490 research outputs found

    Raros. Historial cultural de la homosexualidad en Medellín, 1890-1980

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    En los noventa años comprendidos entre el código penal de 1890 y el de 1980, las relaciones sexuales entre hombres estuvieron penalizadas en Colombia. Esta investigación se orientó en construir durante ese periodo y bajo el enfoque de la historia cultural, las formas como fueron representados los hombres que vivieron una práctica sexual disidente o desterrada del orden sexual regular en Medellín. En el contexto de las leyes contra la obscenidad y el pudor y de la institucionalización del silencio frente a las pasiones carnales, se fueron fabricando una serie de representaciones literarias, jurídicas, médicas, populares y periodísticas sobre unos individuos observados y nombrados como raros que realizaban una serie de prácticas sexuales incomprendidas, ilegibles y reprochables. De esta serie de representaciones se ocupa esta historia. A lo largo de este periodo, la medicina y la moral católica se esforzaron en buscar una curación frente a lo que consideraron como vicio o pecado; la prensa produjo en su narrativas las bases para la emergencia de una mirada fóbica y un tratamiento violento y disciplinante, mientras la mirada jurídica, vacilante y poco convencida, terminó atrapada en la presión religiosa inventando un personaje contraventor imposible de penalizar. Por su parte, la literatura abrió un escenario de negaciones y silencios produciendo una serie de repertorios a partir de los cuales el personaje abyecto encontró imágenes positivas de referencia para inventar una imagen propia de sí en la figura del homosexual viril, clase media, al tiempo que reprodujo las imágenes de una homosexualidad despreciable, pobre y negada. A finales de la década del setenta, con la emergencia del movimiento de liberación homosexual y las influencias de movimientos internacionales, la homosexualidad deviene en asunto público y en elemento de reivindicación, mientras la policía y la prensa renuevan sus estrategias de disciplinamiento y regulación y en ese esfuerzo emerge un homosexual depurado y aceptable.Abstract: Over the course of the ninety years between 1890 and 1980, male homosexual practices were penalized by the Colombian criminal code. Under a cultural history approach, this in-vestigation aims to offer an account of the ways in which men who lived a dissident sexuality, or one marginalized from the regular sexual order in Medellin, were depicted during that period. All individuals who were categorized as peculiar for embracing misunderstood, inde-cipherable or reprehensible sexual practices were subjected to legal, medical, popular and journalistic representations that were permeated not only by laws against obscenity and de-cency but also by some sort of institutionalized denial of all things associated to carnal pas-sion; the current study is focused on those representations. Throughout this period, both the medical sciences and the Catholic morality undertook efforts to find a cure for what they perceived as a vice or a sin; the narrative found in print media set the stage for the rise of phobic behavioral patterns and violent and disciplining inflictions; meanwhile, the ever-hesitant legal scope was caught up in religious pressures and found no other option than making up a social offender who was impossible to penalize. Meanwhile, the literature world established a background of silence and denial which allowed the staging of repertoires that provided the abject character with referential positive images to create a self-image based on the figure of a middle class, masculine homosexual, while depicted homosexuality as a despicable, marginal and denied condition. With the raise of the gay liberation movement of the late 1970s, and the influence of different international trends, homosexuality became a public issue and an element of recognition while at the same time both the police force and the media transformed their disciplinary and regulating strate-gies in order to give way to a refined and acceptable homosexual characterDoctorad

    Raros : Historia cultural de la homosexualidad en Medellín (1890 - 1980)

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    En los 90 años comprendidos entre el Código penal de 1890 y el de 1980, las relaciones sexuales entre hombres estuvieron penalizadas en Colombia. Este texto se orientó hacia la construcción, durante ese periodo y bajo el enfoque de la historia cultural, de las formas como fueron representados los hombres que vivieron una práctica sexual disidente, o desterrada, del orden sexual regular en Medellín

    Become damaged, adapt and restore yourself into pleasure : territories and social representations of homosexual men in Medellin, 1970-1990 (Antioquia, Colombia)

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    ABSTRACT: This article presents an approach to the forms of social representation of gay men in Medellin since late 1960s to early 1990s, describing images produced on the social stage to play the maverick or banished from regular sexual order character and the processes of self-representation of homosexual subjects in the conquest of a place and an identity in the city from a series of processes of territorial and subjective reinvention.RESUMEN: En este artículo se presenta una aproximación a las formas de representación social de los hombres homosexuales en Medellín desde finales de la década de 1960 hasta principios de 1990, describiendo las imágenes que se produjeron en el escenario de lo social para interpretar al personaje disidente o desterrado del orden sexual regular y los procesos de autorrepresentación de los sujetos homosexuales en la conquista de un lugar y una identidad propia en la ciudad a partir de una serie de procesos de territorialización y de reinvención subjetiva.RESUMEN: En este artículo se presenta una aproximación a las formas de representación social de los hombres homosexuales en Medellín desde finales de la década de 1960 hasta principios de 1990, describiendo las imágenes que se produjeron en el escenario de lo social para interpretar al personaje disidente o desterrado del orden sexual regular y los procesos de autorrepresentación de los sujetos homosexuales en la conquista de un lugar y una identidad propia en la ciudad a partir de una serie de procesos de territorialización y de reinvención subjetiva

    The clinical invention of the homosexual in Colombia, 1890-1980

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    ABSTRACT: This article presents a reading of the forms of representation and production of the homosexual subject in Antioquia based on medical/legal and psychiatric/psychological discourses and practices, in the ninety years that separate the penal code of 1890 and the code of 1936, presenting a journey that goes from the image of the dirty pederasta of the late nineteenth century, the criminal investor, the innocent deviant and the environmental degenerate of the 30s and 40s, the unstable homosexual of the 1970s re-read by psychiatry to the self-affirmed gay character proposed by social psychology in the eighties.RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta una lectura de las formas de representación y producción del sujeto homosexual en Antioquia a partir de los discursos y prácticas medico/legales y psiquiátrico/psicológicas, en los noventa años que separan el código penal de 1890 y el código de 1936, presentando un recorrido que va desde la imagen del sucio pederasta de finales del siglo XIX, el invertido criminal, el desviado inocente y el degenerado ambiental de los años 30 y 40, al homosexual inestable de la década de 1970 releído por la psiquiatría, hasta el personaje gay autoafirmado propuesto por la psicología social en la década del ochenta

    From silly fools to false women. The transgender figure in the Antioquia press, 1890-1980

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    ABSTRACT: This paper explores the ways how written press represented and interpreted male transgender subjects, throughout a ninety-year period, showing how this undecipherable figure, who turned to humor and simulation to make a social link possible, was turned into a targeted subject, through contents depicting a false, degenerate, outlaw, violent persona, who was detached from social world. In short, newspapers painted a dangerous character, who should be corrected and confined. This reading on the contents of press written between 1890 and 1980, refers mainly to El Colombiano, El Correo, and Sucesos Sensacionales newspapers, in which we could identify a rendering of this abject social subject in images and texts.RESUMEN: Este artículo explora las formas en que la prensa escrita representó e interpretó al sujeto transgénero masculino, a lo largo de noventa años, transformando un personaje ilegible construido en la estrategia de la simulación y el humor como posibilidad de vínculo social, a un sujeto reconocible cuyos contenidos ofrecen la imagen de un personaje falso, degenerado, delincuente, violento y desvinculado del mundo social. En síntesis, un personaje peligroso necesario de corregir y encerrar. La lectura a los contenidos de la prensa escrita a entre 1890 a 1980, toma como puntos centrales de referencia, El Colombiano, El Correo y Sucesos Sensacionales, donde identificamos en las imágenes y textos el delineamiento de este sujeto social abyecto

    An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles

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    Large datasets are now ubiquitous as technology enables higher-throughput experiments, but rarely can a research field truly benefit from the research data generated due to inconsistent formatting, undocumented storage or improper dissemination. Here we extract all the meaningful device data from peer-reviewed papers on metal-halide perovskite solar cells published so far and make them available in a database. We collect data from over 42,400 photovoltaic devices with up to 100 parameters per device. We then develop open-source and accessible procedures to analyse the data, providing examples of insights that can be gleaned from the analysis of a large dataset. The database, graphics and analysis tools are made available to the community and will continue to evolve as an open-source initiative. This approach of extensively capturing the progress of an entire field, including sorting, interactive exploration and graphical representation of the data, will be applicable to many fields in materials science, engineering and biosciences

    The Research Journey as a Challenge Towards New Trends

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    The academic community of the department of Risaralda, in its permanent interest in evidencing the results of the research processes that are carried out from the Higher Education Institutions and as a product of the VI meeting of researchers of the department of Risaralda held in November 2021 presents its work: “The journey of research as a challenge towards new trends”, which reflects the result of the latest research and advances in different lines of knowledge in Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology and Information Sciences, which seek to solve and meet the demands of the different sectors. This work would not have been possible without the help of each of the teachers, researchers and authors who presented their articles that make up each of the chapters of the book, to them our gratitude for their commitment, dedication and commitment, since their sole purpose is to contribute from the academy and science to scientific and technological development in the search for the solution of problems and thus contribute to transform the reality of our society and communities. We also wish to extend our gratitude to the institutions of the Network that made this publication possible: UTP, UCP, UNAD, UNIREMINGTON; UNISARC, CIAF, Universidad Libre, Uniclaretiana, Fundación Universitaria Comfamiliar and UNIMINUTO, institutions that in one way or another allowed this work to become a reality, which we hope will be of interest to you.Preface............................................................................................................................7 Chapter 1. Technologies and Engineering Towards a humanization in Engineering using soft skills in training in Engineers.............................................................................................................11 Omar Iván Trejos Buriticá1, Luis Eduardo Muñoz Guerrero Innovative materials in construction: review from a bibliometric analysis....................................................................................................................27 Cristian Osorio Gómez, Daniel Aristizábal Torres, Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Cristhian Camilo Amariles López Bibliometric review of disaster risk management: progress, trends, and challenges.........................................................................................................51 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Gloria Milena Molina Vinasco. Incidence of land coverage and geology, in the unstability of lands of the micro-basin of the Combia creek, Pereira, Risaralda....................................73 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Daniel Aristizábal Torres. Chapter 2. Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Training experience with teachers teaching mathematics using the inquiry methodology ...............................................................................................95 Vivian Libeth Uzuriaga López, Héctor Gerardo Sánchez Bedoya. Interpretation of the multiple representations of the fears associated to the boarding of limited visual patients in the elective I students’ written productions and low vision ...................................................................................113 Eliana Bermúdez Cardona, Ana María Agudelo Guevara, Caterine Villamarín Acosta. The relevance of local knowledge in social sciences............................................131 Alberto Antonio Berón Ospina, Isabel Cristina Castillo Quintero. Basic education students’ conceptions of conflict a view from the peace for the education....................................................................................................143 Astrid Milena Calderón Cárdenas,Carolina Aguirre Arias, Carolina Franco Ossa, Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez Giraldo, Orfa Buitrago. Comprehensive risk prevention in educational settings: an interdisciplinary and socio-educational approach ............................................................................163 Olga María Henao Trujillo, Claudia María López Ortiz. Chapter 3. Natural and Agricultural Sciences Physicochemical characterization of three substrates used in the deep bedding system in swine .......................................................................................175 Juan Manuel Sánchez Rubio, Andrés Felipe Arias Roldan, Jesús Arturo Rincón Sanz, Jaime Andrés Betancourt Vásquez. Periodic solutions in AFM models........................................................................187 Daniel Cortés Zapata, Alexander Gutiérrez Gutiérrez. Phenology in flower and fruit of Rubus glaucus benth. Cv. Thornless in Risaralda: elements for phytosanitary management .........................................199 Shirley Palacios Castro, Andrés Alfonso Patiño Martínez, James Montoya Lerma, Ricardo Flórez, Harry Josué Pérez. Socio-economic and technical characterization of the cultivation of avocado (Persea americana) in Risaralda..............................................................217 Andrés Alfonso Patiño Martínez, Kelly Saudith Castañez Poveda, Eliana Gómez Correa. Biosecurity management in backyard systems in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda................................................................................................................227 Julia Victoria Arredondo Botero, Jaiver Estiben Ocampo Jaramillo, Juan Sebastián Mera Vallejo, Álvaro de Jesús Aranzazu Hernández. CONTENTS Physical-chemical diagnosis of soils in hillside areas with predominance of Lulo CV. La Selva production system in the department of Risaralda.............241 Adriana Patricia Restrepo Gallón, María Paula Landinez Montes, Jimena Tobón López. Digestibility of three concentrates used in canine feeding....................................271 María Fernanda Mejía Silva, Valentina Noreña Sánchez, Gastón Adolfo Castaño Jiménez. Chapter 4. Economic, Administrative, and Accounting Sciences Financial inclusion in households from socioeconomic strata 1 and 2 in the city of Pereira ..................................................................................................285 Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera, Marlen Isabel Redondo Ramírez, Angélica Viviana Morales. Internal marketing strategies as a competitive advantage for the company Mobilautos SAS de Dosquebradas........................................................................303 Inés Montoya Sánchez, Sandra Patricia Viana Bolaños, Ana María Barrera Rodríguez. Uses of tourist marketing in the tourist sector of the municipality of Belén de Umbría, Risaralda.............................................................................................319 Ana María Barrera Rodríguez, Paola Andrea Echeverri Gutiérrez, María Camila Parra Buitrago, Paola Andrea Martín Muñoz, Angy Paola Ángel Vélez, Luisa Natalia Trejos Ospina. Territorial prospective of Risaralda department (Colombia), based on the SDGS...............................................................................................................333 Juan Guillermo Gil García, Samanta Londoño Velásquez. Chapter 5. Health and Sports Sciences Performance evaluation in times of pandemic. What do medical students think?.......................................................................................................353 Samuel Eduardo Trujillo Henao, Rodolfo A. Cabrales Vega, Germán Alberto Moreno Gómez. The relevance of the therapist’s self and self-reference in the training of psychologists.....................................................................................................371 Maria Paula Marmolejo Lozano, Mireya Ospina Botero. Habits related to oral health which influence lifestyle of elder people in a wellness center for the elderly in Pereira 2020. .............................................387 Isadora Blanco Pérez, Olga Patricia Ramírez Rodríguez, Ángela María Rincón Hurtado. Analysis of the suicide trend in the Coffee Region in Colombia during the years 2012-2018 ..............................................................................................405 Germán Alberto Moreno Gómez, Jennifer Nessim Salazar, Jairo Franco Londoño, Juan Carlos Medina Osorio. Hind limb long bone fractures in canines and felines...........................................419 María Camila Cruz Vélez, Valentina Herrera Morales, Alba Nydia Restrepo Jiménez, Lina Marcela Palomino, Gabriel Rodolfo Izquierdo Bravo. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in the rural and urban area of Risaralda....................................................................................................439 Angela María Álvarez López, Angela Liceth Pérez Rendón, Alejandro Gómez Rodas, Luis Enrique Isaza Velásquez. Chapter 6. Architecture, Design and Advertising The artisan crafts of Risaralda, characteristics, importance, and risks within the Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape, CCCL....................................457 Yaffa Nahir Ivette Gómez Barrera, Javier Alfonso López Morales

    Balance de 25 años de jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional

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    La Corte Constitucional de Colombia ha tenido un importante impacto en la vida social, cultural y política del país, a tal punto que, desde su creación, la jurisprudencia de este tribunal se ha convertido en un referente mundial acerca de las diversas materias sobre las que se ha pronunciado . Este libro presenta un balance de la jurisprudencia que durante sus primeros veinticinco años la Corte ha expedido. Con este fin, el magistrado Luis Guillermo Guerrero Pérez y los magistrados auxiliares Miguel Polo Rosero y Claudia Escobar García recogen los trabajos de expertos nacionales e internacionales, funcionarios del Estado y Miembros de la sociedad civil que se presentaron en el XII Encuentro de la Jurisdicción Constitucional, realizado en la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto entre el 27 y el 30 de septiembre de 2017. En ese encuentro, se ratificó que la Corte Constitucional tiene la tarea de velar por la integridad de los compromisos de la Constitución. Los capítulos que conforman este libro ofrecen una mirada multidisciplinaria sobre la eficacia y el impacto de las decisiones de la Corte, específicamente en lo que tiene que ver con la democracia y la participación, el sistema de salud, el sistema pensional, el medio ambiente y el fenómeno discriminatorio con la relación al género y a la condición de discapacidad en Colombia.Bogot

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good

    Juxtaposing BTE and ATE – on the role of the European insurance industry in funding civil litigation

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    One of the ways in which legal services are financed, and indeed shaped, is through private insurance arrangement. Two contrasting types of legal expenses insurance contracts (LEI) seem to dominate in Europe: before the event (BTE) and after the event (ATE) legal expenses insurance. Notwithstanding institutional differences between different legal systems, BTE and ATE insurance arrangements may be instrumental if government policy is geared towards strengthening a market-oriented system of financing access to justice for individuals and business. At the same time, emphasizing the role of a private industry as a keeper of the gates to justice raises issues of accountability and transparency, not readily reconcilable with demands of competition. Moreover, multiple actors (clients, lawyers, courts, insurers) are involved, causing behavioural dynamics which are not easily predicted or influenced. Against this background, this paper looks into BTE and ATE arrangements by analysing the particularities of BTE and ATE arrangements currently available in some European jurisdictions and by painting a picture of their respective markets and legal contexts. This allows for some reflection on the performance of BTE and ATE providers as both financiers and keepers. Two issues emerge from the analysis that are worthy of some further reflection. Firstly, there is the problematic long-term sustainability of some ATE products. Secondly, the challenges faced by policymakers that would like to nudge consumers into voluntarily taking out BTE LEI