25 research outputs found

    Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang formaler und informeller Lernprozesse

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    "LernvollzĂŒge sind hoch komplexe VorgĂ€nge, die aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, wie etwa die der PĂ€dagogik, der Soziologie, der Psychologie, der Neurodidaktik oder der Management- und Organisationsforschung, beleuchtet werden können. Den unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln gemeinsam ist die Überlegung, dass sich bei den Lernenden durch Erfahrungen bedingte, relativ dauerhafte VerĂ€nderungen und/oder Erweiterungen von Verhaltensdispositionen manifestieren, die dann als gelernt gelten, wenn sie einer empirischen PrĂŒfung oder zumindest einer positiven SelbsteinschĂ€tzung des Lernenden ('Das habe ich gelernt.') standhalten. Im Beitrag soll der Zusammenhang formaler und informeller Lernprozesse unter dem Fokus beleuchtet werden, dass zukĂŒnftig beide Formen zusammengedacht werden mĂŒssen, wenn man Lernen als komplexen Lernvollzug betrachten will. Beide Lernformen bilden die Einheit eines Lernvollzuges, wobei sie ihn in unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen prĂ€gen. Diese Betrachtungen werden abschließend an Beispielen entfaltet." (Autorenreferat)"Learning involves highly complex processes, a fact which can be illuminated using different perspectives within the fields of pedagogy, sociology, psychology, neuro-didactics or management and organisational research. What the different perspectives have in common is the belief that learners manifest long-lasting changes and extended behavioral alterations as a result of their educational experiences. These changes are then considered to be learnt when they withstand an empirical examination or at least a positive self-assessment on the part of the learner ('I learned that.'). In this article, the relationship between formal and informal learning processes will be discussed, with a focus on the fact that in the future, both forms will have to be considered together if learning is to be considered as the execution of a complex learning process. Both learning forms make up one entity of the execution of a learning process, although they shape the process with different emphases. Examples are provided in the paper that exemplify these observations." (author's abstract

    If you can’t measure it- you can’t change it – a longitudinal study on improving quality of care in hospitals and health centers in rural Kenya

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    Background: The Kenyan Ministry of Health- Department of Standards and Regulations sought to operationalize the Kenya Quality Assurance Model for Health. To this end an integrated quality management system based on validated indicators derived from the Kenya Quality Model for Health (KQMH) was developed and adapted to the area of Reproductive and Maternal and Neonatal Health, implemented and analysed. Methods: An integrated quality management (QM) approach was developed based on European Practice Assessment (EPA) modified to the Kenyan context. It relies on a multi-perspective, multifaceted and repeated indicator based assessment, covering the 6 World Health Organization (WHO) building blocks. The adaptation process made use of a ten step modified RAND/UCLA appropriateness Method. To measure the 303 structure, process, outcome indicators five data collection tools were developed: surveys for patients and staff, a self-assessment, facilitator assessment, a manager interview guide. The assessment process was supported by a specially developed software (VISOTOOL¼) that allows detailed feedback to facility staff, benchmarking and facilitates improvement plans. A longitudinal study design was used with 10 facilities (6 hospitals; 4 Health centers) selected out of 36 applications. Data was summarized using means and standard deviations (SDs). Categorical data was presented as frequency counts and percentages. Results: A baseline assessment (T1) was carried out, a reassessment (T2) after 1.5 years. Results from the first and second assessment after a relatively short period of 1.5 years of improvement activities are striking, in particular in the domain ‘Quality and Safety’ (20.02%; p < 0.0001) with the dimensions: use of clinical guidelines (34,18%; p < 0.0336); Infection control (23,61%; p < 0.0001). Marked improvements were found in the domains ‘Clinical Care’ (10.08%; p = 0.0108), ‘Management’ (13.10%: p < 0.0001), ‘Interface In/out-patients’ (13.87%; p = 0.0246), and in total (14.64%; p < 0.0001). Exemplarily drilling down the domain ‘clinical care’ significant improvements were observed in the dimensions ‘Antenatal care’ (26.84%; p = 0.0059) and ‘Survivors of gender-based violence’ (11.20%; p = 0.0092). The least marked changes or even a -not significant- decline of some was found in the dimensions ‘delivery’ and ‘postnatal care’. Conclusions: This comprehensive quality improvement approach breathes life into the process of collecting data for indicators and creates ownership among users and providers of health services. It offers a reflection on the relevance of evidence-based quality improvement for health system strengthening and has the potential to lay a solid ground for further certification and accreditation

    The benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) pattern of wood pyrolyzed between 200°C and 1000°C

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    Environmental charcoals represent a poorly defined part of the black carbon (BC) combustion continuum and may differ widely in their chemical and physical properties, depending on combustion conditions and source material. The benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) molecular marker method is well established to quantify the BC component in charcoal, soil and sediment, although observed variations between labs could stem from subtle differences in methods. The objectives of this study were to identify and improve potential sources of analytical uncertainty. The improved method was then used to qualitatively characterize wood charred at 200–1000 °C. One significant improvement of the BPCA method was to replace citric acid with phthalic acid as an internal standard, which is more stable in acidic solution and more similar to the target compounds. Also, including a soil reference material as a quality control in each analysis proved to be a robust tool to detect for variations in reproducibility. For the thermosequence, elemental O/C and H/C ratios typically decreased with temperature to 60.03 at 1000 °C, whereas BPCA concentrations peaked at 700 °C. With temperature B6CA proportions increased consistently (6–98%), except for a plateau at 250–500 °C. Thus, relative contributions of B6CA reflected the pyrolysis temperature and probably also the degree of condensation of the charcoals we investigated. Future work will show if our results can be directly related to charcoal produced under oxygen limited conditions, including charcoal formed at wildfires or so called biochar for agricultural use

    Alkali extraction of archaeological and geological charcoal: evidence for diagenetic degradation and formation of humic acids

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    Charcoal forms a crucial source of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data, providing a record of cultural activities, past climatic conditions and a means of chronological control via radiocarbon (<sup>14</sup>C) dating. Key to this is the perceived resistance of charcoal to post-depositional alteration, however recent research has highlighted the possibility for alteration and degradation of charcoal in the environment. An important aspect of such diagenesis is the potential for addition of exogenous 'humic acids' (HAs), to affect the accuracy of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based upon chemical analyses of HA-containing charcoal. However the release of significant quantities of HA from apparently pristine charcoals raises the question whether some HA could be derived via diagenetic alteration of charcoal itself. Here we address this question through comparison of freshly produced charcoal with samples from archaeological and geological sites exposed to environmental conditions for millennia using elemental (C/H/O) and isotopic (ÎŽ<sup>13</sup>C) measurements, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and proton Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (<sup>1</sup>H NMR). The results of analyses show that the presence of highly carboxylated and aromatic alkali-extractable HA in charcoal from depositional environments can often be attributable to the effects of post-depositional processes, and that these substances can represent the products of post-depositional diagenetic alteration in charcoal

    Isotopes in pyrogenic carbon: a review

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    Pyrogenic carbon (PC; also known as biochar, charcoal, black carbon and soot) derived from natural and anthropogenic burning plays a major, but poorly quantified, role in the global carbon cycle. Isotopes provide a fundamental fingerprint of the source of PC and a powerful tracer of interactions between PC and the environment. Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope techniques have been widely applied to studies of PC in aerosols, soils, sediments and archaeological sequences, with the use of other isotopes currently less developed. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge regarding (i) techniques for isolating PC for isotope analysis and (ii) processes controlling the carbon (<sup>13</sup>C and <sup>14</sup>C), nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur isotope composition of PC during formation and after deposition. It also reviews the current and potential future applications of isotope based studies to better understand the role of PC in the modern environment and to the development of records of past environmental change

    A Randomized Trial to Improve Adherence to Follow-up Eye Examinations Among People With Glaucoma

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    INTRODUCTION: Appointment nonadherence is common among people with glaucoma, making it difficult for eye care providers to monitor glaucoma progression. Our objective was to determine whether the use of patient navigators, in conjunction with social worker support, could increase adherence to recommended follow-up eye appointments. METHODS: A randomized, controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of an intervention that used patient navigators and social workers to improve patient adherence to follow-up eye care compared with usual care. Participants with glaucoma and other eye diseases (N = 344) were identified at primary care clinics in community settings through telemedicine screening of imaging and then randomized to enhanced intervention (EI) or usual care (UC). Data on participants\u27 visits with local ophthalmologists were collected for up to 3 years from randomization. Groups were compared for timely attendance at the first visit with the local ophthalmologist and adherence to recommended follow-up visits. RESULTS: Timely attendance at the first visit was higher for EI than UC (74.4% vs 39.0%; average relative risk [aRR] = 1.85; 95% CI, 1.51-2.28; P \u3c .001). Rates of adherence to recommended annual follow-up during year 1 were 18.6% in the EI group and 8.1% in the usual care group (aRR = 2.08; 95% CI, 1.14-3.76; P = .02). The aRR across years 2 and 3 was 3.92 (95% CI, 1.24-12.43; P = .02). CONCLUSION: An intervention using patient navigators and social workers doubled the rate of adherence to annual recommended follow-up eye care compared with usual care in community settings, and was effective at increasing connections with local ophthalmologists. Interventions to further improve long-term adherence are needed

    Amazon Basin forest pyrogenic carbon stocks: First estimate of deep storage

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    Amazon Basin forest soils contain considerable soil organic carbon stocks; however, the contribution of soil pyrogenic carbon (PyC) to the total is unknown. PyC is derived from local fires (historical and modern) and external inputs via aeolian deposition. To establish an initial estimate of PyC stocks in non-terra preta forest with no known history of fire, to assess site and vertical variability, as well as to determine optimal sampling design, we sampled 37 one hectare forest plots in the Amazon Basin and analysed PyC via hydrogen pyrolysis of three individual samples per plot and of bulked samples to 200 cm depth. Using our data and published total organic carbon stocks, we present the first field-based estimate of total PyC stock for the Amazon Basin of 1.10 Pg over 0–30 cm soil depth, and 2.76 Pg over 0–100 cm soil depth. This is up to 20 times higher than previously assumed. Three individual samples per 1 ha are sufficient to capture the site variability of PyC in our plots. PyC showed significant, large-scale variability among plots. To capture 50% of the PyC in 200 cm soil profiles, soil must be sampled to a depth of at least 71 cm. PyC represents a significant (11%) portion of total organic carbon in soil profiles 0–200 cm depth. This finding highlights the potentially important role that historical fire has played in modifying soil C stocks. Our data suggest that PyC is an important carbon pool for long-term storage, involved in millennial scale biogeochemical cycling, particularly in the subsurface soil