71 research outputs found

    Social representations: Atole de plato as an element for agrotourism in El Estanco, Luvianos, Mexico

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    Es un artículo de investigación que retoma las representaciones sociales y uno de los alimentos más emblemáticos del sur del Estado de México, el atole de plato.Objetivo: analizar el potencial del atole de plato para ser considerado como un elemento del agroturismo en El Estanco, municipio de Luvianos, Estado de México; a través de la teoría de representaciones sociales. Metodología: el estudio se basa en una aproximación exploratoria de corte cualitativo. A partir de observación participante se pudieron identificar los significados y el simbolismo en torno a la elaboración del atole de plato para su aprovechamiento turístico. Resultados: mediante el uso de la teoría de las representaciones sociales se identifica que el atole de plato es un alimento con valor cultural, histórico y social, situación que lo postula en una etapa previa a su inserción en la oferta turística de destinos rurales que han apostado por el turismo como un camino hacia el desarrollo. Limitaciones: entre las limitaciones del estudio se destaca la dificultad de aterrizar en el plano de la operatividad empírica los postulados de la teoría y, además, del hermetismo cultural del grupo familiar estudiado. Conclusiones: el trabajo concluye que el atole de plato cuenta con potencial latente para su inclusión en la oferta agroturística del lugar; sin embargo, es necesario establecer una oferta integradora con otros recursos de la comunidad

    Incidence of Dementia in Elderly Latin Americans: Results of the Maracaibo Aging Study

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    Introduction—There are few longitudinal studies of dementia in developing countries. We used longitudinal data from the Maracaibo Aging Study (MAS) to accurately determine the age- and sex-specific incidence of dementia in elderly Latin Americans. Methods—The DSM IV-R was used to diagnose dementia, which was classified as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), vascular dementia (VaD), or other. Age- and sex-specific incidence was estimated as the number of new cases of dementia divided by person-years of follow-up (p-y). Results—The incidence of all dementia diagnoses was 9.10 per 1000 p-y (95% CI 7.13–11.44; 8026 total p-y), 5.18 for AD (95% CI 3.72–7.03; 7916 total p-y), and 3.35 for VaD (95% CI 2.19–4.91; 7757 total p-y). Discussion—Among MAS participants under 65 years of age, the incidence of dementia was higher than that of US whites. Among individuals over 65 years of age, the incidence was comparable to the mean of previous incidence estimates for other populations worldwide

    a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives We sought to determine the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in Yoremes and to identify associations of T. gondii exposure with sociodemographic, clinical and behavioural characteristics of Yoremes. Design A cross-sectional survey. Setting Yoremes were enrolled in the locality of Tierra Blanca in the municipality of Navojoa in Sonora State, Mexico. Participants We studied 200 Yoremes (Mayos); they are an indigenous ethnic group living in a coastal region in northwestern Mexico. Primary and secondary outcome measures We assessed the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies in participants using enzyme-linked immunoassays. We used a standardised questionnaire to obtain the characteristics of Yoremes. The association of T. gondii exposure and Yoremes’ characteristics was assessed by bivariate and multivariate analyses. Results Of the 200 Yoremes studied (mean age: 31.50±18.43 years), 26 (13.0%) were positive for anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies and 19 (73.1%) of them were also positive for anti-T. gondii IgM antibodies. Seroprevalence of T. gondii infection did not vary with sex, educational level, occupation or socioeconomic status. In contrast, multivariate analysis of sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics showed that T. gondii exposure was associated with increasing age (OR=1.02; 95% CI 1.00 to 1.04; p=0.03) and consumption of squirrel meat (OR=4.99; 95% CI 1.07 to 23.31; p=0.04). Furthermore, seroprevalence of T. gondii infection was significantly higher in Yoremes with a history of lymphadenopathy (p=0.03) and those suffering from frequent abdominal pain (p=0.03). In women, T. gondii exposure was associated with a history of caesarean sections (p=0.03) and miscarriages (p=0.02). Conclusions We demonstrate, for the first time, serological evidence of T. gondii exposure among Yoremes in Mexico. Results suggest that infection with T. gondii might be affecting the health of Yoremes. Results may be useful for an optimal design of preventive measures against T. gondii infection

    Women's views and postpartum follow-up in the CHIPS Trial (Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study).

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare women's views about blood pressure (BP) control in CHIPS (Control of Hypertension In Pregnancy Study) (NCT01192412). DESIGN: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of questionnaire responses. SETTING: International randomised trial (94 sites, 15 countries). POPULATION/SAMPLE: 911 (92.9%) women randomised to 'tight' (target diastolic blood pressure, 85mmHg) or 'less tight' (target diastolic blood pressure, 100mmHg) who completed questionnaires. METHODS: A questionnaire was administered at ∼6-12 weeks postpartum regarding post-discharge morbidity and views about trial participation. Questionnaires were administered by the site co-ordinator, and contact was made by phone, home or clinic visit; rarely, data was collected from medical records. Quantitative analyses were Chi-square or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables, mixed effects multinomial logistic regression to adjust for confounders, and p<0.001 for statistical significance. NVivo software was used for thematic analysis of women's views. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Satisfaction, measured as willingness to have the same treatment in another pregnancy or recommend that treatment to a friend. RESULTS: Among the 533 women in 'tight' (N=265) vs. 'less tight' (N=268) control who provided comments for qualitative analysis, women in 'tight' (vs. 'less tight') control made fewer positive comments about the amount of medication taken (5 vs. 28 women, respectively) and intensity of BP monitoring (7 vs. 17, respectively). However, this did not translate into less willingness to either have the same treatment in another pregnancy (434, 95.8% vs. 423, 92.4%, respectively; p=0.14) or recommend that treatment to a friend (435, 96.0% and 428, 93.4%, respectively; p=0.17). Importantly, although satisfaction remained high among women with an adverse outcome, those in 'tight' control who suffered an adverse outcome (vs. those who did not) were not consistently less satisfied, whereas this was not the case among women in 'less tight' control among whom satisfaction was consistently lower for the CHIPS primary outcome (p<0.001), severe hypertension (p≤0.01), and pre-eclampsia (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Women in 'tight' (vs. 'less tight') control were equally satisfied with their care, and more so in the face of adverse perinatal or maternal outcomes

    Influence of gestational age at initiation of antihypertensive therapy: Secondary analysis of CHIPS trial data (control of hypertension in pregnancy study).

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    For hypertensive women in CHIPS (Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study), we assessed whether the maternal benefits of tight control could be achieved, while minimizing any potentially negative effect on fetal growth, by delaying initiation of antihypertensive therapy until later in pregnancy. For the 981 women with nonsevere, chronic or gestational hypertension randomized to less-tight (target diastolic blood pressure, 100 mm Hg), or tight (target, 85 mm Hg) control, we used mixed-effects logistic regression to examine whether the effect of less-tight (versus tight) control on major outcomes was dependent on gestational age at randomization, adjusting for baseline factors as in the primary analysis and including an interaction term between gestational age at randomization and treatment allocation. Gestational age was considered categorically (quartiles) and continuously (linear or quadratic form), and the optimal functional form selected to provide the best fit to the data based on the Akaike information criterion. Randomization before (but not after) 24 weeks to less-tight (versus tight) control was associated with fewer babies with birth weight 48 hours (Pinteraction=0.354). For the mother, less-tight (versus tight) control was associated with more severe hypertension at all gestational ages but particularly so before 28 weeks (Pinteraction=0.076). In women with nonsevere, chronic, or gestational hypertension, there seems to be no gestational age at which less-tight (versus tight) control is the preferred management strategy to optimize maternal or perinatal outcomes

    The Research Journey as a Challenge Towards New Trends

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    The academic community of the department of Risaralda, in its permanent interest in evidencing the results of the research processes that are carried out from the Higher Education Institutions and as a product of the VI meeting of researchers of the department of Risaralda held in November 2021 presents its work: “The journey of research as a challenge towards new trends”, which reflects the result of the latest research and advances in different lines of knowledge in Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology and Information Sciences, which seek to solve and meet the demands of the different sectors. This work would not have been possible without the help of each of the teachers, researchers and authors who presented their articles that make up each of the chapters of the book, to them our gratitude for their commitment, dedication and commitment, since their sole purpose is to contribute from the academy and science to scientific and technological development in the search for the solution of problems and thus contribute to transform the reality of our society and communities. We also wish to extend our gratitude to the institutions of the Network that made this publication possible: UTP, UCP, UNAD, UNIREMINGTON; UNISARC, CIAF, Universidad Libre, Uniclaretiana, Fundación Universitaria Comfamiliar and UNIMINUTO, institutions that in one way or another allowed this work to become a reality, which we hope will be of interest to you.Preface............................................................................................................................7 Chapter 1. Technologies and Engineering Towards a humanization in Engineering using soft skills in training in Engineers.............................................................................................................11 Omar Iván Trejos Buriticá1, Luis Eduardo Muñoz Guerrero Innovative materials in construction: review from a bibliometric analysis....................................................................................................................27 Cristian Osorio Gómez, Daniel Aristizábal Torres, Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Cristhian Camilo Amariles López Bibliometric review of disaster risk management: progress, trends, and challenges.........................................................................................................51 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Gloria Milena Molina Vinasco. Incidence of land coverage and geology, in the unstability of lands of the micro-basin of the Combia creek, Pereira, Risaralda....................................73 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Daniel Aristizábal Torres. Chapter 2. Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Training experience with teachers teaching mathematics using the inquiry methodology ...............................................................................................95 Vivian Libeth Uzuriaga López, Héctor Gerardo Sánchez Bedoya. Interpretation of the multiple representations of the fears associated to the boarding of limited visual patients in the elective I students’ written productions and low vision ...................................................................................113 Eliana Bermúdez Cardona, Ana María Agudelo Guevara, Caterine Villamarín Acosta. The relevance of local knowledge in social sciences............................................131 Alberto Antonio Berón Ospina, Isabel Cristina Castillo Quintero. Basic education students’ conceptions of conflict a view from the peace for the education....................................................................................................143 Astrid Milena Calderón Cárdenas,Carolina Aguirre Arias, Carolina Franco Ossa, Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez Giraldo, Orfa Buitrago. Comprehensive risk prevention in educational settings: an interdisciplinary and socio-educational approach ............................................................................163 Olga María Henao Trujillo, Claudia María López Ortiz. Chapter 3. Natural and Agricultural Sciences Physicochemical characterization of three substrates used in the deep bedding system in swine .......................................................................................175 Juan Manuel Sánchez Rubio, Andrés Felipe Arias Roldan, Jesús Arturo Rincón Sanz, Jaime Andrés Betancourt Vásquez. Periodic solutions in AFM models........................................................................187 Daniel Cortés Zapata, Alexander Gutiérrez Gutiérrez. Phenology in flower and fruit of Rubus glaucus benth. Cv. Thornless in Risaralda: elements for phytosanitary management .........................................199 Shirley Palacios Castro, Andrés Alfonso Patiño Martínez, James Montoya Lerma, Ricardo Flórez, Harry Josué Pérez. Socio-economic and technical characterization of the cultivation of avocado (Persea americana) in Risaralda..............................................................217 Andrés Alfonso Patiño Martínez, Kelly Saudith Castañez Poveda, Eliana Gómez Correa. Biosecurity management in backyard systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda................................................................................................................227 Julia Victoria Arredondo Botero, Jaiver Estiben Ocampo Jaramillo, Juan Sebastián Mera Vallejo, Álvaro de Jesús Aranzazu Hernández. CONTENTS Physical-chemical diagnosis of soils in hillside areas with predominance of Lulo CV. La Selva production system in the department of Risaralda.............241 Adriana Patricia Restrepo Gallón, María Paula Landinez Montes, Jimena Tobón López. Digestibility of three concentrates used in canine feeding....................................271 María Fernanda Mejía Silva, Valentina Noreña Sánchez, Gastón Adolfo Castaño Jiménez. Chapter 4. Economic, Administrative, and Accounting Sciences Financial inclusion in households from socioeconomic strata 1 and 2 in the city of Pereira ..................................................................................................285 Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera, Marlen Isabel Redondo Ramírez, Angélica Viviana Morales. Internal marketing strategies as a competitive advantage for the company Mobilautos SAS de Dosquebradas........................................................................303 Inés Montoya Sánchez, Sandra Patricia Viana Bolaños, Ana María Barrera Rodríguez. Uses of tourist marketing in the tourist sector of the municipality of Belén de Umbría, Risaralda.............................................................................................319 Ana María Barrera Rodríguez, Paola Andrea Echeverri Gutiérrez, María Camila Parra Buitrago, Paola Andrea Martín Muñoz, Angy Paola Ángel Vélez, Luisa Natalia Trejos Ospina. Territorial prospective of Risaralda department (Colombia), based on the SDGS...............................................................................................................333 Juan Guillermo Gil García, Samanta Londoño Velásquez. Chapter 5. Health and Sports Sciences Performance evaluation in times of pandemic. What do medical students think?.......................................................................................................353 Samuel Eduardo Trujillo Henao, Rodolfo A. Cabrales Vega, Germán Alberto Moreno Gómez. The relevance of the therapist’s self and self-reference in the training of psychologists.....................................................................................................371 Maria Paula Marmolejo Lozano, Mireya Ospina Botero. Habits related to oral health which influence lifestyle of elder people in a wellness center for the elderly in Pereira 2020. .............................................387 Isadora Blanco Pérez, Olga Patricia Ramírez Rodríguez, Ángela María Rincón Hurtado. Analysis of the suicide trend in the Coffee Region in Colombia during the years 2012-2018 ..............................................................................................405 Germán Alberto Moreno Gómez, Jennifer Nessim Salazar, Jairo Franco Londoño, Juan Carlos Medina Osorio. Hind limb long bone fractures in canines and felines...........................................419 María Camila Cruz Vélez, Valentina Herrera Morales, Alba Nydia Restrepo Jiménez, Lina Marcela Palomino, Gabriel Rodolfo Izquierdo Bravo. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in the rural and urban area of Risaralda....................................................................................................439 Angela María Álvarez López, Angela Liceth Pérez Rendón, Alejandro Gómez Rodas, Luis Enrique Isaza Velásquez. Chapter 6. Architecture, Design and Advertising The artisan crafts of Risaralda, characteristics, importance, and risks within the Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape, CCCL....................................457 Yaffa Nahir Ivette Gómez Barrera, Javier Alfonso López Morales

    Prognostic factors associated with mortality risk and disease progression in 639 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Europe: Initial report of the international RISC-19-ICU prospective observational cohort

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    The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) began observations in July 2014. It pursues three core programs: APOGEE-2,MaNGA, and eBOSS. In addition, eBOSS contains two major subprograms: TDSS and SPIDERS. This paper describes the first data release from SDSS-IV, Data Release 13 (DR13), which contains new data, reanalysis of existing data sets and, like all SDSS data releases, is inclusive of previously released data. DR13 makes publicly available 1390 spatially resolved integral field unit observations of nearby galaxies from MaNGA,the first data released from this survey. It includes new observations from eBOSS, completing SEQUELS. In addition to targeting galaxies and quasars, SEQUELS also targeted variability-selected objects from TDSS and X-ray selected objects from SPIDERS. DR13 includes new reductions ofthe SDSS-III BOSS data, improving the spectrophotometric calibration and redshift classification. DR13 releases new reductions of the APOGEE-1data from SDSS-III, with abundances of elements not previously included and improved stellar parameters for dwarf stars and cooler stars. For the SDSS imaging data, DR13 provides new, more robust and precise photometric calibrations. Several value-added catalogs are being released in tandem with DR13, in particular target catalogs relevant for eBOSS, TDSS, and SPIDERS, and an updated red-clump catalog for APOGEE.This paper describes the location and format of the data now publicly available, as well as providing references to the important technical papers that describe the targeting, observing, and data reduction. The SDSS website, http://www.sdss.org, provides links to the data, tutorials and examples of data access, and extensive documentation of the reduction and analysis procedures. DR13 is the first of a scheduled set that will contain new data and analyses from the planned ~6-year operations of SDSS-IV.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Estudios de Caso sobre Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales en el siglo XXI.

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    Libro científico sobre estudios de casos en el medio agropecuario y ruralCon el advenimiento del siglo XXI y el avance de los procesos de globalización, el medio rural presenta diversos cambios económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Lo anterior significa que el campo es un objeto de estudio altamente dinámico, complejo e inasible. las ciencias agropecuarias y rurales, en la actualidad, requieren de un abordaje sistémico e interdisciplinario que den cuenta de la heterogeneidad de situaciones y contextos que enfrenta el campo mexicano. La presente obra agrupa 18 estudios de caso, que capturan algunas fotografías de las diversas problemáticas de la ruralidad mexicana, con lo cual se pretende dar cuenta tanto de los objetivos de estudio como de la perspectiva teórico metodológico desde que estos son abordados. lo anterior tiene que ver con el hecho de que las ciencias agropecuarias y rurales manifiestan un alto grado de observación empírica, motivo por el que los estudios de caso se convierten en la perspectiva metodológica idónea que permite ir y venir de la realidad a la teoría y viceversa para la construcción de objetos de estudio. En este volumen se aborda una gran diversidad de casos, que sintetizan la heterogeneidad de enfoques y perspectivas mediante las cuales los fenómenos agropecuarios y rurales han sido abordados en el Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, en los últimos 30 años

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since 2014 July. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the 14th from SDSS overall (making this Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes the data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (2014–2016 July) public. Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey; the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data-driven machine-learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from the SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS web site (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020 and will be followed by SDSS-V