359 research outputs found

    Timeliness of Materials on Reading Recommendation System

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    An improved fuzzy logic recommendation method named TFLRS is presented in this paper. The timeliness of reading materials is focused. The upload time of reading materials is attached as an important input parameter, and the numeric weights of input factors are further revised. The experiment result demonstrates that the recommendation ranking order of the latest and the out-of-date reading materials has obviously improved in comparison to the previous FLRS method. It solves the problem that the new reading materials cannot be timely discovered but the out-of-date reading materials always in the front of the recommendation ranking. The timeliness of reading materials effectively guarantees the user preferred newer materials are always at the higher level than the older materials in the recommendation ranking result and the accuracy of reading recommendation system has significantly improved

    Online Regularized and Kernelized Extreme Learning Machines with Forgetting Mechanism

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    To apply the single hidden-layer feedforward neural networks (SLFN) to identify time-varying system, online regularized extreme learning machine (ELM) with forgetting mechanism (FORELM) and online kernelized ELM with forgetting mechanism (FOKELM) are presented in this paper. The FORELM updates the output weights of SLFN recursively by using Sherman-Morrison formula, and it combines advantages of online sequential ELM with forgetting mechanism (FOS-ELM) and regularized online sequential ELM (ReOS-ELM); that is, it can capture the latest properties of identified system by studying a certain number of the newest samples and also can avoid issue of ill-conditioned matrix inversion by regularization. The FOKELM tackles the problem of matrix expansion of kernel based incremental ELM (KB-IELM) by deleting the oldest sample according to the block matrix inverse formula when samples occur continually. The experimental results show that the proposed FORELM and FOKELM have better stability than FOS-ELM and have higher accuracy than ReOS-ELM in nonstationary environments; moreover, FORELM and FOKELM have time efficiencies superiority over dynamic regression extreme learning machine (DR-ELM) under certain conditions

    Towards a more efficient and cost-sensitive extreme learning machine: A state-of-the-art review of recent trend

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    In spite of the prominence of extreme learning machine model, as well as its excellent features such as insignificant intervention for learning and model tuning, the simplicity of implementation, and high learning speed, which makes it a fascinating alternative method for Artificial Intelligence, including Big Data Analytics, it is still limited in certain aspects. These aspects must be treated to achieve an effective and cost-sensitive model. This review discussed the major drawbacks of ELM, which include difficulty in determination of hidden layer structure, prediction instability and Imbalanced data distributions, the poor capability of sample structure preserving (SSP), and difficulty in accommodating lateral inhibition by direct random feature mapping. Other drawbacks include multi-graph complexity, global memory size, one-by-one or chuck-by-chuck (a block of data), global memory size limitation, and challenges with big data. The recent trend proposed by experts for each drawback is discussed in detail towards achieving an effective and cost-sensitive mode

    Metaheuristic design of feedforward neural networks: a review of two decades of research

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    Over the past two decades, the feedforward neural network (FNN) optimization has been a key interest among the researchers and practitioners of multiple disciplines. The FNN optimization is often viewed from the various perspectives: the optimization of weights, network architecture, activation nodes, learning parameters, learning environment, etc. Researchers adopted such different viewpoints mainly to improve the FNN's generalization ability. The gradient-descent algorithm such as backpropagation has been widely applied to optimize the FNNs. Its success is evident from the FNN's application to numerous real-world problems. However, due to the limitations of the gradient-based optimization methods, the metaheuristic algorithms including the evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, etc., are still being widely explored by the researchers aiming to obtain generalized FNN for a given problem. This article attempts to summarize a broad spectrum of FNN optimization methodologies including conventional and metaheuristic approaches. This article also tries to connect various research directions emerged out of the FNN optimization practices, such as evolving neural network (NN), cooperative coevolution NN, complex-valued NN, deep learning, extreme learning machine, quantum NN, etc. Additionally, it provides interesting research challenges for future research to cope-up with the present information processing era

    Investigating the attainment of optimum data quality for EHR Big Data: proposing a new methodological approach

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    The value derivable from the use of data is continuously increasing since some years. Both commercial and non-commercial organisations have realised the immense benefits that might be derived if all data at their disposal could be analysed and form the basis of decision taking. The technological tools required to produce, capture, store, transmit and analyse huge amounts of data form the background to the development of the phenomenon of Big Data. With Big Data, the aim is to be able to generate value from huge amounts of data, often in non-structured format and produced extremely frequently. However, the potential value derivable depends on general level of governance of data, more precisely on the quality of the data. The field of data quality is well researched for traditional data uses but is still in its infancy for the Big Data context. This dissertation focused on investigating effective methods to enhance data quality for Big Data. The principal deliverable of this research is in the form of a methodological approach which can be used to optimize the level of data quality in the Big Data context. Since data quality is contextual, (that is a non-generalizable field), this research study focuses on applying the methodological approach in one use case, in terms of the Electronic Health Records (EHR). The first main contribution to knowledge of this study systematically investigates which data quality dimensions (DQDs) are most important for EHR Big Data. The two most important dimensions ascertained by the research methods applied in this study are accuracy and completeness. These are two well-known dimensions, and this study confirms that they are also very important for EHR Big Data. The second important contribution to knowledge is an investigation into whether Artificial Intelligence with a special focus upon machine learning could be used in improving the detection of dirty data, focusing on the two data quality dimensions of accuracy and completeness. Regression and clustering algorithms proved to be more adequate for accuracy and completeness related issues respectively, based on the experiments carried out. However, the limits of implementing and using machine learning algorithms for detecting data quality issues for Big Data were also revealed and discussed in this research study. It can safely be deduced from the knowledge derived from this part of the research study that use of machine learning for enhancing data quality issues detection is a promising area but not yet a panacea which automates this entire process. The third important contribution is a proposed guideline to undertake data repairs most efficiently for Big Data; this involved surveying and comparing existing data cleansing algorithms against a prototype developed for data reparation. Weaknesses of existing algorithms are highlighted and are considered as areas of practice which efficient data reparation algorithms must focus upon. Those three important contributions form the nucleus for a new data quality methodological approach which could be used to optimize Big Data quality, as applied in the context of EHR. Some of the activities and techniques discussed through the proposed methodological approach can be transposed to other industries and use cases to a large extent. The proposed data quality methodological approach can be used by practitioners of Big Data Quality who follow a data-driven strategy. As opposed to existing Big Data quality frameworks, the proposed data quality methodological approach has the advantage of being more precise and specific. It gives clear and proven methods to undertake the main identified stages of a Big Data quality lifecycle and therefore can be applied by practitioners in the area. This research study provides some promising results and deliverables. It also paves the way for further research in the area. Technical and technological changes in Big Data is rapidly evolving and future research should be focusing on new representations of Big Data, the real-time streaming aspect, and replicating same research methods used in this current research study but on new technologies to validate current results
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