65 research outputs found

    Caracterización acústica de elementos constructivos habituales en la edificación residencial española, mediante ensayos en obra y en laboratorio

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    El aislamiento acústico de elementos constructivos obtenido en obra difiere del aislamiento acústico obtenido en laboratorio, tanto para ruido aéreo como para ruido de impactos. Esto se produce porque el aislamiento acústico de cualquier elemento constructivo, como por ejemplo una pared, está influido por los elementos constructivos conectados a ella, como son tabiques, forjados o fachadas, ya que los elementos constructivos, en presencia del campo acústico vibran y transmiten sus vibraciones al elemento de separación produciendo la transmisión indirecta estructural o también denominada transmisión por flancos. El objeto de esta comunicación es cuantificar la pérdida de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, que se produce en la edificación y que es atribuible a las transmisiones indirectas. En el caso de los edificios estudiados, la pérdida de aislamiento acústico puede variar de 4 a 10 dB

    Towards a cultural rhetoric of humor

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    The proposal of a Cultural Rhetoric includes also explanatory categories of analysis and reflection on some of the diverse mechanisms and resources. These are supporting it and allowing to explain communicative processes of rhetorical-cultural nature as well as to emphasize interdiscursivity. In the present work we propose an approach towards the configuration of a cultural rhetoric of humor from five concrete proposals that have been provided by Cultural Rhetoric: we are referring to Poliacroasis, the Communicative Cenesthesia, the Game Space, the Communicative Cultural-Rhetoric Code and the Metaphorical EngineLa propuesta de una Retórica cultural lo es también de categorías explicativas de análisis y de reflexión sobre los diversos mecanismos y recursos que la sustentan y que permiten explicar procesos comunicativos de índole retórico-cultural así como subrayar la interdiscursividad. En el presente trabajo proponemos una aproximación hacia la configuración de una retórica cultural del humor desde cinco propuestas concretas facilitadas por la Retórica cultural: la poliacroasis, la cenestesia comunicativa, el espacio de juego, el código comunicativo cultural-retórico y el motor metafóricoEste trabajo es resultado de investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto de investigación METAPHORA (Referencia FFI2014-53391-P), financiado por la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad del Gobierno de Españ

    Aplicación de los criterios de aislamiento acústico del CTE a los edificios existentes

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    El objetivo lógico de toda intervención en los edificios existentes debe ser la mejora progresiva de las condiciones de la edificación para adaptarla a estándares de calidad actuales. En este sentido, la parte I del CTE aprobada en 2013 establece que debe aplicarse el CTE a las obras en edificios existentes, y se dan dos criterios generales: El criterio de flexibilidad, que permite adecuar la actuación al mayor grado de aproximación a las prestaciones del CTE cuando la intervención sea urbanística, técnica y económicamente inviable o no sea compatible con el grado de protección del edificio, y el criterio de no empeoramiento, que no permite rebajar las condiciones existentes. El objetivo de esta ponencia es ahondar en los fundamentos de dichos criterios, y mostrar un procedimiento para la fase de proyecto cuyo fin es mejorar el aislamiento acústico en los edificios existentes y orientar a los proyectistas sobre los niveles de aislamiento que pueden obtenerse según el tipo de intervención

    Neutrosophic Statistics to Analyze Prevalence of Dental Fluorosis

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    Fluorine is a mineral that has been worldwide used for treating teeth, as it is effective in preventing dental cavities. That is why fluorine has been incorporated into toothpastes, as well as in some foods. However, excessive consumption of this mineral constitutes a serious oral health problem. This paper analyzes the occurrence of fluorosis, which is the disease caused by excessive consumption of fluorine, in children belonging to El Oro Educational Unit, located in the Central Ecuadorian Sierra. The study was carried out by means of a survey applied to the children’s parents, and the direct study of the infants’ teeth. Data is statistically processed, however, during the analysis of the data some of them had indeterminacies, so we decided that the best tool to use is Neutrosophic Statistics, because this theory studies statistics techniques in situations where there is indeterminacy in the data, in the population size, or in the parameters of the hypothesis tests. Moreover, this study has an important impact on the knowledge about the oral health of the children who attend this educational unit. In addition, it is a precedent for improving oral hygiene habits in infants

    Hacia una Retórica cultural del humor

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    La propuesta de una Retórica cultural lo es también de categorías explicativas de análisis y de reflexión sobre los diversos mecanismos y recursos que la sustentan y que permiten explicar procesos comunicativos de índole retórico-cultural así como subrayar la interdiscursividad. En el presente trabajo proponemos una aproximación hacia la configuración de una retórica cultural del humor desde cinco propuestas concretas facilitadas por la Retórica cultural: la poliacroasis, la cenestesia comunicativa, el espacio de juego, el código comunicativo cultural-retórico y el motor metafórico.Palabras clave: Retórica cultural, Retórica del humor, Retórica de la comunicación.AbstractThe proposal of a Cultural Rhetoric includes also explanatory categories of analysis and reflection on some of the diverse mechanisms and resources. These are supporting it and allowing to explain communicative processes of rhetorical-cultural nature as well as to emphasize interdiscursivity. In the present work we propose an approach towards the configuration of a cultural rhetoric of humor from five concrete proposals that have been provided by Cultural Rhetoric: we are referring to Poliacroasis, the Communicative Cenesthesia, the Game Space, the Communicative Cultural-Rhetoric Code and the Metaphorical Engine.Key words: Cultural Rhetoric. Rhetoric of Humor. Rhetoric of Communication.</p

    Synthesis and dopaminergic activity of a series of new 1-aryl tetrahydroisoquinolines and 2-substituted 1-aryl-3-tetrahydrobenzazepines.

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    A series of new 1-aryl-6,7-dihydroxy tetrahydroisoquinolines with several substitution patterns in the 1-aryl group at C-1 were prepared in good yields. The influence of each substituent on the affinity and selectivity for D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors was studied. Moreover, N-alkyl salts of these tetrahydroisoquinolines were used as starting material to synthesize a series of new 1-aryl-7,8-dihydroxy 3-tetrahydrobenzazepines derivatives with electron-withdrawing substituents at C-2 position by the diastereoselective Stevens rearrangement. The structure-activity relationship of these compounds was explored to evaluate the effect of the functional group at C-2 in benzazepines and the modification in the aryl group at the isoquinoline C-1 position towards the affinity and selectivity for the mentioned receptors. The 1-aryl-6,7-dihydroxy tetrahydroisoquinoline 4c shows significant affinity towards D2 receptor, with Ki value of 31 nM. This significant affinity can be attributed to the presence of a thiomethyl group, and it is the most active 1-aryl-6,7-dihydroxy tetrahydroisoquinoline derivative reported to date.This research was supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competividad” Project CTQ 2016-76311-P

    Uso de técnicas de medida de nivel de velocidad de vibración y SolidNoiseTM en la evaluación de cámaras acústicas de transmisión sonora

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    To know the limits and performance of transmission suites CEA) transmission flanks measurements are required, among others. At the Institute of Construction Science Eduardo Torroja, acoustic chambers are used as a testing scene for a new engineering tool called SolidNoiseTM, with which flanking sound transmission and flanking paths contribution of the different faces have been estimated. This paper shows the study made in this test environment and the results of CEA characterization that will allow to improve them and to take advantage of their working range.Para conocer los límites y las prestaciones de las cámaras de transmisión sonora (CEA) se requiere, entre otras, pruebas de evaluación de la transmisión por flancos. En el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, se han usado las cámaras acústicas como campo de pruebas para una nueva herramienta de ingeniería llamada SolidNoiseTM, con la que se ha podido estimar la transmisión por flancos, y la contribución de las vías de transmisión de los diferentes paramentos. En esta comunicación se presenta el estudio realizado en este entorno de pruebas y los resultados obtenidos de caracterización de las cámaras que permitirán optimizarlas y explotar sus posibilidades de trabajo

    Acondicionamiento sostenible de la vivienda de interés social, como medio saludable para los habitantes. Caso de estudio Urbanización Tierra Tayrona en Bosa, Bogotá D.C.

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa vivienda como el espacio de mayor permanencia de las personas, se configura como el lugar en donde el cuerpo es mas vulnerable a enfermedades, en la sostenibilidad se identifican estrategias que mejoran los espacios construidos, como herramienta de transformación a partir del concepto de Biofilia; Permitir procesos y elementos naturales en el entorno construido genera un mejor estado de salud.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ESTADO DEL ARTE 3. MARCO TEÓRICO 4. METODOLOGÍA 5. RESULTADOS 6. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 7. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAMaestríaMagíster en Diseño Sostenibl

    Tumor microenvironment gene expression profiles associated to complete pathological response and disease progression in resectable NSCLC patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy

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    Background Neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has improved pathological responses and survival rates compared with chemotherapy alone, leading to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of nivolumab plus chemotherapy for resectable stage IB-IIIA NSCLC (AJCC 7th edition) without ALK or EGFR alterations. Unfortunately, a considerable percentage of tumors do not completely respond to therapy, which has been associated with early disease progression. So far, it is impossible to predict these events due to lack of knowledge. In this study, we characterized the gene expression profile of tumor samples to identify new biomarkers and mechanisms behind tumor responses to neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy and disease recurrence after surgery. Methods Tumor bulk RNA sequencing was performed in 16 pretreatment and 36 post-treatment tissue samples from 41 patients with resectable stage IIIA NSCLC treated with neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy from NADIM trial. A panel targeting 395 genes related to immunological processes was used. Tumors were classified as complete pathological response (CPR) and non-CPR, based on the total absence of viable tumor cells in tumor bed and lymph nodes tested at surgery. Differential-expressed genes between groups and pathway enrichment analysis were assessed using DESeq2 and gene set enrichment analysis. CIBERSORTx was used to estimate the proportions of immune cell subtypes. Results CPR tumors had a stronger pre-established immune infiltrate at baseline than non-CPR, characterized by higher levels of IFNG, GZMB, NKG7, and M1 macrophages, all with a significant area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) >0.9 for CPR prediction. A greater effect of neoadjuvant therapy was also seen in CPR tumors with a reduction of tumor markers and IFN gamma signaling after treatment. Additionally, the higher expression of several genes, including AKT1, BST2, OAS3, or CD8B; or higher dendritic cells and neutrophils proportions in post-treatment non-CPR samples, were associated with relapse after surgery. Also, high pretreatment PD-L1 and tumor mutational burden levels influenced the post-treatment immune landscape with the downregulation of proliferation markers and type I interferon signaling molecules in surgery samples. Conclusions Our results reinforce the differences between CPR and non-CPR responses, describing possible response and relapse immune mechanisms, opening the possibility of therapy personalization of immunotherapy-based regimens in the neoadjuvant setting of NSCLC

    Fluorescent nanoparticles for sensing

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    Nanoparticle-based fluorescent sensors have emerged as a competitive alternative to small molecule sensors, due to their excellent fluorescence-based sensing capabilities. The tailorability of design, architecture, and photophysical properties has attracted the attention of many research groups, resulting in numerous reports related to novel nanosensors applied in sensing a vast variety of biological analytes. Although semiconducting quantum dots have been the best-known representative of fluorescent nanoparticles for a long time, the increasing popularity of new classes of organic nanoparticle-based sensors, such as carbon dots and polymeric nanoparticles, is due to their biocompatibility, ease of synthesis, and biofunctionalization capabilities. For instance, fluorescent gold and silver nanoclusters have emerged as a less cytotoxic replacement for semiconducting quantum dot sensors. This chapter provides an overview of recent developments in nanoparticle-based sensors for chemical and biological sensing and includes a discussion on unique properties of nanoparticles of different composition, along with their basic mechanism of fluorescence, route of synthesis, and their advantages and limitations