71 research outputs found

    Detección de inmunoglobulina G en sueros, tejidos y extractos placentarios porcinos

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    Studies have proved that humoral immune response is involved in swine pregnancy. Pigs have IgG, IgM, IgA and IgE. Swine IgG subclasses have their greatest similarity with those of the human, except for the near absence of hinge region variation. The goal of this study was to determine the presence of IgG in porcine serum, tissue and placental extracts. In 15 animals' serum, by means of electrophoresis proteinegramma in strips of cellulose acetate, the average values were empty pig (n=5) 23mg/ml; 30 days (n=5) 19.5mg/ml; and 91 days of gestation (n=5) 16.8 mg/ml. By radial immunodifusion (using calibrated commercial human kits to determine the concentration of human IgG), the average values in porcine serum (n=15) were non-pregnant swine 26.88 mg/ml; 30 days 29.88 mg/ml; 91 days of gestation 19.24 mg/ml. In placental extracts, Porcine Empty Uterus Homogenates: 3.40 mg/ml; Porcine Placenta Homogenates (PPHo) 30 days: 1.81mg/ml; PPHo 91 days: 1.50 mg/ml. and in Porcine Placenta Conditioned Medium (PPCM) 30 days: 2.11 mg/ml and PPCM 91 days of gestation: 1.20 mg/ml. By direct immunofluorescencia, using one antibody (human anti-IgG conjugated with FITC), we observed: fluorescence (++) on placental tissues at term, in the foetal chorionics villi in contact with the uterine lumen. Probably these antibodies belong to the type of protective and asymmetric immunoglobulin G antibodies described in woman and mouseEl cerdo posee IgG, IgM, IgA e IgE, habiéndose demostrado una gran homología de secuencia entre las IgGs porcinas y humanas. Poco se conoce acerca de la respuesta inmune humoral durante la preñez porcina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue detectar la presencia de IgG porcinas en muestras de suero y extractos placentarios provenientes de cerdas vacías y preñadas de 30 y 91 días de gestación y en tejido placentario a término.En sueros de 15 animales, los valores medios de mg/ml, obtenidos por proteinograma electroforético en tiras de acetato de celulosa gelificado, fueron: cerda vacía 23 mg/ml; 30 días: 19,5 mg/ml y a los 91 días de preñez 16,8 mg/ml. Por inmunodifusión radial, utilizando placas comerciales de agar calibradas para determinar la concentración de IgG humanas, pudo determinarse la en sueros: cerdas vacías: 26,88 mg/ml; cerdas 30 días:29,88 mg/ml y en cerdas 91 días 19,24 mg/ml. En extractos placentarios, Homogenatos de Utero Vacío: 3,40 mg/ml; Homogenatos de placentas (HoPP) de 30 días: 1,81 mg/ml y en HoPP de 91 días: 1,50 mg/ml. En los sobrenadantes de Medios de Cultivo de Células Placentarias (MCPP) de 30 días: 2,11 mg/ml y en los MCPP de 91 días de gestación: 1,20 mg/ml.Se observó, por inmunofluorescencia directa utilizando un anticuerpo anti-IgG humano marcado con FITC, fluorescencia (++) sobre cortes desparafinados de placenta porcina a término, en vellosidades coriónicas fetales en contacto con el lumen uterino. Probablemente dichos anticuerpos pertenezcan al tipo de anticuerpos protectores, asimétricos, descriptos en mujer y rató

    Activation of leukocyte rolling by the cysteine-rich domain and the hyper-variable region of HF3, a snake venom hemorrhagic metalloproteinase

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    AbstractThe functionality of the disintegrin-like/cysteine-rich domains of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) has been shown to reside in the cysteine-rich region, which can interact with VWA-containing proteins. Recently, the hyper-variable region (HVR) of the cysteine-rich domain was suggested to constitute a potential protein–protein adhesive interface. Here we show that recombinant proteins of HF3, a hemorrhagic P-III SVMP, containing the cysteine-rich domain (disintegrin-like/cysteine-rich and cysteine-rich proteins) but not the disintegrin-like protein were able to significantly increase leukocyte rolling in the microcirculation. Peptides from the HVR also promoted leukocyte rolling and this activity was inhibited by anti-alphaM/beta2 antibodies. These results show, for the first time, that the cysteine-rich domain and its HVR play a role in triggering pro-inflammatory effects mediated by integrins

    Aporte al estudio de las infecciones por hantavirus en las poblaciones de roedores del noreste de la provincia de La Pampa

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    Diseases causcd by the Hantaan virus were known as Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. In 1993 an outbreak caused by Hantavirus was diagnosed in the South West area of the EEUU, but with other characteristics, defining it as Pulmonar Syndrorne for Hantavirus. This syndrome has been identified in differents areas in Argentine . One reservoir involved in the outbreak of the south of the country is in La Pampa. At this first phase, captures were made, rodents were sexed, weighed, identified, being found three individuals of sp Calomys laucha, which is supposed to be the reservoir of the outhreak in Paraguay. As well as this, samples were sem to ANLlS - Malbran, being finally negative to hantavirus. During the year, captures will be continuedLas enfermedades causadas por virus Hantaan eran llamadas Fiebre Hemorrágica con Síndrome Renal. En 1993 se diagnosticaron en el Suroeste de EEUU un brote causado por un Hantavirus pero con otras características, definiéndoselo como Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus. Este síndrome se ha producido en distintas regiones de Argentina. Uno de los reservorios involucrados en el brote del Sur del país, se encuentra en la Provincia de La Pampa. En esta primera etapa se efectuaron capturas, se sexaron, midieron e identificaron roedores, encontrándose tres individuos de la especie Calomys laucha , supuesto reservorio del brote en Paraguay. También se enviaron muestras al ANLIS-Malbrán, resultando negativas a hanta virus. Se continuará con las actividades de trampeo en el transcurso del presente añ

    Placentación porcina

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    La placenta porcina es epiteliocorial, difusa, adecidua, plegada y no invasiva, de ella no sólo depende la implantación del conceptus y el mantenimiento del mismo, sino que además marca la posibilidad de sobrevida posnatal de las crías. Las hormonas placentarias actúan sobre el endometrio uterino regulando la diferenciación y función de las células uterinas. De la progesterona producida por el cuerpo lúteo depende la preparación, recepción de embriones y mantenimiento de la gestación. Los estrógenos desempeñan un papel importante en la proliferación y expansión de la placenta, movimiento de agua y electrolitos, permeabilidad celular y regulación del flujo de sangre uterina. Los efectos de estas hormonas están mediados por la interacción con sus receptores intracelulares específicos. Las moléculas de adhesión, en particular las integrinas y sus ligandos, se hallan implicadas en los procesos de adhesión placentaria y regulada por determinadas citoquinas, así como también por las hormonas esteroideas. En todos los ensayos se utilizarán muestras sé- ricas y de tejido placentario de 5 días de gestación (n=5), entre los 17 a 20 días (n=5), entre los 31 a 35 días de gestación (n=5), entre los 60 a 72 días de gestación (n=5) y a término (n=5); además, 6 muestras de endometrio uterino de cerdas vacías. Se determinarán las hormonas esteroideas por inmunoensayo enzimático quimioluminiscente en fase sólida y los receptores por inmunoperoxidasa utilizando anticuerpos monoclonales. Se determinará por inmunoperoxidasa la expresión de las integrinas avb3 y a2b1 y sus ligandos anti colágeno v, anti laminina y antifibronectina en cortes de útero vacío y de tejido placentario en los períodos seleccioandos. Se realizarán dosajes de IL-2, IL-4 e IL-10 en suero y extractos placentarios maternos y fetales, así como en útero vacío por elisa. Como resultados preliminares tenemos datos de concentración de hormonas esteroideas y sus receptores, de las integrinas avb3 y a2b1 y del ligando fibronectina. Se realizó el dosaje de IL-10 e IL-1β y los resultados se están analizand

    The frail patient undergoing cardiac surgery: lessons learned and future perspectives

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    Frailty is a geriatric condition characterized by the reduction of the individual's homeostatic reserves. It determines an increased vulnerability to endogenous and exogenous stressors and can lead to poor outcomes. It is an emerging concept in perioperative medicine, since an increasing number of patients undergoing surgical interventions are older and the traditional models of care seem to be inadequate to satisfy these patients' emerging clinical needs. Nowadays, the progressive technical and clinical improvements allow to offer cardiac operations to an older, sicker and frail population. For these reasons, a multidisciplinary team involving cardiac surgeons, clinical cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and geriatricians, is often needed to assess, select and provide tailored care to these high-risk frail patients to optimize clinical outcomes. There is unanimous agreement that frailty assessment may capture the individual's biological decline and the heterogeneity in risk profile for poor health-related outcomes among people of the same age. However, since commonly used preoperative scores for cardiac surgery fail to capture frailty, a specific preoperative assessment with dedicated tools is warranted to correctly recognize, measure and quantify frailty in these patients. On the contrary, pre-operative and post-operative interventions can reduce the risk of complications and support patient recovery promoting surgical resilience. Minimally invasive cardiac procedures aim to reduce surgical trauma and may be associated with better clinical outcome in this specific sub-group of high-risk patients. Among postoperative adverse events, the occurrence of delirium represents a risk factor for several unfavorable outcomes including mortality and subsequent cognitive decline. Its presence should be carefully recognized, triggering an adequate, evidence based, treatment. There is evidence, from several cross-section and longitudinal studies, that frailty and delirium may frequently overlap, with frailty serving both as a predisposing factor and as an outcome of delirium and delirium being a marker of a latent condition of frailty. In conclusion, frail patients are at increased risk to experience poor outcome after cardiac surgery. A multidisciplinary approach aimed to recognize more vulnerable individuals, optimize pre-operative conditions, reduce surgical invasivity and improve post-operative recovery is required to obtain optimal long-term outcome

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements