113,552 research outputs found

    Counselling psychologists’ experience of their professional identity whilst working in an IAPT service : an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    Whilst counselling psychology has established itself as recognised profession in both the NHS and the independent sector, studies and anecdotal evidence have shown that counselling psychology positions itself in opposition to the prevalent medical discourse and is not as well understood an known as its cousin clinical psychology. At the same time, the Increased Access to Psychological Therapies services translate principles of evidence-based practice and clinical governance into a model of psychological therapies delivery, which creates areas of tension between counselling psychology identity and IAPT’s identity. Research conducted in the US and UK as well as anecdotal evidence suggests that this conflict can lead to unclear professional identities for counselling psychologists practising in this setting, contributing to burn-out, disillusionment and job dissatisfaction. Semi-structures interviews were conducted with six counselling psychologists with experience of working in IAPT services, which were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Their experience of professional identity whilst working in IAPT highlighted an ambivalent relationship with their professional identity, which was attributed to the tension between organisational and professional identities. The consequences were signs of burn-out, disillusionment, disconnection from the profession as well as a negative selfimage of clinical skills. The mediating factor of stages of professional development is discussed

    Exploring the Impact of Client Suicide on Social Workers: A Phenomenological Study

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    This research aims to further the understanding of how the phenomenon of client suicide is experienced. Using phenomenology, registered social workers were interviewed to garner an understanding of how client suicide is experienced within the social work perspective. Client suicide research has largely focused on the experience of other professions such as psychology and psychiatry, despite social workers often working with people who have suicidal ideation. Understanding how social workers make meaning of, and are possibly affected by their clients dying by suicide, is valuable in avoiding trauma, grief, and burn out. This research used a constructivist lens to interpret how various social workers experienced the same phenomenon differently, examining the question, “how do social workers describe their experience of client suicide and its impact on their personal and professional lives?

    Cultivating the Research Environment to Enhance Quality of Life of Academics in An University Setting

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    Background: Organizational climate is defined as a set of measurable properties of the work environment, perceived directly or indirectly by the people who live and work in this environment and assumed to influence their motivation and behavior. In a university setting, one of the most important organizational climate which affects academics’ behavior is research environment, which is defined as all those forces in the university education programs that reflect attitude toward research and science. This study aimed to examine the relationships between perceived research environment, research self-efficacy, and quality of life of academics. Method: We surveyed 100 academics from a state university in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, using measures of research environment, research self-efficacy, research burn-out, and life satisfaction. We examined whether the relationships between perceived research environment and research burn-out and life satisfaction was mediated by research self-efficacy. Results: Structural equation modelling demonstrated that a good support for a model that revealed significant ways by which individual and contextual variables were associated with quality of life. The measurement model, χ2(108) = 204.57, p < .001, χ2/df = 1.79, CFI = .94, RMSEA = .06 demonstrated good fit statistics, with factor loadings ranging from .40 to .85 (p < .001). The hypothesized structural model also showed good fit statistics, χ2(153) = 270.87, p < .001, χ2/df = 1.57, CFI = .95, RMSEA = .05. Perceived research environment was positively associated with research self-efficacy (β = .34, p < .001), research self-efficacy was associated negatively with research burn-out (β = -.33 p < .001), and research self-efficacy was associated positively with life satisfaction (β = .40 p < .001). Conclusion: The findings demonstrate that perceived research environment is an important variable that can have positive effects in developing research self-efficacy, enhancing life satisfaction, and reducing research burn-out. Keywords: perceived research environment, quality of life, research self-efficacy, stress, academic

    Bestial boredom: a biological perspective on animal boredom and suggestions for its scientific investigation

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    Boredom is likely to have adaptive value in motivating exploration and learning, and many animals may possess the basic neurological mechanisms to support it. Chronic inescapable boredom can be extremely aversive, and understimulation can harm neural, cognitive and behavioural flexibility. Wild and domesticated animals are at particular risk in captivity, which is often spatially and temporally monotonous. Yet biological research into boredom has barely begun, despite having important implications for animal welfare, the evolution of motivation and cognition, and for human dysfunction at individual and societal levels. Here I aim to facilitate hypotheses about how monotony affects behaviour and physiology, so that boredom can be objectively studied by ethologists and other scientists. I cover valence (pleasantness) and arousal (wakefulness) qualities of boredom, because both can be measured, and I suggest boredom includes suboptimal arousal and aversion to monotony. Because the suboptimal arousal during boredom is aversive, individuals will resist low arousal. Thus, behavioural indicators of boredom will, seemingly paradoxically, include signs of increasing drowsiness, alongside bouts of restlessness, avoidance and sensation-seeking behaviour. Valence and arousal are not, however, sufficient to fully describe boredom. For example, human boredom is further characterized by a perception that time ‘drags’, and this effect of monotony on time perception can too be behaviourally assayed in animals. Sleep disruption and some abnormal behaviour may also be caused by boredom. Ethological research into this emotional phenomenon will deepen understanding of its causes, development, function and evolution, and will enable evidence-based interventions to mitigate human and animal boredom

    Intervenciones basadas en Mindfulness (Atención Plena) en Psicología del Deporte

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    En este estudio se pretende analizar los trabajos aplicados de mindfulness (atención plena) en publicaciones de psicología del deporte. Para ello se realiza una revisión sistemática a partir de criterios de inclusión y exclusión de trabajos publicados. Se realiza el análisis de referencias a partir de bases de datos bibliográficos como Medline, Psychinfo, Web of Science, Cochrane, Ebscohost o Isi Web of Knowledge durante el periodo entre 1985 y diciembre 2014. Las palabras claves de búsqueda fueron: psicología del deporte, mindfulness, deporte, estrés y entrenamiento. Inicialmente se partió de 22 artículos, de los que se cribaron 11 por motivos varios (deficiencias metodológicas, conclusiones poco claras, tesis o artículos no publicados). Los 11 artículos analizados realizan intervenciones basadas en mindfulness en el ámbito de la psicología del deporte. Los resultados indican que, aunque se observan deficiencias metodológicas en los diseños de investigación, la mayoría de trabajos muestran mejoras en el rendimiento deportivo, y en variables como ansiedad, burn-out, niveles de flow y niveles de mindfulness. Se recomiendan más estudios y con una mejor metodología para confirmar esta tendencia y continuar profundizando en el conocimiento de la efectividad de la conciencia plena en psicología del deporte.The aim of this article is to identify work on the mindfulness concept in sports psychology research. Research into published works was undertaken using the Medline, Psychinfo, Web of Science, Cochrane, Ebscohost and Isi Web of Knowledge databases and references to articles retrieved from 1985 to December 2014, using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main search terms were sports psychology, mindfulness, sport, stress and training. From the initial 22 articles we excluded 11 for various reasons (methodological problems, vague conclusions, theses or unpublished articles). The 11 final articles set out different mindfulness-based interventions in the field of sports psychology. Despite methodological limitations in the research design, the results show some improvements in sports performance and variables such as anxiety levels, burn out, flow and mindfulness levels. To confirm these preliminary results, and to continue to enhance knowledge about the effectiveness of mindfulness in sports psychology, further research, with improved methodology, is recommended.Neste estudo pretendeu-se analisar os trabalhos aplicados de mindfulness (atenção plena) em publicações de psicologia do desporto. Para tal, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática a partir de critérios de inclusão e exclusão de trabalhos publicados. Foi realizada uma análise de referências a partir de bases de dados bibliográficos como Medline, Psychinfo, Web of Science, Cochrane, Ebscohost ou Isi Web of Knowledge durante o período entre 1985 e Dezembro de 2014. As palavras-chave de busca foram: psicologia do desporto, mindfulness, desporto, stress e treino. Inicialmente partiuse de 22 artigos, dos quais foram eliminados 11 por motivos vários (deficiências metodológicas, conclusões pouco claras, teses ou artigos não publicados). Os 11 artigos analisados versam sobre intervenções realizadas com base no mindfulness no âmbito da psicologia do desporto. Os resultados indicam que, embora se observem deficiências metodológicas nos delineamentos de investigação, a maioria dos trabalhos revelam melhorias no rendimento desportivo, e em variáveis como a ansiedade, burnout, níveis de flow e níveis de mindfulness. São recomendados estudos adicionais e com uma melhor metodologia para confirmar esta tendência e continuar a aprofundar o conhecimento da efectividade da consciência plena em psicologia do desporto

    Hypnosis for acute procedural pain: a critical review

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    Clinical evidence for the effectiveness of hypnosis in the treatment of acute procedural pain was critically evaluated based on reports from randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs). Results from the 29 RCTs meeting inclusion criteria suggest that hypnosis decreases pain compared to standard care and attention control groups and that it is at least as effective as comparable adjunct psychological or behavioral therapies. In addition, applying hypnosis in multiple sessions prior to the day of the procedure produced the highest percentage of significant results. Hypnosis was most effective in minor surgical procedures. However, interpretations are limited by considerable risk of bias. Further studies using minimally effective control conditions and systematic control of intervention dose and timing are required to strengthen conclusions

    Professional burnout of family physicians: experience of the research and problem-solving in the USA

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    The purpose of the research. The main purpose of the study is to find out the experience of researching and solving the problem of professional burnout for physicians including family ones in the United States, by analyzing recent surveys and scientific papers of American and European scientists. Methodology. While working on the article, general scientific theoretical methods were used to accom-plish the tasks and achieve the purpose of the research. The methodological basis of the research was the structural-functional method, which allowed considering the phenomenon of professional burnout as a whole with separate elements and their dependencies. Using a historical method, a brief overview of the research development by US scientists on the problem of professional burnout of physicians with a focus on key events that occurred at each of the stages highlighted in the scientific papers. A comparative method was used to compare the results of surveys of different years and topics, data presented in the proceedings of the scientists, and research approaches. Methods of systematization and generalization were used to formulate the paper’s conclusions, in particular, to highlight the essential features of the American research experience and practical problem solution of professional burnout of physicians. Results. It has been found that the professional burnout of physicians has been a matter of concern for the government, professional medical associations, and the general public for physicians of various US specialties for a long time. Although burnout affects physicians of all disciplines, it has been discovered that, among family physicians, this phenomenon exceeds the average level, especially compared to the general economically active population of the United States. Two approaches to identifying and reducing the risk of occupational burnout in the United States have been identified and characterized: the first approach covers measures aimed directly at a physician, that is, a specific individual, and the second, involves measures aimed at an organization, that is, a medical institution. It has been found that Ameri-can scientists have concluded that organizational measures are more effective, but the first approach should be applied as a first step in overcoming professional burnout. Practical meaning. The results of the research are applicable for further scientific exploration and practical problem solution of professional burnout of physicians, including family ones, in Ukraine. Prospects for further research. Meth-odology of surveys of physicians of various specialties on burnout, depresdepression and professional satisfac-tion. Factors of professional burnout for family physicians in Ukraine

    Exploring the perceptions of staff towards children and young people living in community-based children's homes

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    This article examines the perceptions of staff working in community-based children's homes. Data from interviews with staff, using the repertory grid technique, are analysed and presented in the form of a case study. Particular consideration is given to the child-worker relationship and how it might affect the quality of care provided. The findings are selected from a doctoral study and suggest that despite significant changes in the residential sector, many staff feel powerless to address the real issues and problems affecting children. Rather than confront the realities of the situation and implement strategies that empower staff, it would appear that current developments in social work continue to de-prioritize the needs of children. The authors argue that a fundamental change in residential care is needed if social work is to meet the needs of many of the most vulnerable children in society