165 research outputs found

    Towards the Safety of Human-in-the-Loop Robotics: Challenges and Opportunities for Safety Assurance of Robotic Co-Workers

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    The success of the human-robot co-worker team in a flexible manufacturing environment where robots learn from demonstration heavily relies on the correct and safe operation of the robot. How this can be achieved is a challenge that requires addressing both technical as well as human-centric research questions. In this paper we discuss the state of the art in safety assurance, existing as well as emerging standards in this area, and the need for new approaches to safety assurance in the context of learning machines. We then focus on robotic learning from demonstration, the challenges these techniques pose to safety assurance and indicate opportunities to integrate safety considerations into algorithms "by design". Finally, from a human-centric perspective, we stipulate that, to achieve high levels of safety and ultimately trust, the robotic co-worker must meet the innate expectations of the humans it works with. It is our aim to stimulate a discussion focused on the safety aspects of human-in-the-loop robotics, and to foster multidisciplinary collaboration to address the research challenges identified

    Application of speed and separation monitoring method in human-robot collaboration: industrial case study

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    Application of human-robot-collaboration techniques in automotive industries has many advantages on productivity, production quality, and workers’ ergonomy, however workers’ safety aspects play the key role during this collaboration. In this paper, results of the ongoing research about the development of a manufacturing cell for the automotive brake disc assembly that is based on the human-robot collaboration are presented. Operational speed and worker-robot separation monitoring methodology (SSM) as one of the available method to reduce the risk of injury according to the ISO technical specification 15066 on collaborative robot in sharing space with human, has been applied. Virtual environment simulation has been used, considering different percentages of robot maximum speed, to determine the SSM algorithm parameters for estimating the minimum protective distance between the robot and operator. Using ISO/TS 15066 and virtual environment simulation, the minimum separation distance between operator and robot has been estimated. Using human-robot collaboration along with the safety issues specified by SSM system has increased the safety of operation and reduced the operator fatigue during the assembly process

    Human-Robot Collaboration in Automotive Industry

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    Human–Robot Collaboration is a new trend in the field of industrial and service. Application of human-robot-collaboration techniques in automotive industries has many advantages on productivity, production quality and workers’ ergonomic; however, workers’ safety aspects play the vital role during this collaboration. Previously, the machine is allowed to be at automatic work only if operators are out of its workspace but today collaborative robots provide the opportunity to establish the human robot cooperation. In this thesis, efforts have been made to present innovative solutions for using human-robot collaboration to develop a manufacturing cell. These solutions are not only used to facilitate the operator working with collaborative robots but also consider the worker safety and ergonomic. After proposing different solutions for improving the safety of operations during the collaboration with industrial robots, the efficiency of the solutions is tested in both laboratory and virtual environments. In this research, firstly, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been used as a potential decision maker to prove the efficiency of human-robot collaboration system over the manual one. In the second step, detailed task decomposition has been done using Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) to allocate operational tasks to human and robot reducing the chance of duty interference. In the International Organization of Standardization's technical specification 15066 on collaborative robot safety four methodologies have been proposed to reduce the risk of injury in the work area. The four methods implied in ISO/TS 15066 are safety-rated monitored stop (SMS), hand-guided (HG), speed and separation monitoring (SSM) and power force limiting (PFL). SMS method reduces the risk of operator’s injury by stopping the robot motion whenever the operator is in the collaborative workspace. HG method reduces the chance of operator’s injury by providing the possibility of having control over the robot motion at all times in the workstation using emergency system or enabling device. The SSM method determines the minimum protective distance between a robot and an operator in the collaborative workspace, below which the robot will stop any kind of motion and PFL method reduces the momentum of a robot in a way that contact between an operator and the robot will not cause any injury. After determining the requirements and specifications of hybrid assembly cell, few of the above-mentioned methods for evaluating the safety of human-robot-collaboration procedure have been tasted in the laboratory environment. Due to the lack of safety camera (sensors) in the laboratory workstation, the ISO methods such as SSM, that needs sensors in the workstation, have been modeled in virtual environment to evaluate different scenario of human-robot-interaction and feasibility of the assembly process. Implementing different scenarios of ISO methods in hybrid assembly workstation not only improves the operator safety who is in interaction with the collaborative robot but also improves the worker ergonomic during the performing of repetitive heavy tasks

    Risks management and cobots. Identifying critical variables

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    Trabajo presentado en: 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 22–26 September 2019, HannoverA collaborative robot or a "Cobot" is the name of a robot that can share a workspace with operators in the absence of a protective fence or with only partial protection. They represent a new and expanding sector of industrial robotics. This investigation draws from the latest international rules and safety parameters related to work with collaborative robots. Its detailed research is motivated by the design of a collaborative industrial robot system, hazard elimination, risk reduction, and different collaborative operations, such as power and force limiting, collaborative operation design, and end-effector safety requirements, among others. The purpose of our study is to analyze the most important variables that must be controlled in accordance with the desired use of the Cobot, according to ISO / TS 15066, ISO / TR 20218-1and some other generic safety regulations on machines and industrial robots. A series of observations and appreciations on the use of the Cobot will also be presented

    Safety requirements for the design of collaborative robotic workstations in europe – a review

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    Industrial manufacturing is moving towards flexible and intelligent processes. Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) has a pivotal role in smart factories due to a more versatile resource allocation that ultimately drives higher productivity and efficiency. The physical barriers that separate robots’ and humans’ workspaces are removed to facilitate HRC, which raises new safety concerns. To cope with this new robotics paradigm, regulatory legislation and international safety standards have been issued and are enforced for any machinery placed in factories. In this paper, we aim to shorten the gap between research projects and industry-ready robotic systems, by providing the guidelines and general requirements for collaborative robotic applications. We review the current international safety standards, certification procedures under the scope of European jurisdiction, and elaborate a literature review of papers related to safety for collaborative workstations.This work was supported by NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000018, integrated into the invitation NORTE-59-2018-41, aiming to hire highly-qualified human resources, co-financed by the Regional Operational Programme of the North 2020, thematic area of Competitiveness and Employment, through the European Social Fund (ESF)

    Enhancing fluency and productivity in human-robot collaboration through online scaling of dynamic safety zones

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    Industrial collaborative robotics is promising for manufacturing activities where the presence of a robot alongside a human operator can improve operator’s working conditions, flexibility, and productivity. A collaborative robotic application has to guarantee not only safety of the human operator, but also fluency in the collaboration, as well as performance in terms of productivity and task time. In this paper, we present an approach to enhance fluency and productivity in human-robot collaboration through online scaling of dynamic safety zones. A supervisory controller runs online safety checks between bounding volumes enclosing robot and human to identify possible collision dangers. To optimize the sizes of safety zones enclosing the manipulator, the method minimizes the time of potential stop trajectories considering the robot dynamics and its torque constraints, and leverages the directed speed of the robot parts with respect to the human. Simulations and experimental tests on a seven-degree-of-freedom robotic arm verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, and collaborative fluency metrics show the benefits of the method with respect to existing approaches

    Towards safe human robot collaboration - Risk assessment of intelligent automation

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    Automation and robotics are two enablers for developing the Smart Factory of the Future, which is based on intelligent machines and collaboration between robots and humans. Especially in final assembly and its material handling, where traditional automation is challenging to use, collaborative robot (cobot) systems may increase the flexibility needed infuture production systems. A major obstacle to deploy a truly collaborative application is to design and implement a safe and efficient interaction between humans and robot systems while maintaining industrial requirements such as cost and productivity. Advanced and intelligent control strategies is the enabler when creating this safe, yet efficient, system, but is often hard to design and build.This paper highlights and discusses the challenges in meeting safety requirements according to current safety standards, starting with the mandatory risk assessment and then applying risk reduction measures, when transforming a typical manual final assembly station into an intelligent collaborative station. An important conclusion is that current safety standards and requirements must be updated and improved and the current collaborative modes defined by the standards community should be extended with a new mode, which in this paper is refereed tothedeliberative planning and acting mode

    Robotic Automation of Turning Machines in Fenceless Production: A Planning Toolset for Economic-based Selection Optimization between Collaborative and Classical Industrial Robots

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    Ursprünglich wurden Industrieroboter hauptsächlich hinter Schutzzäunen betrieben, um den Sicherheitsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Mit der Flexibilisierung der Produktion wurden diese scharfen Trennbereiche zunehmend aufgeweicht und externe Sicherheitstechnik, wie Abstandssensoren, genutzt, um Industrieroboter schutzzaunlos zu betreiben. Ausgehend vom Gedanken dieser Koexistenz bzw. Kooperation wurde die Sicherheitssensorik in den Roboter integriert, um eine wirkliche Kollaboration zu ermöglichen. Diese sogenannten kollaborierenden Roboter, oder Cobots, eröffnen neue Applikationsfelder und füllen somit die bestehenden Automatisierungslücken. Doch welche Automatisierungsvariante ist aus wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die geeignetste? Bisherige Forschung untersucht zum Großteil isoliert eine der beiden Technologien, ohne dabei einen Systemvergleich hinsichtlich technologischer Spezifika und Wirtschaftlichkeit anzustellen. Daher widmet sich diese Dissertation einer Methodik zum wirtschaftlichen Vergleich von kollaborierenden Robotern und Industrierobotern in schutzzaunlosen Maschinenbeladungssystemen. Besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Herausarbeiten der technischen Faktoren, die die Wirtschaftlichkeit maßgeblich beeinflussen, um ein Systemverständnis der wirtschaftlichen Struktur beider Robotertechnologievarianten zu erhalten. Zur Untersuchung werden die Inhalte eines solchen Planungsvorhabens beschrieben, kategorisiert, systematisiert und modularisiert. Auf wirtschaftlicher Seite wird ein geeignetes Optimierungsmodell vorgestellt, während auf technischer Seite vor allem die Machbarkeit hinsichtlich Greifbarkeit, Layoutplanung, Robotergeschwindigkeiten und Zykluszeitbestimmung untersucht wird. Mit deduktiven, simulativen, empirischen und statistischen Methoden wird das Systemverhalten für die einzelnen Planungsinhalte analysiert, um die Gesamtwirtschaftlichkeit mit einem Minimum an Investment,- Produktions,- und Zykluszeitinformationen a priori vorhersagen zu können. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch einen Reverse Engineering Ansatz die notwendigen Planungsdaten, im Sinne von Layoutkomposition, Robotergeschwindigkeiten und Taktzeiten, mithilfe von Frontloading zu Planungsbeginn zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Dabei dient der Kapitalwert als wirtschaftliche Bewertungsgrundlage, dessen Abhängigkeit vom Mensch-Roboter-Interaktionsgrad in einem Vorteilhaftigkeitsdiagramm für die einzelnen Technologiealternativen dargestellt werden kann. Wirtschaftlich fundierte Entscheidungen können somit auf quantitiativer Basis getroffen werden.:1. Introduction 25 1.1 Research Domain 25 1.2 Research Niche 26 1.3 Research Structure 28 2. State of the Art and Research 31 2.1 Turning Machines and Machine Tending 31 2.1.1 Tooling Machine Market Trends and Machine Tending Systems 31 2.1.2 Workpiece System 34 2.1.3 Machine System 36 2.1.4 Logistics System 39 2.1.5 Handling System 41 2.2 Robotics 43 2.2.1 Robot Installation Development and Application Fields 43 2.2.2 Fenceless Industrial and Collaborative Robots 48 2.2.3 Robot Grippers 55 2.3 Planning and Evaluation Methods 56 2.3.1 Planning of General and Manual Workstations 56 2.3.2 Cell Planning for Fully Automated and Hybrid Robot Systems 59 2.3.3 Robot Safety Planning 61 2.3.4 Economic Evaluation Methods 70 2.4 Synthesis - State of the Art and Research 71 3. Solution Approach 77 3.1 Need for Research and General Solution Approach 77 3.2 Use Case Delineation and Planning Focus 80 3.3 Economic Module – Solution Approach 86 3.4 Gripper Feasibility Module – Solution Approach 89 3.5 Rough Layout Discretization Model – Solution Approach 94 3.6 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Solution Approach 97 3.7 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Solution Approach 103 3.7.1 General Approach 103 3.7.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 107 3.7.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 109 3.7.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 111 3.8 Synthesis – Solution Approach 114 4. Module Development 117 4.1 Economic Module – Module Development 117 4.1.1 General Approach 117 4.1.2 Calculation Scheme for Manual Operation 117 4.1.3 Calculation Scheme for Collaborative Robots 118 4.1.4 Calculation Scheme for Industrial Robots 120 4.2 Gripper Feasibility Module – Module Development 121 4.3 Rough Layout Discretization Module – Module Development 122 4.3.1 General Approach 122 4.3.2 Two-Dimensional Layout Pattern 123 4.3.3 Three-Dimensional Layout Pattern 125 4.4 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Module Development 126 4.4.1 General Approach 126 4.4.2 Reachability Study 127 4.4.3 Simulation Results 128 4.5 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Module Development 135 4.5.1 General Approach 135 4.5.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 135 4.5.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 143 4.5.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 145 4.6 Synthesis – Module Development 149 5. Practical Verification 155 5.1 Use Case Overview 155 5.2 Gripper Feasibility 155 5.3 Layout Discretization 156 5.4 Collaborative Speed Estimation 157 5.5 Cycle Time Estimation 158 5.6 Economic Evaluation 160 5.7 Synthesis – Practical Verification 161 6. Results and Conclusions 165 6.1 Scientific Findings and Results 165 6.2 Critical Appraisal and Outlook 173Initially, industrial robots were mainly operated behind safety fences to account for the safety requirements. With production flexibilization, these sharp separation areas have been increasingly softened by utilizing external safety devices, such as distance sensors, to operate industrial robots fenceless. Based on this idea of coexistence or cooperation, safety technology has been integrated into the robot to enable true collaboration. These collaborative robots, or cobots, open up new application fields and fill the existing automation gap. But which automation variant is most suitable from an economic perspective? Present research dealt primarily isolated with one technology without comparing these systems regarding technological and economic specifics. Therefore, this doctoral thesis pursues a methodology to economically compare collaborative and industrial robots in fenceless machine tending systems. A particular focus lies on distilling the technical factors that mainly influence the profitability to receive a system understanding of the economic structure of both robot technology variants. For examination, the contents of such a planning scheme are described, categorized, systematized, and modularized. A suitable optimization model is presented on the economic side, while the feasibility regarding gripping, layout planning, robot velocities, and cycle time determination is assessed on the technical side. With deductive, simulative, empirical, and statistical methods, the system behavior of the single planning entities is analyzed to predict the overall profitability a priori with a minimum of investment,- production,- and cycle time information. It is demonstrated that the necessary planning data, in terms of layout composition, robot velocities, and cycle times, can be frontloaded to the project’s beginning with a reverse engineering approach. The net present value serves as the target figure, whose dependency on the human-robot interaction grade can be illustrated in an advantageousness diagram for the individual technical alternatives. Consequently, sound economic decisions can be made on a quantitative basis.:1. Introduction 25 1.1 Research Domain 25 1.2 Research Niche 26 1.3 Research Structure 28 2. State of the Art and Research 31 2.1 Turning Machines and Machine Tending 31 2.1.1 Tooling Machine Market Trends and Machine Tending Systems 31 2.1.2 Workpiece System 34 2.1.3 Machine System 36 2.1.4 Logistics System 39 2.1.5 Handling System 41 2.2 Robotics 43 2.2.1 Robot Installation Development and Application Fields 43 2.2.2 Fenceless Industrial and Collaborative Robots 48 2.2.3 Robot Grippers 55 2.3 Planning and Evaluation Methods 56 2.3.1 Planning of General and Manual Workstations 56 2.3.2 Cell Planning for Fully Automated and Hybrid Robot Systems 59 2.3.3 Robot Safety Planning 61 2.3.4 Economic Evaluation Methods 70 2.4 Synthesis - State of the Art and Research 71 3. Solution Approach 77 3.1 Need for Research and General Solution Approach 77 3.2 Use Case Delineation and Planning Focus 80 3.3 Economic Module – Solution Approach 86 3.4 Gripper Feasibility Module – Solution Approach 89 3.5 Rough Layout Discretization Model – Solution Approach 94 3.6 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Solution Approach 97 3.7 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Solution Approach 103 3.7.1 General Approach 103 3.7.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 107 3.7.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 109 3.7.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 111 3.8 Synthesis – Solution Approach 114 4. Module Development 117 4.1 Economic Module – Module Development 117 4.1.1 General Approach 117 4.1.2 Calculation Scheme for Manual Operation 117 4.1.3 Calculation Scheme for Collaborative Robots 118 4.1.4 Calculation Scheme for Industrial Robots 120 4.2 Gripper Feasibility Module – Module Development 121 4.3 Rough Layout Discretization Module – Module Development 122 4.3.1 General Approach 122 4.3.2 Two-Dimensional Layout Pattern 123 4.3.3 Three-Dimensional Layout Pattern 125 4.4 Cycle Time Estimation Module – Module Development 126 4.4.1 General Approach 126 4.4.2 Reachability Study 127 4.4.3 Simulation Results 128 4.5 Collaborative Speed Estimation Module – Module Development 135 4.5.1 General Approach 135 4.5.2 Case 1: Quasi-static Contact with Hand 135 4.5.3 Case 2: Transient Contact with Hand 143 4.5.4 Case 3: Transient Contact with Shoulder 145 4.6 Synthesis – Module Development 149 5. Practical Verification 155 5.1 Use Case Overview 155 5.2 Gripper Feasibility 155 5.3 Layout Discretization 156 5.4 Collaborative Speed Estimation 157 5.5 Cycle Time Estimation 158 5.6 Economic Evaluation 160 5.7 Synthesis – Practical Verification 161 6. Results and Conclusions 165 6.1 Scientific Findings and Results 165 6.2 Critical Appraisal and Outlook 17

    Towards the development of safe, collaborative robotic freehand ultrasound

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    The use of robotics in medicine is of growing importance for modern health services, as robotic systems have the capacity to improve upon human tasks, thereby enhancing the treatment ability of a healthcare provider. In the medical sector, ultrasound imaging is an inexpensive approach without the high radiation emissions often associated with other modalities, especially when compared to MRI and CT imaging respectively. Over the past two decades, considerable effort has been invested into freehand ultrasound robotics research and development. However, this research has focused on the feasibility of the application, not the robotic fundamentals, such as motion control, calibration, and contextual awareness. Instead, much of the work is concentrated on custom designed robots, ultrasound image generation and visual servoing, or teleoperation. Research based on these topics often suffer from important limitations that impede their use in an adaptable, scalable, and real-world manner. Particularly, while custom robots may be designed for a specific application, commercial collaborative robots are a more robust and economical solution. Otherwise, various robotic ultrasound studies have shown the feasibility of using basic force control, but rarely explore controller tuning in the context of patient safety and deformable skin in an unstructured environment. Moreover, many studies evaluate novel visual servoing approaches, but do not consider the practicality of relying on external measurement devices for motion control. These studies neglect the importance of robot accuracy and calibration, which allow a system to safely navigate its environment while reducing the imaging errors associated with positioning. Hence, while the feasibility of robotic ultrasound has been the focal point in previous studies, there is a lack of attention to what occurs between system design and image output. This thesis addresses limitations of the current literature through three distinct contributions. Given the force-controlled nature of an ultrasound robot, the first contribution presents a closed-loop calibration approach using impedance control and low-cost equipment. Accuracy is a fundamental requirement for high-quality ultrasound image generation and targeting. This is especially true when following a specified path along a patient or synthesizing 2D slices into a 3D ultrasound image. However, even though most industrial robots are inherently precise, they are not necessarily accurate. While robot calibration itself has been extensively studied, many of the approaches rely on expensive and highly delicate equipment. Experimental testing showed that this method is comparable in quality to traditional calibration using a laser tracker. As demonstrated through an experimental study and validated with a laser tracker, the absolute accuracy of a collaborative robot was improved to a maximum error of 0.990mm, representing a 58.4% improvement when compared to the nominal model. The second contribution explores collisions and contact events, as they are a natural by-product of applications involving physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) in unstructured environments. Robot-assisted medical ultrasound is an example of a task where simply stopping the robot upon contact detection may not be an appropriate reaction strategy. Thus, the robot should have an awareness of body contact location to properly plan force-controlled trajectories along the human body using the imaging probe. This is especially true for remote ultrasound systems where safety and manipulability are important elements to consider when operating a remote medical system through a communication network. A framework is proposed for robot contact classification using the built-in sensor data of a collaborative robot. Unlike previous studies, this classification does not discern between intended vs. unintended contact scenarios, but rather classifies what was involved in the contact event. The classifier can discern different ISO/TS 15066:2016 specific body areas along a human-model leg with 89.37% accuracy. Altogether, this contact distinction framework allows for more complex reaction strategies and tailored robot behaviour during pHRI. Lastly, given that the success of an ultrasound task depends on the capability of the robot system to handle pHRI, pure motion control is insufficient. Force control techniques are necessary to achieve effective and adaptable behaviour of a robotic system in the unstructured ultrasound environment while also ensuring safe pHRI. While force control does not require explicit knowledge of the environment, to achieve an acceptable dynamic behaviour, the control parameters must be tuned. The third contribution proposes a simple and effective online tuning framework for force-based robotic freehand ultrasound motion control. Within the context of medical ultrasound, different human body locations have a different stiffness and will require unique tunings. Through real-world experiments with a collaborative robot, the framework tuned motion control for optimal and safe trajectories along a human leg phantom. The optimization process was able to successfully reduce the mean absolute error (MAE) of the motion contact force to 0.537N through the evolution of eight motion control parameters. Furthermore, contextual awareness through motion classification can offer a framework for pHRI optimization and safety through predictive motion behaviour with a future goal of autonomous pHRI. As such, a classification pipeline, trained using the tuning process motion data, was able to reliably classify the future force tracking quality of a motion session with an accuracy of 91.82 %
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