411 research outputs found

    Short-Cut Methods for Multicomponent Batch Distillation

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    This work present the batch distillation shortcut methods developed from the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland (FUG) method of continuous distillation. In addition, a comparison between the results of shortcut method developed by Diwekar and Narvåez-García et al. is done. The results of both methods are compared for validation with the results using the rigorous method presented by Domenech and Enjalbert. The results indicate no significant differences in both shortcut methods being the maximum deviation found between the two shortcut methods is less than 3%. Then, the use of any of both methods is in the ease or difficulty of the solution each of the model equations. Both methods were implemented using Fortran programming. Multdistbatch© software was used for the rigorous method

    Estudio del proceso de cambio conceptual y la construcción del modelo científico precursor de ser vivo en niños de pre-escolar

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    La presente investigación estudia el cambio conceptual y la construcción de modelos científicos precursores en un contexto socioconstructivista con niños pequeños, utilizando una metodología cualitativa. Se analizan los cambios epistemológicos y ontológicos en las concepciones de los niños acerca de los seres vivos y cómo una estrategia didåctica basada en la construcción de un modelo científico precursor basado en propiedades biológicas los promueven. Los cambios en la comprensión de los niños fueron significativos en las dimensiones ontológicas y epistemológicas, presentando diferentes patones. Los segundos proporcionaron una mejor coherencia explicativa en su sistema conceptual contribuyendo, de esta forma, a los cambios ontológicos y promoviendo, a su vez, la construcción del modelo científico precursor de ser vivo

    Fidelidad de las prĂĄcticas basadas empĂ­ricamente en dificultades del desarrollo y del aprendizaje

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    Las prĂĄcticas basadas empĂ­ricamente (PBE) orientan las intervenciones clĂ­nicas, instruccionales y educativas o multidisciplinares. Las evidencias cientĂ­ficas proceden de las mejores (i) investigaciones, (ii) prĂĄcticas profesionales, segĂșn (iii) caracterĂ­sticas, cultura y preferencias de los participantes. Sin embargo, se analiza en tĂ©rminos de eficacia mĂĄs que de eficiencia. Aunque las PBE se generalizan en el campo de las dificultades del desarrollo y del aprendizaje (DDA), en educaciĂłn especial en general, en la atenciĂłn a personas del espectro autista, con personas con graves dificultades, con discapacidad intelectual, o en dificultades en lectura, comprensiĂłn lectora, o de escritura. Una cuestiĂłn nuclear apenas considerada es la relativa a la fidelidad de los tratamientos. Por ejemplo, la revisiĂłn de Campbell et al. (2014) identifica 782 intervenciones siendo solo 20 de nivel de evidencia aceptable, y este problema es comĂșn en todo el campo de las DDA. Parece necesario abordar cuestiones como eficacia diferencial y especĂ­fica, eficiencia (satisfacciĂłn, aplicabilidad, coste-beneficio, generabilidad), controles basados empĂ­ricamente (entrenamiento de instructores, registro de sesiones, replicabilidad, seguimiento, mantenimiento, representatividad, anĂĄlisis adecuados). En definitiva, las evidencias, procedan de investigaciones, de experiencia profesional y educativa, o del anĂĄlisis de participantes, han de provenir del uso de criterios rigurosos de fidelidad de las intervenciones. Foco objeto de anĂĄlisis en la red europea de escritura, o de anĂĄlisis de intervenciones en personas a lo largo del ciclo vital, y es el objeto de esta ponencia, sugiriĂ©ndose la necesidad de elaborar directrices de las mejores prĂĄcticas aplicables a nuestro entorno cultural y educativo, incluyendo el control de la fidelidad de los tratamientos.Empirically Based Practices (EBP) inform interventions, whether from clinical approach, instructional and educational or multidisciplinary ones. There is a general consensus in focusing the guidances in scientific evidences coming from the best (i) researches, (ii) profesional practices, according to (iii) characteristics, culture, and preferences of participants. The scientific evidence has been analised in terms of effectiveness more than efficiency. The EBP are common in Developmental and Learning Difficulties (DLD), as in Special Education in general, treatment of autistic spectrum people, people with severe disabilities, with intellectual disabilities, or, in specific, in reading difficulties, in reading comprehension, or in writing difficulties. A core question scarcely considered is the relative to fidelity of treatments. For example, Campbell et al. (2014) revised 782 interventions been rated only 20 as demanding evidence. This problem is widespread in the whole of field of DLD. We need to afford questions as specific diferential effectiveness, efficiency (satisfaction, usability, cost-benefit, generability), empirically based controls (instructors’ training, sessions’ records, replicability, follow-up, maintenance, representaviness, statistical analysis suitables). Definitely, evidencies, coming from researches, from educational and profesional experiences, or from participants analysis, must come from the use of rigorous criteria of fidelity of the treatments. Focus object of analysis of Writing European Network, or the analysis of interventions with people throughout life span, being the aim of this paper, sugesting the need of designing guidelines of the best practices suited for our cultural and educational context, including the fidelity of treatment controls

    Rotura del tendĂłn distal del bĂ­ceps braquial

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    Objetivo: presentar nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento de las roturas del tendĂłn del bĂ­ceps braquial en trabajadores manuales. Material y mĂ©todos: Hemos intervenido a 9 pacientes con una edad media de 47 años, realizando en 8 ocasiones una reinserciĂłn transĂłsea del tendĂłn en la tuberosidad bicipital del radio por medio de una doble vĂ­a de abordaje. El seguimiento medio ha sido de 13 meses. Resultados: fueron excelentes, recuperando en todos los casos la fuerza muscular previa y una movilidad media final completa para la flexiĂłn y extensiĂłn, 85Âș de supinaciĂłn y 86Âș de pronaciĂłn. Todos se han reincorporado a su puesto de trabajo en un perĂ­odo entre los 3 y 4 meses. Conclusiones: Esta tĂ©cnica se ha mostrado muy eficaz en el tratamiento de este tipo de patologĂ­a, recomendĂĄndose siempre la cirugĂ­a en pacientes activos.Objective: to present our experience in the treatment of ruptures of the distal biceps braquialis tendon in hand workers. Methods: 9 patients, middle age 47, went under surgery, 8 of them with a transoseus reinsertion of the tendon in the bicipital tuberosity of the radius with a double surgical approach. The average follow-up was 13 months. Results: excellent results were achieved in all of the 9 patients, recovering previous muscle strength, with full range of flexion-extension, 85Âș of supination and 86Âș of pronation. All 9 patients return to work in a period of 3 to 4 months. Conclusion: this technique is effective in the treatment of this injury, and it is recommended in active patients

    El proyecto "ciencia y comarca" (cico) : una experiencia con 25 años de historia

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    La intenciĂłn de promover una educaciĂłn en ciencias sustentada en el propio medio natural no ha pasado de ser un propĂłsito mĂĄs de las reformas educativas. Las propuestas curriculares no han sido suficientemente precisas en cuanto a la vinculaciĂłn del aprendizaje al propio entorno, han confundido con frecuencia educaciĂłn en el medio con educaciĂłn ambiental, y en ningĂșn caso se han contemplado los requisitos necasarios para implementarla. Los grupos de trabajo, surgidos, como el nuestro, con la apariciĂłn de los servicios de perfeccionamiento del profesorado, tratarĂłn de interpretar el espĂ­ritu de los objetivos curriculares y llevarlos a la prĂĄctica. La descripciĂłn de nuestra propuesta y su desarrollo durante los Ășltimos veinticinco años es el objeto de esta comunicaciĂłn

    First measurement of the |t|-dependence of coherent J/ψ photonuclear production

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    Elliptic and triangular flow of (anti)deuterons in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV

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    The measurements of the (anti)deuteron elliptic flow (v2) and the first measurements of triangular flow (v3) in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision √sNN = 5.02 TeV are presented. A mass ordering at low transverse momentum (pT) is observed when comparing these measurements with those of other identified hadrons, as expected from relativistic hydrodynamics. The measured (anti)deuteron v2 lies between the predictions from the simple coalescence and blast-wave models, which provide a good description of the data only for more peripheral and for more central collisions, respectively. The mass number scaling, which is violated for v2, is approximately valid for the (anti)deuterons v3. The measured v2 and v3 are also compared with the predictions from a coalescence approach with phase-space distributions of nucleons generated by IEBEVISHNU with AMPT initial conditions coupled with URQMD, and from a dynamical model based on relativistic hydrodynamics coupled to the hadronic afterburner SMASH. The model predictions are consistent with the data within the uncertainties in midcentral collisions, while a deviation is observed in the most central collisions

    Z-boson production in p-Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV

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    Measurement of Z-boson production in p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at = 5.02 TeV is reported. It is performed in the dimuon decay channel, through the detection of muons with pseudorapidity -4 20 GeV/c in the laboratory frame. The invariant yield and nuclear modification factor are measured for opposite-sign dimuons with invariant mass 60 <m(mu)<120 GeV/c(2) and rapidity 2.5 deviation is seen in the integrated yield between the data and calculations based on the free-nucleon PDFs, while good agreement is found once nuclear modifications are considered.Peer reviewe

    Centrality dependence of J/psi and psi(2S) production and nuclear modification in p-Pb collisions at <mml:msqrt>sNN</mml:msqrt>=8.16 TeV

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    The inclusive production of the J/ and psi (2S) charmonium states is studied as a function of centrality in p-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN = 8.16 TeV at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the dimuon decay channel with the ALICE apparatus in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals -4.46 and pT2 values. The nuclear effects affecting the production of both charmonium states are studied using the nuclear modification factor. In the p-going direction, a suppression of the production of both charmonium states is observed, which seems to increase from peripheral to central collisions. In the Pb-going direction, however, the centrality dependence is different for the two states: the nuclear modification factor of the J/psi increases from below unity in peripheral collisions to above unity in central collisions, while for the psi (2S) it stays below or consistent with unity for all centralities with no significant centrality dependence. The results are compared with measurements in p-Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV and no significant dependence on the energy of the collision is observed. Finally, the results are compared with theoretical models implementing various nuclear matter effects.Peer reviewe
