Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia

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    10822 research outputs found

    First documentation on herpetofauna diversity in Gunung Belumut Amenity Forest, Peninsular Malaysia: Implications for conservation in an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)

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    Malaysia is blessed with lush tropical rainforests that harbour an exceptional diversity of amphibians and reptiles. However, compared to other animal groups, amphibians and reptiles have received limited attention in research, despite their ecological significance. With amphibians and reptile species having been declining rapidly due to anthropogenic activities, there is a pressing need to conserve these species and their habitats. Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) are designated regions that are beneficial due to their critical role in providing essential ecosystem services and serving as repositories of biodiversity. Nonetheless, the classification of ESAs in Malaysia lacks biological elements and only focuses on physical attributes. To enhance the current ESA classification framework by integrating biological components, there is an urgent need to obtain information on diversity and habitat in Malaysia. Therefore, the objectives of this study were twofold: to determine the diversity of amphibians and reptiles in Gunung Belumut Amenity Forest and to conduct a comparative analysis between the herpetofauna assemblages in Gunung Belumut with other forest reserves in Peninsular Malaysia. The survey was carried out between March and June 2022, with additional sampling conducted in February 2023. The Visual Encounter Survey (VES) and pitfall trap methods were employed to survey the herpetofauna species, focusing on both aquatic and terrestrial habitats within the study area. A total of 210 individuals representing 38 species of herpetofauna were recorded, comprising 18 amphibian and 20 reptile species. Amongst the observed species, Limnonectes blythii was the most frequently encountered amphibian, with 59 individuals observed, while the dominant reptile species was Cyrtodactylus consobrinus, represented by eight individuals. This pioneering study serves as a vital baseline documentation of the amphibian and reptile assemblages in Gunung Belumut Amenity Forest. It provides valuable information for identifying extant herpetofauna species, including those of potential conservation concern or rarity. These findings contribute to ongoing conservation efforts dedicated to the preservation of herpetofauna within the region. By understanding the diversity and distribution patterns of amphibians and reptiles in Gunung Belumut, effective conservation strategies can be developed to protect these species and their habitats

    Comparative Analysis of ML-Based Outlier Detection Techniques for IoT-Based Smart Energy Management Systems

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    With the development and advancement of ICST, data-driven technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Technology including Smart Energy Management Systems (SEMS) has become a trend in many regions and around the globe. There is no doubt that data quality and data quality problems are among the most vital topics to be addressed for a successful application of IoT-based SEMS. Poor data in such major yet delicate systems will affect the quality of life (QoL) of millions, and even cause destruction and disruption to a country. This paper aims to tackle this problem by searching for suitable outlier detection techniques from the many developed ML-based outlier detection methods. Three methods are chosen and analyzed for their performances, namely the K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN)+ Mahalanobis Distance (MD), Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD), and Local Outlier Factor (LOF) models. Three sensor-collected datasets that are related to SEMS and with different data types are used in this research, they are pre-processed and split into training and testing datasets with manually injected outliers. The training datasets are then used for searching the patterns of the datasets through training of the models, and the trained models are then tested with the testing datasets, using the found patterns to identify and label the outliers in the datasets. All the models can accurately identify the outliers, with their average accuracies scoring over 95%. However, the average execution time used for each model varies, where the KNN+MD model has the longest average execution time at 12.99 seconds, MCD achieving 3.98 seconds for execution time, and the LOF model at 0.60 seconds, the shortest among the three

    Fabrication and characterization of modified ZnO-kapok fiber for separating surfactant-free oil-in-water emulsions

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    . Natural sorbents have several benefits, including high sorption capacity, superior biodegradability, and low cost. Kapok is one of the natural fibers that can be used as absorbent material. These distinctive qualities give kapok fibers greater oil sorption capacity than other oil sorbents currently on the market. However, it is difficult to hold oil properly due to its waxy coating and smooth fiber surface. Thus, in this study, the rough surface fiber has been coated using ZnO via the hydrothermal method. Considering that ZnO is instinctually hydrophilic, this modification of the fiber compounds increases the adsorption of oil in fiber. The surface morphology interaction has been proven with an experiment using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for morphology investigation, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for identifying organic or inorganic materials, and physical interaction (contact angle analysis). The results obtained display a significant difference between modified kapok fiber with ZnO and raw kapok fiber. The FTIR analysis shows that the modified kapok exhibits the peak's level of intensity at 3268.88 cm-1 (stretching vibration peak of surface –OH decreases obviously as compared with that of raw kapok fiber, an absorption peak (symmetric stretching vibration of Zn–O–Zn) is observed at 652.28 cm-1. These results suggested that the whole sum of –OH was diminished, and hydrophobic ZnO nanoparticles were developed on the kapok fiber's surface. A surface morphology analysis using SEM shows that ZnO particles are present on the kapok fiber surface while comparing it to the raw kapok. Modified kapok shows a higher contact angle (138°) compared to raw kapok (125.5°). This can conclude that the kapok fiber modification was successfully achieved using the hydrothermal metho

    An effective wavelet neural network approach for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations

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    The development of efficient numerical methods for obtaining numerical solutions of first and second order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is of paramount importance, given the widespread utilization of ODEs as a means of characterizing the behavior in various scientific and engineering disciplines. While various artificial neural networks (ANNs) approaches have recently emerged as potential solutions for approximating ODEs, the limited accuracy of existing models necessitates further advancements. Hence, this study presents a stochastic model utilizing wavelet neural networks (WNNs) to approximate ODEs. Leveraging the compact structure and fast learning speed of WNNs, an improved butterfly optimization algorithm (IBOA) is employed to optimize the adjustable weights, facilitating more effective convergence towards the global optimum. The proposed WNNs approach is then rigorously evaluated by solving first and second order ODEs, including initial value problems, singularly perturbed boundary value problems, and a Lane–Emden type equation. Comparative analyses against alternative training methods, other existing ANNs, and numerical techniques demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method, affirming its efficiency and accuracy in approximating ODE solutions

    Fabrication of natural and bio-based wound healing material from alginate and beeswax

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    Alginate is a natural polysaccharide derived from brown algae and exhibits the following properties: biocompatible, biodegradable and non-toxic. Beeswax is a secretion that is produced by young working bees. For this research project, alginate and beeswax are homogenized together to form bio-based films for wound healing applications. Solution casting method was used to fabricate the films of 1 wt% and 2 wt% sodium alginate (SA) with 0-5 g beeswax. The films were then characterized and tested using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and contact angle measurement. FTIR spectra revealed that all films showed spectra from both SA and beeswax pellet, which implies that alginate and beeswax coexist in the film. SEM images showed smooth surfaces for films of 1 wt% and 2 wt% SA with 0 g beeswax and rough surfaces with beeswax particles for films of 1 wt% and 2 wt% SA with 1-5 g beeswax. AFM results revealed that the surface roughness of alginate and beeswax films increased with an increasing amount of beeswax and film of 2 wt% SA with 5 g beeswax recorded the highest surface roughness value. Contact angle measurement revealed that as more beeswax was introduced into alginate solution, the contact angle value increases due to the hydrophobic nature of beeswax. It can be concluded that these alginate and beeswax films can be applied as both hydrophilic and hydrophobic wound dressing material

    I4.0 readiness index in electric power distribution in serving modern consumers

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    Nowadays, the needs of modern human life are inseparable from the use of electrical energy. The development of eco-friendly technology continues to emerge rapidly to help facilitate daily life, such as electric vehicles (EV), electric stoves, and other modern equipment. A variety of modern equipment will have a technical impact on the distribution of electric power. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is a state-own company, as one of the electricity service providers, must serve consumers reliably and efficiently. The existence of modern loads on the consumers side must be addressed with modern electricity supply, such as the preparation of smart grid technology, communication technology between EV charging stations, disturbance management, and efficient asset management. All of that is a readiness index for PLN to serve modern consumers. PLN needs to prepare technology and knowledge in the transformation of industry 4.0. This research helps PLN to assess the readiness of industry 4.0, which we call INDIST 4.0 (Power distribution readiness Index I4.0). The results of this study contain 5 Pillars, 15 Fields as a reference. Assessment for all distribution work areas in Indonesia with a value of 1.9 out of 4, meaning PLN is a newcomer and learne

    Life cycle assessment of direct recycling hot press forging of aluminium AA7075 metal matrix composite

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    The primary objective of this research is to investigate the process of direct recycling of AA7075 aluminium alloy, which is extensively utilised in the aerospace and flight sectors due to its exceptional strength and lightweight characteristics. Alumina (Al2O3)is used as a reinforcing agent and the effect of hot press forging (HPF) parameters on the mechanical characteristics and surface integrity of the metal matrix composite (MMC) constructed of AA7075 alloy with 1% Al2O3 has been studied. Furthermore, the utilisation of an integrated life cycle assessment(LCA) approach is implemented to assess the environmental impacts and economic expenses associated with the recycling of aluminium via high-pressure forming for both the metal matrix composite and AA7075 alloy. Response surface methodology (RSM)is applied to ascertain the optimal parameters for high-performance filtration. The findings suggest that employing a forging temperature of 532.34 °C and a holding time of 60 min produces favourable results. When comparing the characteristics of the MMC and recycled aluminium, it can be observed that they both demonstrate similar essential process attributes. The utilisation of HPF in conjunction with the Multi-Material Composite has the potential to yield a reduction of up to 24.97% in Global Warming Potential (GWP). This research demonstrates the efficacy of HPF as a viable approach for environmentally conscious and economically efficient recycling of AA7075 aluminium scrap, thereby improving product performance and promoting sustainability

    Simulation and modelling of spray characteristics, spray penetration length and injection pressure of biodiesel

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    This research compare three different types of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) biodiesel blends, B5, B10, and B15 with different ambient density on nozzle flow and spray characteristics by using CPO and simulated the physics flow pattern of mixture formation with tangential velocity between biodiesel, diesel fuel, and air in the mixing chamber of RCM, to determine the nozzle flow and spray characteristics for different injection pressure of biodiesel spray to ambient variant conditions on mixture formation. In order to mimic the spray processes, an Eulerian-Lagrangian multiphase technique is presented in this study. This work makes use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fluent to examine the spray properties of biodiesel fuels, and the simulation took biodiesel injection into the constant volume chamber of the RCM into account. The boundary condition is set up at a distinct ambient parameter. The presence of in-cylinder flow, the impact of fuel type, injection pressure, and ambient variables on spray behaviour, such as spray penetration, had been examined. Analysis of the spray penetration variation with time for various ambient parameters and different types of biodiesel fuels revealed that the biodiesel fuels were predicted to develop their break-up more quickly due to the fact that all fuels atomize more quickly in the presence of higher injection pressures. The effects of these various parameters were examined in terms of spray characteristics and contrasted with the findings of the experiment

    Wear behavior of heat-treated coated carbon steel

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    A particular type of steel has a higher concentration of carbon than other types of steel called carbon steel. This study focused on the electrodeposition coating of Nickel Silicon Carbide (Ni-SiC) composite coating at 50 oC. In this study, medium carbon steel was used as a substrate. 25 g/l SiC was used during the deposition. The carbon steel was acted as the cathode and the carbon rod as an anode during electrodeposition. The coated sample was heat-treated at 350 OC for 1 hour. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to analyze the surface morphology and microstructure of the coated and heat-treated sample before and after the wear test. The coated sample's element composition and phase distribution are determined using the Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). To identify the hardness of the composite coating, Vickers micro-hardness test was used on the surface of the sample with 100g load in 10 seconds with ten indentations. Weight loss method was conducted to determine the average wear resistance of the sample. The wear behavior of the Ni-SiC was evaluated using the weight loss method with 3 g/l alumina as the abrasive material. The results showed that the heat-treated coating had higher wear resistance than the without heat treatment. The findings also showed that the sample with the heat-treatment process had a higher hardness. This proved that the heat-treated sample had the best wear behavior and hardness value compared to without heat treatment due to denser coating produce

    Study of material characterization of samarium doped ceria-rice husk ash silica (SDC-RHASiO2)

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    Additional of metal oxide such as copper oxide, lithium oxide and iron oxide into ceria-based electrolyte had been commercialized to improve the performance of the ceria based material in microstructure modification. In this study, the effect of samarium doped ceria with the addition of rice husk ash silica on its characterization is described. Samarium doped ceria (SDC) with addition of 1.0 wt.% of rice husk ash silica (RHASiO2) was prepared by ball milling method. The SDC-RHASiO2 composite pellets were produced by uniaxial press and were sintered at 700°C. Material characterizations of SDC-RHASiO2 sample were identifying by X-ray diffraction (XRD) for crystalline structures, porosity test and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for surface morphology and microstructures. Based on XRD result obtained, it has been found that the result for SDC-RHASiO2 powder only showed the face-centered cubic lattice structure of (Sm.20Ce.80O1.90) without additional impurity phases. SEM micrographs indicated that the porosity percentage decreases when the RHASiO2 was added into SDC. This mixed material is believed could improve the structure as well as the performance of undoped SD


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