191 research outputs found

    Interaction design for inclusive electronic government services

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    Orientador: Maria Cecilia Calani BaranauskasDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Serviços do governo eletrônico (eGov, do inglês: electronic government/e-government) são um veículo de comunicação entre as entidades do governo nos diferentes níveis (municipal, estadual, etc.) e os cidadãos. Além de tornar ações do governo mais transparentes e aumentar a eficiência e eficácia, esses serviços visam fortalecer a democracia oferecendo a possibilidade de participação dos cidadãos nos processos democráticos. Para tais fins, serviços de eGov precisam possibilitar o acesso pela população inteira, isto é para pessoas com diferentes competências ou necessidades específicas. A contribuição desse trabalho envolve mostrar caminhos para como interfaces de usuário de serviços de eGov podem ser projetados de uma maneira inclusiva, respeitando a diversidade de uma população. Partindo de uma análise do contexto brasileiro, esse trabalho mostra tanto as principais diferenças entre serviços de eGov e outras aplicações web quanto as diferenças entre países em desenvolvimento e países desenvolvidos a esse respeito. O principal desafio identificado é a adaptaçãao de métodos tradicionais ao contexto de serviços inclusivos de eGov. No próximo passo identificamos barreiras do acesso ao serviços de eGov por usuários com necessidades específicas como diferentes de eficiências, baixo letramento ou baixo letramento digital. Propomos o conceito de técnicas assistivas" que ampliam a visão limitada de tecnologias assistivas para o contexto de nosso cenário, isto é, um uso por pessoas que usam serviços em diferentes situações, inclusive de eficiências. Os desafios identificados e diferentes experiências trazidas de projetos nos motivaram a propor um framework para o design socialmente responsável. Os elementos principais desse framework são métodos e técnicas da Semiótica Organizacional e do Design Participativo para atingir uma visão sócio-tecnica dos problemas de design. Esses métodos e técnicas são aplicados em Práticas Participativas Inclusivas em um Cenário*, um grupo de representantes de usuários finais que foram escolhidos como imagem de características encontradas na sociedade brasileira. Por fim analisamos um conjunto de protótipos que foram criados dentro do contexto do framework de design socialmente responsável. Como o design de serviços inclusivos de eGov depende de fatores culturais entre outros, criamos um design rationale abstrato que discute diferentes questões de design e assim visa apoiar o designer na tomada de decisões adequadas ao respectivo contexto.Abstract: Electronic government (eGov) services are means of communication between entities of the government (on local, state or other levels) and the citizens. Besides making actions of the government more transparent and increasing efficiency and effectiveness, such servicees aim to strengthen democracy by offering citizens possibilities to participate in democratic processes. Thus, eGov services have to enable access to the whole population, including people with different competencies or special needs. The contribution of this work involves showing ways of creating user interfaces to eGov services inclusively and respecting the diversity of the population. Starting with an analysis of the Brazilian country context, this work shows the main differences between eGov services and other web applications as well as differences between developing and developed countries regarding those applications. The principal challenge that has been identified is that of adapting traditional methods to the context of inclusive eGov services. In the next step we identify barriers of access to eGov services that are imposed on users with special needs like impairments, low literacy or low digital literacy. We propose the concept of \assistive techniques" to extend the limited vision of assistive technologies to the context of our scenario, i.e. to people with special needs besides impairments who make use of eGov services in different situations. The challenges identified and different experiences from diffrent projects motivated us to propose a framework for socially responsible design. The main elements of this framework are methods and techniques from Organizational Semiotics and Participatory Design in order to get a socio-technical vision of design problems. These methods and techniques are employed during Participatory Inclusive Practices in a Cenário*, a group of end user representatives that has been composed to mirror the characteristics of the Brazilian society. Finally, we analyze a set of prototypes that have been created within the context of the framework of socially responsible design. Since the design of inclusive eGov services depends on cultural and other factors, we created an abstract design rationale that discusses different design issues and thus supports the designer in taking decisions that are tailored to the respective context.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Design da interação na Web pragmática : reduzindo barreiras semióticas na colaboração mediada pela Web

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    Orientador: Maria Cecília Calani BaranauskasTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Web e suas tecnologias de base facilitam interações entre pessoas que alguns anos atrás não eram imagináveis. A colaboração é um tipo importante de interação que tem um propósito. Pessoas de diferentes contextos sociais e culturais, e com diferentes preferências e habilidades, podem colaborar mediadas pela Web. A colaboração muitas vezes acontece em contextos heterogêneos, que são definidos tanto pelas situações atuais dos parceiros na colaboração, quanto pelas experiências passadas, sejam elas individuais ou coletivas. A Web como um meio/uma mídia tem um impacto na colaboração e facilita certos aspectos da colaboração enquanto dificulta outros. Adotando uma perspectiva informada pela Web Pragmática, nesta tese investigamos questões da colaboração mediada pela Web, relacionadas com o Design da Interação. Nosso objetivo principal é entender barreiras semióticas da colaboração mediada pela Web e propor uma abordagem ao Design da Interação que reduza tais barreiras. Barreiras semióticas são barreiras relacionadas à comunicação, mediação e representação. Estas barreiras surgem na colaboração mediada pela Web pois muitos mecanismos da comunicação interpessoal face-a-face não estão disponíveis. Dependendo do contexto, barreiras semióticas frequentemente exercem um impacto negativo à colaboração; entretanto, em alguns casos o impacto pode ser positivo também. A abordagem ao Design da Interação aqui proposta tem suas bases na Web Pragmática e utiliza a Semiótica Organizacional e a Teoria da Atividade como referenciais teórico-metodológicos. As investigações teóricas contaram com uma contrapartida em termos de um embasamento em práticas reais através da participação em um projeto de pesquisa no domínio da educação inclusiva. Materializamos a abordagem proposta no design de um protótipo e na implementação de uma ferramenta correspondente ao protótipo, que apoia uma prática de profissionais no domínio da educação inclusiva. Além disso, propusemos e conduzimos um método de avaliação guiada pela pragmática dentro do contexto de um estudo de caso longitudinal. O design do protótipo, a implementação da ferramenta e a avaliação conduzida fornecem evidências de que a abordagem proposta ao Design da Interação guiada pela pragmática contribui para a redução de barreiras semióticas e para a promoção da colaboração mediada pela WebAbstract: The Web and its underlying technologies enable interactions among people that were unimaginable a few years ago. An important type of purposeful interaction is collaboration. Mediated by the Web, people from different social and cultural backgrounds, with different needs, preferences and capabilities can collaborate with each other. Collaboration often takes place in heterogeneous contexts that are not only defined by the actual situations of the collaboration partners, but also by individual and collective past experiences. The Web as a medium has an impact on collaboration and facilitates or enables certain aspects of collaboration while making others more difficult. In this PhD thesis we investigate Interaction Design related questions about web-mediated collaboration under a Pragmatic Web perspective. Our prime objective is to understand semiotic barriers to web-mediated collaboration and propose an approach to Interaction Design that reduces these barriers. Semiotic barriers are barriers related to communication, mediation and representation. These barriers emerge during web-based collaboration since many mechanisms of interpersonal face-to-face communication are not available. Depending on the context, semiotic barriers often have a negative impact on collaboration, but in some cases they might also have positive effects. The approach to Interaction Design proposed in this PhD thesis is rooted in the Pragmatic Web and uses Organizational Semiotics and Activity Theory as its theoretical and methodological frames of reference. The theoretic investigations were practically grounded in real world practices by participating in a research project in the domain of inclusive education. We materialized the proposed approach in the design of a prototype and the implementation of the corresponding tool that supports a practice of inclusive education professionals. Furthermore we proposed and applied a pragmatics-driven evaluation method in a longitudinal case study. Prototype design, tool implementation, and the conducted evaluation provided evidence that the proposed approach to pragmatics-driven Interaction Design can reduce semiotic barriers and thus promote web-mediated collaborationDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Thinking about Culture in iDTV Projects

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    Interactive Digital Television (iDTV) is a technology that has potential to mitigate economic and social difficulties related to knowledge access and digital inclusion in Brazil. Nevertheless, iDTV solutions did not yet bring anything new and disappointed most users. Thinking about social and cultural issues in iDTV applications might result in design solutions that make sense to people affected by this new communication medium. In this paper, we propose a set of questions to support designers of iDTV applications to address cultural aspects during requirement analysis in a structured way. As practical use example, we apply these questions to prospect requirements from a cultural perspec-tive for an overlaid iDTV application in the real context of a Brazilian Company’s TV show

    Analysis of user Interaction with a brain-computer interface based on steady-state visually evoked potentials : case study of a game.

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    This paper presents a systematic analysis of a game controlled by a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) based on Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP).The objective is to understand BCI systems from the Human-Computer Interface (HCI) point of view, by observing how the users interact with the game and evaluating how the interface elements influence the system performance. The interactions of 30 volunteers with our computer game, named ?Get Coins,? through a BCI based on SSVEP, have generated a database of brain signals and the corresponding responses to a questionnaire about various perceptual parameters, such as visual stimulation, acoustic feedback, background music, visual contrast, and visual fatigue. Each one of the volunteers played one match using the keyboard and four matches using the BCI, for comparison. In all matches using the BCI, the volunteers achieved the goals of the game. Eight of them achieved a perfect score in at least one of the four matches, showing the feasibility of the direct communication between the brain and the computer. Despite this successful experiment, adaptations and improvements should be implemented to make this innovative technology accessible to the end user

    Early Production of IL-22 but Not IL-17 by Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Exposed to live Borrelia burgdorferi: The Role of Monocytes and Interleukin-1

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    If insufficiently treated, Lyme borreliosis can evolve into an inflammatory disorder affecting skin, joints, and the CNS. Early innate immunity may determine host responses targeting infection. Thus, we sought to characterize the immediate cytokine storm associated with exposure of PBMC to moderate levels of live Borrelia burgdorferi. Since Th17 cytokines are connected to host defense against extracellular bacteria, we focused on interleukin (IL)-17 and IL-22. Here, we report that, despite induction of inflammatory cytokines including IL-23, IL-17 remained barely detectable in response to B. burgdorferi. In contrast, T cell-dependent expression of IL-22 became evident within 10 h of exposure to the spirochetes. This dichotomy was unrelated to interferon-γ but to a large part dependent on caspase-1 and IL-1 bioactivity derived from monocytes. In fact, IL-1β as a single stimulus induced IL-22 but not IL-17. Neutrophils display antibacterial activity against B. burgdorferi, particularly when opsonized by antibodies. Since neutrophilic inflammation, indicative of IL-17 bioactivity, is scarcely observed in Erythema migrans, a manifestation of skin inflammation after infection, protective and antibacterial properties of IL-22 may close this gap and serve essential functions in the initial phase of spirochete infection

    Production of He-4 and (4) in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-S=2.76 TeV at the LHC

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    Results on the production of He-4 and (4) nuclei in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-S = 2.76 TeV in the rapidity range vertical bar y vertical bar <1, using the ALICE detector, are presented in this paper. The rapidity densities corresponding to 0-10% central events are found to be dN/dy4(He) = (0.8 +/- 0.4 (stat) +/- 0.3 (syst)) x 10(-6) and dN/dy4 = (1.1 +/- 0.4 (stat) +/- 0.2 (syst)) x 10(-6), respectively. This is in agreement with the statistical thermal model expectation assuming the same chemical freeze-out temperature (T-chem = 156 MeV) as for light hadrons. The measured ratio of (4)/He-4 is 1.4 +/- 0.8 (stat) +/- 0.5 (syst). (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Meaning Construction and Evolution: A Case Study of the Design-in-Use of a System for Inclusive Education Teachers

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    Part 5: Trends, Challenges and New Issues in Education, Health and eScience SystemsInternational audienceEvolution in the digital technologies has changed the way people interact with others mediated by those devices. In this paper, we argue that systems design needs to go beyond the meaningful interaction of people with computational systems, and include meaningful interaction among people that is mediated by computational artefacts, by rules and norms that guide people’s actions, as well as by culture, values, and intentions. This paper presents a case study of design-in-use of a system for inclusive education teachers. The design process for the system is participatory and based on Organisational Semiotics, i.e., explicitly considers collaborative meaning construction and negotiation. We illustrate and discuss examples of meaning construction and evolution from the perspective of interface and interaction design