549 research outputs found

    Nutritional values of forage-legume-based silages and protein concentrates for growing pigs

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    In organic pig production systems, one of the main challenges is to meet the demand for resources rich in protein. Among the resources available, temperate green plants, such as forage legumes, are potential sources of energy and protein. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritional value of silages (S) from the whole plant of lucerne (L) and red clover (R) and protein pastes (PPs) obtained from L and R leaves. In a first trial, 30 pigs were used in a factorial design to determine the total tract digestibility (TTD) of dietary nutrients and energy in five dietary treatments. The control group was fed a control diet (C1). The lucerne silage (LS) and red clover silage (RS) groups were fed a 78%:22% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LS or RS. The lucerne protein paste (LPP) and the red clover protein paste (RPP) groups were fed an 81%:19% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LPP or RPP. In the second trial, five pigs were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to evaluate the standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AAs) in the four legume products. The control diet (C2) was formulated with casein as the sole protein source. The LS and RS groups were fed an 85%:15% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LS or RS. The LPP and RPP groups were fed an 80%:20% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LPP or RPP. Regardless of the plant species, silages obtained from L and R leaves contained less AA and more fibre than protein pastes. While the fresh forages contained the same percentage of protein N in total N (63.6%), lucerne lost more protein N during ensiling than red clover (−75.5 vs −33.8%). The calculated TTD coefficient of energy was higher in silages than in protein pastes and lower in R than in L products (72.8, 71.5, 67.7, and 61.3 for LS, RS, LPP and RPP, respectively). The SID of total essential AA was higher in LPP than in RPP (87.2 vs 79.2%) whereas it was lower in LS than in RS (33.2 vs 56.8%). The lower SID values in silages were explained by the protein degradation during the ensiling process and a high proportion of AA linked to the NDF fraction. The results of the present study show that protein pastes obtained from lucerne and red clover are valuable protein sources for pig. In contrast, legume silages have to be considered as an energy source rather than a protein source.publishedVersio

    Økologisk produksjon av høstraps

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    Rapsfrø er etterspurt råvare til proteinfôr og olje til mat. Høstraps egner seg godt i vekstskifte med korn og åkervekster, men trenger lang veksttid. Eng som forgrøde gir størst mulighet for tidlig etablering. Med sine pålerøtter har rapsplantene god effekt på jordstrukturen, og er en god forgrøde til for eksempel hvete.Økologisk produksjon av høstrapspublishedVersio

    Kunnskapsbehov i økologisk landbruk

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    Forbruket av økologisk mat har økt jevnt i Norge fra 2011 til 2016, mens det økologiske arealet har blitt redusert i samme periode. NIBIO som er en viktig leverandør for kunnskap om økologisk landbruk fikk i Statsbudsjettet for 2016 tildelt kunnskapsutviklingsmidler fra Landbruks- og matdepartementet som var øremerka til å "videreutvikle forskningsbasert kunnskap om økologisk landbruk". Arbeidet med å kartlegge status, flaskehalser og kunnskapsbehovet i de ulike produksjonene er basert på en gjennomgang av relevante prosjekter, rapporter og intervjuer med fagpersoner. De foreslåtte temaene for FoU-aktiviteter må anses som veiledende, og er ment som inspirasjon ved utvikling av nye prosjekter innen økologisk landbruk......publishedVersio

    Impacts of the Tropical Pacific/Indian Oceans on the Seasonal Cycle of the West African Monsoon

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    The current consensus is that drought has developed in the Sahel during the second half of the twentieth century as a result of remote effects of oceanic anomalies amplified by local land–atmosphere interactions. This paper focuses on the impacts of oceanic anomalies upon West African climate and specifically aims to identify those from SST anomalies in the Pacific/Indian Oceans during spring and summer seasons, when they were significant. Idealized sensitivity experiments are performed with four atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs). The prescribed SST patterns used in the AGCMs are based on the leading mode of covariability between SST anomalies over the Pacific/Indian Oceans and summer rainfall over West Africa. The results show that such oceanic anomalies in the Pacific/Indian Ocean lead to a northward shift of an anomalous dry belt from the Gulf of Guinea to the Sahel as the season advances. In the Sahel, the magnitude of rainfall anomalies is comparable to that obtained by other authors using SST anomalies confined to the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The mechanism connecting the Pacific/Indian SST anomalies with West African rainfall has a strong seasonal cycle. In spring (May and June), anomalous subsidence develops over both the Maritime Continent and the equatorial Atlantic in response to the enhanced equatorial heating. Precipitation increases over continental West Africa in association with stronger zonal convergence of moisture. In addition, precipitation decreases over the Gulf of Guinea. During the monsoon peak (July and August), the SST anomalies move westward over the equatorial Pacific and the two regions where subsidence occurred earlier in the seasons merge over West Africa. The monsoon weakens and rainfall decreases over the Sahel, especially in August.Peer reviewe

    Infektionsquellensuche bei ambulant erworbenen Fällen von Legionärskrankheit – Ergebnisse der LeTriWa-Studie; Berlin, 2016 – 2020 – Teil 2 (Ergebnisse und Diskussion)

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    Im Rahmen der Berliner LeTriWa-Studie („Legionellen in der Trinkwasser-Installation“) versuchten wir, ambulant erworbene Fälle von Legionärskrankheit (AE-LK) evidenzbasiert einer Infektionsquelle zuzuordnen. Dafür wurde eine eigens entwickelte Evidenz-Matrix genutzt, mit der die Fälle anhand von drei Evidenztypen (mikrobiologische Evidenz, Cluster-Evidenz und analytisch-vergleichende Evidenz) entweder einer externen Infektionsquelle, einer häuslichen Nicht-Trinkwasserquelle (hNTWQuelle) oder häuslichem Trinkwasser (hTW) zugeordnet werden konnten. Wir rekrutierten 147 Studienteilnehmende (LeTriWa-Fälle) sowie 217 Kontrollpersonen als Vergleichsgruppe. Bei 84 LeTriWa- Fällen konnte aus den Patientenproben der monoklonale Antikörpertyp (MAb) identifiziert werden, bei 83 (99 %) ein MAb 3/1-positiver Stamm und bei einem Fall ein MAb 3/1-negativer Stamm. Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollpersonen war der Fallstatus (infiziert vs. nicht infiziert) nicht mit einer höheren Legionellenkonzentration in den Standard-Haushaltswasserproben assoziiert, die bei Fällen und Kontrollen in gleicher Weise genommen worden waren. Wir fanden jedoch eine hochsignifikante Assoziation mit dem Vorhandensein eines MAb 3/1-positiven Stammes in den Standard-Haushaltsproben. Wir konnten etwa für die Hälfte der LeTriWa-Fälle evidenzbasiert eine wahrscheinliche Quelle zuordnen, und zwar 23 (16 %) einer externen Infektionsquelle, 9 (6 %) einer hNTW-Quelle und 40 (27 %) dem hTW.Peer Reviewe

    Differential cross section measurements for the production of a W boson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV

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    Measurements are reported of differential cross sections for the production of a W boson, which decays into a muon and a neutrino, in association with jets, as a function of several variables, including the transverse momenta (pT) and pseudorapidities of the four leading jets, the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta (HT), and the difference in azimuthal angle between the directions of each jet and the muon. The data sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb[superscript −1]. The measured cross sections are compared to predictions from Monte Carlo generators, MadGraph + pythia and sherpa, and to next-to-leading-order calculations from BlackHat + sherpa. The differential cross sections are found to be in agreement with the predictions, apart from the pT distributions of the leading jets at high pT values, the distributions of the HT at high-HT and low jet multiplicity, and the distribution of the difference in azimuthal angle between the leading jet and the muon at low values.United States. Dept. of EnergyNational Science Foundation (U.S.)Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio

    Infektionsquellensuche bei ambulant erworbenen Fällen von Legionärskrankheit

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    Bei den meisten Fällen von ambulant erworbener Legionärskrankheit (AE-LK) gelingt es auch in inter¬nationalen Studien nicht, die verantwortliche Infek¬tionsquelle nachzuweisen. Ein Ziel der Berliner LeTriWa-Studie („Legionellen in der Trinkwasser-Installation“) war es, herauszufinden, bei wie vielen Fällen evidenzbasiert eine Infektionsquelle identifi¬ziert werden kann. Dazu wurden im Zeitraum 2016 bis 2020 Fälle von AE-LK und Kontrollpersonen rekrutiert, Urin- und tiefe Atemwegsproben untersucht und Befragungen zu potenziellen Expositionen durchgeführt. Zudem wurden verschiedene häusliche und außerhäusliche Infektionsquellen beprobt. Die Zuordnung der potenziellen Infektionsquelle erfolgte mittels einer eigens entwickelten Evidenz-Matrix. Im vorliegenden Teil 1 des Berichts werden zunächst die Hintergründe, Ziele und Methoden der LeTriWa-Studie vorgestellt.Peer Reviewe

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good

    Juxtaposing BTE and ATE – on the role of the European insurance industry in funding civil litigation

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    One of the ways in which legal services are financed, and indeed shaped, is through private insurance arrangement. Two contrasting types of legal expenses insurance contracts (LEI) seem to dominate in Europe: before the event (BTE) and after the event (ATE) legal expenses insurance. Notwithstanding institutional differences between different legal systems, BTE and ATE insurance arrangements may be instrumental if government policy is geared towards strengthening a market-oriented system of financing access to justice for individuals and business. At the same time, emphasizing the role of a private industry as a keeper of the gates to justice raises issues of accountability and transparency, not readily reconcilable with demands of competition. Moreover, multiple actors (clients, lawyers, courts, insurers) are involved, causing behavioural dynamics which are not easily predicted or influenced. Against this background, this paper looks into BTE and ATE arrangements by analysing the particularities of BTE and ATE arrangements currently available in some European jurisdictions and by painting a picture of their respective markets and legal contexts. This allows for some reflection on the performance of BTE and ATE providers as both financiers and keepers. Two issues emerge from the analysis that are worthy of some further reflection. Firstly, there is the problematic long-term sustainability of some ATE products. Secondly, the challenges faced by policymakers that would like to nudge consumers into voluntarily taking out BTE LEI