511 research outputs found

    Self-determination and power: a human-centric approach to the international relations

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    This paper analyzes the importance of self-determination in international relations. It explains the puzzle why some small regions or group of people are ready to be small states by separating from big powerful states. The self-determination of a nation is preferable to the people than a military power of the large state. The military power of a state may not translate into a better life of people. So people’s empowerment cannot be treated the necessary outcome of state’s military power. When one group of people feel as marginalized in national policymaking and its implications, they show a secessionist tendency. This paper contends that people may prefer their ideology, identity and self-determination than the power of the state

    Testing Spiral Density-wave Theory in Disk Galaxies using Multi-wavelength Image Data, Star Formation History Maps and Spatially Resolved Stellar Clusters

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    Studying galaxy structures using different wavebands enables us to observe a varietyof intrinsic galactic features and to test the validity of underlying theories in detail. Density wave theory, originally proposed by C.C. Lin and F. Shu (Lin & Shu 1964), explains the nature of the spiral arm patterns in disk galaxies as density waves that propagate through the galactic disk. From spiral galaxies to the rings of Saturn, density wave theory has had success in providing qualitative explanations of disk dynamics. However, it is now widely believed that galactic disks are dissipative systems which raises the question of whether they are really semi-permanent features as suggested by Lin and Shu. The question is when density waves do arise, how long are they sustained in this dissipative medium. Are they transient or relatively long-standing?. In this study I try to test the validity of density wave theory using multi-wavelength image data, star formation history maps and the spatially resolved stellar clusters. I also try to answer the question, whether transient or relatively long lasting spiral patterns better fit the patterns that we see in disk galaxies. The study primarily focuses on two implications of the theory, the co-rotation radius and the existence of an age-gradient. The work elaborates the use of multiple techniques in identifying the corotation radius and provides strong evidence in favor of density wave theory. Age gradients are observed using star formation history maps and specially resolved stellar cluster maps. The study investigates and presents evidence in favor of density wave theory framework and also provides a lower age limit for the spiral structure formation


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    Foam has been used for decades as an application in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and well simulation operations. Foam is employed to improve the sweep efficiency by which the displacing fluid recovers residual oil in reservoir Foam is used in various reservoirs different permeabilities and the effect of this on foam flow has not been thoroughly researched. This project discusses the effects of changes in formation of foam flow as well as methods to optimize the effect of foam flow in varying permeabilities

    Solar Roof Distilling Tiles

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    Solar distillation is a great way to overcome water shortage and energy demand in this present day, where the energy from the sun is utilize to produce drinking water from seawater. A roof solar distilling tiles was developed with three different design to study the productivity based on the design. The study was focused on a scale study which means the experiment was conducted in one place which is in Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Sri Iskandar, Perak which the result may differ if conducting in other places where the weather is different. The solar roof distilling tiles were made as an enclosed chamber (0.3 x 0.25 m2); side and bottom are made of 2mm steel and the top side is covered with glass cover with inclination of 25o. A collector tray is installed at the end of the chamber to collect the condense water. Another two design were painted black with one of the basin will be occupied with aluminum fin

    A Novel Two-Stage Approach For Automatic Detection of Brain Tumor

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    Brain tumor is one of the most life-threatening diseases, and it is the most common type of cancer that occurs among those in the age group belonging to 0-19. It is also a major cause of cancer-related deaths in children (males and females) under age 20 hence its detection should be fast and accurate. Manual detection of brain tumors using MRI scan images is effective but time-consuming. Many automation techniques and algorithms for detection of brain tumors are being proposed recently. In this paper, we propose an integrated two-step approach combining modified K-means clustering algorithm and Hierarchical Centroid Shape Descriptor (HCSD). The images are clustered using modified K-means based on pixel intensity, and then HCSD helps to select those having a specific shape thus making this approach more effective and reliable. Simulation of the proposed work is done in MATLAB R2013a. Tests are carried out on T1 weighted MRI scan images

    IWS: Integrated web server for protein sequence and structure analysis

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    Rapid increase in protein sequence information from genome sequencing projects demand the intervention of bioinformatics tools to recognize interesting gene-products and associated function. Often, multiple algorithms need to be employed to improve accuracy in predictions and several structure prediction algorithms are on the public domain. Here, we report the availability of an Integrated Web-server as a bioinformatics online package dedicated for in-silico analysis of protein sequence and structure data (IWS). IWS provides web interface to both in-house and widely accepted programs from major bioinformatics groups, organized as 10 different modules. IWS also provides interactive images for Analysis Work Flow, which will provide transparency to the user to carry out analysis by moving across modules seamlessly and to perform their predictions in a rapid manner

    Atrial Flutter — Diagnosis, Management and Treatment

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    Atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation are the two most common arrhythmias which originate in the atrium and cause a narrow complex tachycardia which has thromboembolic risk and coexist clinically. Atrial flutter has been traditionally defined as a supraventricular arrhythmia with an atrial rate of 240–360 beats per minute (bpm). It is due to a macro-reentrant atrial activation around an anatomical barrier. Atrial flutter can be described as typical and atypical. Due to recent innovations in technology, catheter ablation has emerged as the most viable option with a success rate of more than 90 %. Three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping is useful in the treatment of atypical atrial flutter

    Evaluating Perception of Farmers towards the Health Effect of Pesticides: A Cross- Sectional Study in the Oil Palm Plantations of Papar, Malaysia

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    Introduction: Agriculture is an important occupation in Malaysia that generates a major portion of the national revenue. Similar to elsewhere in the world, pesticides are used to boost agricultural production in Malaysian farms. However, chemical pesticides are associated with human health hazard and are not environment friendly as they persist in nature for long periods of time. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we surveyed 19 palm oil plantations in the Sabah district of Malaysia and evaluated the perception of the workers towards pesticide use and their awareness regarding the health effects associated with pesticide exposure. Results and discussion: Our analysis shows that most of the workers among the 270 respondents were 30-year-old males with average education, and belonged to the low-income group. Majority opined that they were aware of the health hazards of pesticide use and suffered from symptoms (with mean duration of three days) such as vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation, and dizziness. Surprisingly, the opinion was almost equally divided on whether they perceived pesticides to be the cause of their health problems, and a major percentage did not avail of medical help. Most of the workers responded that they did not receive any training in pesticide handling. Interestingly, they would not read the safety material even if it was provided. Conclusion: We concluded that the farmers should also be educated about alternative and eco-friendly ways of farming. Finally, the plantation management should intervene and proactively advocate the use of safe farming practices
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