123 research outputs found

    A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Western Lobe of W50 Powered by the Galactic Microquasar SS 433

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    W50 remains the only supernova remnant (SNR) confirmed to harbor a microquasar: the powerful enigmatic source SS 433. Our past study of this fascinating SNR revealed two X-ray lobes distorting the radio shell as well as non-thermal X-rays at the site of interaction between the SS 433 eastern jet and the eastern lobe of W50. In this paper we present the results of a 75 ksec CHANDRA ACIS-I observation of the peak of W50-west targeted to 1) determine the nature of the X-ray emission and 2) correlate the X-ray emission with that in the radio and infrared domains. We have confirmed that at the site of interaction between the western jet of SS 433 and dense interstellar gas the X-ray emission is non-thermal in nature. The helical pattern observed in radio is also seen with CHANDRA. No correlation was found between the infrared and X-ray emission.Comment: A refereed publication, submitted Sept. 30, 2004, accepted Jan. 12, 2005, to appear in Advances in Space Research. 7 pages, including 4 figures (3 color) & 1 table (the resolution of most figures has been reduced for astro-ph submission only). A gzipped postscript or pdf version of the paper with high-resolution images can be downloaded from: http://aurora.physics.umanitoba.ca/~moldowan/Astro-Ph

    Deep optical observations of the interaction of the SS 433 microquasar jet with the W 50 radio continuum shell

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    Four mosaics of deep, continuum-subtracted, CCD images have been obtained over the extensive galactic radio continuum shell, W 50, which surrounds the remarkable stellar system SS 433. Two of these mosaics in the Halpha+[N II] and [O III] 5007 A emission lines respectively cover a field of ~2.3 x 2.5 degr^2 which contains all of W 50 but at a low angular resolution of 5 arcsec. The third and fourth mosaics cover the eastern (in [O III] 5007 A) and western (in Halpha+[N II]) filamentary nebulosity respectively but at an angular resolution of 1 arcsec. These observations are supplemented by new low dispersion spectra and longslit, spatially resolved echelle spectra. The [O III] 5007 A images show for the first time the distribution of this emission in both the eastern and western filaments while new Halpha+[N II] emission features are also found in both of these regions. Approaching flows of faintly emitting material from the bright eastern filaments of up 100 km/s in radial velocity are detected. The present observations also suggest that the heliocentric systemic radial velocity of the whole system is 56+-2 km/s. Furthermore, very deep imagery and high resolution spectroscopy of a small part of the northern radio ridge of W 50 has revealed for the first time the very faint optical nebulosity associated with this edge. It is suggested that patchy foreground dust along the ~5 kpc sightline is inhibiting the detection of all of the optical nebulosity associated with W 50. The interaction of the microquasar jets of SS 433 with the W 50 shell is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for pubication in MNRA

    Identification of a methylase required for 2-methylhopanoid production and implications for the interpretation of sedimentary hopanes

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    The rise of atmospheric oxygen has driven environmental change and biological evolution throughout much of Earth’s history and was enabled by the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis in the cyanobacteria. Dating this metabolic innovation using inorganic proxies from sedimentary rocks has been difficult and one important approach has been to study the distributions of fossil lipids, such as steranes and 2-methylhopanes, as biomarkers for this process. 2-methylhopanes arise from degradation of 2-methylbacteriohopanepolyols (2-MeBHPs), lipids thought to be synthesized primarily by cyanobacteria. The discovery that 2-MeBHPs are produced by an anoxygenic phototroph, however, challenged both their taxonomic link with cyanobacteria and their functional link with oxygenic photosynthesis. Here, we identify a radical SAM methylase encoded by the hpnP gene that is required for methylation at the C-2 position in hopanoids. This gene is found in several, but not all, cyanobacteria and also in α -proteobacteria and acidobacteria. Thus, one cannot extrapolate from the presence of 2-methylhopanes alone, in modern environments or ancient sedimentary rocks, to a particular taxonomic group or metabolism. To understand the origin of this gene, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of HpnP. HpnP proteins from cyanobacteria, Methylobacterium species, and other α-proteobacteria form distinct phylogenetic clusters, but the branching order of these clades could not be confidently resolved. Hence,it is unclear whether HpnP, and 2-methylhopanoids, originated first in the cyanobacteria. In summary, existing evidence does not support the use of 2-methylhopanes as biomarkers for oxygenic photosynthesis

    Combining biomarker and bulk compositional gradient analysis to assess reservoir connectivity

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Organic Geochemistry 41 (2010): 812-821, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2010.05.003.Hydraulic connectivity of petroleum reservoirs represents one of the biggest uncertainties for both oil production and petroleum system studies. Here, a geochemical analysis involving bulk and detailed measures of crude oil composition is shown to constrain connectivity more tightly than is possible with conventional methods. Three crude oils collected from different depths in a single well exhibit large gradients in viscosity, density, and asphaltene content. Crude oil samples are collected with a wireline sampling tool providing samples from well‐defined locations and relatively free of contamination by drilling fluids; the known provenance of these samples minimizes uncertainties in the subsequent analysis. The detailed chemical composition of almost the entire crude oil is determined by use of comprehensive two‐dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) to interrogate the nonpolar fraction and negative ion electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT‐ICR MS) to interrogate the polar fraction. The simultaneous presence of 25‐ norhopanes and mildly altered normal and isoprenoid alkanes is detected, suggesting that the reservoir has experienced multiple charges and contains a mixture of oils biodegraded to different extents. The gradient in asphaltene concentration is explained by an equilibrium model considering only gravitational segregation of asphaltene nanoaggregates; this grading can be responsible for the observed variation in viscosity. Combining these analyses yields a consistent picture of a connected reservoir in which the observed viscosity variation originates from gravitational segregation of asphaltene nanoaggregates in a crude oil with high asphaltene concentration resulting from multiple charges, including one charge that suffered severe biodegradation. Observation of these gradients having appropriate magnitudes suggests good reservoir connectivity with greater confidence than is possible with traditional techniques alone.The mass spectrometry work was supported by the NSF Division of Materials Research through DMR‐06‐54118, and the State of Florida

    From ether to acid: a plausible degradation pathway of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers

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    Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are ubiquitous microbial lipids with extensive demonstrated and potential roles as paleoenvironmental proxies. Despite the great attention they receive, comparatively little is known regarding their diagenetic fate. Putative degradation products of GDGTs, identified as hydroxyl and carboxyl derivatives, were detected in lipid extracts of marine sediment, seep carbonate, hot spring sediment and cells of the marine thaumarchaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus. The distribution of GDGT degradation products in environmental samples suggests that both biotic and abiotic processes act as sinks for GDGTs. More than a hundred newly recognized degradation products afford a view of the stepwise degradation of GDGT via (1) ether bond hydrolysis yielding hydroxyl isoprenoids, namely, GDGTol (glycerol dialkyl glycerol triether alcohol), GMGD (glycerol monobiphytanyl glycerol diether), GDD (glycerol dibiphytanol diether), GMM (glycerol monobiphytanol monoether) and bpdiol (biphytanic diol); (2) oxidation of isoprenoidal alcohols into corresponding carboxyl derivatives and (3) chain shortening to yield C39and smaller isoprenoids. This plausible GDGT degradation pathway from glycerol ethers to isoprenoidal fatty acids provides the link to commonly detected head-to-head linked long chain isoprenoidal hydrocarbons in petroleum and sediment samples. The problematic C80to C82tetraacids that cause naphthenate deposits in some oil production facilities can be generated from H-shaped glycerol monoalkyl glycerol tetraethers (GMGTs) following the same process, as indicated by the distribution of related derivatives in hydrothermally influenced sediments.Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission) (ERC Grant 247153

    LOFAR 150-MHz observations of SS 433 and W50

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    We present Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) high-band data over the frequency range 115-189 MHz for the X-ray binary SS 433, obtained in an observing campaign from 2013 February to 2014 May. Our results include a deep, wide-field map, allowing a detailed view of the surrounding supernova remnant W50 at low radio frequencies, as well as a light curve for SS 433 determined from shorter monitoring runs. The complex morphology of W50 is in excellent agreement with previously published higher frequency maps; we find additional evidence for a spectral turnover in the eastern wing, potentially due to foreground free-free absorption. Furthermore, SS 433 is tentatively variable at 150 MHz, with both a debiased modulation index of 11 per cent and a Χ 2 probability of a flat light curve of 8.2 × 10 -3 . By comparing the LOFAR flux densities with contemporaneous observations carried out at 4800 MHz with the RATAN-600 telescope, we suggest that an observed ~0.5-1 Jy rise in the 150-MHz flux density may correspond to sustained flaring activity over a period of approximately 6 months at 4800 MHz. However, the increase is too large to be explained with a standard synchrotron bubble model. We also detect a wealth of structure along the nearby Galactic plane, including the most complete detection to date of the radio shell of the candidate supernova remnant G38.7-1.4. This further demonstrates the potential of supernova remnant studies with the current generation of low-frequency radio telescopes

    Microbial assemblage and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the 1.38 Ga Velkerri Formation, McArthur Basin, northern Australia

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    The ca. 1.38 billion years (Ga) old Roper Group of the McArthur Basin, northern Australia, is one of the most extensive Proterozoic hydrocarbon-bearing units. Organic-rich black siltstones from the Velkerri Formation were deposited in a deep-water sequence and were analysed to determine their organic geochemical (biomarker) signatures, which were used to interpret the microbial diversity and palaeoenvironment of the Roper Seaway. The indigenous hydrocarbon biomarker assemblages describe a water column dominated by bacteria with large-scale heterotrophic reworking of the organic matter in the water column or bottom sediment. Possible evidence for microbial reworking includes a large unresolved complex mixture (UCM), high ratios of mid-chained and terminally branched monomethyl alkanes relative to n-alkanes-features characteristic of indigenous Proterozoic bitumen. Steranes, biomarkers for single-celled and multicellular eukaryotes, were below detection limits in all extracts analysed, despite eukaryotic microfossils having been previously identified in the Roper Group, albeit largely in organically lean shallower water facies. These data suggest that eukaryotes, while present in the Roper Seaway, were ecologically restricted and contributed little to export production. The 2,3,4- and 2,3,6-trimethyl aryl isoprenoids (TMAI) were absent or in very low concentration in the Velkerri Formation. The low abundance is primary and not caused by thermal destruction. The combination of increased dibenzothiophene in the Amungee Member of the Velkerri Formation and trace metal redox geochemistry suggests that degradation of carotenoids occurred during intermittent oxygen exposure at the sediment-water interface and/or the water column was rarely euxinic in the photic zone and likely only transiently euxinic at depth. A comparison of this work with recently published biomarker and trace elemental studies from other mid-Proterozoic basins demonstrates that microbial environments, water column geochemistry and basin redox were heterogeneous.Amber J. M. Jarrett, Grant M. Cox, Jochen J. Brocks, Emmanuelle Grosjean Chris J. Boreham, Dianne S. Edward

    Mesozoic mass extinctions and angiosperm radiation: does the molecular clock tell something new?

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    Angiosperms evolved rapidly in the late Mesozoic. Data from the genetic-based approach called ’molecular clock’ permit an evaluation of the radiation of flowering plants through geological time and of the possible influences of Me -sozoic mass extinctions. A total of 261 divergence ages of angiosperm families are considered. The radiation of flowe -ring plants peaked in the Albian, early Campanian, and Maastrichtian. From the three late Mesozoic mass extinctions (Jurassic/Cretaceous, Cenomanian/Turonian, and Cretaceous/Palaeogene), only the Cretaceous/Palaeogene event coincided with a significant, abrupt, and long-term decline in angiosperm radiation. If their link will be further pro -ven, this means that global-scale environmental perturbation precluded from many innovations in the development of plants. This decline was, however, not unprecedented in the history of the angiosperms. The implication of data from the molecular clock for evolutionary reconstructions is limited, primarily because this approach deals with only extant lineages
