlerin modellenmesi, zamana bağlı benzetimi ve parametrik çalışması.
In this thesis, a mathematical model of a parabolic trough collector field with a two-tank molten salt thermal energy storage is developed. The model is built in TRNSYS and by using MatLab, novel valve and thermal energy storage control algorithms are implemented. The model is sensitive to transient states inside the components and variations in weather and demand. Optimum parabolic trough collector length is determined for different insolation values to show the relation between direct normal insolation and collector string length. The mathematical model is used in an economic model, which contains initial investment costs of the parabolic trough collector field and thermal energy storage costs only. Depending on the economic model, different sizes of plants are created at fixed initial investment costs by changing collector field area and storage size in the mathematical model. A parametric study is done by using economic model data and by simulating the mathematical model at various initial investment costs, two different locations in Turkey, and four different load profiles. As result of the parametric study, maximum solar fraction cases are selected and a generalized trend is observed. Effect of thermal energy storage on solar fraction is discussed and the change in thermal energy storage with optimum plant size is investigated. After an optimum investment, linear increment behavior of solar fraction is disappears and increases asymptotically by increasing the plant and/or storage size. Above this limit, hybridizing with other energy sources are advised. Later in the thesis, significance of load profile is emphasized, which should be one of the major design parameters for solar powered energy systems.M.S. - Master of Scienc
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