10 research outputs found

    PROMISCUOUS 2.0: a resource for drug-repositioning

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    The development of new drugs for diseases is a time-consuming, costly and risky process. In recent years, many drugs could be approved for other indications. This repurposing process allows to effectively reduce development costs, time and, ultimately, save patients' lives. During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, drug repositioning has gained widespread attention as a fast opportunity to find potential treatments against the newly emerging disease. In order to expand this field to researchers with varying levels of experience, we made an effort to open it to all users (meaning novices as well as experts in cheminformatics) by significantly improving the entry-level user experience. The browsing functionality can be used as a global entry point to collect further information with regards to small molecules (∼1 million), side-effects ∼110 000) or drug-target interactions (∼3 million). The drug-repositioning tab for small molecules will also suggest possible drug-repositioning opportunities to the user by using structural similarity measurements for small molecules using two different approaches. Additionally, using information from the Promiscuous 2.0 Database, lists of candidate drugs for given indications were precomputed, including a section dedicated to potential treatments for COVID-19. All the information is interconnected by a dynamic network-based visualization to identify new indications for available compounds. Promiscuous 2.0 is unique in its functionality and is publicly available at http://bioinformatics.charite.de/promiscuous2

    Applications of Genome-Wide Screening and Systems Biology Approaches in Drug Repositioning

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    Simple Summary Drug repurposing is an accelerated route for drug development and a promising approach for finding medications for orphan and common diseases. Here, we compiled databases that comprise both computationally- or experimentally-derived data, and categorized them based on quiddity and origin of data, further focusing on those that present high throughput omic data or drug screens. These databases were then contextualized with genome-wide screening methods such as CRISPR/Cas9 and RNA interference, as well as state of art systems biology approaches that enable systematic characterizations of multi-omic data to find new indications for approved drugs or those that reached the latest phases of clinical trials. Modern drug discovery through de novo drug discovery entails high financial costs, low success rates, and lengthy trial periods. Drug repositioning presents a suitable approach for overcoming these issues by re-evaluating biological targets and modes of action of approved drugs. Coupling high-throughput technologies with genome-wide essentiality screens, network analysis, genome-scale metabolic modeling, and machine learning techniques enables the proposal of new drug-target signatures and uncovers unanticipated modes of action for available drugs. Here, we discuss the current issues associated with drug repositioning in light of curated high-throughput multi-omic databases, genome-wide screening technologies, and their application in systems biology/medicine approaches

    A systematic pathway-based network approach for in silico drug repositioning

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    Drug repositioning, the method of finding new uses for existing drugs, holds the potential to reduce the cost and time of drug development. Successful drug repositioning strategies depend heavily on the availability and aggregation of different drug and disease databases. Moreover, to yield greater understanding of drug prioritisation approaches, it is necessary to objectively assess (benchmark) and compare different methods. Data aggregation requires extensive curation of non-standardised drug nomenclature. To overcome this, we used a graph-theoretic approach to construct a drug synonym resource that collected drug identifiers from a range of publicly available sources, establishing missing links between databases. Thus, we could systematically assess the performance of available in silico drug repositioning methodologies with increased power for scoring true positive drug-disease pairs. We developed a novel pathway-based drug repositioning pipeline, based on a bipartite network of pathway- and drug-gene set correlations that captured functional relationships. To prioritise drugs, we used our bipartite network and the differentially expressed pathways in a given disease that formed a disease signature. We then took the cumulative network correlation between disease pathway and drug signatures to generate a drug prioritisation score. We prioritised drugs for three case studies: juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. We explored the use of different true positive lists in the evaluation of drug repositioning performance, providing insight into the most appropriate benchmark designs. We have identified several promising drug candidates and showed that our method successfully prioritises disease-modifying treatments over drugs offering symptomatic relief. We have compared the pipeline’s performance to an alternative well-established method and showed that our method has increased sensitivity to current treatment trends. The successful translation of drug candidates identified in this thesis has the potential to speed up the drug-discovery pipeline and thus more rapidly and efficiently deliver disease-modifying treatments to patients

    In Silico Toxicology Data Resources to Support Read-Across and (Q)SAR

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    A plethora of databases exist online that can assist in in silico chemical or drug safety assessment. However, a systematic review and grouping of databases, based on purpose and information content, consolidated in a single source has been lacking. To resolve this issue, this review provides a comprehensive listing of the key in silico data resources relevant to: chemical identity and properties, drug action, toxicology (including nano-material toxicity), exposure, omics, pathways, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination (ADME) properties, clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, patents-related databases, biological (genes, enzymes, proteins, other macromolecules etc.) databases, protein-protein interactions (PPIs), environmental exposure related, and finally databases relating to animal alternatives in support of 3Rs policies. More than nine hundred databases were identified and reviewed against criteria relating to accessibility, data coverage, interoperability or application programming interface (API), appropriate identifiers, types of in vitro-in vivo -clinical data recorded and suitability for modelling, read-across or similarity searching. This review also specifically addresses the need for solutions for mapping and integration of databases into a common platform for better translatability of preclinical data to clinical data

    High-throughput prediction and analysis of drug-protein interactions in the druggable human proteome

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    Drugs exert their (therapeutic) effects via molecular-level interactions with proteins and other biomolecules. Computational prediction of drug-protein interactions plays a significant role in the effort to improve our current and limited knowledge of these interactions. The use of the putative drug-protein interactions could facilitate the discovery of novel applications of drugs, assist in cataloging their targets, and help to explain the details of medicinal efficacy and side-effects of drugs. We investigate current studies related to the computational prediction of drug-protein interactions and categorize them into protein structure-based and similarity-based methods. We evaluate three representative structure-based predictors and develop a Protein-Drug Interaction Database (PDID) that includes the putative drug targets generated by these three methods for the entire structural human proteome. To address the fact that only a limited set of proteins has known structures, we study the similarity-based methods that do not require this information. We review a comprehensive set of 35 high-impact similarity-based predictors and develop a novel, high-quality benchmark database. We group these predictors based on three types of similarities and their combinations that they use. We discuss and compare key architectural aspects of these methods including their source databases, internal databases and predictive models. Using our novel benchmark database, we perform comparative empirical analysis of predictive performance of seven types of representative predictors that utilize each type of similarity individually or in all possible combinations. We assess predictive quality at the database-wide drug-protein interaction level and we are the first to also include evaluation across individual drugs. Our comprehensive analysis shows that predictors that use more similarity types outperform methods that employ fewer similarities, and that the model combining all three types of similarities secures AUC of 0.93. We offer a first-of-its-kind analysis of sensitivity of predictive performance to intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of the considered predictors. We find that predictive performance is sensitive to low levels of similarities between sequences of the drug targets and several extrinsic properties of the input drug structures, drug profiles and drug targets