4 research outputs found

    Effects of recuperative holidays on Chernobyl children's 137Cs body burden

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    Premi UAB de la Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) als millors Treballs de Fi de Grau sobre desenvolupament sostenible i justícia global. 4a Edició, curs 2019/2020The goal of this project is to study the effects recuperative holidays have on the health of children affected by radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear accident. This is accomplished by reviewing data on child 137Cs body burdens, provided by NGOs participating in recuperative holiday programmes in Belarus, and interviews of the same organizations. A statistical analysis and subsequent modelling of provided data has been conducted, showing consistent reduction in 137Cs body burden during stays away from the contaminated area, and rates of excretion and incorporation. The reduction however is not significant over time, as the original amount of 137Cs in the body is almost re-established within a year following a stay abroad. The participants improve in social and psychological aspects, and benefit from the establishment of a support network. Therefore, focus from recuperative holiday programmes should prioritize these benefits. Long-term solutions to more permanently reduce body burden should also be developed

    N-of-1 clinical trials in nutritional interventions directed at improving cognitive function

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    Longer life expectancy has led to an increase in the prevalence of age-related cognitive decline and dementia worldwide. Due to the current lack of effective treatment for these conditions, preventive strategies represent a research priority. A large body of evidence suggests that nutrition is involved in the pathogenesis of age-related cognitive decline, but also that it may play a critical role in slowing down its progression. At a population level, healthy dietary patterns interventions, such as the Mediterranean and the MIND diets, have been associated with improved cognitive performance and a decreased risk of neurodegenerative disease development. In the era of evidence-based medicine and patient-centered healthcare, personalized nutritional recommendations would offer a considerable opportunity in preventing cognitive decline progression. N-of-1 clinical trials have emerged as a fundamental design in evidence-based medicine. They consider each individual as the only unit of observation and intervention. The aggregation of series of N-of-1 clinical trials also enables population-level conclusions. This review provides a general view of the current scientific evidence regarding nutrition and cognitive decline, and critically states its limitations when translating results into the clinical practice. Furthermore, we suggest methodological strategies to develop N-of-1 clinical trials focused on nutrition and cognition in an older population. Finally, we evaluate the potential challenges that researchers may face when performing studies in precision nutrition and cognition