68 research outputs found

    Spatial Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Hazard on Education Area (University of Indonesia)

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    As education area, campus or university is full with various activities which have an impact on the existence of land-use or land-cover. The variation of activities dynamically change the shape of land-use or land-cover within the campus area, thus also create variations in Land Surface Temperature (LST). The LST are impacting the coziness of human activity especially when reaches more than 30 oC. This study used the term Urban Heat Signature (UHS) to explain LST in different land-use or land-cover types. The objective of this study is to examine UHS as an Urban Heat Hazard (UHH) based on Universal Temperature Climate Index (UTCI) and Effective Temperature Index (ETI) in University of Indonesia. Thermal bands of Landsat 8 images (the acquisition year 2013-2015) were used to create LST model. A ground data known as Air Surface Temperature (AST) were used to validate the model. The result showed an increased level of maximum temperature during September-October since 2013 until 2014. The maximum temperature was reduced in October 2014, however it increased again in August 2015. The UTCI showed ā€œmoderateā€ and ā€œstrong heat stressā€, while EFI showed ā€œuncomfortableā€ and ā€œvery uncomfortableā€ categories during that period. This research concluded that build up area in UI Campus highest temperature on UI campus based on UHS. Range UHS in Campus UI on 2013 (21.8-31.1oC), 2014 (25.0-36.2oC) and 2015 (24.9-38.2oC). This maximum UHS on September (2014 and 2015) put on levelling UTCI included range temperature 32-35oC, with an explanation of sensation temperature is warm and sensation of comfort is Uncomfortable, Psychology withĀ  Increasing Stress Case by Sweating and Blood Flow and Health category is Cardiovascular Embarrassment. This UHS occurs in September will give impact on psychology and health, thatā€™s become the UHH of the living on education area

    Leptoglossus occidentalis HEIDEMANN, 1910 (Heteroptera: Coreidae) u Bosni i Hercegovini ā€“ recentna rasprostranjenost i prvi dokumentirani nalazi

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    Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910 is an invasive bug species native to the western part of North America and one of 16 alien Heteroptera species in Europe. After it was first found in Italy in 1999, the species spread fast across the continent, including the Balkan Peninsula. Our study confirms the species presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina and gives data on its distribution, including the earliest records for the country. Up untill now the species is found at nine different locations in the period from 2008 to 2016. The record from early spring 2008 suggests that the species was already present in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2007 or even earlier. Most records pertain to overwintering adults. For the first time the species is reported from Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii H. Christ). The species is also reported from Klek village in Dubrovnik region, south Croatia.Sjeverno-američka stjenica, Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910, jedna je od 16 neeuropskih vrsta stjenica do danas uneÅ”enih u Europu, od kojih 10 potječe upravo iz Sjeverne Amerike (Rabitsch, 2010). Zbog svojeg prirodnog područja pridolaska u Sjevernoj Americi, područja Pacifičke obale omeđena lancem Stjenjaka na zapadu, Amerikanci su je nazvali ā€žzapadnom stjenicom sjemena četinjačaā€ (western conifer seed bug), čime su, uz područja pridolaska, naznačili i njenu Å”tetnost za sjeme drvenastih vrsta iz porodice Pinaceae. Zbog osobite morfoloÅ”ke značajke, spljoÅ”tenog proÅ”irenja goljenice stražnjih nogu, također je poznata i kao ā€žstjenica listolikog stopalaā€œ (leaf-footed bug). Slovenski autori iskoristili su ovaj naziv kao predložak i dodali mu čeÅ”er kao objekt prehrane, pa su je nazvali ā€žstorževa listonoÅ”kaā€œ (Jurc & Jurc, 2005). U svakom slučaju, ova se stjenica nakon dolaska na europski kontinent u Italiji 1999. godine (Taylor et al. 2001.) vrlo brzo Å”irila Europom, pa je u nepunih 10 godina prodrla u velik broj europskih zemalja, od Velike Britanije na zapadu, do Ukrajine i Rusije na istoku, od NorveÅ”ke na sjeveru do Turske na jugu (Malumphy & Reid, 2007; Fent & Kment, 2011; Gapon, 2013). Među zemljama juga Europe, kojima se proÅ”irio ovaj novi invazivni Å”tetnik, naÅ”la se i Bosna i Hercegovina. U radu su prikazani svi provjereni i dokumentirani nalazi L. occidentalis na području BiH, od prvog pronalaska i do sada neobjavljenog nalaza iz travnja 2008. godine (zgrada Zemaljskog muzeja BiH u Sarajevu), pa do najsvježijih nalaza ljeti i ujesen 2016. godine (Igman, Neum, Banja Luka). Recentno područje na kojemu je evidentirana ova nova invazivna stjenica u BiH, pregledno je prikazano prostorno označenim podacima nalaza na slici 1. Iako očekivan, značajan je i prvi nalaz ove nove invazivne stjenice u reliktnim sastojinama bora munjike (Pinus heldreichii H. Christ) u masivu Prenja u studenom 2010. godine.Uvid u kronoloÅ”ki slijed i prostornu distribuciju nalaza L. occidentalis u Bosni i Hercegovini od 2008. do 2016. godine ukazuju na razmjerno brzo Å”irenje ovog Å”tetnika i vjerojatno lokalno povećanje populacije, Å”to je zasigurno rezultiralo i njenom lakÅ”om detekcijom. Nalaze se ipak treba shvatiti u kontekstu u kojem su nastali, a to su u velikoj većini bili neciljani, slučajni nalazi entomologa tijekom nekih drugih terenskih istraživanja. Radi uočljivosti i krupnoće same stjenice i činjenice da se ujesen zavlači u ljudske nastambe, nije rijetkost da se često i građanstvo pojavljuje kao ā€ždojavljivačā€œ novih invazivnih vrsta. Važno je stoga ukazati na nepostojanje sustavnog praćenja pojave i Å”irenja L. occidentalis na ovim prostorima. Uspostava ciljanog monitoringa i praćenja pojave, a posebice potencijalnog Å”tetnog utjecaja L. occidentalis u borovim sastojinama i sjemenskim objektima u Bosni i Hercegovini, nužan su preduvjet potrajnog gospodarenja Å”umskim bogatstvom i kvalitetniju organizaciju i učinkovitost sustava zaÅ”tite Å”uma od ovog novog invazivnog Å”tetnika

    Influence of Forest Type and Climate Factors on the Number of Caught Ips typographus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) Bark Beetles in Pheromone Traps in Protected Areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    As part of the research, the population of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle in different types of forests in five protected areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina was analyzed. The study focused on the protected areas of Sarajevo Canton, specifically the secondary forests of fir and spruce, as well as the mixed forests of beech and fir (containing spruce). Pheromone traps were used as the research sample, and they were placed within PA Bijambara, PA Trebević, and PA Skakavac. The objective was to investigate the influence of forest type and climatological factors on the number of captured Ips typographus bark beetles from 2018 to 2021. The average number of captured I. typographus bark beetles during that period ranged from 491.39 to 901.68 individuals in secondary fir and spruce forests, and from 201.88 to 701.54 individuals in beech and fir forests (including spruce)

    Prvi nalaz vrste Pyrrhalta viburni (Coleoptera: chrysomelidae) u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    Pyrrhalta viburni (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a chrysomelid native to Eurasia. It gained importance as an invasive species in North America due to its ability to cause serious damage to native and ornamental Viburnum spp. plants.In our study Pyrrhalta viburni was recorded as a new record in the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has been recorded on four locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the region of Sarajevo. As it is feeding on Viburnum spp. that are commonly used as ornamental plants, its monitoring in urban and other habitats is suggested.Pyrrhalta viburni (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), hudikina zlatica je kornjaÅ” autohton u Europi i Aziji. U Sjevernoj Americi hudikina zlatica je invazivna, zbog čega je porastao interes za istraživanje biologije vrste. Imaga i ličinke hrane se najčeŔće liŔćem biljaka iz roda Viburnum i uzrokuju Å”tete na listovima, a zbog tendencije da agregiraju i polažu jaja na već oÅ”tećenim biljkama izazivaju oÅ”tećenja koja mogu uzrokovati suÅ”enja biljke. Odrasli oblici su 4,5-6,5 mm duge, smeđe boje sa blago tamnijim prednjim dijelom elitri, dok je dorzalna povrÅ”ina prekrivena sa gustim zlatno-sivim dlačicama. Imaga i ličinke sakupljene su od 18.05. do 23.06.2020. godine na četiri lokaliteta: Pazarić, dva lokaliteta u urbanom području grada Sarajeva (ulice Kolodvorska i Brčanska) i Trtorići (Općina Breza). Ovo je prvi nalaz ove vrste kukca, potencijalno važnog defolijatora autohtonih i kultiviranih vrsta iz roda Viburnum koji ukazuje na potrebu daljeg istraživanja rasprostranjenosti i brojnosti vrste Pyrrhalta viburni na području Bosne i Hercegovine

    Quality of life satisfaction among converted Kelantan Chinese Muslims

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    This article investigates the quality of life of the Kelantan Chinese Muslim community before and after conversion to Islam, focusing on their level of satisfaction in term of economic aspect. This research was carried out using the sequential explanatory mixed method design involving 75 respondents selected for quantitative and five respondents for qualitative. The sampling method adopted was convenience and snowball samplings. The research data was collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that respondents were moderately satisfied before conversion and satisfied after conversion. Besides that, there is no significant difference of quality of life before and after conversion to Islam (F = 0.868, p = 0.355) and it was not influenced by the period of conversion to Islam (F = 0.832, p = 0.589). This analysis indicates numerous respondents are still moderately satisfied in their quality of life even though the average data shows they are satisfied after conversion

    International consensus conference recommendations on ultrasound education for undergraduate medical students

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study is to provide expert consensus recommendations to establish a global ultrasound curriculum for undergraduate medical students. Methods: 64 multi-disciplinary ultrasound experts from 16 countries, 50 multi-disciplinary ultrasound consultants, and 21 medical students and residents contributed to these recommendations. A modified Delphi consensus method was used that included a systematic literature search, evaluation of the quality of literature by the GRADE system, and the RAND appropriateness method for panel judgment and consensus decisions. The process included four in-person international discussion sessions and two rounds of online voting. Results: A total of 332 consensus conference statements in four curricular domains were considered: (1) curricular scope (4 statements), (2) curricular rationale (10 statements), (3) curricular characteristics (14 statements), and (4) curricular content (304 statements). Of these 332 statements, 145 were recommended, 126 were strongly recommended, and 61 were not recommended. Important aspects of an undergraduate ultrasound curriculum identified include curricular integration across the basic and clinical sciences and a competency and entrustable professional activity-based model. The curriculum should form the foundation of a life-long continuum of ultrasound education that prepares students for advanced training and patient care. In addition, the curriculum should complement and support the medical school curriculum as a whole with enhanced understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiological processes and clinical practice without displacing other important undergraduate learning. The content of the curriculum should be appropriate for the medical student level of training, evidence and expert opinion based, and include ongoing collaborative research and development to ensure optimum educational value and patient care. Conclusions: The international consensus conference has provided the first comprehensive document of recommendations for a basic ultrasound curriculum. The document reflects the opinion of a diverse and representative group of international expert ultrasound practitioners, educators, and learners. These recommendations can standardize undergraduate medical student ultrasound education while serving as a basis for additional research in medical education and the application of ultrasound in clinical practice

    The lure of postwar London:networks of people, print and organisations

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    'Vernacular Voices: Black British Poetry'

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    ABSTRACT Black British poetry is the province of experimenting with voice and recording rhythms beyond the iambic pentameter. Not only in performance poetry and through the spoken word, but also on the page, black British poetry constitutes and preserves a sound archive of distinct linguistic varieties. In Slave Song (1984) and Coolie Odyssey (1988), David Dabydeen employs a form of Guyanese Creole in order to linguistically render and thus commemorate the experience of slaves and indentured labourers, respectively, with the earlier collection providing annotated translations into Standard English. James Berry, Louise Bennett, and Valerie Bloom adapt Jamaican Patois to celebrate Jamaican folk culture and at times to represent and record experiences and linguistic interactions in the postcolonial metropolis. Grace Nichols and John Agard use modified forms of Guyanese Creole, with Nichols frequently constructing gendered voices whilst Agard often celebrates linguistic playfulness. The borders between linguistic varieties are by no means absolute or static, as the emergence and marked growth of ā€˜London Jamaicanā€™ (Mark Sebba) indicates. Asian British writer Daljit Nagra takes liberties with English for different reasons. Rather than having recourse to established Creole languages, and blending them with Standard English, his heteroglot poems frequently emulate ā€˜Punglishā€™, the English of migrants whose first language is Punjabi. Whilst it is the language prestige of London Jamaican that has been significantly enhanced since the 1990s, a fact not only confirmed by linguistic research but also by its transethnic uses both in the streets and on the page, Nagraā€™s substantial success and the mainstream attention he receives also indicate the clout of vernacular voices in poetry. They have the potential to connect with oral traditions and cultural memories, to record linguistic varieties, and to endow ā€˜street credā€™ to authors and texts. In this chapter, these double-voiced poetic languages are also read as signs of resistance against residual monologic ideologies of Englishness. Ā© Book proposal (02/2016): The Cambridge History of Black and Asian British Writing p. 27 of 4

    Reimagining Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) From the Animal Perspective in Robinson Crusoe/The Wild Life (2016)

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    Skripsi ini menganalisis dan membandingkan Robinson Crusoe (1719) karangan Daniel Defoe dan film adaptasinya The Wild Life (2016). Novel ini terkenal dengan cerita terdamparnya tokoh utama di sebuah pulau yang dinarasikan oleh Robinson Crusoe, sementara itu, film The Wild Life menghadirkan kembali cerita itu dari sudut pandang binatang. Fokus penelitian ini adalah perubahan elemen formal pada novel ke film adaptasinya. Setelah itu, skripsi ini mengurai elemen tambahan yang dipakai film adaptasi ini untuk menyampaikan cerita Robinson Crusoe dalam perspektif binatang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan teori adaptasi, elemen dasar fiksi, dan mise-en-scene. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa elemen formal pada novel dihadirkan kembali oleh film dengan mengubah arahnya, seperti (1) perubahan sudut pandang orang pertama, dari Robinson Crusoe menjadi Mak, (2) karakterisasi Robinson Crusoe dari yang tidak simpatik terhadap binatang menjadi simpatik, (3) eksplorasi bagian terdampar di pulau pada novel oleh film, dan (4) menekankan tema kerjasama untuk bertahan hidup daripada bertahan hidup dengan upaya sendiri, mengubah arah tema hubungan manusia dengan alam yang eksploitatif menjadi saling menguntungkan, dan tema takdir tuhan tidak dihadirkan kembali oleh film ini. Selain itu, (5) binatang tidak lagi dihadirkan sebagai makhluk tidak berdaya dan (6) untuk menghadirkan cerita Robinson Crusoe, film adaptasi ini menambahkan beberapa elemen, seperti bentuk animal fantasy, konflik binatang, tema kolektivisme dan simpati terhadap binatang
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