69 research outputs found

    Dostupnost i uporaba različitih biofeedback uređaja za dozirano opterećenje

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    Introduction: Physiotherapists use different methods such as tactile feedback, scales and biofeedback to teach patients applying the partial weight bearing instructions. Biofeedback systems are more effective and objective method than usage of conventional bathroom scales in training patients to comply with weight-bearing limitations. Aim: The current review will focus on the availability and clinical use of biofeedback in-shoe device in patients with prescribed PWB. Methods: A literature search was performed using the following keywords: partial weight bearing, biofeedback in-shoe device and surgery. Five databases were searched appropriate for screening (PubMed, PEDro, Google Scholar, Clinicaltrials.gov and ScienceDirect). Results: Filtration strategy was used in a literature search. 15 sources were selected for final analysis. Qualitative analytical approach was used in data processing. Conclusion: Biofeedback systems have been more effective than conventional bathroom scales in training patients to comply with weight-bearing limitations. With additional randomised controlled trials, biofeedback devices may very well become a part of the mainstay of clinical practice in orthopaedic partial weight-bearing patients.Uvod: Fizioterapeuti primjenjuju različite metode kao ĆĄto su taktilna sprega, uporaba vage i uporaba uređaja za biofeedback u učenju pacijenata pravilnom doziranom opterećenju nakon operacijskih zahvata. Učenje ortopedskih pacijenata pravilnom doziranom opterećenju ekstremiteta s pomoću uređaja za biofeedback objektivnija je i učinkovitija metoda fizioterapijskog tretmana od metode primjene vage. Cilj: Sistematični pregledni članak fokusirat će se na problematiku dostupnosti i kliničke uporabe uređaja za biofeedback kod pacijenata kojima su fizioterapeut i liječnik propisali dozirano opterećenje. Metode: U pretrazi su upotrijebljene sljedeće ključne riječi: dozirano opterećenje, uređaj za povratnu spregu u cipeli, uređaji za biofeedback, operacija. Pretraga je provedena u pet bibliografskih baza podataka (PubMed, PEDro, Google Scholar, ClinicalTrials.gov i ScienceDirect). Rezultati: U pretrazi literature primijenjena je strategija filtracije izvora prema određenim parametrima. U obradi podataka primijenjen je kvalitativni analitični pristup. Za konačnu analizu odabrano je 15 prikladnih izvora. Zaključak: Sustavi za biofeedback učinkovitiji su od konvencionalnih vaga u podučavanju pacijenata pravilnom doziranom opterećenju oĆĄtećenih ekstremiteta. Daljnjim znanstvenim, randomiziranim i kliničkim istraĆŸivanjima, sustavi za biofeedback mogu postati vaĆŸan dio kliničke prakse u tretmanu ortopedskih pacijenata s propisanim doziranim opterećenjem

    Commercially available pressure sensors for sport and health applications: A comparative review

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    Pressure measurement systems have numerous applications in healthcare and sport. The purpose of this review is to: (a) describe the brief history of the development of pressure sensors for clinical and sport applications, (b) discuss the design requirements for pressure measurement systems for different applications, (c) critique the suitability, reliability, and validity of commercial pressure measurement systems, and (d) suggest future directions for the development of pressure measurements systems in this area. Commercial pressure measurement systems generally use capacitive or resistive sensors, and typically capacitive sensors have been reported to be more valid and reliable than resistive sensors for prolonged use. It is important to acknowledge, however, that the selection of sensors is contingent upon the specific application requirements. Recent improvements in sensor and wireless technology and computational power have resulted in systems that have higher sensor density and sampling frequency with improved usability – thinner, lighter platforms, some of which are wireless, and reduced the obtrusiveness of in-shoe systems due to wireless data transmission and smaller data-logger and control units. Future developments of pressure sensors should focus on the design of systems that can measure or accurately predict shear stresses in conjunction with pressure, as it is thought the combination of both contributes to the development of pressure ulcers and diabetic plantar ulcers. The focus for the development of in-shoe pressure measurement systems is to minimise any potential interference to the patient or athlete, and to reduce power consumption of the wireless systems to improve the battery life, so these systems can be used to monitor daily activity. A potential solution to reduce the obtrusiveness of in-shoe systems include thin flexible pressure sensors which can be incorporated into socks. Although some experimental systems are available further work is needed to improve their validity and reliability

    Recent Innovations in Footwear and the Role of Smart Footwear in Healthcare—A Survey

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Smart shoes have ushered in a new era of personalised health monitoring and assistive technologies. Smart shoes leverage technologies such as Bluetooth for data collection and wireless transmission, and incorporate features such as GPS tracking, obstacle detection, and fitness tracking. As the 2010s unfolded, the smart shoe landscape diversified and advanced rapidly, driven by sensor technology enhancements and smartphones’ ubiquity. Shoes have begun incorporating accelerometers, gyroscopes, and pressure sensors, significantly improving the accuracy of data collection and enabling functionalities such as gait analysis. The healthcare sector has recognised the potential of smart shoes, leading to innovations such as shoes designed to monitor diabetic foot ulcers, track rehabilitation progress, and detect falls among older people, thus expanding their application beyond fitness into medical monitoring. This article provides an overview of the current state of smart shoe technology, highlighting the integration of advanced sensors for health monitoring, energy harvesting, assistive features for the visually impaired, and deep learning for data analysis. This study discusses the potential of smart footwear in medical applications, particularly for patients with diabetes, and the ongoing research in this field. Current footwear challenges are also discussed, including complex construction, poor fit, comfort, and high cost.Peer reviewe

    Gait Analysis Using Wearable Sensors

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    Gait analysis using wearable sensors is an inexpensive, convenient, and efficient manner of providing useful information for multiple health-related applications. As a clinical tool applied in the rehabilitation and diagnosis of medical conditions and sport activities, gait analysis using wearable sensors shows great prospects. The current paper reviews available wearable sensors and ambulatory gait analysis methods based on the various wearable sensors. After an introduction of the gait phases, the principles and features of wearable sensors used in gait analysis are provided. The gait analysis methods based on wearable sensors is divided into gait kinematics, gait kinetics, and electromyography. Studies on the current methods are reviewed, and applications in sports, rehabilitation, and clinical diagnosis are summarized separately. With the development of sensor technology and the analysis method, gait analysis using wearable sensors is expected to play an increasingly important role in clinical applications

    Commercially available pressure sensors for sport and health applications: A comparative review

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    Pressure measurement systems have numerous applications in healthcare and sport. The purpose of this review is to: (a) describe the brief history of the development of pressure sensors for clinical and sport applications, (b) discuss the design requirements for pressure measurement systems for different applications, (c) critique the suitability, reliability, and validity of commercial pressure measurement systems, and (d) suggest future directions for the development of pressure measurements systems in this area. Commercial pressure measurement systems generally use capacitive or resistive sensors, and typically capacitive sensors have been reported to be more valid and reliable than resistive sensors for prolonged use. It is important to acknowledge, however, that the selection of sensors is contingent upon the specific application requirements. Recent improvements in sensor and wireless technology and computational power have resulted in systems that have higher sensor density and sampling frequency with improved usability – thinner, lighter platforms, some of which are wireless, and reduced the obtrusiveness of in-shoe systems due to wireless data transmission and smaller data-logger and control units. Future developments of pressure sensors should focus on the design of systems that can measure or accurately predict shear stresses in conjunction with pressure, as it is thought the combination of both contributes to the development of pressure ulcers and diabetic plantar ulcers. The focus for the development of in-shoe pressure measurement systems is to minimise any potential interference to the patient or athlete, and to reduce power consumption of the wireless systems to improve the battery life, so these systems can be used to monitor daily activity. A potential solution to reduce the obtrusiveness of in-shoe systems include thin flexible pressure sensors which can be incorporated into socks. Although some experimental systems are available further work is needed to improve their validity and reliability

    Wearables for Movement Analysis in Healthcare

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    Quantitative movement analysis is widely used in clinical practice and research to investigate movement disorders objectively and in a complete way. Conventionally, body segment kinematic and kinetic parameters are measured in gait laboratories using marker-based optoelectronic systems, force plates, and electromyographic systems. Although movement analyses are considered accurate, the availability of specific laboratories, high costs, and dependency on trained users sometimes limit its use in clinical practice. A variety of compact wearable sensors are available today and have allowed researchers and clinicians to pursue applications in which individuals are monitored in their homes and in community settings within different fields of study, such movement analysis. Wearable sensors may thus contribute to the implementation of quantitative movement analyses even during out-patient use to reduce evaluation times and to provide objective, quantifiable data on the patients’ capabilities, unobtrusively and continuously, for clinical purposes

    Objective methods of monitoring usage of orthotic devices for the extremities: a systematic review

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    Orthoses are commonly prescribed to relieve symptoms for musculoskeletal and neurological conditions; however, patients stop wearing orthoses as recommended for many reasons. When considering the effectiveness of orthoses, there needs to be an objective way to monitor whether participants wear the orthosis as instructed, because if this is not followed, the orthoses will not work as intended. This review aimed to identify, summarise, and compare objective methods used to measure compliance with orthoses applied to the extremities. Databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, CINAHL, and MEDLINE) were searched for eligible studies. Twenty-three studies were accepted in the final review, including five studies that employed upper limb orthoses, two that employed hip orthoses, and fifteen that employed lower limb orthoses. To measure compliance objectively, studies utilised temperature sensors, pressure sensors, accelerometers, a step counter, or a combination of sensors. All sensor types have their own advantages and disadvantages and should be chosen based on study-specific parameters. Sensor-derived monitoring provides quantitative, objective data that are beneficial in both clinical and research settings. The ideal solution to monitoring compliance would consist of both objective and user-reported aspects that, in combination, would provide an all-encompassing picture of the orthotic treatment prescribed

    Use of stance control knee-ankle-foot orthoses : a review of the literature

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    The use of stance control orthotic knee joints are becoming increasingly popular as unlike locked knee-ankle-foot orthoses, these joints allow the limb to swing freely in swing phase while providing stance phase stability, thus aiming to promote a more physiological and energy efficient gait. It is of paramount importance that all aspects of this technology is monitored and evaluated as the demand for evidence based practice and cost effective rehabilitation increases. A robust and thorough literature review was conducted to retrieve all articles which evaluated the use of stance control orthotic knee joints. All relevant databases were searched, including The Knowledge Network, ProQuest, Web of Knowledge, RECAL Legacy, PubMed and Engineering Village. Papers were selected for review if they addressed the use and effectiveness of commercially available stance control orthotic knee joints and included participant(s) trialling the SCKAFO. A total of 11 publications were reviewed and the following questions were developed and answered according to the best available evidence: 1. The effect SCKAFO (stance control knee-ankle-foot orthoses) systems have on kinetic and kinematic gait parameters 2. The effect SCKAFO systems have on the temporal and spatial parameters of gait 3. The effect SCKAFO systems have on the cardiopulmonary and metabolic cost of walking. 4. The effect SCKAFO systems have on muscle power/generation 5. Patient’s perceptions/ compliance of SCKAFO systems Although current research is limited and lacks in methodological quality the evidence available does, on a whole, indicate a positive benefit in the use of SCKAFOs. This is with respect to increased knee flexion during swing phase resulting in sufficient ground clearance, decreased compensatory movements to facilitate swing phase clearance and improved temporal and spatial gait parameters. With the right methodological approach, the benefits of using a SCKAFO system can be evidenced and the research more effectively converted into clinical practice

    Readiness for implementation of novel digital health interventions for postoperative monitoring:a systematic review and clinical innovation network analysis

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    An increasing number of digital health interventions (DHIs) for remote postoperative monitoring have been developed and evaluated. This systematic review identifies DHIs for postoperative monitoring and evaluates their readiness for implementation into routine health care. Studies were defined according to idea, development, exploration, assessment, and long-term follow-up (IDEAL) stages of innovation. A novel clinical innovation network analysis used coauthorship and citations to examine collaboration and progression within the field. 126 DHIs were identified, with 101 (80%) being early stage innovations (IDEAL stage 1 and 2a). None of the DHIs identified had large-scale routine implementation. There is little evidence of collaboration, and there are clear omissions in the evaluation of feasibility, accessibility, and the health-care impact. Use of DHIs for postoperative monitoring remains at an early stage of innovation, with promising but generally low-quality supporting evidence. Comprehensive evaluation within high-quality, large-scale trials and real-world data are required to definitively establish readiness for routine implementation

    The effect of prefabricated wrist-hand orthoses on performing activities of daily living

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    Wrist-hand orthoses (WHOs) are commonly prescribed to manage the functional deficit associated with the wrist as a result of rheumatoid changes. The common presentation of the wrist is one of flexion and radial deviation with ulnar deviation of the fingers. This wrist position Results in altered biomechanics compromising hand function during activities of daily living (ADL). A paucity of evidence exists which suggests that improvements in ADL with WHO use are very task specific. Using normal subjects, and thus in the absence of pain as a limiting factor, the impact of ten WHOs on performing five ADLs tasks was investigated. The tasks were selected to represent common grip patterns and tests were performed with and without WHOs by right-handed, females, aged 20-50 years over a ten week period. The time taken to complete each task was recorded and a wrist goniometer, elbow goniometer and a forearm torsiometer were used to measure joint motion. Results show that, although orthoses may restrict the motion required to perform a task, participants do not use the full range of motion which the orthoses permit. The altered wrist position measured may be attributable to a modified method of performing the task or to a necessary change in grip pattern, resulting in an increased time in task performance. The effect of WHO use on ADL is task specific and may initially impede function. This could have an effect on WHO compliance if there appears to be no immediate benefits. This orthotic effect may be related to restriction of wrist motion or an inability to achieve the necessary grip patterns due to the designs of the orthoses
