73 research outputs found

    Continuidad y Textualidades en la cultura popular

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    El exterminio como patrimonio

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    Genocide is codified by the notion of historical debt and thus becomes cultural heritage, and more precisely the moral heritage of a creditor of debt. The ideological, eminently colonial position, of transforming all extermination into an epiphenomenon of inexorable extinction implies depoliticizing historical violence. In this way, the -always- singular fact of a violence is translated into the plane of a universal equivalence (the plane of the Reason with capital letter) by which Humanity (also with capital letter), like a storekeeper of History, can realize the balance of costs and benefits at the end of the day.El genocidio es codificado por la noción de deuda histórica y deviene así patrimonio, y más precisamente patrimonio moral de un sujeto acreedor de la deuda. La postura ideológica, eminentemente colonial, de transformar todo exterminio en epifenómeno de una extinción inexorable, implica despolitizar la violencia histórica. De esta forma el dato siempre singular de una violencia es traducido sobre el plano de una equivalencia universal (el plano de la Razón con mayúscula) por el cual la Humanidad (también con mayúscula), cual tendero de la Historia, puede realizar el balance de sus costos y beneficios al final del día

    Comentario al artículo “El campo de concentración de Martín García. Entre el control estatal dentro de la isla y las prácticas de distribución de indígenas (1871-1886)” Mariano Nagy y Alexis Papazian. Publicado en Corpus. Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana, Vol. 1, N°2, 2011

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    Carta al Editor El artículo y el material documental que presentaron los autores en el número anterior de Corpus, constituyen elementos de gran interés para el estudio de las formas que tomó la inscripción de las poblaciones y de los enunciados de lo indígena y más precisamente de lo mapuche por parte de los aparatos de Estado, sobre todo el aparato militar, en el proceso de conquista militar de fines del siglo XIX. En esa dirección, quiero rescatar ciertos datos de importancia como aquellos..

    Médias sociaux, idéologie invisible et réel :pour une dialectique du concret

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    Cet article aborde les TIC, plus spécifiquement les médias socionumériques, dans une perspective critique. Nous soutenons que, pour aborder les TIC dans une perspective critique, il est nécessaire de réhabiliter un certain nombre de notions fondatrices de la tradition de la théorie critique, c’est-à-dire les concepts de totalité, d’idéologie, de dialectique, de fétichisme et d’aliénation. Au contraire des approches qui postulent que nous entrons dans l’ère de la fin des idéologies et de la représentation de la société comme totalité, nous avançons qu’une théorie critique des médias socionumériques se doit d’analyser leurs usages dans le contexte des transformations sociétales plus profondes qui ont cours au sein des sociétés capitalistes. Ces transformations, notamment la globalisation capitaliste, s’inscrivent dans une dynamique de totalisation, qui a entre autres été rendue possible grâce au déploiement des TIC. Selon nous, ce n’est que lorsque la technique aura réintégré le terrain idéologique qu’elle redeviendra sujette à débat et, de ce fait, réellement appropriable.This article discusses ICTs, specifically social media, from a critical perspective. We maintain that doing so necessitates the rehabilitation of certain foundational concepts such as dialectics, ideology, fetishism and alienation. In contrast to claims of the end of both ideology and of the representation of society as a totality, we posit that a critical theory of social media must analyze its uses in the context of profound social changes in capitalist societies. These transformations, including capitalist globalization, are constituents of a dynamic of totalization, which is made possible by the deployment of ICTs. In our view, it is only when technique is reintegrated with the ideological terrainthat it will be once again subject to debate and, therefore, truly appropriable.Este artículo aborda las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación), y más específicamente los medios de comunicación socio-digitales, bajo una perspectiva crítica. Para ello resulta necesario rehabilitar algunas nociones situadas en la tradición de la teoría crítica, como son los conceptos de totalidad, de ideología, de dialéctica, de fetichismo y de alienación. Al contrario de las teorías que estipulan que entramos en la era del fin de las ideologías y de la representación de la sociedad como una totalidad, se propone la idea de que una teoría crítica de los medios de comunicación socio-digitales debe analizar los usos de estos medios en el contexto de las transformaciones sociales más profundas que tienen lugar en el seno de la sociedad capitalista. Estas transformaciones, particularmente la globalización capitalista, se inscriben en una dinámica de totalización que ha sido posible gracias al despliegue de las TIC. Se concluye que únicamente cuando al lado de la técnica se considere el terreno ideológico y que por tanto la técnica sea objeto de debate nos encontraremos con una técnica que puede ser realmente apropiada

    Spontaneous Cardiomyocyte Differentiation From Adipose Tissue Stroma Cells

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    Cardiomyocyte regeneration is limited in adult life. Thus, the identification of a putative source of cardiomyocyte progenitors is of great interest to provide a usable model in vitro and new perspective in regenerative therapy. As adipose tissues were recently demonstrated to contain pluripotent stem cells, the emergence of cardiomyocyte phenotype from adipose-derived cells was investigated. We demonstrated that rare beating cells with cardiomyocyte features could be identified after culture of adipose stroma cells without addition of 5-azacytidine. The cardiomyocyte phenotype was first identified by morphological observation, confirmed with expression of specific cardiac markers, immunocytochemistry staining, and ultrastructural analysis, revealing the presence of ventricle- and atrial-like cells. Electrophysiological studies performed on early culture revealed a pacemaker activity of the cells. Finally, functional studies showed that adrenergic agonist stimulated the beating rate whereas cholinergic agonist decreased it. Taken together, this study demonstrated that functional cardiomyocyte- like cells could be directly obtained from adipose tissue. According to the large amount of this tissue in adult mammal, it could represent a useful source of cardiomyocyte progenitors.Garcia Verdugo, Jose Manuel, [email protected]

    Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information

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    [EN] Background In vitro digestion models show great promise in facilitating the rationale design of foods. This paper provides a look into the current state of the art and outlines possible future paths for developments of digestion models recreating the diverse physiological conditions of specific groups of the human population. Scope and approach Based on a collective effort of experts, this paper outlines considerations and parameters needed for development of new in vitro digestion models, e.g. gastric pH, enzymatic activities, gastric emptying rate and more. These and other parameters are detrimental to the adequate development of in vitro models that enable deeper insight into matters of food luminal breakdown as well as nutrient and nutraceutical bioaccessibility. Subsequently, we present an overview of some new and emerging in vitro digestion models mirroring the gastro-intestinal conditions of infants, the elderly and patients of cystic fibrosis or gastric bypass surgery. Key findings and conclusions This paper calls for synchronization, harmonization and validation of potential developments in in vitro digestion models that would greatly facilitate manufacturing of foods tailored or even personalized, to a certain extent, to various strata of the human population.Shani-Levi, C.; Alvito, P.; Andrés Grau, AM.; Assunção, R.; Barbera, R.; Blanquet-Diot, S.; Bourlieu, C.... (2017). Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 60:52-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2016.10.017S52636

    Effects of 59Fe, 65Zn and of three soil types on dry matter yield, chemical composition and nitrogen fixation in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. carioca

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    The aim of this work was to study in greenhouse conditions the effects of two levels of iron and zinc on yield and chemical composition of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and on atmospheric nitrogen fixation, in three soils, classified as Terra Roxa Estruturada (TRE), Latossol Vermelho Escuro (LVE), and Podzolico Vermelho Amarelo (PVA). The coefficient of utilization of these micronutrients by this crop and its distribution in above-ground parts and roots were also assessed. The rates for iron were 1.5 and 3.0 ppm, and for zinc, 2.5 and 5.0 ppm. It was applied 7.5 µCi of 59Fe/kg of soil with the lower rate of the stable iron, and 5.0 and 10.0 µCi of Zn/kg of soil in the pots corresponding to the lower and higher rate of the stable zinc, respectively. The plants were harveste at the age of 60 days and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc contents were determined. Immediately after harvest, symbiotic nitrogen fixation was assessed, using the acetylene reduction method. The detection of 59Fe and 65zn radioactivity were carried out on nitric percloric extract, by gamma ray spectrometry. The behavior of common bean presented high variation among the three soils, for all the variables. There was no influence of treatments of iron and zinc on dry matter of above ground part and root and also on the weight and number of nodules. The rate of 3.0 ppm of iron decreased the capacity of nodules to fix atmospheric nitrogen in relation to rate of 1.5 ppm, while the rate of 5.0 ppm of zinc increased this capacity, in relation to the rate of 2.5 ppm. There was significative effect of treatments on nitrogen, potassium and zinc contents in above ground part and on nitrogen and zinc contents in the root. The absorption of zinc from the fertilizer and the percentagem of zinc in the plant derived from fertilizer were diretly influenced by rate of zinc The higher coefficient of utilization of zinc from the fertilizer was 4.0%.No presente trabalho, conduzido em casa de vegetação, procuramos estudar os efeitos dos micronutrientes ferro e zinco na produção de materia seca, composição química do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e na fixação do nitrogênio atmosférico, em três solos, classificados como Terra Roxa Estruturada (TRE), Latossol Vermelho Escuro (LVE) e Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo (PVA). Procuramos também determinar os índices de aproveitamento destes micronutrientes pelo feijoeiro e sua distribuição na parte aérea e na raiz. O delineamento experimental foi um fatorial 3x7, sendo três solos e sete tratamentos por solo, com três repetições. Nos tratamentos, foram utilizados duas doses de ferro e duas doses de zinco em separado ou combinando as doses menores e maiores destes micronutrientes (Fe1Zn1, Fe2Zn2). As doses de ferro foram 1,5 e 3,0 ppm e as de zinco foram 2,5 e 5,0 ppm. Foram aplicados 7,5 µCi de 59Fe/kg de solo nos vasos correspondentes à dose menor de ferro e 5,0 e 10,0 µCi de 65Zn/kg de solo nos vasos correspondentes respectivamente à dose menor e maior de zinco. Todos os tratamentos receberam uma adubação básica. O comportamento do feijoeiro apresentou grande variação entre os três tipos de solos, para todas as variáveis. Não houve influência dos tratamentos de ferro e zinco na produção de parte aérea e raiz e nem no peso e numero dos nodulos. A dose de 3,0 ppm de ferro diminuiu a capacidade dos nódulos de fixarem nitrogênio atmosférico em relação à dose de 1,5 ppm enquanto que a dose de 5,0 ppm de zinco aumentou esta capacidade, em relação à dose de 2,5 ppm. Houve um efeito significativo dos tratamentos na concentração de nitrogênio, potássio, ferro e zinco na parte aérea e na concentração de nitrogênio, e zinco na raiz. A absorção de zinco dos fertilizantes e a percentagem do zinco na planta proveniente do adubo foram influenciadas diretamente pelas doses de zinco. O maior coeficiente de aproveitamento do zinco do adubo foi de 4,0%